
No one holds back for long

"Hmm. Just like that. Now try releasing it slowly into the air around you." Riana ordered in a slow manner but the excitement inside her was visible on her face.

Golden Qi emerged from the bodies of the seven at the same time. The golden Qi flowed out slowly from each part of the seven's body and entangled around them.

"Try opening your eyes and moving around slowly."

"Okay." Leo and the other six nodded slowly as they replied.

Leo was the first one to get up from his seat and walk around with his eyes open. It wasn't very surprising for Riana to see Leo pull it off at his first trial. She always knew that Leo was intelligent and adapted faster to situations.

"How do you feel Leo?" Riana asked curiously as the other six struggled to stand up and keep their concentration at the same time.

"I don't know. I can't describe it. I feel like I am burning up a bit while I am not." Leo opened and closed his fist a few times gazing at the Qi that surrounded his fist.

"Leo, your Qi is special. It has the ability to turn into any Qi you want it to. I want you seven to always convert your Qi into one of the many different Qis before letting them out of your body." Riana said in a serious tone as she narrowed her eyes.

"You don't want to create a ruckus by revealing our control over the divinity Qi, is that it?" Leo asked nonchalantly as he jumped around trying to figure out how the Qi worked.

"Yes. Now come help your friends out too." Riana turned her head to look at the other six who were trying their best to maintain their concentration.

Reeva was the next to stand up followed by Sai with the guidance of Riana and Leo. Reeva slowly opened her eyes and walked around while Sai struggled a bit before opening his eyes and moving around.

"That's it Sai, now tr-" Just as Riana wanted to complete her sentence.


'Boom! Boom! Boom!'

'Boom! Boom!'

Riana immediately controlled all the six explosions by placing barriers over the six. By the time dust settled down, the seven except Leo were on the ground, panting.

Erina was the one who blew up first. As soon as Erina blasted, Clint, Ian and Aiko lost their control over their Qi resulting in explosions and were immediately followed by Sai and Reeva who lost their control.

"I expected nothing less from you seven, I knew you would lose you control over the Qi if something went wrong. But you kept your control, not bad. Let's call it a day." Riana turned around to leave after she stared at Leo for a few seconds. Leo was still in control of his Qi and kept it around him even after the explosions.

"Leo...a little help here." Sai waved his hand in the air trying to grab his attention.

"Coming." Leo calmed down his Qi and headed towards Sai to help him get up.

"We have been training for two weeks, Leo. How long is it going to take us to reach the level to be able to control our Qi?" Sai complained as he got up with the help of Leo. The seven headed back to their dorms as usual after their training.

'Get out of our way!' A loud yell alerted the gang. The sound came from deep inside the campus. The campus had a natural lake and was filled with greenery and trees which gave a pleasant atmosphere for the students.

"Leo?" Sai was the first one to react as usual.

"I am sure it will bring more headaches. But let's go check it out." Leo immediately turned towards the direction of the yell. The others followed Leo as he walked through the dense trees.

"It's them again. This is the fourth time we saw them quarrelling in two weeks." Leo said slowly as he stopped in his tracks as they neared the other end of the small forest by the lake.

By the lake, the trio was surrounded by the same gang of seven who were spinning their Qi around themselves.

"What are they doing here?" Reeva questioned as she stood beside Leo.

"We got class soon and we still need to go back to our dorms, that is all I know." Leo said slowly as he turned around.

"Sensei, there are some students quarrelling here in the middle of nowhere!" Leo shouted loudly which diverted the attention of the ten towards them.

"What do you think you are doing, Leo?" Sai immediately pulled on Leo as the seven hid behind the trees.

"Look at the other seven." Leo sat behind the tree calmly without even looking behind the tree.

"Ha?" Sai looked around slowly only to find the seven disappeared leaving the trio behind.

"Our job's done. Let's head back." Leo got up and left, not looking back. The rest followed Leo after sneaking another peek at the trio. The seven returned to their dorm and met back at the canteen before heading to their class.

"Sai, how are you so attentive in the history class, unlike other classes? The history teacher is all over you just because you answered all her questions." Erina puffed her cheeks as she approached Sai after they finished their classes.

"Well, it's history for them. But for me, it feels like the teacher is reading me a light novel. Hehe." Sai grinned as he walked faster towards Leo.



"Do we really have to turn a blind eye to all the problems and people of this world?" Sai's face turned serious while his tone seemed distant.

Daily chap.

Have a nice day fellas ~

Deep_Divercreators' thoughts