
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

Dust Devil!

As Ethan approached the black stone, he could hear disparaging remarks being made about him. However, he remained resolute and undeterred. Ethan exuded a strong sense of confidence, as if he possessed unwavering certainty in his ability to conquer the first trial.

Having observed the privileged children's capabilities during their own attempts, he couldn't help but think of their abilities as underwhelming, prompting the thought, 'How disappointing!' Despite their seemingly boundless resources, access to knowledgeable teachers, and extended periods of study, Ethan couldn't help but wonder why their abilities were so mediocre.

What troubled him the most was the uniformity of the spells they employed. Without exception, they all relied on a single impact spell. This meant that their spells possessed the characteristic of inflicting substantial damage in a single instance upon hitting the target, but fell short of meeting the passing criteria. The instant the principal explained the rules of the trial, one thought immediately crossed Ethan's mind: "Damage over Time!"

Damage over Time (D.o.T) refers to a specific effect of gradual damage over a period of time, rather than delivering all the damage at once. DoT effects can vary in their nature and mechanics. They can be caused by various sources, such as environmental hazards, or status effects. When a DoT effect is applied to a target, it typically triggers an ongoing damage effect that persists until its duration expires or until it is cleansed or countered by specific means. It main purpose is to introduce a strategic element to combat, which, in most cases provides more total damage then an impact spell if used correctly.

Ethan stood confidently. With a deep understanding of the formation of weather, he starts channeling the required elements to create his desired spell.

In the wide-open arena, Ethan initiated his manifestation by invoking the element of fire. With precise control, Ethan conjures intense heat trying his best to mimicking the sun's effect focusing the heat on the ground. As the heat warms the surface, it causes the air near the ground to become significantly hotter than the surrounding air. This creates a temperature difference between the ground and the air above it.

This thermal gradient became the foundation upon which Ethan built his spectacle. As the heated air near the surface, lighter than the cooler air above, commenced its ascent due to reduced density, a gradual column of air rose with it—an effect known as the "Thermal" effect. Expertly harnessing the wind element, Ethan skillfully guided the currents, employing intricate gestures to induce the rotational motion associated with the Coriolis effect. This atmospheric phenomenon causes moving air masses to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere, imbuing the rising column with a captivating spin.

As the spinning vortex took form, visible to the naked eye, it swept up dust, sand, and other loose particles from the ground, transforming into a mesmerizing display of elemental might—a spectacle akin to a small tornado.

Within this magnificent fusion of elemental magic, Ethan's command and mastery were undeniable. His creation, a testament to the harmonious blend of fire and wind, emerged as his own rendition of a Dust Devil—a testament to his skill and creativity.

Ethan knew that Dust Devils were generally harmless and short-lived phenomena, lasting only a few minutes. They were much different from tornadoes, which are much larger and more powerful atmospheric vortexes that form under different weather conditions. But what he had in his possession was magical powers, as such, this limitation where of no importance to him. As to increase the intensity of the Dust Devil, Ethan added more strength to the rotational speed which in turn increased its size and power.

"I'm not done yet!"

Having not reached the pinnacle of his creation, Ethan embarked on the final stage of his craft. With focused determination, he skillfully reconstructed the small pebbles within the Dust Devil, molding them into razor-sharp blades with meticulous precision. Each tiny shard transformed into a deadly instruments.

As the Dust Devil obediently followed Ethan's command, it surged towards the formidable Black Stone, fixating itself upon its target. Stationed in place, the swirling vortex inflicted relentless damage, its destructive force escalating with each passing second, as evidenced by the mounting numerical values.

[Damage: 123]

[Damage: 265]

[Damage: 405]


Ethan maintained the presence of the Dust Devil for a full minute, its relentless assault unabated. Then, with a graceful wave of his hand, he skillfully controlled the wind currents, ensuring their paths were perfectly equal, removing the opposite forces that created the whirling effect. Displaying his mastery, the Dust Devil vanished as quickly as it had appeared, leaving no trace behind. The storm dissipated, as if it had never occupied that space at all.

Simultaneously, the multitude of pebble shards, previously caught in the swirling winds, began their descent with a synchronized grace. Falling from the sky like rainfall.

[Damage: 10,000]

[Type: Fire/Wind/Earth]

Ethan glanced at the information displayed above the Black Stone and a small smile formed on his lips, confirming his success. However, he noticed that the noble children stood before him in silence, their expressions frozen. Their unexpected reaction left Ethan puzzled, wondering what happened, 'What's wrong with them?'

"Remarkable!", The voice, now in close proximity, startled Ethan. Standing right beside him was Roderick Spellman, the principal of the academy. It was surprising, considering Roderick had been positioned on a distant pillar just moments ago.

"I've witnessed my fair share of spells that bear resemblance to yours, but there's something intriguingly distinct about yours," Roderick spoke with a sense of curiosity. "It appears both simple and complex at the same time. Moreover, considering the size and intensity of this cyclone-like spell, it seems to require surprisingly little mana to maintain and summon. Typically, such spells demand a substantial amount of mana to sustain. What baffles me even more is the absence of any flames erupting from the tornado even though the Fire element was used. And to add to the intrigue, you've seamlessly incorporated the earth element into your spell. Truly fascinating. Would you care to explain to me how you've crafted this spell?"

Ethan gazed at the principal with a mixture of curiosity and surprise. He couldn't help but wonder how someone of such high stature, who was supposed to be at the pinnacle of magical knowledge, failed to comprehend the simplicity of his spell. It led him to question whether the mage's understanding of science was practically nonexistent.

Roderick gazed at Ethan, waiting for his answer in excitement. Not wanting to make him wait, Ethan replied back, "I'm sorry but I refuse."

Roderick stared at Ethan, taken aback by his response. "I see," Roderick replied, a tinge of surprise in his voice. "But, may I inquire as to why?"

Ethan paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before responding. "Well, aren't crafted spells typically kept secret from others? Isn't it customary for nobles to guard their spells closely, only sharing them with their direct descendants? While I may not be of noble blood, I'm not inclined to simply give away my creations without receiving something in return."

"...Would you at least share the spells name?" Roderick remarked, a flicker of intrigue in his eyes.

"... Dust Devil."

"Interesting." Roderick remarked, a flicker of intrigue in his eyes. "I shall keep a close eye on you. I eagerly anticipate what you will show us in the second trial."

In the blink of an eye, the principal vanished from his previous position, only to reappear once again atop the pillar where he had initially stood. "Participant number 234, passed!" he proclaimed, his voice resonating through the arena. "Next!" The swift and efficient announcement signaled the commencement of the next participant.

Ethan proceeded towards the designated area where the successful participants congregated. Despite the discomforting gazes that seemed to follow his every move, he remained resolute and ignored the judgmental looks directed his way. Taking a seat on the ground, he observed the ongoing trials of the remaining participants.

Not far from where he sat, Ethan noticed Sven's gaze fixed upon him but this time he wasn't looking at him like he usually does with disdain, rather he looked at him with eyes of curiosity and a tinge of admiration. Noticing Ethan look, Sven quickly averted his eyes. Ethan puzzled, quickly disregarded the fleeting moment of connection before returning his attention to the trials unfolding before him.

I hope all of you are finding the story enjoyable thus far. Were you anticipating such a spell? If you were in Ethan's shoes, what would you have utilized in his situation?

Please feel free to share your thoughts and provide feedback by leaving a review. Your insights and perspectives are greatly appreciated.

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