
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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145 Chs

Chapter 53: Passionate Reunion

Kelrian's head was hurting, his heart was beating rapidly in his chest and his skin tingled uncomfortably. His arm didn't hurt at the moment because he had taken the medicine, the doctor had prescribed for him, earlier that day. The medicine was very useful but it only helped him to bear the pain his broken arm was causing. It didn't help him against his nightmares or against the withdrawal symptoms of the mixture Kelrian consumed to prevent the regular occurring of the nightmares.

He had hoped that the nightmares would stop if he would take the strange medicine for some time but the nightmares always returned. The nightmares were unbearable and became worse and worse the oftener they occurred. He couldn't sleep properly and he got in panic whenever he woke up in the middle of the night. He could no longer deal with the nightmares so he had no other choice than consuming the mixture Sen'za had recommended to him. It helped him. He had no nightmares while he consumed this mixture regularly. He could sleep properly without waking up in the middle of the night. That was a good thing.

The bad thing was that he had to consume the mixture regularly. He couldn't go without it. He had to consume it every day otherwise the nightmares would return. And the nightmares brought withdrawal symptoms with them. He had headaches, his heart was beating much faster than usual and his skin tingled unpleasantly. The tingling often turned into itching.

It was barely bearable so Kelrian had decided to take the medicine regularly to feel better. It was not the perfect solution because he was dependent on this mixture but it was the only solution he had. The doctors and healers had found no solution to his problem. The consumption of the mixture the troll alchemist had recommended to him was the only choice he had.

Kelrian regarded the tin in his hand for a few moments, then he opened it and poured little of the grey powder in the pot in front of him. He put the mixing spoon in the pot and started to stir the liquid. He did that for a while until the colour changed from purple to blood red. He removed the spoon and poured the content of the pot in several flasks. He put the flasks in his bag and left the room, tossing a bag of coins to the alchemist who had allowed him to use his laboratory and his ingredients. The young man gave him a nod and said goodbye. Kelrian waved at him and left his laboratory.

He followed the course of the street which was overcrowded. The streets in Silvermoon City were overcrowded because much more citizens were living in Silvermoonsince the evacuation of the villages in Quel'Thalas. The war was not over so most inhabitants of Quel'Thalas still lived in the overcrowded city. Thousands of citizens of Quel'Thalas still lived in Lordaeron, Gilneas, Stromgarde and Ironforge and waited for the end of the war and for the defeat of the Horde. They couldn't wait to return to their homes but they had to be patient. The Horde had lost the battle of Lordaeron but they weren't defeated yet. The spies of the Alliance assumed that the Horde had between ten and twenty thousand warriors left. They were returning to Blackrock Spire to make a new battle plan.

The armies of the Alliance were following them and would attack Blackrock Spire soon. That was everything Kelrian knew. He was not able to participate in the battle so he could only hope the Alliance would destroy the Horde without losing too many soldiers. The armies would be led by Anduin Lothar, Alleria's lover Turalyon, Alleria herself and Verena. Kelrian was sure they will lead the Alliance to victory because they were very experienced leaders.

Kelrian came to the local market, noticing it was not as overcrowded as it usually was during midday. There were hundreds of people looking for goods. Normally nearly about a thousand people hang out there during this time. Much to Kelrian's surprise, it was different on that day. He didn't mind that fewer people were on the market that day. The chances that someone would accidentally come in contact with his broken arm would be much lower so he wouldn't feel any unnecessary pain if everything went well. He had more freedom and could examine the offers in peace without being shoved forward by impatient persons.

Kelrian walked from stall to stall, looking out for a new sword because he had lost his sword during the battle. He could go to the Farstrider Enclave and get a new sword there but he wanted to get a sword which was much better than thestandard swords normal rangers like him got. He came to a stall which sold weapons. He spotted a few high-quality swords and examined them closely but he didn't like any of them. He tested more swords on another stall but they weren't good enough for him.

Their qualities were good but not as good as his old sword which had been a gift from Sylvanas. He had received it six years ago. It had been a well-balanced and very sharp and deadly sword. He needed a replacement which was as good as his former weapon. He hoped he would find a much better sword but he knew he wouldn't find it on the local market.

He would have to go to the best weaponsmith in the east of Silvermoon City if he wanted to get a similar or much better sword. He decided to leave the market and go to the weaponsmith. He walked a bit but stopped as he spotted familiar persons.

He saw the royal family of Lordaeron near a stand with souvenirs. There was Queen Lianne Menethil with her son Arthas and her daughter Calia. Lianne's hair was shorter than Kelrian remembered while Arthas' hair was much longer. Kelrian could only assume that the prince had decided to keep his hair longer because most citizens of Quel'Thalas preferred longer hair. It was an ideal of beauty for the high elves.

Kelrian watched them while they regarded the offers of the souvenir stall. The queen took several necklaces in her hand and regarded them closely while Arthas took a closer look at some quel'dorei figures. There were figures of rangers, Silvermoon Guards and normal citizens. There were also figures of popular persons so figures of Sylvanas could be found there.

Kelrian came closer to the royal family so he could hear what they were talking about. Arthas was asking his mother to buy some of his figures for his collection. His mother couldn't say no to him so she allowed him to choose three figures. The young prince chose a figure of Sylvanas, a figure of Prince Kael'thas and a figure of High King Anasterian Sunstrider. The queen chose a few other pieces of souvenir and handed the trader a bag of gold. The young woman thanked the royal family and made a curtsey, wishing them a good day. The royal family said the same and walked away from the stall. They walked in Kelrian's direction but the queen and the princess didn't notice him as they passed him. Only Arthas noticed him and stopped right in front of him.

"Ranger Sunsinger? Is it really you?"

"Yes, It's me, your highness."

The prince's lips formed a smile, his blue eyes rested on the ranger. "I'm glad to see you alive. My father would be happy when he would find out that you are alive." Arthas' eyes shifted to Kelrian's right arm. "Your arm..."

"Will heal sooner or later," completed Kelrian. "It's just broken, nothing more. The doctors have already excluded irreparable damage so I will be able to use my arm without any restrictions as soon as the bones have healed."

"I'm glad to hear that," responded the young prince.

Kelrian returned his smile but didn't say anything.

Curiosity appeared on the teenager's face. "How was the battle?"

"Bloody and very close. We lost many good soldiers but the orcs lost more warriors than we did. We defended your home and protected its citizens. The orcs retreated and our armies are following them at the moment. It's only a matter of time until we get them and make them pay for all the crimes they committed."

"I'm thankful your people support our kingdom. I don't want to imagine what would have happened if my father and our soldiers would have fought against the orcs without any help...," responded Arthas.

"Lordaeron would have been left in ruins, just like Stormwind City... Fortunately, it didn't end that way."

Arthas nodded. "I hope Stormwind City will be rebuilt as soon as the orcs are defeated."

"I hope the same," Kelrian responded and looked around, noticing that Queen Lianne and Princess Calia were no longer in his sight. "It seems your family didn't notice that you stopped to talk to me. They are somewhere else now and probably wondering where you are."

Arthas checked his surroundings, his eyes widened as he realized that Kelrian had said the truth. "Damn," Arthas whispered quietly.

Kelrian rubbed his forehead with his left hand. "Do you have any idea where they wanted to go next?"

Arthas made a thoughtful face. "Mother said we would return to our rooms in Sunstrider Spire after we got some souvenirs for my father and Lieutenant Falric."

"You bought souvenirs for one of your father's soldiers?" Kelrian asked curiously.

"I like him and enjoy his company so I thought it would be nice to give him something made in Quel'Thalas. I assume he fought well for our home."

"That's a nice gesture. You really seem to care about your subjects."

"I do. All of them are important to me and I want to help them as best as I can. I will make sure they will lack nothing and are happy when I will be king. I just want the best for them."

Kelrian smiled at him. "I'm sure you will be a good king and your reign will endure long. I'm sure you will bring honour to your family."

"I hope so. There is nothing I want more than making my father and my mother proud of me."

"I'm sure you will."

Arthas gave him a nod and smiled.

Kelrian checked their surroundings once again. "We should go to Sunstrider Spire. I'm sure your mother is already missing you."

"You are right, we should go."

Kelrian turned around, signalizing the Prince of Lordaeron that he was ready. "I will lead the way. Just follow me and I will bring you back to Sunstrider Spire."

Arthas didn't say anything in return. He just nodded and signalized the ranger that he was also ready. Kelrian didn't hesitate to move and the blond prince followed him. Kelrian noticed that lots of people looked at them while they walked through the streets of Silvermoon. He assumed they were asking themselves why a normal ranger like him was escorting the prince of Lordaeron instead of his personal guards. Kelrian would have loved to do other things in the meantime but he couldn't just leave Prince Arthas Menethil alone and let him walk back to the spire on his own. He could look for a new sword another day. There was nothing else he had planned to do on this day.

He would have spent some time with his family after he would have looked out for a sword. He was spending most of his free time with his family. He comforted his siblings and his mother as best as he could while he was coming to terms with his brother's death at the same time. They coped together which made it easier to accept it. Nonetheless, all members of Kelrian's family needed more time. They couldn't just accept his death from one day to the other. They needed time but fortunately, they had enough time. They could take all the time they needed.

Kelrian and Arthas arrived at Sunstrider Spire after a walk of half an hour. They walked over the bridge, ignoring the glances of the guards and entered the building. Arthas' lips formed a smile as he saw his family in the entrance hall near the room where various portals were constantly maintained. There were not only his mother and his sister, but there was also his father who stood next to Prince Kael'thas and was talking to him. Arthas didn't hesitate to drop his bag and run over to his father, hugging him tightly.

King Terenas returned the hug and put a hand on his son's head, running his fingers through his hair. Kelrian picked up the bag and walked over to the queen, handing it to one of her servants. Lianne regarded her husband and her son for a few moments before she looked at Kelrian.

"Thank you for escorting my son back to the palace. I noticed too late that he stopped following us. I'm sorry for bothering you and wasting your time."

Kelrian gave her a comforting smile and lowered his head in respect. "It's okay. I wasn't doing anything important at the moment. It was an honour for me to bring your son back to you."

"Ranger Sunsinger, it's good to see you alive," said King Terenas. Kelrian turned around and looked at the human king, lowering his head in respect.

"The battle was not easy but I survived it somehow."

"What happened to your arm?"

"A fearsome orc broke it with ease. The orc would have killed me if my best friend wouldn't have saved me," Kelrian explained.

Terenas gave him a nod, a thoughtful look appeared on his face. His lips were pressed together and his eyes reflected a small amount of worry. "You survived, that's all that matters."

"Not everyone was as lucky as I was."

The king nodded. "Many fell in the battle but we won in the end. The dead will not be forgotten. I will make sure of that."

"So will we," responded Kael'thas. "We will build a monument for the fallen. A statue or a large pillar. Maybe we will build many pillars were all the names of the fallen high elves are engraved. You could do the same," suggested the prince as he looked at the old king.

"It's not a bad idea. But we lost thousands of soldiers so we would have to build many high and wide pillars," said Terenas.

"I don't see a problem with that."

"There is no problem but first we have to repair the damaged walls of the capital city and rebuild destroyed outposts and villages in Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas."

An amused voice could be heard from behind. Everyone turned around to see the person who had greeted them. High King Anasterian Sunstrider approached them and greeted the human king with a handshake. Everyone bowed to the king of the quel'dorei and greeted him. "You are speaking as if the war is already over but it's not over. Not yet. Don't forget that."

"I would never forget that, father," responded Kael'thas. "The war is not over but it will be over soon and I'm sure we will be victorious. Our armies will triumph and the orcs will lose."

"Do not underestimate the orcs, my son. They are strong, much stronger than we have expected. They managed to gain control over the dragons and devastate our lands. They killed half of our army. You didn't forget that, did you?"

Kael'thas shook his head and continued to stare into his father's eyes. "Of course not. How could I forget that these green bastards ruined the beauty of our kingdom as they set our beautiful forests on fire and devasted our villages? I will never forgive them for what they did and I hope the orcs will get what they deserve."

Terenas smiled. "They will get what they deserve. I'm sure about that."

"My flames consumed the bodies of several hundred orcs during the recent battle, nevertheless I hope I could kill more of these bastards."

"Why didn't you join the attack on Blackrock Spire then, Prince Kael'thas?" asked Terenas' wife.

Kael'thas turned his head and looked at her. "I wanted to go with our army but my father told me to plan the rebuilding of destroyed villages, military bases and outposts. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner is still unable to do her tasks as Ranger-General so I will take care of that while she recovers."

Lianne's facial expression reflected worry. "What does she have? I hope it's nothing serious."

"I don't know what exactly she has because I didn't talk to her yet but from what I heard I know that she will get better eventually. She just needs time to recover," explained the mage.

"She is the best ranger in Quel'Thalas, isn't she?" asked Arthas and gave Kael'thas a curious look. The prince chuckled. "She is. Like her mother before her, she is the best ranger in Quel'Thalas. I just hope it's not the same illness her mother has. It would be a shame if she would have to step down too. Lireesa and Sylvanas Windrunner are the best military leaders we ever had. They know a lot about tactics and military matters and are very deadly from a distance but also in close combat. Well, Lireesa was when she was Ranger-General but her daughter is still one of our best warriors. All of Lireesa's daughters belong to the best of the best."

"We hope she recovers soon and will remain Ranger-General," spoke Arthas' mother.

"We hope the same," replied Anasterian. He turned his head and looked at Kelrian who still stood near them. "You are dismissed Ranger Sunsinger. Your services will no longer be needed. Thank you."

Kelrian bowed to his king and said goodbye to everyone. His gaze rested on Arthas for a few moments before he turned around and walked away. He left the building and was about to walk over the bridge as he heard someone shouting his name. He turned his head, spotting Elena near the entrance of Sunstrider Spire.

"Oh, hi. I didn't expect you to be in Silvermoon. I thought you are on the march to Blackrock Spire with the rest of the army," Kelrian said and examined her closer. She looked healthy. She had no visible scars, cuts or other injuries. No broken nose, no lost eye or separated limb. She had survived the battle without receiving any injury. She had had more luck than him.

Elena put a strand of turquoise coloured hair behind her ear, giving him a smile. "I thought the same but Captain Sweetblossom ordered me to stay in Silvermoon and help to rebuild the destroyed villages as soon as the prince has planned everything."

Kelrian nodded. "It's good to see you alive. I'm glad that none of these green bastards injured or killed you."

Her smile became wider. "I'm also glad that the orc didn't kill you. It would have been a shame if such a handsome man like you would have died," she replied in a flirtatious tone. Kelrian didn't go for her bait. He knew she still wanted him but he wouldn't fall for her. He was about to say something as a woman approached him. Kelrian turned his head and scrutinized her. He knew that woman. It was one of Sylvanas' employees who helped her with her daily tasks as Ranger-General.

The woman wore a nice blue dress, her hair was coloured in red and made up in a ponytail. Kelrian was pretty sure that her name was Janette. She stood right next to him and regarded him with a smile on her lips. She had crossed her arms behind her back and waited patiently.

"How can I help you?" Kelrian asked politely.

"Lady Sylvanas wants to see you."


Janette nodded her head.

"She wants to see me in her office, right?"


Kelrian raised an eyebrow. "No?"

"She waits for you in her private house," responded Janette.

"I have no idea where that is."

"That's why I am here to guide you."

Kelrian gave her a nod. "I see." He turned his head and looked at Elena who wasn't very happy. He could be mistaken but he had the impression that she was jealous. A bit at least. "It seems that we are parting at this point," Kelrian said to Elena.

Elena didn't say anything. She didn't even wave or said goodbye. She just stared at Kelrian.

Kelrian said goodbye and followed Janette to Sylvanas' private house. It was pretty large and made out of white and yellow stones. There was a large front garden but no fence around the property. Unlike most private owners, Sylvanas didn't care that someone would step on her property. She didn't need to be afraid of that because no one would do that. Everyone respected the Ranger-General and didn't want to provoke her or make her upset.

Nevertheless, Sylvanas had private guards who watched over her house and prevented that anything would be stolen or damaged. Janette greeted one of these guards and told him that Kelrian was allowed to enter the house. The guard nodded to them and opened the door, allowing Kelrian and Janette to step inside.

They came in the large entrance hall where lots of statues stood along the walls. Most of these statues resembled normal Farstriders but there were also two statues who looked exactly like two very important persons of the Windrunner family. The first statue represented Lireesa Windrunner and the other represented one of Sylvanas' ancestors. It was the legendary ranger Talanas Windrunner who became the first Ranger-General of Silvermoon. He had been the greatest of the first elven rangers and the first owner of the legendary bow Thas'dorah that was currently in the possession of Alleria.

Kelrian regarded the statues for a few moments, then he admired the rest of the room. There were several beautiful paintings that hang on the wall, there was a blue carpet which covered the entire floor and there was a magnificent chandelier. The room didn't lack decoration and neither did the bordering corridor.

They followed the corridor, took the staircase and walked until Janette stopped in front of a door. She stepped aside and looked at Kelrian. "This is Lady Sylvanas' bedroom. Feel free to knock at her door and enter it once you have received permission."

Kelrian nodded at her. "I will."

Janette gave him a smile and walked away. Kelrian regarded her for a few moments, then he turned around and faced the door. He didn't hesitate to knock. His heart began to beat faster as he heard the lovely voice of a goddess. He opened the door and spotted the goddess who sat on an armchair and looked in his direction.

The corners of Sylvanas' lips formed a happy smile as she spotted Kelrian. She got up, the cloak around her shoulders slipped down and landed on the floor but she didn't care. She just wanted to approach her lover who had returned to her after two and a half weeks. He had returned to Silvermoon a week ago but he hadn't been able to see her earlier because they had been busy.

This was the first time they saw each other after his departure. He returned to her alive and in one piece. He was wounded but alive and that was all that mattered. Sylvanas didn't lose him as she had feared. He was not dead. He was very alive and happy to see her. Their child wouldn't grow up with only one parent but with two parents instead.

Sylvanas came closer to him, her gaze rested on his handsome face. Kelrian's gaze rested on her belly which had become rounder since the last time he had seen her. His gaze shifted to her beautiful face which had become a bit rounder because of the pregnancy and the additional hormones which were still produced.

She still looked beautiful. She was still as beautiful as a goddess even with her round belly. Even if she would look less beautiful Kelrian wouldn't care. He loved her because of her character and not because of her body. Nevertheless, he was still heavily attracted to her. There was no way to deny that. But her character was a lot more important to him than her appearance.

He stopped in front of her and allowed her to wrap an arm around his neck. She made sure she didn't come in contact with his injured arm as she hugged him from the left side. She stepped on her tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss on his left cheek. He smiled and lowered his head so she could reach his lips without having to stand on her tiptoes any longer.

He didn't hesitate to return the kiss. Sylvanas smiled into the kiss, putting one of her hands on his cheek and the other on the back of his head. She ran her fingers through his hair as she deepened the kiss. Her tongue licked over his bottom lip, signalizing him that it wanted to enter his mouth. He parted his lips, allowing her to do that. He smiled as he felt Sylvanas' tongue brushing past his as it entered his mouth. Her tongue licked every reachable corner of his mouth and his tongue did the same once it had entered her mouth.

They held the kiss as long as possible and pulled away as soon as they were out of air. They breathed heavily and stared at each other. "I'm so happy to see you alive, my love. I feared that you wouldn't return from Lordaeron. But here you are, not uninjured but alive."

Kelrian put his hand under her chin and lifted it a little. "I would never leave you. I would never leave you alone with our child. I prayed to the Sunwell that I would survive this war and I did. I survived and returned to you as I've promised."

He lowered his head and put his lips on hers, deepening the kiss as soon as Sylvanas returned it. The kiss was shorter but much more passionate than the first one. Both of them were breathless and needed a few minutes to calm down.

Kelrian noticed that his heart was beating rapidly in his chest but that was only natural. His heart was beating much faster whenever he was in the near of that goddess. Things weren't different in Sylvanas' case. Her heart was also beating much faster when Kelrian was around.

They loved each other so that was only natural. It was also natural for them to stare in each other's eyes for quite some time without saying anything. They did that at the moment and averted their gazes after a while. "I should leave Silvermoon City more often if I would get greeted that way every time," joked Kelrian.

Sylvanas hit his healthy shoulder playfully. "Don't you dare to do that," Sylvanas said with an exaggerated warning tone in her voice. She tried to remain serious but she couldn't help but smile at him a moment later. She knew he was just making fun of her and she couldn't be mad at him for too long.

Kelrian rubbed the back of his head with his hand, smiling at her. Sylvanas put a hand on his forehead, running her fingers through his long blond hair which was combed to the left side. "Did I ever tell you that I really like your hair?"

Kelrian chuckled. "You did. Very often."

"Now I did it again," she responded and smiled.

He returned the smile. "Your hair looks perfect as always. I've never seen a woman whose hair is more beautiful than yours."

"Alleria's hair is better than mine."

"I don't know, I have never examined it closely. Even if that would be true, I wouldn't care. I only have eyes for you," Kelrian whispered in her ear as he started to place soft kisses on its entire length.

"I know, my dear and I'm glad about that. I just wanted to say that not everything is perfect about me."

"Most people would say the opposite. You are perfect in their eyes," responded Kelrian, kissing the tip of her right ear. He smirked as Sylvanas' breath stopped for a moment as he bit the tip of her ear softly. It was already stiff but he didn't comment about that nor did he take the next step. He pulled away instead and stared into Sylvanas' beautiful blue eyes. She returned his staring.

"I don't care what some people say. I don't care what the others say. I only care about the opinions of you and my family. My family and you matter the most for me. I'm happy as long as you are happy with me."

"Don't worry, my love. I'm always happy with you and there is nothing that could change that."

Sylvanas stepped closer to him. "Are you sure? You even like me in this... form?"

Kelrian frowned, his eyes rested on her. He could see the doubt in her eyes and he found out quickly that she didn't seem to be as self-confident as she normally was. Sylvanas was never insecure when it came to her appearance and her talent but she was pregnant so it was not unusual that she would feel less secure from time to time. Mood swings were not uncommon either and he had to get used to them and deal with them as best as possible.

His frown quickly disappeared and a smile appeared on his lips. He put his hand on her hip and pulled her closer until her round belly came in contact with his muscular belly. "It doesn't matter to me how you look. I will always find you beautiful no matter how you look. Your character is much more important to me than your appearance. Never forget that, my dear."

The worry vanished out of Sylvanas' eyes. A weak smile appeared on her lips. "Do you swear it?"

Kelrian took her hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it softly. He held it as he stared into her eyes and gave her a response. "I swear it in the name of my mother that I will always love you no matter what will happen and that I will never leave you because of the change of your appearance. I will never leave you and stay by your side until the end of our days."

Sylvanas' smile became wider, she stepped on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his, kissing him for the third time in that day. She couldn't get enough of him so she held the passionate kiss as long as possible. She only pulled away because she had run out of air and needed to breathe.

"So...You like this form?"

Kelrian raised an eyebrow. "This form?" he asked irritated. "I don't know what you mean. All I see is the same woman I love who is carrying the product of our love in her belly. And I love her no matter how she looks like."

"You sure?"

Kelrian nodded, making the last amount of doubt vanish out of her face. "I do. I will prove it if necessary. Just tell me how."

Sylvanas tilted her head a little, a grin appeared on her lips. Kelrian gave her a curious look but didn't say anything.

"There is something you could do to prove to me that you still find me attractive and are not disgusted by my form."

"And what?"

Sylvanas smile became wider as she came closer to him and stepped on her tiptoes so she could whisper something in his ear. Her smile became much wider as she saw his reaction out of the corner of her eyes. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped a little.

"Are you sure?"

"I am."

"But how? How should I do that with only one arm?"

"You won't need you two arms to do that. You don't even need to use your healthy arm. Just do what I say," spoke Sylvanas.

Kelrian lowered his head, pointing at her belly. "Are you sure it's not bad for the baby?"

"Of course it's not bad. I asked my mother and Verena's sister. They told me it is okay as long as I'm not lying on my belly. There are many positions where I don't have to lie on my belly, just you know."

"You are right, I guess."

"I am. So?"

"So? What"?

"So, what you say?"

"You know I would never say no to doing this with you."

Sylvanas grinned. "Indeed, I know that."

"So, what exactly do you want me to do?"

Sylvanas stepped on her tiptoes again, whispering something in his ear. Kelrian nodded to her. "Your wish is my command."

"Go ahead, my love."

Kelrian wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her over to the table on the right side of the room. Sylvanas removed everything that laid on the table and sat on top of it, giving Kelrian a wide grin. The ranger didn't hesitate and started to unbutton Sylvanas' top. It was not easy to do it with only one hand so Sylvanas helped him. She whispered something to Kelrian and he obeyed, kissing her neck while she removed her clothes. First her top, then the bra beneath it. The next piece of cloth that she removed was her pants, followed by her socks and panties.

She was completely exposed while Kelrian still wore his entire outfit. But he didn't wear it for too long because Sylvanas was pretty fast. She removed everything above his waist and pulled his trousers and pants down.

Kelrian didn't want to let her wait any longer so he pushed her slowly backwards until she laid on the table, her legs were spread widely. Her hands rested on her upper thighs, desire and lust were reflected by her eyes.

He stepped in front of her and licked his lips as he looked down at her and regarded her naked form closely. "Are you ready, my love?"

She grinned widely and bit her bottom lip in anticipation. "Of course I am."