

وَمِنْ اٰيٰتِهٖ خَلْقُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِ وَمَا بَثَّ فِيْهِمَا مِنْ دَاۤبَّةٍ ۗوَهُوَ عَلٰى جَمْعِهِمْ اِذَا يَشَاۤءُ قَدِيْرٌ ࣖ Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and all the living creatures He has scattered throughout them: He has the power to gather them all together whenever He will. - (Asy-Syuura 42:29) ──── •✧• ──── Prey to predators. Truth becomes false. Good to evil and— Hunter to hunted. "The Lion Lose His Fang."— Such aphorisms feel closely familiar to Sharim. The once ferocious lion— wild, and free, lose all his meanings during one sullen night. He is no longer their hero nor thier knight. He is no longer the same teenager who was once reckless and lively. Now. He was just a cripple and injured troublesome lion in the eyes of Hunters— who was once their icon. He; himself was unable to stand on his own without someone's shoulder. He wasn't any different from the pebbles on the road side despite, the war still raging under his nose. "Sharim. If something happens to me- please protect Hibion." He failed to keep his teacher's promise. And- "But, this game of tag is over now." — failed to protect his one's friends. "Do not give up." Amid this misery- Allah u Akbar- '... Someone is still chanting the call to prayer?' — The grace and mercy of Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim haven't ended yet. Dua. Something rang in Sharim's head. Because of that- He raised his hands, towards the sky. "— Save 'me' in that world from reaching the same conclusion as 'me' in this world, As-Salaam." When the war hasn't begun yet nor the silent night robbing anyone's life- Sharim Ishraq's eyes flutter open.

AxolotlHaz_ · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
8 Chs


"Calen, please provide me with an overview of my new Stigma."

「 Ew... What kind of Stigma is this? Pathetic...˙𐃷˙ 」

"... Just show it to me."

「 Ughhhh.... 」


Name: Sharim Ihsraq

Titles: - duh! ◕'ɛ'◕

Apotalesma: Calen

Stigmas: [Taurus' Wrath] [Status Window] [Main Character]

Overall: The genuine full of dissapoinment stats ε=o('ロ`||)


「 Stigma [Main Character] 」

「 Stigma's Details: The central character of the story is the one whom the reader follows throughout the narrative..... 」

'... Isn't this a Google search?'

Sharim feels iffy but continues to read the following sentence.

「 Congratulations, Hunter, for being the main character in this world! 」


However, he was left stupefied instead.

"That's all?"

「 What else is there to consider? What do you expect? These are all the details about your pitiful Stigma. 」

'... I acquired an Apotalesma that turned out to be completely useless.'

「 ... Oi! I can read your thoughts! 」

Sharim paid no attention to Calen's tantrum. Once again, he examined the intricate details displayed on the [Status Window] screen.


He then proceeded to compare the details of [Taurus' Wrath] Stigma with the recently acquired Stigma.

「 [Taurus' Stigma] 」

「 Stigma's Details: The hunter possesses the extraordinary ability to materialize and manipulate blue fire of versatile temperatures. The Stigma of [Taurus' Wrath] bestows upon the Hunter exceptional strength and endurance. The Stigma known as [Taurus' Wrath] demonstrates remarkable potential for growth…. ⌛︎⌛︎ 」

An easy-to-understand concept with a user-friendly manual.



This time, he directs his gaze towards the Stigma of [Main Character].

The [Main Character] Stigma has only a superficial definition—which fails to capture his interest—and serves no purpose.


Sharim was eager to express his dissatisfaction.

He has indeed acquired a [Passive Stigma].

Forget the [Passive Stigma]!

'This stigma serves no purpose whatsoever!'

The [Passive Stigma] serves a much greater purpose than a Stigma like this one!

"... Is it possible to get rid of this stigma?"

Sharim has no interest in assuming the role of the main character and he has no intention of doing so.

Sharim is confident—he lacks all the essential qualities of a main character. He didn't have the luxury of attending to such matters—for he had a future that needed urgent saving—perhaps his past self would now be filled with excitement but— Sharim's from this timeline reaction was nothing short of impassive.

'... War and trauma really change people.'


Sharim's unwavering determination in overcoming numerous obstacles in his past was from Allah's limitless mercy and profound guidance through Islam—when he was on the verge of death, Islam saved his life—encouraging him to live when he wanted to die.

He couldn't bear to think about his demise if it weren't for Islam.


Sharim shut his eyes, immersing himself in a world of darkness.

'… I want to save them.'

Once again, he reaffirms his unwavering determination to save this world from meeting the same fate as in the previous timeline.

Sharim gazes at his open palm. His palm was scarred, which was to be expected from someone who uses fire elements.

'… I need to gain the ability to swiftly control explosions again.'

In his previous timeline—perhaps even in his darkest nightmare—he possessed the ability to exert control and manipulate explosions. However, now he couldn't simply unleash destruction to test whether his Stigma still possessed that ability or not.

『 "Your [Taurus' Wrath] Stigma is quite intriguing." 』

His teacher, Izaeris Faaz once spoke to him.

『 "[Taurus' Wrath] is a sub-category [Myth's Stigma]. It often manifests as a comprehensive package, for example, your incredible strength and ability to control fire—" 』

『 "The [Myth's Stigma] is not set in stone - it is quite flexible and can even undergo growth!" 』

『 "Indeed, a stigma of significant power.… Perhaps the only stigma that could rival the [Abstract's Stigma] is the [Myth's Stigma]." 』

Sharim vigorously shook his head.

'Challenging teacher Stigma...? That's ridiculous.'

He couldn't even save himself in the previous timeline, so how can he claim that his Stigma is powerful?

Sharim thought of Baqir.

'… Perhaps he can lend me a hand..?'

Whenever their teacher was unavailable, Baqir was usually the one to assist Sharim whenever he encountered difficulties with his Stigma.

'… Now that I reflect on it, he is truly capable of anything.'

In the previous timeline—there even is a circulating rumor alleging that Solana resorted to financial tactics to convince Baqir to be her mentor over her one. She even insisted that her previous mentor was unreliable and that she needed Baqir, no matter what while groveling.

Sharim couldn't help but chuckle as the thought crossed their mind that the rumor just might be true after all.

'… Oh. What a serene atmosphere.'

「 ... Rid of Stigma?... What kind of nonsensical words are you spouting at this moment?? 」

Calen's scoff interrupted Sharim's serene moment, abruptly bringing him back to reality.

「 Anyway... We have arrived. 」

'... 'I' have arrived, and the correct pronoun to use is 'me'..'

They are essentially the same but Sharim will withhold any comments regarding that matter.


Sharim glanced upwards, captivated by the mesmerizing sight of a garden that appeared to have sprung straight out of Claude Monet's enchanting masterpiece.


The first architectural features that caught Sharim's attention were the domes and the tall slanting roofs.

Victorian trench adorned with a vast assortment of exquisite flowers—arranged in vibrant palettes. This enchanting oasis boasts stunning species—including bakawali, Ixora, and others—to even various poisonous plants and herbs.

Crunch. Splash.

A magnificent square alabaster fountain cascades down the steps of marble, while the towering pillars are adorned with lush creepers. The suspension bridge and glass portico were adorned with majestic rows of Arborvitae and Cypress trees—as several feet of captivating mushrooms sprung up around the corners—following the path of the boardwalk.

A yard filled with lush green moss.


As Sharim walked through the landscape, the crisp sound of the pine bark mulch under his feet added a delightful touch of nature's elegance.





[Saguaro]. The name of this home garden.

Residing in this remarkably renowned dwelling was none other than Yuren Zerickhe—the individual whom Sharim had been longing to meet.

"... The garden still looks the same."

The Yuren's botanical garden has remained unchanged like in his memories.

... The garden remains unchanged until everything is torn apart.


Sharim tightened his grip on the box he was holding.




『 "Bro!" 』

Yuren frequently used these greetings whenever addressing him. As she considered Sharim her—


— own little brother.

『 "…." 』

『 "I—I have a little brother." 』

『 "Might be a bit mischievous and stone head, but deep down, he possesses a heart as gentle and pure as yours." 』

『 "Yuren—" 』

『 "He loves to travel and embark on missions—aspiring to become a skilled Hunter. However, I intervened and prevented him from doing so." 』

Yuren is aware that her little brother has a strong passion to explore and be on an adventure. However, she denies him to pursue these interests.

She shattered the child's dreams.


She had no faith in his little brother.

Yuren's little sibling was rather... 'Unexpected'.

She was consistently filled with anxiety because of that. She had concerns about her little brother's tendency to create mischief instead of helping.

『 "One day—" 』

Yuren's voice caught in her throat.

In the darkness of the sewers, Sharim couldn't fathom the appearance of Yuren at the time.

Damp and dark. They transformed an old deserted sewer into their impregnable fortress and headquarters at the time.

『 "We have been assigned to an urgent mission..." 』

Yuren was once—or a more fitting term—forced to be a Hunter in the Iterum marine security force division, until she was recruited by Izaeris Faaz himself to join Temenos.

That's the reason.

Sharim guessed that this particular event took place while Yuren was still a Hunter there.

He guessed right.

『 "While we're on the ship, 'he' was assigned the task of evacuating the passengers. I should have been able to anticipate—" 』

One after another, 'he' was excluded from participating in the missions, unlike 'his' older sister. Sharim can relate to her little brother. Even Sharim had once been treated similar.

'… Yuren's brother is desperate and feels incapable.'


— 'his' patience reached a breaking point and exploded.

『 "I—" 』

And when Yuren realize this.

She was already caught up in an intense conflict with her brother, who adamantly refuses to abandon the main team, despite the relentless enemy attack that poses a grave threat to their entire fleet.


『 "I hadn't noticed that the ceiling above us was about to crumble—the ship's deck beneath us at that time could not withstand the pressure too and— and he— he pushed me aside— but he—" 』

Sharim didn't need to guess what would happen next.

She once said that "if" is a cursed word, but now...

『 "If— If I hadn't held him back so much—would he be safe? Alive and still breathing with me?" 』

『 "... You are attempting to protect him." 』

『 "Sure, I understand, but the approach I've been taking is wrong." 』

Yuren admitted.

『 "Because of that—" 』

Sharim's fading brown eyes met the gaze of those vibrant lemon peridot eyes.

『 "Bro." 』

『 "Can you make a promise to me— if I trust you— can you give me a promise?" 』

Sharim nodded.

『 "This mission— you— you can't die." 』

『 "I will live." 』




Their mission failed.

Bhoom! Grrouuurr—

『 "SHARIM!" 』

『 "YUREN?!" 』


Yuren managed to snatch Sharim from the engulfing flames.


Massive plants and flowers emerged to protect them from the scorching flames of their enemies.


During the [Ilusion Scenario]—


—their enemy had a power that resembled [Taurus's Wrath]— Sharim's Stigma, but it was a hundred times more powerful.

Skruuuk- kruuuk-


At that moment, Yuren was the sole arrival while Sharim had sustained a severe injury. He must urgently return to the platoon headquarters or his life will be at stake. He was bleeding so much.


Among them, she was the strongest now—and if Yuren doesn't persevere, everyone will face a catastrophic downfall.

『 "ROGER!— Bzzzt— F-24 Down!— bzzztt— repeat—" 』

It was a designed trap for them.



『 PLATOON! RETURN! Bzzzzt— BREAK— bzzzt! 』

Had he been more cautious—Yuren wouldn't have hurried or need to rescue him.

『 "Condolences." 』


No one will die.

And— Yuren will— she will—

『 "I... can't forgive myself." 』

There was no tomb nor time of mourning for her because not even a piece of Yuren's... returned to them.

『 "This is not your fault. They must have figured out our plan." 』

Although Baqir had spoken those words, the turmoil within Sharim's veins persisted relentlessly - until this very moment.





Sharim suddenly stops in his tracks.

'… Is it acceptable for me to feel excited about meeting Yuren?'

After all that has occurred?

"AH! PIKO—!"

Yuren possesses a captivating charm of her own.

"You can't eat this flower—!"

For Sharim— Yuren is like a combination of rich soil and exquisite earth mud. The girl's hands were always coated in dust and soil, reaching to her fingertips.


She embraces every raindrop and nurtures life to flourish from the parched earth.

"— this is for Sharim! AAH!"

It is remarkable how—in a land so brown and monotonous—a plethora of plants and flowers of vibrant colors bloom and produce a diverse of buds and delectable fruits from those brown and monotonous ground.


One of the striking features of Yuren is her—


"... This voice."

Sharim was instantly captivated to the delicate, soft pink ripples dancing in the air—evoking vivid images of the magnificent tulips that were on the verge of blooming in the exquisite garden. The Terengganu batik wrapped around the waist seemed to enhance the casual chic of the track pants and blouse ensemble with its delicate pink hues.

『 "This batik belonged to my mother. I came here to find her." 』

"... Yuren?" Sharim whispered, unaware of the gentle breeze that carried his words amidst the roaring wind.


Name: Yuren Zerickhe


*[The World's First Hybrid Monster]

Occupation: Hunter/Monster

Apotalesma: -

Attributes: Flower

Stigmas: [Hydrangeas Macrophylla] [Lycoris Radiata] [Nerium Oleander]…?? (too much information)

Overall: A-Amazing! You and her were like an elephant and an ant! (๑º ロ º๑)


'… Calen… You don't have to be overdramatic to insult me.'

There was only one person that Sharim knew who could possess such a peculiar [Status Window].


The tall girl resembled the embodiment of the almond grove herself—turned her head. Narrowing her round peridot eyes, her once vibrant grin faded from her lips.

'Ah... I want to see her radiant smile more.'

Yuren was stunned.


► Ciap?

► Ce-ciap?

Skila—the elemental nymph resembling a smurf from a children's channel but with a vibrant of various colors—let out a squeak of surprise when Yuren's peridot eyes widen underneath her bandana.


She released her grip on the bouquet, causing it to be squashed beneath her shoes.


Not only the Skilas are astonished by Yuren's outbursts—


Sharim almost fell into the mud when Yuren rushed to hug him but— she then suddenly stopped when she was a stone's throw from him.

"BRO! SH-SHARIM! I got news- you- in the hospital- you vomited blood—!"

"Oh, god," Yuren then covered her mouth with both hands. The girl's face—with a beautiful caramel complexion—beamed with a delightful combination of excitement and relief. "I can't believe it-! Bro! When did you return? Why didn't you give me a call?"

It seemed as though she was tempted to grab Sharim's hair, but managed to control her impulses.

► Chiaps.

One of Skilas approached Sharim midair—flew low and landed on his shoulder.


► Cippa!

The Plant's Skilas showcases enchanting mushrooms flourishing atop its head— its petite frame is adorned with captivating emerald green feathers—reminiscent Sharim of a character right out of the fairies tales.

► Chip-Cip!

The other four Skilas chirping as it's watching from the sidelines seemed eager to join their twins on Sharim's shoulders.

"Pora, it's amazing to see how much you've grown while I was absent."

With delicate gestures, Sharim caressed the mushroom-shaped tops of the Skila's head. His face lit up at the sight of the enchanting and vivid palette of Skilas before him— orange, yellow, blue, and brown. Each of them has its own color.

"Hello to you too— Piki, Poto, Pepero and Pocky."


The Skilas simultaneously delivered the most heartwarming tweets that could melt anyone's heart. Sharim then returned to Yuren.

"A surprise for you and—"

Sharim lifted the pastries box with one hand, while Yuren waited in amazement.

"— let's have an afternoon tea together?"




Yuren's face lit up with sheer delight.

"If that's the case— come on! We'll eat on the second-floor balcony. They just renovated the balcony!"


In one swift motion, the girl—in her vibrant fuchsia pink hair—flicked her fingers.

Kkraak- bzuuush-

An enormous daldaru tree emerged from the earth, climbing and growing, transforming into a vibrant living escalator.

"Bro, Let's go."

She beckoned towards Sharim and was already a step ahead amidst the lush crawling plants. The cake's box was now in her hand.


『 "Bro." 』

… Does he still have permission to receive those calls?

Dream or not. Delusion or Illusion. Nevertheless, it remains true that Yuren was once 'dead' in Sharim's thoughts.


He was scared.


Taking the first step, Sharim trod upon the creeping roots.


Sharim ascended the ladder on the deldaru tree, trailing Yuren from behind.

The walk was silent.





From the pergola balcony, Sharim had a breathtaking view of the garden surrounding them. This remarkable balcony can be found on the second floor of the atrium building with no elevator or stairs—but with Yuren's ability to manifest plants—Sharim and Yuren reached their destination with ease.

"Take this," Yuren said, as she extended the plastic package towards Sharim.

As Sharim leaned back in the comfortable Adirondack chair—Yuren hurried to fetch something and promptly reappeared, clutching a mysterious black package in hand.


Although confused, Sharim still accepted the package.


Yuren positioned a chair and settled down, leaning back while sitting across Sharim at the round table.


"What is this?"

As soon as Sharim ripped open the package, the answer to his question became clear.


It was his Temenos' uniform.

A stunning black uniform adorned with silver trim and embroidered with shimmering gold thread. Sharim's eyes flickered as his fingers brushed over the edge of the garment—caressing it with a gentle touch. The touch had a nostalgic and melancholic feeling.


He gazed upon Yuren, who was skillfully slicing and handing him a piece of strawberry sundae cake. Clang. The delicate creeping daldaru plants gracefully serve a steaming cup of tea on the table.

"Why do you have my uniform?"

"Oh?" Yuren exclaimed as she indulged in scooping the rich strawberry cream and luscious frosting from the cake. "You don't know?"

'Know what?'

Yuren's response was filled with excitement.

"I am the designer responsible for creating the uniforms for Temenos this year!"


Sharim was taken aback. He almost dropped his jaw in disbelief.

'… No way.'

The Temenos Hunter Association is unique and distinct from any educational institution found among ministries, colleges, and universities worldwide.

Temenos... is incredibly versatile and one-of-a-kind.

Throughout the years, both the code and theme at Temenos have undergone significant changes—the same goes for the Temenos uniform.

Temenos possesses a distinctive variable that sets it apart and makes it one-of-a-kind.

Although that.

"I've also enhanced your uniform. Your new uniform is now wasn't just capable of withstanding scorching temperatures up to 3,000º F—"

To Sharim's surprise, Yuren turned out to be the uniform designer for this year.

"- The Earth lacks durable textiles that can withstand Hawiah's flexible ecosystem," Yuren chimed in. With a triumphant smile, she slid a tempting plate of cake and a new steaming cup of tea across the table to Sharim. "This is the very reason I opted for the exquisite Grasimos Kolakas textiles instead... Ahh... All those hours dedicated to studying Hawiah's edophology, pedology and ecology really paid off!""

She said proudly.

It may seem impossible for most people, but for Yuren, it is a very reasonable feat. She possesses a unique ability as a hunter to manipulate plants simply by touching them. The girl flaunted the power of her flexible joints.

"Thank you."

"No problem!"

Yuren then indulged in a delicious bite of cake, savoring its delectable flavor as it melted in her mouth. She then interjected.

"So what happened while you were at the hospital?"

Just as Sharim was about to open his mouth...


The sound of the trees rustling near the balcony silenced him.


Sharim was taken aback at the sight of the twisted sprouts clinging to the railing and almost thought it was screaming. However, upon closer inspection, Sharim realized that what appeared to be sprouts were the vibrant pastel avocado-colored locks of someone's hair.


Emerging from the densely entwined roots on the balcony, there stood a slender, small-framed boy. Pat. The boy landed on the pergola railing. As he leaped down, his hair, resembling luscious avocados, also wriggled with enthusiasm.

'… HANAN?'

Hanan Rifqi. His junior and the person he also longed to meet, besides Yuren. He never anticipated encountering the boy in such a manner once more.

"I have a little brother senior!" 』

Sharim feels… a little bit strange.

"Why are you here?" Yuren was taken aback, but Hanan was too caught up in excitement to even notice Sharim's presence there.

"Senior Yuren! Senior Yuren! I have some urgent news concerning the International Hunter Jamboree League—!" He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks upon realizing that Sharim was also present. Plum's eyes widened in surprise.

"Eeh? Senior Sharim is here too? You have already been discharged from the hospital?"



Yuren struck Hanan's head.

"Don't just trespassing on people's homes without permission!"

"Of course, it's absolutely fine because this is Senior Yuren's house, isn't it?"

"Who taught you that?!"

Sharim's eyebrows shot up in bewilderment.

"IHJL? Is it already that time of the season?"

The IHJL, also known as the International Hunter Jamboree League—is an esteemed sports event between the five distinguished associations of hunting institutions from around the world. The Ark of Goodwill Event that gathers distinguished higher education institutions such as Iterum, Parastin, Blødning, Rúnda, and Temenos together.

'... If I'm not mistaken... The IHJL was once celebrated to honor the birth of the world's first Hunter.'

In the distant past—generations ago to be precise—there were far fewer Hawiah and monsters than there are in this current era. The series of peculiar events that took place during that time substantially impeded the progress of a flourishing ecosystem for monsters—to the extent these creatures were on the brink of vanishing.


When the monster emerges once again through Hawiah, humans are not prepared for it but—

—a man who used to be a mere forest's hunter suddenly emerged and single-handedly defeated the first monster.

Since then, those engaged in the pursuit and eradication of monsters have bestowed upon themselves a formidable appellation - The Hunters.

'... If my memory serves me correctly... Baqir pointed out that the theme of the IHJL from three years ago was triathlon.'

The IHJL event is a rare occurrence—happening just once every three years. A co-curricular event that aims to bring together student representatives from Iterum, Parastin, Blødning, Temenos, and Rúnda—an exhilarating event to let them interact and engage in thrilling activities as a group—sports or other extracurricular activities.

"YES!" Hanan's response was filled with enthusiasm. Even though time has passed, this boy remains adorable.


Yuren might have also expressed a similar sentiment to Sharim, letting out a resigned sigh.

"What is the theme for IHJL this year then?"

Hanan's face lit up with joy as if he had been eagerly anticipating this opportunity for quite some time.

He gleefully leaped.


Crash- Shatter!

Yuren and Hanan turned their heads simultaneously. Yuren widened her eyes.


Sharim's teacup shattered, and its pieces scattered across the floor. Shhh. The trees next to the balcony gathered and swept all the shattered glass fragments, shielding him from tinkling shards. Yuren hurried to Sharim's side.

"Bro? Are you alright? You look pale."

Yuren's words fell on deaf ears. Sharim became deaf. His hands were so numb that he had to hold and rub his shin instead. He felt a strange and sudden pain sensation in his leg.

Sharim felt a deep sense of confusion.


His mind was filled with the disgusting laughter of a child.


Something clicked in his memories.

"Allahu Akbar... Astaghfirullah... Lailahaillallah..."



*Scenario (1): [???]<- <-< p>

*Scenario (2): Izaeris Faaz

*Scenario (3): Ilusion




He remembered the theme of [???] from the first scenario.


That was the theme of the [???].

The disturbing scenario—set to commence in three years, reveals that Sharim has a mere three to confront the impending catastrophe. A catastrophe, capable of not only altering Sharim's future and life but also sealing the fate of all humanity on Earth.

Sharim was covered in goosebumps.







"Game," chirps a child-like voice. Green shamrock strands dance in the tranquil breeze. Beside him, there was a magnificent banquet of pink Camellia flowers.

An antique bulb cast a subtle glow upon a faint flashlight. A multitude of colorful umbrellas adorning the streets create a vibrant and captivating reminiscent of parades similar to Agueda's town, in Portugal.

The floor creaked underfoot. Tiffany's alluring achromatic lake beckons, its sculptural deck floating while reflecting the sun's radiant.

The serene ambiance before the hum of customers' conversations brought the atmosphere to life.

The perfect synchronization between the harmonious hum of the cymbals and conch—combined with the delightful chirping of the birds perched on the nearby trees—forms an enchanting atmosphere inviting to take a revitalizing breath of fresh air.

A pink and mallard apron dances in the chilly morning breeze. Zara, an employee at Arash's Café, approached the bench table while wearing a beaming smile. She held a tray in her hands.


"Ipoh White Coffee, our cafe's special limited edition Ais Kacang and-"

A cup of coffee and Ais Kacang adorned with an ice cream rabbit face motif were placed on the table. A frigid mist starts to cascade from the rim of the glass, settling onto the surface.

"-and for our special snack, Ban Pancakes!"

The exquisite freshly baked pastries adorned with crispy coffee sprinkles and a cookie crust were placed on the table. The buttery bun filling, still piping hot, emits an irresistible aroma of rich cocoa.

"Enjoy your breakfast," Zara exclaimed with a cheerful tone. Her cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink as she stole a glance at the handsome gentleman resting on the bench.

She then noticed the exquisite camellia banquet adorning the table.

"What a stunning flower!"

In the shock of her loud voice, Zara immediately covered her mouth.

"It doesn't belong to me but—"

The apricot cream braided hair fluttered in the gentle breeze.

"—Thank you."

The cyan pupils dilate under the bright sunlight.

"Y, You're welcome!" Zara blushed once more, her light legs bouncing as she almost dashed back to the counter.


The man in the khaki turtleneck sweater immediately dropped his friendly smile when she vanished. His eyes also lost their brightness and appeared lifeless. He looked back at the child wearing shamrock dungarees, speaking in a monotone voice.

"Huh? Why 'game'?"

"It's too late for 'huh?'!"

The apricot-colored-haired man, tied in a braid, simply disregarded the child's cheeky remark. With care, he folded the dark raincoat in his hands before gently readjusting the slightly tilted Chapeau Gatsby on the boy's head.


There was a faint tremor in the air as the child exposed the true identity of the man. However, they both nonchalantly disregarded it, with the child swatting the man's hand from his head.

"Stop treating me like a child!"

He then continued to poke the rabbit-shaped decoration on his ice cream, using a straw, all while wearing a big pout on his face.

'... But... You are a child.'

With his captivating predatory cyan eyes—the [Narrator]— adorned in a remarkable khaki turtleneck sweater, halted for a moment before squeezing the plump rosy-yellow cheeks of the child.

"I urge you not to be indecisive about revealing my true identity in public."

"Ouch! Ouch! Aghright, Aghright."

He stopped pinching the child's face while still maintaining his impassive expression.


Rubbing his red cheek, the child redirected his focus toward the delightful scent emanating from the overflowing mug of bubbling sweetness.

"Determining a theme is so complicated—"

The boy let out a dramatic sigh. His hair, the color of fresh spring leaves, danced in the wind.

"I just cannot simply continue manually selecting a theme for each scenario."



"I'm also quite busy too, you know!?"

The child, dressed in cute dungarees shamrock, gives the [Narrator] a disapproving glare in response to his expression.


The [Narrator] remained silent, only tilting his head to the side in response. He lacks understanding.

Once more, the child in green let out a weary sigh. He made intricate finger gestures as enigmatic symbols floated enticingly around the table.


A group of characters begins to encircle both [Narrator] and him.


[Narrator] furrowed his brow, straining his eyes as he attempted to decipher the cryptics message floating around him.

#mystery #fantasy #thriller #drama #historical #darkfantasy ....

— and more.

"Apparently- There are so many options," the boy snapped back, nonchalantly brushing his hair the color of pastel avocado. He ran his fingers over the peculiar arrangement of letters and glanced upwards.

"So— Why not we just selecting a theme based on 'game'?"

"The 'Game' can encompass the backgrounds of various genres, allowing for seamless adaptation."

With a gentle sweep, he directed a singular letter, drifting in midair, towards the [Narrator].

#Game - mystery, fantasy, drama, etc. etc.

The [Narrator] nodded in understanding.

"Meaning—Instead of purchasing individual candies, you opt for a delightful hamper package that offers a variety of delectable foods and flavors."

"What…? Uh. Yeah. Kind of-?"

'It's a strange example, but I suppose it's acceptable,' thought the child, in dazed.

He couldn't grasp the thought process of this man—perhaps it was constructed with a different set of wires?

To simplify.

The boy desired for the scenario's theme selection to function autonomously, without the need for manual control on his part.

"I'm done," he then declared in nonchalant as he rose from his seat, grabbing the Camellia banquet with him.

"You're done…?"

[Narrator] was utterly perplexed when he caught a glimpse of the child's Ais Kacang—it was completely spotless and there nothing to waste— clean to the bottom glass.

'… since when did he finish?!'

Stupefied, he also rose and starts to follow the child.

It was until the child suddenly halted in his tracks.

"Hey, [Narrator]!"

With the most mischievous smile, the child turned back towards him.


The delicate petals of the plumeria descend and gently land on the tranquil surface of the lake.

Both of them come to a halt.

"Between Izaeris Faaz and me— "

The boy lifted his chin with a grin.

"—who would win?"

It feels as if time has come to a standstill.


The [Narrator] spoke with serenity.


"I knew you would-"

Before he could even start bragging, [Narrator] cut him off.

"Your current confidence is a result of your lack of understanding of the situation you are facing."


The air was cold so does the [Narrator]'s words.

"Listen to the [Author] warning—"

He stared into the child's indigo-plum eyes.

"Don't make him your enemy."


The child wearing shamrock dungarees is also referred to as [The Reader]. He embodies and personifies the essence of the epitome itself.

Mysterious and strange, befitting of his title as the [Reader] between 'them'.


Gaining the true nature of the [Reader] benefits to empower oneself—but behind the great power also carries a flaw—and being prone to self-entertainment and self-centered like the naive child was onself need to own as—the [Reader] incarnation.


The [Narrator] able to understand this because he was the same.

He continued.

"Be cautious," he said, "Izaeris Faaz might appear gentle, yet his true nature is far from kind. It would be wisest to avoid him."


A profound silence enveloped them for a moment.


The [Reader] just rolled his eyes in repond.

"You truly lack any excitement."

He swung his hand around irritated—balancing the camellia bouquet on his shoulder.


They were back to their original path and the time came ticking back.

"I'm a [Narrator], what can you expect from me?"

"Yeah, yeah."

He got brushed off instead.


'... Something amiss.'

The [Narrator] realized.

He narrowed his eyes and fell towards the flower that the [Reader] was holding. He discovered the source of his discomfort.

"… For whom is that flower intended?"

It was the camellia flower that had been present since the very beginning.

"Huh? Oh!"

The reader swatted at the flower bouquet. The mischievous smile returned to his face.

"A friend."






"How is he?"

The nurse led the child in green shamrock locks as he eagerly asked questions, following closely behind her.

"I… uh…"

The nurse hesitated for a moment.

'… What the-?'

She was trembling throughout her entire body, and was unable to respond. She cast a glance at the child. She couldn't quite put her finger on the reason, but the sight of the child wearing those vibrant green dungarees overwhelmed her.


The atmosphere was oppressive.

She felt suffocated as if she were about to perish.

"Hey? Are you going to answer?" A rich shade of indigo, narrow.

She subconsciously flinched.

"I… He… looks better…"

"Better, huh? Still not healed?"

"Uh… yes sir…"

'I want to run away!'

She was terrified. She was supposed to be home by now, but she was still at the hospital, guiding this creepy child instead to their destination.

"W-we have arrived."

Her heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of the digit [43] adorning the door. She doesn't know the true intention of this child to visit this person at this hour, but she tries to reason and reminds herself that he is still a child.

"Good job."

She won't question why the child is giving her praise.

"Thank you!"

She couldn't help but answer the call and was filled with pure joy as she prepared to escape from the suffocating surroundings.

"Then! I will take my leave-?"

She was on the verge of turning around in pure exhilaration to escape when—

'… Uh?'

The haziness struck her. Ah. She lowers her gaze. Oh. Her voice stuck.

Her hand—

—her hand had became transparent. Then, her leg followed suit, transforming into a translucent state. Finally, her entire body starts to vanish before her very own eyes.


She lifted her head—her eyes quivering—only to find a pair of delightful indigo orbs gleefully gazing back at her.


She came to a late realization.

'... I never should have picked up the call.'

The child was a cunning devil in disguise.

As she faded from existence, the child's joyous exclamation was the last thing she heard.

"You must be familiar with the cliché of novels—"

The child spoke with a sweet smile,.

"—we cannot allow the witness to escape."


She couldn't shed a tear.

She couldn't scream.




"… Annoying."

The child— [Reader]—muttered with an irritating tone as he glanced at the faded nurse or perhaps- a dead nurse?


He then inspected the magnificent Camellia banquet in his arm, carefully assessing for any damages and feels a sense of relief wash over, when finding none. Well-

He sure does have a tight grip on it.

With a gentle smile, he delicately wiped his hand across his face, allowing a sense of tenderness to radiate from within him.


#tragedy #friendship #sad #angst #timetravel

A cascade of hashtags materialized in the air, creating an ethereal ambiance reminiscent of an exquisite masterpiece.

The [Reader]'s lips blossomed into a smile as they glided his finger down the screen, exploring the captivating hashtags.

He paused his scrolling when he came across a certain someone's name.

"… My main character."

The pupil's indigo plum bloomed with delightful radiance.


"- Please, do not let me down with your tale."

He proceeded to slide open the door labeled [43]. A soothing glow. He smiled pleasantly at the person sitting on the patient's bed.

"… Who are you?"

The person inside responds with a look of confusion on his face. The [Reader] noticed that the person was wearing glasses. He wears round spectacles.


He must behave properly because that person was related to his favorite main character, after all. As he pondered, a broad smile spread across his face.

"How have you been?"

The brown eyes stared back. He can see a striking resemblance to his main character from the color. He called out.


✍️The official birthday of Sharim Ishraq is on September 6th.

✍️Yuren needs to consume a minimum of 90 grams of sugar and 12,000 calories per day as part of her daily diet. In order to fuel the photosynthesis process within her body, she needs to consume foods rich in glucose, carbohydrate, and calories.

✍️ Yuren views Sharim as her own brother, and Sharim knows the reasons behind it.

✍️ Yuren is half human and half monster. Hybrid.

✍️Yuren's passion for Rilakkuma knows no bounds. She is truly dedicated, going so far as to indulge in a Rilakkuma doll worth an astounding RM 465,743. (Worth $99273.82 USD)

✍️Yuren looks stunning in pink. Even when dressed as a man, she still maintains a feminine appearance. She has a strong affection for the color pink and takes great pride in her taste.

✍️Yuren decided to give the Earth and Water Skilas the adorable names &quot;Pocky&quot; and &quot;Pepero&quot; after catching them red-handed stealing her snacks.

✍️Ais kacang is Malaysian’ ice shaved. A dessert.

AxolotlHaz_creators' thoughts