
Weatherologist in a World of Magic

New Chapter M/W/F ---------------------- John, a dedicated weatherologist, met a tragic end during an unprecedented storm. Instead of transitioning to the afterlife, he unexpectedly found himself reincarnated in a magical world. Reborn as Ethan Hartfield, he embarks on a journey to master the realm of mages and harness the power of the elements. In this new world lacking modern knowledge of weather and how is formed, Ethan sets out to become the strongest mage, using his previous life's expertise to bring awareness and understanding to the people around him. Follow Ethan's adventures as he navigates this magical realm and strives to dominate as the most powerful mage.

FirstBite · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Second Trial

As the trial unfolded, Ethan remained seated on the ground, attentively observing the remaining participants awaiting their turn. During this time, three individuals stood out, capturing Ethan's keen interest. To his surprise, each of them employed a Damage over Time (D.o.T) strategy, just as he had demonstrated, almost as if they were influenced by his approach.

The first person who caught Ethan's attention was a noble girl, exuding an air of elegance with her striking silver hair and piercing blue eyes. Her gaze sent a shiver down the spine of those who met her eyes. She successfully completed the trial by utilizing a unique technique. She manifested a pool of water and skillfully arranged it into thin, concentric layers, one atop the other. Employing her control over the wind element, she set the circular water formation into motion, gradually shaping it with precise triangular edges. As the wind continued to blow, the water swiftly solidified under its cold influence, transforming into a razor-sharp icicle, resembling the relentless motion of a chainsaw. With her spell firmly directed at the black stone, she maintained a relentless rotation, chipping away at the rock. The continuous motion of her spell allowed her to steadily erode the stone's surface, while skillfully reconstructing the broken ice edges with each rotating cycle. This ingenious technique enabled her to sustain a constant stream of damage, gradually accumulating until her damage value surpassed the required threshold for passing the trial.

The second participant that captured Ethan's attention was a noble boy radiating an undeniable fiery temperament, evident in his animated and boisterous character. Approaching the black rock with an uncontainable energy, he unleashed a barrage of encouraging words, seemingly hyping himself up. His exuberance was further amplified by his lively movements, bouncing around the area with an infectious enthusiasm. Strangely reminiscent of Goku from Dragon Ball, it appeared as though he was channeling the iconic Super Saiyan transformation, seeking to tap into an extraordinary power within himself, but in his case he was just trying to motivate himself.

Despite his spirited demeanor, the boy displayed a remarkable level of ingenuity. In his attempt to conquer the trial, he devised a clever strategy. He began by creating an impressive dome of earth encasing the black stone, leaving only a narrow gap. Within this enclosure, he summoned forth flames, combining them with the power of the wind to enhance their ferocity.

By confining the flames within the dome, he concentrated their destructive force to a single focal point. This containment prevented the flames from spreading beyond the enclosure, ensuring maximum impact on the target. To sustain the flames and prevent their extinguishment, he ingeniously utilized the small gap in the dome. This gap acted as a conduit, allowing a constant influx of oxygen from the surrounding wind, continuously fueling the raging inferno inside the enclosure. The boy's resourcefulness enabled him to harness the elemental forces of earth, fire, and wind to devastating effect.

The third participant, a figure of substantial size and muscularity, appeared to defy the notion of typical childhood stature. With his commanding presence and prominent thick eyebrows, he exuded a distinct sense of masculinity. Harnessing the power of the earth element, he skillfully manipulated a sizable rock, shaping it into a drill-like form. Taking advantage of the water element, he strategically filled the gaps within the spiral structure of the drill.

Capitalizing on the forceful streaming flow of water, he set the drill-like object into motion, rotating it with remarkable power and velocity. The combination of the rotating drill and the piercing capabilities propelled him forward, allowing him to deliver a continuous barrage of damage to the stone, allowing him to pass with ease.

Among the participants, none managed to capture his attention as much as those three individuals.

"Congratulations to all those who have made it this far!" announced the principal, his voice resonating through the arena. "Without further delay, let us proceed to the second trial."

"The first trial tested your spell-crafting abilities and damage output, but the second trial will focus on a different aspect. We will assess your ability to protect yourself from potential dangers," explained the principal, waving his hand in the air. As he did so, a multitude of small, golem-like creatures materialized in the arena. These golems possessed cannon-like features in place of their hands.

"These golems will relentlessly launch mud balls at you, aiming to stain and hit you. Your objective is to evade, deflect, or protect yourself from their attacks for precisely one minute. Any contact with a mud ball will be considered a failure. Remember, you are strictly prohibited from attacking the golems in any manner, as doing so will result in disqualification."

"Now, let us commence! Participant number 1, please step into the arena!" declared the principal, his gaze fixed upon Ethan. Curiosity sparked within Ethan as he wondered why he was being singled out. Raising his gaze, he discovered a radiant light hovering above him, illuminating the number 1.

A wry smile formed on Ethan's face as he pondered the principal's intentions. It seemed the principal couldn't contain his anticipation, eager to witness Ethan's abilities. Unfazed by the attention, Ethan embraced the challenge, silently willing to showcase his capabilities.

"Very well," Ethan thought to himself. He stepped forward, prepared to face the golems and prove himself.

Being an anime enthusiast back on Earth, Ethan held a deep appreciation for the imaginative abilities portrayed in various animated series. One character in particular always sparked his excitement: Neji from the anime Naruto. Neji possessed a remarkable skill known as the "Eight Trigrams Divine Spin." This ability fascinated Ethan with its unique concept and powerful defensive nature.

The "Eight Trigrams Divine Spin" involved the manifestation of chakra in the form of a protective dome around the character. To create this dome, the character rapidly spun the chakra that emanated from their body. This technique offered two significant advantages. Firstly, it had the capability to repel most ranged attacks, acting as an impenetrable shield against projectiles. Secondly, it could forcefully push away opponents in close-quarters combat, granting the user a valuable defensive advantage.

As Ethan contemplated how to adapt the "Eight Trigrams Divine Spin" to his own magical abilities, he realized that while he lacked chakra like Neji, he possessed a similar resource known as mana. With this revelation, he set out to manifest his own version of the technique, incorporating the wind element and harnessing his mana.

Guided by his understanding of atmospheric dynamics, Ethan began to weave his mana with the essence of the wind element. He envisioned a swirling vortex of air, resembling a miniature cyclone, as the foundation of his spell. The wind, charged with his mana, formed a dome-like structure around him, its force growing in strength and intensity. Within a matter of seconds, he successfully materialized a magical rendition of the Divine Spin, utilizing the wind element as the "body" and his mana as the driving force (chakra).

However, Ethan recognized that there were limitations to his newly crafted technique. In order to enhance its effectiveness and provide an added layer of defense, he devised a clever modification. Drawing upon his control over the element of fire, he manipulated temperature differentials to create an invisible heat wave enveloping the spinning wind dome.

This invisible layer of cushioning served a vital purpose in the defense mechanism. As projectiles approached the dome, the heat wave interacted with their trajectory, causing a decrease in their speed upon reaching the protective layer of wind. This subtle alteration in velocity allowed an increased margin of reaction time, further bolstering his ability to deflect the projectile.

However, the creation of this spell did not come without its drawbacks. Ethan soon realized that there were two significant downsides to his adaptation. Firstly, he had to maintain an unwavering focus on sustaining the spell's structure, ensuring the wind's velocity and heat remained constant. Any lapse in concentration or weakening of the wind and fire's strength would jeopardize his ability to effectively deflect ranged attacks.

Additionally, the spell incurred a substantial mana consumption. The intricate manipulation of wind and fire elements demanded a considerable expenditure of Ethan's mana reserves. As he remained within the enclosure, the heat generated began to take its toll on his stamina. The intense heat caused him to sweat profusely, draining his energy with each passing moment.

Despite these challenges, Ethan took solace in the knowledge that he only needed to maintain the spell for a duration of one minute.

As the trial commenced, the golems sprang into action, launching a barrage of mud balls towards Ethan. Their small cannon-like appendages propelled the projectiles with surprising speed and accuracy. The air filled with the whistling sound of the incoming mud balls, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and tension.

As the mud balls closed in, Ethan's spell demonstrated its efficacy. The swirling wind deflected the projectiles with remarkable precision, causing them to veer off course or disintegrate upon impact with the powerful gusts. The students watched in amazement as the mud balls were effortlessly repelled, unable to breach the protective barrier.

The relentless assault of the golems continued, their mud balls relentlessly bombarding Ethan's defense. However, the wind spell held strong, steadfastly shielding him from harm. Ethan maintained his focus, pouring his mana into sustaining the protection.

As the one-minute mark approached, Ethan's spell continued to repel the mud balls, effectively fulfilling the requirements of the trial. The golems' attacks grew more desperate, but Ethan's defense remained resolute, unyielding to their onslaught.

"Time's up! Well done! You have successfully protected yourself for the entire duration. Impressive display of defense!" commended the principal, acknowledging Ethan's accomplishment.

The students, although impressed, couldn't help but harbor a mix of curiosity, envy, and skepticism as they observed Ethan's exceptional performance.

"How can a peasant have such abilities? It doesn't make sense."

"I agree. He shouldn't have access to the resources and training required to develop such advanced skills."

"There must be something fishy going on. No way a mere peasant could possess such talent."

Whispers and murmurs spread throughout the arena, questioning the origin and legitimacy of Ethan's magical abilities. Rumors began to circulate, fueled by jealousy and suspicion.

"Maybe he cheated somehow. There must be foul play involved."

"Yeah, that's the only explanation. Peasants aren't supposed to excel like this."

The rumors gained momentum, casting a shadow of doubt over Ethan's achievements. Some students were quick to assume a malicious reason behind his extraordinary abilities, attributing it to an unfair advantage rather than recognizing his skill and dedication. Ethan, filled with anger and a determination to defend his pride against the malicious lies, was about to retort, but his intentions were abruptly halted by the unexpected voice emanating from the principal.

"Enough! I will not tolerate baseless rumors and unfounded accusations. This trial is not only about showcasing your magical abilities, but also about demonstrating respect and fairness towards your fellow participants."

The principal's stern voice commanded attention, cutting through the whispers and murmurs that had filled the air. His words carried authority and demanded adherence to the principles of fairness and respect. The students, chastened by the principal's reprimand, fell into a contemplative silence.

"I urge you all to focus on your own trials rather then putting your focus into someone else's"

With his final words, the principal reestablished a sense of order, shifting the atmosphere. Ethan, though initially angered, found solace in the principal's intervention.

Acknowledging the principal's intervention with a grateful nod, Ethan settled back into his previous spot, resuming his position of observation. He patiently watched as the second trial unfolded, keeping a keen eye on the remaining participants as they faced the trial.

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