
Welcome to the Charlotte Family. (One Piece, BNHA)

Vol 1 One Piece, Vol 2 BNHA (MHA) Vol 1 (One Piece) I don't think God has a good sense of humor. Pretending to listen too all I want and agreeing to my desires...and almost preparing it perfectly as well. Except for the part where he happened to plop me down in the worst place for rebirth. Opening my eyes for the first time, I saw the unmistakable teeth of a certain Emperor of the Sea. Big Mom: Welcome to the Charlotte Family FUCK MY LIFE Vol 2 (BNHA/MHA) Freedom was within her grasp before fate screwed it all up again. Gods just love messing around with her, don't they? Flung into another world with no idea what is going on, she has to find her way around and not just live, but thrive. She's a pirate after all...how hard could that be in a Hero's world? Hero: That's her! GET HER!! ... maybe it'll be annoying at most. At least she has Ace with her this time. Overall: This is a story of a young woman trying to find her way around in worlds she has little understanding of. Fear has her around its fingers and her mothers' shadows cover her. This is a story of a young woman growing, learning, and finally shedding the chains as she realizes the meaning and value of freedom. Pre-Note: MC will not join the Straw Hats. MC is not a hero nor have any qualities as a person that makes a 'Hero'. Expect a true Pirate. Note: Stories can be read separately, out of order, or however you see fit. It really does not matter as things will be explained. Disclaimer: It is to my great displeasure and sadness that I do not own One Piece or BNHA (MHA).

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71 Chs

Whole Cake Polyphagia

Chapter 29

Jimbei: Now now Syrup, I know you better than nearly anyone. Anyone else would think you are nothing more than a puppet but I know better. You don't have to do this. You're not a soldier for Big Mom. Besides, calling your friend a bug? That hurts my heart Syrup.

Me: I know. Perhaps soon I'll leave her shadow and be who I want to be…but not now. Now is the time for duty and country. Secondly, any who betrays the crew should be considered a bug. All are welcome…but none may leave. That is the reality of the crew you joined Jimbei. Hold up your part of the bargain.

I drew my Tachi (60cm) from my back as I faced him. The air growing visibly colder as the tension in the room began to strain.

Me: Surrendering is an option Jimbei. You and I go quite far back you know? I'm willing to turn a blind eye to this. Besides, you can always free them after the Wedding.

Jimbei: I wouldn't say two years is a long time and you know I wouldn't surrender. Syrup, would you really not let this go? I know you care for the boy, even if not directly but through someone else-

His posture changed as his right foot stepped back, getting into a more defensive posture. He knew I was a more offense oriented fighter…probably hoping to find blindspots in my attacks. Really meaningless but this way he'll last longer. Shame, I really didn't want to hurt him. Nicest and most honorable fisherman I've ever met…and also a future Straw Hat member.

Me: I needed a stretch anyway. Maybe putting you in a cell for a couple of years will bring you back to your senses. You know Mama really loves Fishman, don't you? The Sun Pirates' being under her is one of her biggest accomplishments.

Jimbei: I do, and it is honestly an insult to us. The reason the Sun Pirates have been subservient to the Big Mom crew was for Fishman Island's protection. A curse in which you indirectly lead to us…I never blamed you but what your words said was put into action. We were never given a choice.

The honorable whale shark looked at Luffy, this time in a different light than before.

Jimbei: We no longer need a protector nor an Emperor. Through Luffy's adventure in our home, we came to the decision that Fishman Island stands united. United with each other as well as the world.

He casually mentioned the plans they had for making contact with the World Government. Hmmm…not so good at keeping secrets are you Jimbei?

Jimbei: We no longer require the services your crew has been providing us with these last two years. I graciously thank all you have sacrificed and done but now…I wish to join the Straw Hats!

Shame, really. I was able to change so much of Canon but it seems like the loveable and bouncy Fishman would be sticking with the idiot after all. Truthfully said I wanted him to join me or at least Whitebeard so when the time comes, we could be together again. While I'll never admit it, I did enjoy his company whenever I went down for a trip in Fishman Island as he was one of the only people who didn't treat me differently due to my status as a daughter of Big Mom or my strength.

He rushed me as I casually deflected his strikes with my own. Once again, I mimicked his movements, strike for strike. We were even in fight…the only difference being he was trying to push me back whereas I was simply toying with him for now.

Jimbei: 6000 POUND TILE STR—

I switched up my style the moment he pulled out a mediocre trump card as I grabbed his robes and pulled him down. As he began to lose his balance, I brought up my right knee as hard as I can directly into his face.


Me: Hand to hand combat was never my forte but it serves as a good warm-up, doesn't it Jimbei? I'm sure you feel the same way.

Wiping the blood of his cheeks and nose, the Whaleshark rose once more, a bit unsteady, but ready to fight again.

Me: Surrender now Jimbei. In face of our…friendship? For our friendship I'm willing to overlook your actions and forget everything you've said up until now.

The fisherman stood his ground. His body unsteady but his mind and determination unwavering. For some reason, this was giving me some very bad vibes. Wasn't this what happened with Fujitora? Of course, Jimbei was much weaker than the admiral but the feeling I was receiving from my observation was beginning to piss me off from their similarity.


Me: Last warning Jimbei.

I drew my Tanto. I'm sure it wouldn't matter if he joins the Strawhats later on missing a limb or two. After all, there's Shanks, Kidd, and even Crocodile to consider. One more armless guy wouldn't change the story.

I teleported behind me before I flipped him over up shoulder, the snow limbs holding him from resisting or moving.


The floor shattered as I slammed Jimbei onto the floor. I didn't waste time as I followed up with a haki filled punch directly into his gut.

Jimbei: *cough*

Me: Supreme Will

The room exploded into pink as my aura delivered directly into Jimbei. The chandeliers above the room shattered before falling onto the ground, the mirrors cracking and the candles going out.

Jimbei grimaced as he

Nami: Waiiitttt!

Ignoring that loud screeching girl I dropped my blade onto his arm when a specific name caught my interest.

Nami: LOLA! LOLA Told me to tel you!!!

Lola. Lola my foolish yet loving sister. My weak sister who escaped from the crew to form her own, The Rolling Pirates, only to be soundly defeated by Gecko Moria and be trapped in Thriller Bark forever.

I kept my blade on Jimbei as a warning before looking up to face the Strawhat's navigators.

Me: She should have stayed silent and enjoy her life in peace. What business did she have with you?

Nami: uhhh, Uhhh-

Me: If it's something stupid like 'she told me she wants you to be a good girl and release you' then I'll kill Jimbei here and now.


Me: Spit it out already. What did she say?

The orange haired pirate took in a deep breath before beginning possibly one of the most siscon lines of all.

Nami: This is what she told me to say if I ever met you. Syrup! I've been catching up on how you're doing through the News. But really, be careful! Destroying Naapa Island all by yourself? There's a limit on how reckless you can be. And also why did you face off against the Whiteboard pirates alone? You almost gave me a heart attack with that!

I left in order to escape being a puppet for Mama and that giant Loki but every time I see the news about you doing something ridiculous I'm tempted to come back just o smack you on then head to get some common sense in you!

Other than that, I'm glad to know you're doing well though. Make sure you stay away from boys, male, men, anyone with both X & Y chromosomes, and guys.

Also, this is Yami by the way. Her and her crew led by the rubber guy saved us from Moria! I'm sure you were worried when you heard about that.

Anyway, I'll be going now. Hopefully to reunite with some of my connections in the Blues. I'm thinking of leaving the Grandline altogether and find some peace.

Stay safe and make sure to stay away from boys! Just tell your brother if you ever do.

Your loving sister, and obviously the best, Lola

Me: … I only found two flaws in that. First is that there's no way you could have memorized that over the span of who knows how long word for word. Even if you are a navigator and good at memorizing things, nobody should memorize a conversion like that.

Second, sis Lola was not as overprotective and humorous or confident like it seemed in that. In other words, either this entire thing is faked or you added in improvisation.

Nami: Wait, wait! Okay, I admit that I forgot a few sentences so I added in what I thought she said. But we really did save her! A Pirate's Honor! I saved your family…now spare mine.

For someone so weak and stuck in an undesirable position, I had to give it to her for having the guts. She glared at me with unyielding eyes with determination to see through this. Where did that pitiful women just moments ago go?

Ahh…I see. So this is her determination, her will.

But calling upon my honor…now that's just unfair isn't it? It was, after all, honor that made the supernovas to fall under Big Mom's rule; honor that made Sakazuki spare Kuzan and so much more.

Me: A Pirate's honor huh?

I lifted that blade from Jimbei's neck. I guess I could let it happen. I didn't really have much to lose from letting them go. No one from the family knew I was here anyway along with the fact that the crew's problems would soon not be mine as well.

Me: Fine.

I stood up, dusted off some battle debris, before walking off and leaving the pirates in shock.

Me: Consider the debt repaid in full.

POV Jimbei

There were many instances where I was close to death but I think this one takes the cake. My fight with Ace-kun had been even in ability and skills and it was only after so long did both of us collapse out of exhaustion as well as succumbing to our injuries. Even then, we fell in the presence of Whitebeard so I was never in any true danger.

Directly leading on, my refusal to raise my hands against our savior, Whitebeard, caused the World Government to cancel my position as Warlord and came for me. I remember the Marines in great numbers and strength overwhelming me as they shackled me down into Impel Down. Perhaps it was the most fear I had felt as my destiny was unclear but it was nowhere close to seeing the shadow of death as I do now.

Syrup is something like a student…in a way. I had never truly taught her but she came to me to learn. This wasn't the first time of us fighting but it had always been a spar between two Fishman Karate Masters. Never once was there bloodlust, blades, or anything like this before.

Laying down on the floor of the Chateau completely beaten; numerous cuts all over the arms and torso, my left leg twisted in an uneven angle and the general pain of her Devil Fruit in general. Not to mention having the blade almost cut through my arm as well as threaten to do the same to my throat. I was honestly surprised that my organs did not rupture or collapse from her final shot. Perhaps it was a blessing that my Whalesharks had more fat in the stomach area to cushion bludgeoning blows.

Luffy: Jimbei, are you alright?!!

Nami: *shiveeerr* She's so scary!

Me: I must thank you though Nami. I do not know if she really would have continued should you not have stopped her but nevertheless you have saved all of our lives here.

I painfully stood up as I began gathering the water around the room. It wasn't much but it should be enough to cancel out the Devil Fruit powers in the book holding them.

Me: Now step back from the bars. It's time to set you free.

Law: …I'll patch you up after this.

Me: That would be very appreciated. Tidal Wave!!

POV Syrup

It didn't feel good to do Jimbei like that nor harming the Straw Hats. Of course I didn't feel bad about it either but it was more like…a waste.

An Act. At this point that was all it was.

Soon. Very soon I would leave this land under the chaos created. I've waited for this day for too long…ever since I had heard the call of the ocean, for adventure. I had to wait and wait and wait. Sit and train patiently as the stars align themselves to the perfect position. It was almost there with all the pieces exactly where I wanted them.

Strawhats, Sun Pirates, Supernovas, my brothers and sisters…and soon even Mama herself.

But for now, I would need to continue acting like nice loyal Syrup, the Sweet Commander. The reliable and powerful puppet of Charlotte Linlin. It's too close, I can't let it fall now.

I signaled a homie on the side to my call as I gave set the final piece in order.

Me: Gather my forces here and lead them to sis Smoothie while I join 'Rook' Gang Bege.

The Homie nodded before running off to carry on my orders. I wasn't planning on changing what the Straw Hats would do here and Law wouldn't cause much trouble anyway.

As the Wedding Cake gets destroyed and all hell breaks loose…

Me: Freedom is within my grasp

With that, I climbed the chateau to where the Wedding would be held. Scouting the perimeter already knowing that cannon fodder enemies would try and break through and ruin the wedding; blissfully and so pitifully unaware of the fate that awaits them.

Me: It's your lucky day Pudding. You ought to enjoy it…if you can that is.

Lucky day indeed. The day in which the biggest tragedy only second to Roger's invasion on Whole Cake Chateau was about to occur after all. I don't know how enjoyable it would be for her whether she chooses to love Sanji or not but it would sure as hell be a memorable night.

AN: Sorry for the late update. Came down with a fever. Thankfully it didn't turn out to be covid...but the conclusion is that needles still hurt.