
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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Chapter 52: Drifting In the Water

*About a week ago*

Sylvanas had her eyes closed, she didn't breathe and she didn't move. She did nothing except for letting herself drift and enjoying the warm water which surrounded her body. Her mouth was closed and her lips were pressed together to a thin line so no water could come in her mouth. She was surrounded by water and she enjoyed it. She felt free while she drifted in the water. There was nothing which could stop her. She was alone so nobody could disturb her.

The water had a comforting effect on her. It helped her to forget everything that was troubling her. She didn't need to think about the outcome of the battle and the well-being of the love of her life. She didn't need to be afraid that something bad would happen to Kelrian as long as she was in the water.

She was worried most of the time and couldn't stop thinking about him. She couldn't stop imagining the worst possible outcomes. She often imagined losing him. Too often. These thoughts pained her. She felt her heart aching whenever she had these thoughts but she couldn't do anything against it. Her hormones were responsible for that. They were driving her crazy from time to time.

Sometimes, she had the impression she was on a roller coaster. Sometimes felt happier than ever and sometimes everything went down and she had depressions and panic attacks. Ups and downs alternated frequently. The medicine her private doctor had given her didn't always help her. Sometimes it helped her and made her feel better but sometimes it had no effect on her or made things even worse. She had never expected that she would feel like this during pregnancy. Alleria had never told her that her mood swings had been so extreme. She had had ups and downs but they had never degenerated like this. Alleria didn't have the problems Sylvanas was currently having.

Even Sylvanas' doctor had no clue what was going on. He had checked her if she was cursed or affected by any spell but he had found nothing. She was fine. She was perfectly healthy and not cursed. Nevertheless, her mood swings were extreme. Her depressions had never been too bad, so she had never thought about harming herself or other extreme things. She had just imagined what would happen if Kelrian wouldn't return from Lordaeron. She had often imagined hearing about his death or seeing his corpse. She had imagined a life without him. She had imagined being a single mother who had to raise her child alone.

These thoughts usually plagued her. She had ended up crying whenever such a nightmare or bad daydream had plagued her. These symptoms had come out of nowhere when Kelrian returned to Lordaeron. At first, she had had them only once a day or night. But after she had heard of the begin of the siege, the nightmares and depressing thoughts had appeared more often.

During the first week, these thoughts had plagued her at least three times a day and four times at night. It had been very difficult at the beginning but it had become better over time. If the medicine worked, she had no nightmares or bad daydreams but if it didn't work then she had at least one nightmare and one bad daydream a day.

Daily life was not easy for Sylvanas but she held out under the stress. She was a strong woman who wouldn't break down because of negative thoughts and nightmares. She was strong and she knew that. She was a strong-willed woman. She just had to endure less than five months until the baby's birth. These five months will be the longest and hardest months of her life but she had no doubt she would hold out until the birth.

Sylvanas let herself drift by the water until her lungs asked for air. She moved her limbs and swam up until she broke the surface. She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She looked around, noticing that she was still alone in the indoor swimming pool. She didn't expect that anyone would be there because it was her private indoor swimming pool in her private apartment in Silvermoon City.

Her family and Verena's family were the only ones who lived in this house. They were allowed to go in every room except for her bedroom, her office and her pool while she was swimming there to relax and stop thinking about everything that was troubling her.

Her mother was the only person who disobeyed her rules from time to time. She didn't do that on purpose, she was just not used to living in a household where she was not the one who made the rules. She was the head of the Windrunner family so she was usually the one who scolded others for not obeying the rules she made. But Sylvanas wasn't mad at her mother that she forgot the rules from time to time. She was glad she had her mother around her. She was glad that she was able to spend time with her and talk to her whenever she wanted. Lireesa gave her daughter strength and comforted her as best as she could whenever she had a nightmare.

Sylvanas' daily life would be much harder without her. Alleria was fighting against the Horde in Lordaeron and Vereesa and Verena were leading the quel'dorei army to Lordaeron to assist the humans. Except for a few uncles, aunts and cousins who weren't fighters every other remaining member of her family participated in the war. Sylvanas spent most of her time with her mother and talked to her. She also spent time with Verena's sister and talked to her about her children. She asked questions about her pregnancy and the experiences she got from raising her young children. Sylvanas received useful information, she would need for later, without making her suspicious.

She was looking forward to becoming a mother so it didn't hurt to hear how others remembered their pregnancy. She had listened to Lelina's stories and become friends with her. She hadn't met her very often in the past, not even when she had been together with Verena. She had met her twenty times at maximum, even though she knew Verena since she was little. Lelina hadn't been at home most of the time whenever Sylvanas had visited Verena. They didn't spend much time with each other and they had only talked to each other whenever Verena had convinced her sister to do something with them.

Sylvanas and Lelina had never been alone before. That had changed three months ago when Lelina, her twins and her husband had moved in Sylvanas' house. They would live there until the end of the war so Sylvanas had enough time to get better known to the mother and get more tips from her.

Sylvanas had noticed that she really enjoyed being around young children. Lelina's twins had always been around whenever Sylvanas had spent time with her. Lelina was a very nice and funny person and she didn't even ask the true reason why Sylvanas remained in Silvermoon. She knew that Sylvanas was not sick and she also knew that she was not a coward. She knew she would fight until her last breath so she assumed that there must be a very important reason why she didn't join the army on the battlefield. She was curious but she respected the Ranger-General's privacy so she didn't dare to ask.

Sylvanas was glad that she had found another friend who could help her once the baby will be born. Her mother and Alleria would be the first persons she would ask for help if she would have a problem, but even they wouldn't always have time. She could ask Lelina if her family would be busy with other things. It didn't hurt to have a third opinion she could listen to when she had questions about raising her child.

Normally, she always asked Verena if she needed advices but Verena had no clue about kids so she wouldn't be useful at all when Sylvanas would have a problem. Verena only preferred the company of women but that didn't mean she couldn't have children. There were enough ways for two women to get a child. Adoption was an option but also the artificial insemination with the help of magic.

Verena could have kids one day but she was not the type of woman who wanted children. She wanted to be independent and have fun. She didn't want to have children any soon but it was not unlikely that she would change her opinion one day. Maybe Elonis would change her mind. As far as Sylvanas knew, Elonis wanted to have children one day. Sylvanas wouldn't mind if Verena would choose a life without children. She was happy as long as her best friend was happy. If she would be happy without children then Sylvanas wouldn't try to convince her of the opposite. Verena was old enough to make her own decisions.

Sylvanas swam another round in the large pool. She had never been a big fan of swimming in her free time but since she had noticed it helped her switch off and get her head clear she swam at least three times a day. She swam more rounds, listening to the sounds which were produced when she rushed through her water. Because of her muscular arms and legs, she was pretty fast. She was much faster than the average elf, she would even compete with professional swimmers.

Sylvanas didn't notice the person who had just entered the room as she swam another round. She didn't even notice the familiar person as it came closer. She only noticed the person as she swam along the edge of the pool and saw a pair of feet next to one of the ladders. Sylvanas stopped and looked up. Her gaze wandered over smooth legs which had once been a lot more muscular. The person was definitely a woman because she wore a blue swimming brief only women wore.

Sylvanas' gaze travelled further upwards until it landed on a familiar scar. The scar reached from a spot beneath the woman's right breast to her navel. She knew that scar like the back of her had been the one who had stitched the wound and checked the scar from time to time for the first few months.

She had no doubt that it was her mother who stood there. Sylvanas' gaze wandered upwards, resting on the woman's ample bosom which was covered by a blue bra for a short moment before it wandered up to her face. Her mother stood there witha swimming mat under her arm.

She lifted her left arm a little, waving at her daughter. "Hi, Sylvanas."

Sylvanas' brows furrowed as she scratched her forehead while looking at her mother. "Hi, mom."

Lireesa's lips formed a smile. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

"Of course I am happy to see you but I thought I would see you later after I'm done swimming. I just hoped you haven't forgotten that I prefer to be alone while I'm here this time."

Lireesa sat down on the edge of the pool, putting her legs in the pleasantly warm water. "I know that you want to be alone but I don't want to leave you alone while you have these nightmares and phases of depressions. I want to be around you and comfort you when sadness overcomes you. I don't want you to be sad, my dear." She put her hands on her daughter's cheeks and caressed them softly. She leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on Sylvanas' forehead, closing her eyes as long as her lips on remained her soft skin. She pulled away eventually and gave Sylvanas a small smile.

The Ranger-General couldn't help but return the smile. She just couldn't be mad at her mother even though she broke her rules from time to time. Her mother just wanted the best for her, so Sylvanas wouldn't be mad at her and wouldn't talk to her about privacy and crossing lines. She had swum enough for the moment so she didn't mind her mother's company. She just wished she would wear more than just her bikini. That way her mother would find out that she was pregnant. She had wanted to tell her mother that she was pregnant for so long but she had never found the right words and the perfect moment to tell her.

Sylvanas got the idea that it might be better when Lireesa would find it out that way. Sylvanas wouldn't have to rack her brain over how she would tell her. Sometimes being silent was better than saying thousands of words. Sylvanas couldn't just walk to her mother and drop her clothes in front of her to show her that she was pregnant. But now where her belly was exposed, she could just climb out of the water and present her mother her swollen belly. It sounded so easy because it was so easy. There was no easier way of telling her mother the good news than showing her what was awaiting her in less than five months.

Lireesa noticed the thoughtful look on Sylvanas' face. She was wondering what was going on in her daughter's head. She assumed Sylvanas was worried because of the ongoing battle. She had every reason to be worried because the orc army was gigantic and consist out of the most fearsome and physically strongest humanoid creatures the Alliance had ever fought against. Nevertheless, Lireesa believed the Alliance will be victorious and she was sure Sylvanas believed the same.

The former Ranger-General didn't stop to caress her successor's cheeks while she stared deep into her eyes. Sylvanas returned her gaze and enjoyed her presence. Her mother's presence always comforted her no matter how bad she felt.

"Is there anything you want to tell me, my dear?" Lireesa asked.

Sylvanas nodded her head. "There is something I'm trying to tell you for a few weeks butI still don't know how to tell you."

Lireesa raised an eyebrow and made a surprised expression. "You're usually so direct. How comes that you don't know how to tell me this time?"

"I'm only direct when it comes to work and the safety of our kingdom and our people. You know better than anyone that I'm not direct when it comes to family. I'm just a mortal so I'm not perfect. There are some things that are not so easy for me. Telling you such important news is harder than I ever thought."

Lireesa gave her an understanding nod and put a strand of blonde hair behind Sylvanas' ear. "You don't have to be worried, Lady Moon. No matter what you will say, I will always support you and never be mad at you. Tell me what bothers you. You don't have to if you don't feel ready yet. I don't mind waiting a little longer."

Sylvanas was silent as she thought about her mother's words. She wanted to tell her mother that she was pregnant. She was sure her mother would be happy and wouldn't mind that her child would be illegitimate. She was sure her mother will be happy because she was happy. That was all that mattered for her mother. Only the happiness of her children was important for the former Ranger-General. She was happy as long as her children were happy.

Sylvanas nodded her head eventually and waited until Lireesa had removed her hands from her cheeks. Sylvanas got out of the water and sat on the edge of the pool, increasing the distance between them so Lireesa could have a better look at her. The older woman gave her a curious look at first but then her facial expression changed as her eyes fell on the swollen belly of her pregnant daughter.

Her eyes widened, her heart started to beat faster and her skin began to tingle. She had realised what Sylvanas had wanted to tell her. It was so obvious that Sylvanas was pregnant. Her belly was much rounder and her breasts had become larger. Lireesa was sure of that after she had taken a closer look at Sylvanas' body

Lireesa's smile was wide and her first move was to put her left hand on her daughter's belly and start to caress it slowly and gently. She didn't say anything in the first few minutes, she just stared into Sylvanas' beautiful eyes while she caressed her belly. She removed her hand eventually and wrapped her arms around Sylvanas' shoulders, pulling her closer. Sylvanas didn't hesitate to return the hug, putting her head on her mother's shoulder. She closed her eyes and inhaled her mother's perfume, caressing her back with one hand while the other rested on her hip.

They remained close for a few minutes, then they pulled away and looked at each other. "That's fantastic, Sylvanas. I'm really happy to hear that."

Sylvanas smiled. I'm glad that you are happy."

Lireesa returned her smile, running her fingers through Sylvanas' wet hair. "Why shouldn't I be happy? My middle daughter is pregnant with her first child and I'm becoming a grandmother for the second time. I have every reason to be happy."

Sylvanas put a hand on her mother's cheek, caressing it softly. "To be honest, I was a little bit afraid of how you might react," admitted the Ranger-General.

Lireesa raised an eyebrow but her smile and the happy expression didn't leave her face. "You were afraid of how I might react? Why?"

Sylvanas avoided eye contact and stared at her fingernails. "Well, I feared you wouldn't accept my baby because I'm not married."

Lireesa took her daughter's face in her hands and caressed her cheeks. "I don't really care if it's an illegitimate child. Of course, I would wish that you would get married one day but you don't have to just because I want you to be married. What matters is that you want it and that you are happy. I'm happy as long as you are. Don't forget that, Lady Moon."

Sylvanas pulled her in another comfortable hug, resting her head on Lireesa's shoulder. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the close body contact. Her mother ran her fingers through her hair which was drying slowly. They stay like this for a while, pulling back eventually.

"Was it planned?" Lireesa asked.

Sylvanas shook her head, suppressing a grin. "No, it wasn't." She told her that she didn't find her tin of pills in her bag that day and what she had done then.

"The chances were so low but you still got pregnant. That's not a coincidence, that's fate."

Soft laughter escaped Sylvanas' lips. "Fate? Are you sure?"

"I don't believe in coincidences but I believe in fate," responded Lireesa.

"I don't believe in coincidences nor do I believe in fate. Everything I did happened that way because I chose to do it that way. There is no invisible force or creature that watches over me and tells me what to do. I don't believe in fate, or destiny however you want to call it. I don't believe that anyone chose my destiny for me and determined what I would do. I choose my own destiny."

"I get your point, honey. But how would you explain that you got pregnant while taking the pill? It has to the destiny that wanted that you become pregnant. Otherwise, you wouldn't have become pregnant while taking the pill."

"I know the chances that the pill doesn't work are pretty low. The chances are low but it still happened somehow. I still doubt that it was the destiny that decided that I would get pregnant. Anyways, let's stop discussing that. There are other topics which are more important than this one."

"You are right, honey. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry, mother."

"I'm curious to find out who made my beautiful girl into an expectant mother."

Sylvanas tilted her head a little. "There is only one man that comes into question."

"It's not Nathanos, right?!" Her reply sounded more like a question than a statement.

Sylvanas frowned. She sounded upset as she gave her mother a respond. "Of course not! Why does everyone think I have an affair with Nathanos? It's true that he is attracted to me but I'm not attracted to him. Human males are not my type and Nathanos is certainly not my type. Even if he would be, I'm in a happy relationship with Kelrian and I would never cheat on him. Certainly not with Nathanos. We are just friends."

Lireesa lifted her hands, signalizing her daughter that she was sorry. She apologized to her and managed to calm her down, pulling her onto her lap once Sylvanas' face no longer reflected annoyance. "I'm sorry, my dear," her mother repeated, kissing Sylvanas' right ear softly. She knew this always calmed Sylvanas down so it didn't surprise her that she was no longer upset at her as she pulled away.

"It's okay," whispered the pregnant woman. "I've overreacted. It's just..."

"The hormones are responsible, I know. I've been pregnant four times so I know exactly how you feel. Your rapidly changing moods are giving you a hard time. I remember pretty well that only a few small matters could change my mood entirely. Unfortunately, mood swings are very common during pregnancy," explained her mother.

"It's annoying but there is nothing I can do against it. It's pretty hard to control my emotions. Sometimes I'm very happy, sometimes I'm capricious and sometimes I feel sad. These mood swings don't make things easy for me but I have to deal with them somehow."

Lireesa nodded at her but didn't say anything in return. Instead, she signalized her daughter to continue speaking. "I just don't like it when my closest friends and my family think I have something with Nathanos. Everyone who knows me should know that I would never cheat on my partners."

"I believe that my dear."

"Kelrian even told me that he wouldn't mind if I would 'have my fun' with Verena from time to time."

Lireesa's face reflected surprise. Her brows were raised and her eyes were widened. "Did he tell you on his own?"

Sylvanas nodded her head, her face reflected seriousness. "He told me that he would be fine with it as long he could watch us for one time at least. I don't remember anymore why he had told me that. I just remember that he gave me permission to have an affair with my ex-girlfriend. I haven't asked him why he made this offer. I assume he thinks I could be happier this way. But I'm already happy. There is no way that I could get any happier. Especially not since I found out that I'm pregnant with his child."

"So, you turned down his offer?"

The younger woman nodded her head. "I did. I know he wouldn't mind to share me with Verena and I also know it would make her very happy but... I don't know. I don't think I would feel comfortable. It's not that I don't have feelings for Verena, it's more that I'm not made for open relationships or triangle relationships. I just want a normal relationship with the man I love with all my heart. He may be fine now but who knows how he would think in ten years. Or twenty. Or in a hundred years. I think it's best for our relationship if we don't extend it to a triangle relationship."

"I understand you, my dear. I understand your worries. I can tell you from first-hand experience that triangle relationships are like a double-edged sword. They are fine as long as everyone is happy but as soon as someone feels neglected the relationship starts to crumble and shatters in the worst case."

Sylvanas' face reflected surprise but also curiosity. "You were in a triangle relationship?"

Lireesa gave her a nod. "I was. Your father and I met a woman shortly after we came together. Her name was Veniana and she was a very charming and beautiful woman. I fell in love with her so did he and we decided to include her in our relationship. It went well for the first five years but then Veniana and your father started to have differences. She wanted me for herself and didn't want to share me with Zalien,"Lireesa paused for a few moments, ordering her thoughts.

"Our harmonic triangle relationship broke quickly and we just argued most of the time. I tried to solve the problems and make them reconcile with each other but Veniana refused to cooperate. I couldn't take it any longer so I talked to her alone and well... I broke up with her because it turned out she had changed too much. She wanted me only for herself and she became so jealous... I've realized that she would always be jealous even if I would choose her over Zalien. And I didn't want a girlfriend that would always be jealous of anyone who would come too close to me.

I broke up with her and chose your father. It hadn't been easy to let her go but it had been the right choice. I don't regret my decisions.I would have never had you and your siblings if I would have chosen her so I have nothing to regret. I'm happy with the way things turned out for me."

Lireesa caressed Sylvanas' cheeks and returned her staring, her happy smile didn't leave her lips nor did Sylvanas stop smiling at her. "After hearing your story, I'm more certain than ever that I don't want a triangle relationship," responded the Ranger-General.

"I think it's the best for you, Lady Moon. As long as Kelrian is at your side you will be happy enough. You will be busy enough as soon as the child will be born, so you won't have the time for another lover. I assume you still want to be Ranger-General and stand up for our people."

"I do. I have to talk to Kelrian who will stay home and take care of our baby until it will be old enough for elementary school but I'm one hundred percent sure I will still be Ranger-General. I'm not going to resign just because I have a kid. You also remained Ranger-General after giving birth to four children so I'm sure I can handle work and family at the same time. If we win the war."

Lireesa gave her daughter a comforting smile. "I think we will."

"I think the same but I'm still afraid. I believe in our soldiers but we don't know what the orcs are capable of. Who knows how many aces they have up in their sleeves?I don't count the chickens before they are hatched, I just hope for the best."

"So, do I," replied her mother and pulled her in another hug. Sylvanas returned the hug and relaxed in her arms.

"Does Kelrian know that you are pregnant?" Lireesa asked after a while.

"He does."

"What did he say?"

The corners of Sylvanas' lips formed a smile. "He was happy and he told me that he is looking forward to raising our child with me."

Lireesa returned her daughter's smile. "I'm glad then. I remember the day I told your father that I was pregnant with Alleria as if it had happened yesterday. He was so happy and he didn't stop talking how happy he was until I told him to be quiet. He was happy more than ever whenever I told him that I was pregnant. Zalien really loves you and he did everything to be the best father for you and your siblings."

"He is an excellent father and I believe Kelrian wouldn't be any different. He has a good way with people so I assume our baby will be happy to have him. He will be a great father."

"I haven't spent much time with Kelrian but from what I've experienced and from what you have told me about him I believe he is a good guy. Always remember that I'm happy as long as you are. I don't mind if your partner is a human, a dwarf or a quel'dorei. I don't mind if it is a male or a female. I'm happy as long as you are."

"And I'm glad to have such a lovely and tolerant mother. You are the best mother in the world."

Lireesa's happy smile became much wider. "Thank you, my dear."

"It's not a compliment. It's the truth so you don't have to thank me. I'm just speaking out the truth, that's all."

Lireesa caressed her daughter's cheeks. "You are so sweet."

"Just like you."

Lireesa lowered her gaze and put her hand on Sylvanas' belly, caressing it softly. "How long do we have to wait?"

"Less than five months."

"I'm so excited. My middle daughter is getting a baby. I can't be happier."

Sylvanas didn't say anything in response. She just regarded her mother who didn't stop to touch her belly. Spending time with her mother and other members of her family made her stop worrying about the outcome of the battle. It would only endure temporarily because Sylvanas would start worrying again as soon as she would be alone and not in the pool. Nevertheless, she was glad that she could turn off her thoughts and enjoy these rare moments.

"There is something I'm worried about," Sylvanas said eventually.

Lireesa lifted her head, signalizing her to go ahead.

"At first I'm worried that Kelrian would never return from Lordaeron but I'm also worried what happens if he returns. Well, not really worried, to be honest. I don't know how our future would look like. We kept our relationship secret because I always thought it is the best for him. That way he doesn't get unwanted attention and he wouldn't get targeted by my jealous exes and admirers. I don't want to cause any unnecessary trouble for him. I'm afraid that someone does something terrible to him..."

Lireesa was silent for a few moments as she thought about what Sylvanas had just said. She could understand that she was afraid but she was overreacting. It was true that she got many admirers and some of them weren't able to accept a no but she didn't believe that anyone would try to hurt Kelrian.

"I don't think that anyone would do anything to him. Nobody ever harmed Verena so I don't believe that your jealous exes and admirers would do something."

"Nobody knew about me and Verena," replied the Ranger-General.

"You never made your relationship official but everyone assumed that you two were a couple and no one ever harassed Verena or did inappropriate things. Nobody insulted her or made inappropriate comments or hints. You can call yourself lucky. Back then I was in a relationship with your father and Veniana I was insulted by some people. '"Women loving whore, spawn of evil and women-eating demon were the most harmless insults people threw at me. There have been many intolerant people during that time."

Sylvanas' eyes were widened in surprise as she looked at her mother in disbelief. "You never told me about that."

Lireesa shrugged her shoulders. "I saw no reason to. It happened hundreds of years ago and society changed over time. Most people are much more tolerant these days than hundreds of years ago. Nowadays our people accept when someone loves a human or a dwarf or someone of the same sex. I'm glad about that. People tolerate Alleria's relationship with Turalyon and they also tolerated your experimental phase."

Sylvanas raised an eyebrow. "Experimental phase?"

"How else would you call it? You told me that you tried something new and you really liked Verena so you came together with her to find out if things between you would work out in the long run."

Sylvanas shrugged her shoulders. "I wouldn't consider ten years as just a phase. If we would have been together for two or three months then phase would be the right word but ten years..."

"It doesn't really matter how we call it, does it?"

Sylvanas shook her head. "Not really, to be honest."

Her mother made a thoughtful face. "Now I forgot what I wanted to say in the first place."

"You talked about tolerance."

"Yeah, I did."


"I just wanted to tell you that I wouldn't have loved you any less if you would have chosen to be together with Verena for the rest of our life. There are several methods for two women to get kids so I would have gotten more grandchildren sooner or later."

"So you would have expected that Verena and I would have made a child together?"

"Yes, Sylvanas. I know you love your position as Ranger-General and you love your work. You probably wouldn't have given birth to a child in the first hundred years because your work would have kept you too busy. You are still young so you have anything else in mind than getting a baby. But the older you get the stronger the desire for a child becomes. Trust me. I know it from experience. I never thought about children during the first two hundred years where I was together with your father. But then I came to the conclusion that I wanted to have a child and I don't regret making this decision. Destiny rewarded me with the most beautiful and most lovely children on Azeroth."

"I've never thought about a child with Verena and nor did I ever expected that Kelrian and I would get a child so soon. I had always thought that we would wait for at least fifty years but things turned out differently. Nevertheless, I like how things are now. I'm happy and I can't wait to give birth to my child."

"You will be an excellent mother, Sylvanas. You always think about the safety of our people first. You always put the interests of our people over yours. You care for our people so I believe you will be the best mother a child can have. You will take care of your child and make sure it lacks nothing. But always remember that you also have to be strict when it's necessary. Don't do the mistake and spoil your child and all the future children that might follow. Sometimes you have to make your children understand that they can't always do what they want. There are rules and your children have to understand that they have to follow them."

"Thanks for your trust in me and for the tips."

The older woman smiled and ran her hand through her daughter's hair. "You are welcome, my dear."

Sylvanas smiled at her.

"Enough talking. I came here to swim so I would like to enter the pool now if you allow it."

"Of course I allow it."

Lireesa gave Sylvanas a thankful nod and entered the pool. Together they swam for a while until they had enough. They left the pool hours later, dried themselves with their towels and walked out of the room after they had talked for quite some time.