
Weeb Scientist In Another World

A young scientist named Juan dreamed of going to another world. Through the novels and stories that he read, he was inspired and wished to go to another world. Obviously, unlike the novels that he read, he can't just get hit by a truck to be reincarnated or wait for the weird voice to transport him. He's a scientist after all. For a scientist, being hit by a truck as a way to go to another world is just way too doubtful and a waiting game is no good too. That's not how scientist operates after all. So what does he do? Create his own portal to another world! While he was on the other world though, the portal suddenly got a problem and stop working. What will he do to get back? He won't! Luckily, this young scientist don't seem to want to go back in his original world. Even his assistant got scolded for encouraging him to go back. His dream after all is to go on another world. Why does he need to go back if he already achieved it? This is the start of his adventure on the other world after all. Pls give it a try and see if you like it or not. Feel free to suggest and criticize weather it's good or not.

Angry_why · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Receiving My First Quest? Success!

While I was waiting for the newbie to arrive, I am working in the reception area where most Adventurers are hanging out.

Suddenly, a kid that I know suddenly ran on full speed at me.


She was like those truck that is on full throttle when it wants to bring someone to another world. In short, she's like she wants to kill me!

My instinct somewhat kick in so I tried to dodge but her trajectory also changed into mine. So of course, we collided.

Holy Mud! I can't dodge!

She collided with me in full force that it looks like my body is going to get blown because of the impact and if not for her hugging me in place I would definitely be on the other side now.

When she hugged me, She hugged me so tight that its crushing me already! It's too tight!


The one who hugged me to death was none other than the kid Alruna. The brightest kid I know in this world. Her smile is so bright that I couldn't even see her face. It's like the background of Buddha or the holy censor of light just that it's on her face. That's how bright she is now.

"Kuya! Long time no see! I missed you so much! I've been looking for you everywhere you know!"

Right after I was accepted to work I only got to go outside twice when I was dumping trash and that one time when I surveyed the town again.

After that, I mostly stayed in the guild. The guild has its own dorm after all and almost all necessity like food is already here so I never have the chance to go outside that much again. In short, I don't want to go outside.

"So why are you here Kuya? Don't you have a job as that... what is that job called again?"

She removed me from her embrace which I was really thankful for. I thought I would died there. Just how strong is this girl?

Well, I am working here now! Ehh ahh, I need money for my other job too you know! Can't travel without money after all.

"Ehh? You're working here? Aren't they only accepting girls here? Don't tell me...."

Not a chance kid!

Where do I look like a girl? When I look at the mirror, I just look like a guy in his 30s you know, even though I only started on my 20s! It's simply imposible right? But it is!

She's just definitely tricking me again.

"Hey, stop calling me a kid! Call me by my name already."

"Alruna, Pls dont talk that loud, you're being a nuisance to others and to the gentlemen here!"

"Who's a gentlemen?"

Yeah, right who's..

Ehh, I suddenly look at the girl who suddenly appeared right beside us. Or more like, I never noticed her there.

Oh wow, another beauty. Seriously, what the heck is with this country? Are you telling me that most girls living here are all pretty? I mean, most girls I've been seeing lately are all beautiful! Even those Adventurers!

"Hey, stop oggling at Freya!"

Ehh... I'm not oggling at her okay!

I'm definitely not interested in seeing pretty faces. I honestly don't care, it's just that it's not normal for me to see them most of the time here. Though, even in Earth, I didn't go out that much so I guess there's that.

"I do know that my Freya is beautiful and all but keep it in moderation okay?"

Shut up kid! I'm not oggling at her okay? I'm definitely not!

"Ahh, right! Kuya, Let me introduce you to her! Her name is Freya! She's my attendant!"

"Ehem, Alruna, why are you calling your sister your attendant?"

Ohhh, so she's this kid's big sister. They don't look a like at all.

"Yeah, right. She's my sister kuya! And Freya, this here is the one I met on the Night Forest, his name is Juan, yeah. He's kuya Juan. He's single too.. I think."

"By the way, kuya. This sister of mine here is single also! Alright, since I treat you as a friend, I'll give you permission to have her as a gift!"

"Just what are you saying to him, Alruna!"

Sry, but I'm not interested!

Okay, I may like reading romance novel, but it's different on real life you know. I still have my dreams and many things that I want to do after all. Romance would just be a hindrance. And who's sister would gift her siblings anyways.

"Looks like your right, Alruna... This man is really is no gentleman."

Ehhh, ahhh...

I'm sry... Ms. Freya... that's not what I meant by that.

I didn't meant it to be rude you know. It's like I have this weird feeling in me to answer everything this kid says for some reason.

"hehe. I know, Mr. Juan. It's just a joke."

She said that playfully.

Even her sister is pranking me? She was like the adult version of Alruna. I guess.. they really are sisters.

So Kid, what are you doing here again?

"Ahh right, I am here to get my guild card."

"Ohh perfect! looks like you two already know each other! Oh! And Ms. Freya is already here!"

Suddenly, the voice of Ms. Alva came from my back. Of course, because of that, I looked at her direction.

"Wait, why do you know my atten.. sister?"

"Ehhh? Wait, first of all. Let me brief you about what's going to happen, the three of you, pls come with me..."

Uhhhm, I don't understand what's happening really but I'm already following Ms. Alva as she walk inside the briefing room.

Hmmmm. Let me try to play as detective here.

She confirmed that we already knew each other, and she's glad about that. She also confirmed that Ms. Freya is already here? But, it seems that the Kid Alruna doesn't know that Ms. Alva is looking for her and Ms. Freya, Alruna's sister is just here as a guardian from how it looks like so that means that for Alruna, it's just a coincidence that Ms. Freya is here? Hmmm.

Could it be that this kid Alruna is the newbie I would be going with?

I was looking at Alruna while saying that.

"What kuya? I don't understand what's happening too you know?"

Then why is Ms. Alva looking for Ms. Freya?


"To cut it short, Ms. Alruna and Mr. Juan would need to partner up for your first mission."

"Ehhh, I don't need any partner, I'm already strong myself... Ehh? Kuya here would partner up with me on our first quest?"

Oy, You're just repeating what she said you know...

"Then I'm okay with that!"

An intstant change of decision?

What? Did you miss me that much kid?

"Yes, I missed very much you know! Didnt I said that already! Also, don't call me a kid!"

What's with this kid? Well, atleast she's honest... now she's making me shy.

"Yes Ms. Alruna, you're right. We need to know your capabilities after all. It also would be good opportunity to gouge your abilities for future references."

Wait though, I still have a question about that.

Uhhhm.. Ms. Alva.. Wouldn't it better work if the one partying up with me would be a high rank adventurer?

"Are you betraying me now kuya! Didn't we already shared a bed, how can you leave me now!"

Hey! Don't make it sound lewd. Also, aren't you the one who rejected me first".

"Ehem.. Mr. Juan that's right! That's why we called for a C-rank Adventurer which is Ms. Freya here."

"Wait! Freya? You're an adventurer? And a high rank at that? How did I not know that? Why didn't you tell me?"

It looks like this kid just didn't know that her sister was an adventurer all along. Well, I could understand that, there's a trope after all where the MC would hide his power from people because of many cliches after all. It's gotta something be that.

What I'm more surprised though is the fact that this kid is an adventurer already. She's so small after all. Her height is like on the 140cm which is like the size of a kid. But yeah, she said that in this country, her age is already considered an adult.

One more thing, although Ms. Alva is saying all that. I think that it's just flowery words anyway. The real reason why they want to do that is so that they could get their money safely. Well, I do understand that also and it's a two way benefit after all.

This guild is really something when it comes to how they handle their business aren't they? It's almost scary!

"Ehem, although we don't like meddling with family talks, we would like you to bring that outside pls!"

"Ehh? Okay.."

"Okay, so here's your mission Mr. Juan and Ms. Alruna. You have to collect herbs from the southern part of the night forest. Atleast one bag of it should complete the quest."

Ohhh, just like in games!

"I would like to ask Ms. Alva!"

"Yes, what is it."

"What animals would we be encountering there."

Holy Mud this kid's right! She asked some real question there. I forgot because I was so excited about my first mission.

"Right, it seems that Ms. Alruna here does really know the basics. Mr. Juan pls take some time learning from her!"

Ahhh! Yes!

"Ha! What about that kuya! You didn't even know that? I already knew a long time ago you know?"

Don't get conceited kid! I just forgot to ask...

Yeah right, I just forgot to ask, that's all.

"Yes, Ms. Alruna. You have to make sure to not get conceited as even though we will give you the you might have information it's not like there wouldn't be a an unexpected even that can happen. Also to Mr. Juan, that forgetting thing can lead you to death so pls reflect on that!"


She's right about that.

"There should be some wolves and horned rabbit near the area so be careful with that. Also Pls try to be wary against the Orcs too okay? They were seen roaming in Night Forest after all. That's the most dangerous thing that you will encounter. But since they're not really that fast on their legs, I will suggest to just run away from them if you saw them."


"Mr. Juan, you seem to have no weapon, are you a hand to hand fighter?"

Ahhh, no.

"Actually, we have here a gift for you. It's a knife which can help you in your herb collection and also as self defence. Use it well okay? It's a gift from us here since we noticed that you still lack money after all."

No matter how you look at it, this guild is just working as in those novels and games! Even the first weapon is free! Don't tell me that the founder of this guild is part of my world now!

Also, I'm looking for that Thyra girl... Seems like she's not coming. Then that means I could consider that this really is a gift.


Now Freya! talk!

"Alruna! Mr. Juan is still here you know!"

"Hmp! Kuya here already know about me. I already told him after all."

Currently, we were walking of to the eastern gate where the Night Forest is located and both girls here at my front is having a family talk while I was here suffering from the fowl smell of the city.

"Well, it's not like I didn't have my own free time you know! Even your father said that I have to be strong to protect you. So I trained and joined the guild for fun!"

"Then why didn't you tell me!"

"Because you didn't ask!"

Woooh, they're really going at it. But it seems that Ms. Freya have a different father than Alruna. So that's why they don't look alike.

"We'll talk about this later okay! Kuya!"

Oh the kid turned her attention on me.

"Kuya? Why do you look like you're dying kuya? Are you okay?"

I'm alright, it's just that the smell, I'm not used to it.

"Ehh, the smell? Oh right."

"Do you live in the villages Mr. Juan?"

Village? Oh right. The villages won't have this city smell. I mean, even in Earth, some suburbs and cities smell somewhat foul unlike those in the country side with the smell of nature.

Ahh. Yeah, something like that. You know, It would be really good if there's some sanitation here.

"Sanitation? What's that kuya? Is that some kind of food?"

Well, no. It's some kind of policy where hygiene and some healthy stuff is regulated and implemented so that people won't have to suffer from this smell!

"Ohhh, we have that too Kuya! We do have a policy like that in Jorvik!"

"Yes, though I believe that no one cares about that rule. I think that's the problem Mr. Juan."

In my country too, it was like that. No one really cares if someone throws trash everywhere and I hated that.

After that we just talk about my pains and suffering about how foul the smell in the cities are and what I would do to change it.

Somehow, this kid got interested in my talks again and didn't let me stop talking.

It was an empty talk but once I'm placed on a higher position here or I received some kind of town building cliches, I would really implement that on my town.