

وَمِنْ اٰيٰتِهٖ خَلْقُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِ وَمَا بَثَّ فِيْهِمَا مِنْ دَاۤبَّةٍ ۗوَهُوَ عَلٰى جَمْعِهِمْ اِذَا يَشَاۤءُ قَدِيْرٌ ࣖ Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and all the living creatures He has scattered throughout them: He has the power to gather them all together whenever He will. - (Asy-Syuura 42:29) ──── •✧• ──── Prey to predators. Truth becomes false. Good to evil and— Hunter to hunted. "The Lion Lose His Fang."— Such aphorisms feel closely familiar to Sharim. The once ferocious lion— wild, and free, lose all his meanings during one sullen night. He is no longer their hero nor thier knight. He is no longer the same teenager who was once reckless and lively. Now. He was just a cripple and injured troublesome lion in the eyes of Hunters— who was once their icon. He; himself was unable to stand on his own without someone's shoulder. He wasn't any different from the pebbles on the road side despite, the war still raging under his nose. "Sharim. If something happens to me- please protect Hibion." He failed to keep his teacher's promise. And- "But, this game of tag is over now." — failed to protect his one's friends. "Do not give up." Amid this misery- Allah u Akbar- '... Someone is still chanting the call to prayer?' — The grace and mercy of Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim haven't ended yet. Dua. Something rang in Sharim's head. Because of that- He raised his hands, towards the sky. "— Save 'me' in that world from reaching the same conclusion as 'me' in this world, As-Salaam." When the war hasn't begun yet nor the silent night robbing anyone's life- Sharim Ishraq's eyes flutter open.

AxolotlHaz_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


『 To become skilled in hunting, one must first experience being hunted themselves. Therefore... you truly comprehend the inner thoughts of your prey. 』

『 On 02 - 0X - 20XX 』

『 The International Hunter Jamboree League— at first, it was a mere ark of goodwill among the institutions of Temenos, Rúnda, Iterum, Parastin, and Blødning—the situation quickly turned into an absolute catastrophe with the sudden appearance of 'Hawiah Hollow'. A phenomenon where Hawiah—monsters' dungeon—exploded and unleashed horde of S++ grade monsters all at once while caused a major disruption in the communication system, cutting off the outside world—two Hunters, who were representative figures, lost their lives in the incident…. 』




On that day, we were not the hunters, but rather the ones being hunted.




『 "—While I dislike conforming to societal norms, I have a strong aversion towards causing harm to fellow individuals." 』

『"...." 』

Hibion maintained his composure as he calmly recited a renowned poem penned by a celebrated Hunter from the random industries of art.

『 "I'm on firm believe that Sharim Ishraq should be prohibited from participating in any FUTURE missions." 』

『 "...." 』

『 "Despite receiving the decryption from the team leader, he went against the standard operating procedures for front-liners and left the team site." 』

『 "...." 』

『 "Sharim Ihsraq's actions threw the team off balance and left us vulnerable to an onslaught of monsters. Consequently, the jamboree league team lost crucial support thus—" 』

『 "...." 』

『 "—The Jamboree League witnessed a tragic event when Hawiah Hollow unexpectedly erupted. This catastrophic event unleashed a horde of monsters, ranging from S-grade and above, that mercilessly attacked the team from five different directions— this has led to numerous Hunters suffering severe injuries or— losing their lives." 』

Hibion abruptly halts his reading of the report on the last page of the file.

Izaeris Faaz nodded his head and then glanced at Faliq standing next to him.

『 "What do you think, Faliq?" 』

Faliq sighs in resignation. He already has enough wrinkles from stress, so there's no need for more. Well. He had no other option left.

『 "... My deepest condolences go out to the grieving family members who have lost their loved one." 』

Izaeris Faliq's mouth fell open.

『 "The Tragedy of Hawiah Hollow is an unforeseen and unexpected event— this is something that has never been documented throughout IHJL... The Hawiah incident is a heart-wrenching wake-up call for circumstances like these but— banning a skilled and powerful combatant Hunter, due to a few mistakes—" 』

『 "A few mistake…?" 』

Hibion's face contorted into a frown. He cut Faliq off.

『 "He disregarded the orders and-" 』

『 "Mr. Hibion." 』

『 "—This is not the first time an incident involving the idiot neglecting the given instructions had occurred-" 』

『 "Mr. Hibion Izan." 』

Despite Faliq's warning, Hibion defiantly turns his gaze to Izaeris Faaz instead.

『 "- Master himself is well aware that it was not just two institutional Hunters who lost their lives because of him!" 』


The snarl did not come from Izaeris Faaz, but—

『 "WATCH YOUR-!" 』

Faliq's face twisted in a fit of anger. He then resumed his composed tone, struggling to maintain his professional demeanor.

『 "— please ensure that you uphold proper conduct and behavior when in the Master's presence." 』

『 "I don't want to." 』

Hibion responds with boldness. His expression showed no sign of hesitation. His crimson as rubies was fixated on a certain individual in the room.

『 "Hi—" 』

『 "Enough Faliq." 』

The 'individual' reached over Faliq's shoulder with calmness.

『 "Hibion." 』

Hibion caught a glimpse of amber in Izaeris Faaz, his black locks cascading in spiral patterns reminiscent of bismuth stones.

『 "Rather than angry at Sharim..." 』

Izaeris Faaz interlocked his fingers, leaning forward over the sleek, obsidian office desk. The image of the man was mirrored onto the table.

『 "— It seems like you're upset with yourself, but you're taking it out on Sharim." 』

『 "Huh?!" 』

Hibion's face twisted in violence.

『 "What reason do I have to be upset with myself?! He is the one at fault, that scoundrel! I insist on having him removed from the team! He's useless!" 』

Izaeris Faaz cut him off with composure.

『 "Hibion, what is the TRUE source of your concern?" 』

『 "?!" 』

『 "If you seek to direct your anger towards someone— Izaeris Faaz is the accused, along with a delegation from four different institutions— Temenos should be held accountable for their failure— blame the director of Temenos— blame me, Izaeris Faaz." 』

Izaeris Faaz remained composed as he carried on.

『 "However, you continue to persistently argue that everything is Sharim Ihsraq's fault, why?" 』

『 "...." 』

Hibion remained silent, offering no response. He just averted his gaze from Izaeris Faaz.

『 "Please remain exactly where you are, Mr. Hibion Izan." 』

Faliq prevented him from proceeding to leave.

『 "Master hasn't finished speaking with you." 』

『 "No need." 』

Hibion's response was as cold as an Arctic breeze. He began moving towards the door, prepared to give it a push. He was determined to win the debate, no matter what.

『 "I'm done." 』

His gaze then fell upon Izaeris Faaz for milliseconds.

『 "You are my only remaining biological sibling— Izaeris Faaz, I trust that you will make the wisest choice possible." 』


Izaeris Faliq did not manage to stand up as the teenager's figure vanished behind the door of the automata. Izaeris Faaz waved his hand to stop Faliq, feeling quite amused instead.

『 ".... He has grown into an interesting lad." 』

For a brief moment, Izaeris Faaz shut his eyes. His gaze then shifted towards the velvet curtains, hanging in the mysterious alcove.

『 "... Sorry, you end up enduring this unpleasantness." 』

『 "... No." 』

Came a feeble voice from behind the thick Guiana curtain.

『 "I am the one who refuses to leave and is stubborn—" 』

The curtain had been drawn.

『 "Hibion, speak the truth." 』

Sharim emerged from behind the door. He glanced down at the floor.

『 "... Everything... is my fault." 』

『 "...." 』

Izaeris Faaz and Faliq exchanged a meaningful gaze.

Creak. Izaeris Faaz rose from his office chair.

『 "Sharim Ishraq." 』

He called out.

『 "??" 』

『 "Want to take a stroll with this teacher?" 』

In the emerald grove, the spider's delicate web shimmered, projecting its brilliance onto the serene expanse of the unenclosed lake—evoking the image of an elaborate lattice crafted from the most exquisite steel. High above, a magnificent swarm of vibrant butterflies floats, sprinkling shimmering golden dust upon the earth below.

『 "...." 』

He and Izaeris Faaz strolled along the enchanting esplanade of the crystal-clear lake, their figures reflected in the shimmering water surface.

『 "You're trying to help them." 』

Izaeris Faaz has taken the lead between them.

『 "?!" 』

『 "You managed to find something in that cave that could be of assistance to your team, right?" 』

Izaeris Faaz nodded in silent approval as numerous exquisite golden butterflies landed on the man's shoulders, head, and ears. Amidst a plethora of mesmerizing butterflies fluttering against a backdrop of vibrant begonias, he stood out as a captivating vision of beauty.

『 "I trust you." 』

The tense was not in the past, but rather in the future and present— and he still trust Sharim.

『 "But." 』

Sharim found himself immersed in a tumultuous and draining emotion. Perhaps, it was the comforting words of his teacher that provided solace- one can never know for sure- even himself.

『 "Despite the circumstances, it cannot be denied that I was the cause of the expedition's failure and... Numerous lives were lost." 』

The weight of silence burdened him. Perhaps that's the reason his teacher interjected.

『 "Hunters are often referred to as the harbingers of demise. Whether it is to others or themselves—" 』

With serene composure, Izaeris Faaz extended his fingertip to caress the vivid red hibiscus blossom.

『 "To remain on this path, Hunters must embrace this as the norm of life." 』

『 "...." 』

『 "On the battlefield, someone must die no matter what." 』

『 "...." 』

『 "Sharim Ishraq, I must admit, I felt a wave of relief when I discovered your absence during the mosnters' raid." 』

A gasp escaped Sharim's lips.

Plap. The koi pond is filled with a gust of fine gravel.

Sharim felt a sharp pain in her chest when the pool's surface started swirling.

『 "Huh?" 』

Sharim felt a surge of shock as he turned to Izaeris Faaz, who was caressing the wings of the butterfly with his fingertips.

『 "....." 』

The man's face remained adorned with a constant smile as he pressed on.

『 "The delegates from four different institutions and I have agreed and reached a conclusive decision— whether Sharim Ihsraq is there or not—the outcome of the expedition will remain unchanged—" 』

Maple trees cascade down in a dense thicket.

Unbeknownst to Sharim—

『 "— Numerous individuals will suffer grave injuries and lose their lives. Hawiah Hollow is a phenomenon that surpasses the capabilities of amateur hunters." 』

At the time—

『 "If you wish to compare your mistakes— I guarantee you that when I was your age—" 』

Izaeris Faaz let out a chuckle.


Izaeris Faaz's hair was as vibrant as the sky's Azure hue, cascading in the gentle caress of the breeze, reminiscent of the dawning sun—

『 "—My mistakes are far WORSE than yours." 』

— In the midst of despair, Sharim let out a cry, knowing that this could be his last moment. A swarm of golden butterflies wrapped around him, offering solace and protection like a warm quilt.








The atmosphere is bleak and chilling. An eerie stillness envelops the darkened ambiance, where faintly flickering lights pierce through the air, provoking a shiver down the spine.


The tall ceiling was adorned with billowing clouds, enveloped in hazy ash that was rather ominous as if hinting at an impending thunderstorm.


The eerie sight of charred tree branches intertwining and forming a tangled mess gives an impression that even nature itself is tormented and cries out in anguish— circling—

— the five figures sitting upright around the table, which has enough space to accommodate three long-running cars.


Not a single person would utter a word until—

"... Bismillahirrahmanirrahim-"

A well-groomed and charming gentleman, gracefully initiating the first move. In the chilling air, the man's lustrous silver hair cascaded in elegant waves.

"-Raditu Billahi Rabba, Wa Bil-Islami Dina, Wa Bi Muhammadin Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallama Nabiyya. Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah, we are blessed with the chance to convene the congress once more—this time graced by the presence of five esteemed executives— IHJL, a renowned event, marked a turning point for Hunters from countless colleges and universities across the globe."

The coral pearl's gaze shifted to the man with captivating burgundy red hair and beard, who had maintained a resolute stance with his arms crossed the entire time.

"Is Tuan Izaeris Faliq doing well?"

"... Ah yes."

As soon as the man with the piercing coral eyes flashed a sweet smile, all the previous uncertainty that had filled the air dissipated, leaving behind a sense of calm.

"I'm glad!"


Faliq couldn't help but nod in agreement as he observed the man across the table, who exuded true sincerity while dressed in a silver and black uniform.


'… Izzat al-Farid. 27. Citizens of Palestine, Gaza.'

Faliq pondered while his gaze fixed on the man in silver before him.

'… The Parastin's director.'

[ Izzat al-Farid. The Executive Title: The Guardian— the Middle East Continental Delegation and Director of Hunter's College and University Institution in Turkey, known as Parastin.]

[ Parastin is the Cabinet Division that ensures fair and equal treatment of Hunters—serving as the guardian of global legislation and law enforcement in the political and legal sphere.]


Faliq couldn't bear to witness that sweet, and innocent face on Izzat al-Farid's face, distanced himself from it. Scribble. He then wrote down something on his tablet's report page— something along the lines of [Institutional Information, etcetera, etcetera]. After that, he turned his attention to a woman with earrings and fierce red hair that fell past her shoulders. The woman was completely adorned in red, from her hair to her clothes.


A colossal ring floated behind the woman, twisting and turning with each movement she made. She, too, appeared solemn.

'... Solemn is not quite the word to describe her, but still not good,' Faliq thought to himself as he opened his mouth.

"Are you feeling well today, Hyeri?" he asked.

"Please refrain from using my name."

However, he was shut down instead, but the woman was far from finished, as she raised her eyebrow with a touch of defiance.

"Apart from narrowly escaping death after trespassing across the Chinese border, I am good."

Faliq scribbled down a note.

[ Jang Hyeri. 31. Citizen of North Korea, Pyongyang. The Executive Title: The Spy— representatives from the Asian continent (excluding Temenos) and Rúnda corporate leaders. ]

[ Rúnda— A cabinet division that is tasked with overseeing the handling of special informants, communication channels, and worldwide investigations of Hunters. ]

"Spy, could it be that you have a hint of moodiness?"

A man with a strong and vigorous body sat there, his hand resting on the surface of the table. A frown crossed his face. The man's face was adorned with round glasses, featuring eye-catching red lenses that gracefully slanted down his nose.

"You're in a bad mood."

[ Maghiel Bezuidenhout Ewange. 45. Citizen of Cameroon, Garoua. The Executive Title: The Revolutionary— delegation from the African continent and executives from Iterum. ]

[ Iterum is the esteemed division responsible for guaranteeing the defense, and militia matters of the renowned Hunters worldwide. A specialized institution dedicated to training elite combatants. ]

'… Hm.'

Faliq paused for a moment, realizing that perhaps he had written too fast. However, his thoughts were interrupted.

"If you already know about it, there's no need to inquire further."

"I just want to be sure. Later, I'll buy you Tiramisu!"

With a wide grin, he exposed a set of sharp, gleaming white fangs.



Jang Hyeri fell silent, speechless, while the man with dreadlocks as thick as black ink erupted into a burst of contagious laughter.


'This man...'

Faliq's temples wrinkled. Skrk. He ceased to jot down any more notes.

'... He reminds me of a sporocarp from the Tuber genus, known as Trufel.'

Faliq gave Maghiel a judgmental look.

"When is Temenos' delegation scheduled to arrive?"

Ignoring the man's uncontrollable laughter, Jang Hyeri decisively shifted her attention back to Faliq.


Faliq fell into silence. Skrrk. Without even lifting his gaze to acknowledge Jang Hyeri's presence, he plunged back into his writing.

"... He... is a little late today."

Jang Hyeri's eyebrow arched with intrigue.

"Outstation again? What is keeping the Temenos delegation so occupied these days?"


Faliq swiftly shut his mouth. Skrrk. Without even realizing it, he absentmindedly traced a long, mesmerizing line on the tablet. His mind was almost shutting off.


He almost got caught.

He almost disregarded the fact that Jang Hyeri, the red-haired woman, was intelligent. She possessed an unwavering sense as an archivist and informant, so much so that she garnered the renowned title of Spy in Hunter's realm. Therefore, the Rúnda executive can make an educated guess, despite Faliq's concise response.


Izaeris Faliq gave Jang Hyeri the cold shoulder. Disgruntled, Jang Hyeri muttered a few words under her breath before reclining in the chair adorned with glistening black diamonds.

"Last night, the devastating news broke that an alarming total of 113,654 individuals lost their lives—"

A cold voice.

Faliq, Izzat, Jang Hyeri, and Maghiel shifted their attention towards a man dressed in a dark, billowing black robe. This mysterious figure had remained silent and enigmatic throughout the entire meeting.

"Victims meet an untimely demise, leaving unanswered questions. The moon turns red, and the blood flows. The Executioner from Blødning, Greece, Hades, reports on the night of the full moon."

Emerging from beneath the veil is a sclera as dark as obsidian and pupils as dazzling as golden pearls.

'... he appears youthful but, exuding a sense of restlessness,' Faliq thought.

[ Hades. 38. Citizen of Greece, Paros. The Executive Title: Executioner— I am the delegation for continental Europe and the director of college and university institutions; Blødning in Estonia. ]

[ Blødning— A dedicated cabinet division within the administration is established to oversee the operations of the International Hunter Court. Under their control, Tunapidana stands as a formidable prison, crafted to confine Hunters. ]

"Don't let your moodiness get the best of you, Executioner from Blødning! Revolutions are always filled with an overflow of bloodshed! That's normal! The important thing is that you have to smile! A smile is the greatest cure even in the middle sea of blood! A moon with overflowing blood is beautiful!"

"Sir Revolutionary, please refrain from speaking words of harm while wearing that deceptive smile."

Izzat al-Farid forced a smile, his face slick with a chilling sheen of resignation.

"Ugh," Jang Hyeri scowled, expressing her frustration. "When will that imbecile show up?"

At that time.


"You waiting for me?!"

The door slammed open.

"Here, here!"

"... He has arrived."

Jang Hyeri's scowl grew deepened.

"How is everyone doing?!"

A tall and pale attractive man walks through the black door, his presence captivating all with his striking amber eyes. The man's brilliant blue hair gleamed, captivating the gaze.


The man's stunning blue coat, draped and fluttering behind him.

"Izaeris Faaz! You continue to appear youthful as ever!" Maghiel exclaimed, his excitement almost causing him to leap out of his chair.

"You too bro!"

Izaeris Faaz has arrived, wearing a radiant smile and a shimmering blue coat.

He strode over towards them but-


Izaeris Faaz paused in his tracks just before reaching the table. Disgust contorted his face as he glanced around.

"Waaaah... Who selected this Hawiah? Hideous!"


Yup. Indeed, he is Izaeris Faaz. Original and Authentic.

The entire room was mesmerized by Izaeris Faaz's nonchalant declaration, demonstrating a complete disregard for anyone's opinion.

"Oi! This is Hades' Hawiah!"

Izaeris Faaz arched an eyebrow in response to Jang Hyeri's acclaim. With a brief pause, he shifted his gaze towards Hades, who sat at the opposite end of the table. The man's gaze remained fixed, hidden beneath his flowing black robe.


Izaeris Faaz exuded an enchanting smile that mesmerized everyone who laid eyes on him. Then, in a gentle voice, he began to hum—

"Hades, your Hawiah is hideous and appears moron, much like yourself."

— he cursed.

Wait! There is something wrong with that sentence!


Jang Hyeri issued a warning, causing Izaeris Faaz to clear his throat in swift.

"Hades. You are ugly."


The outcome remains unchanged.


Jang Hyeri tumbled down from her chair, clutching her forehead.

"That's not what I meant!"

Faliq's face contorted into a peculiar frown as he observed Jang Hyeri, he remained silent, refusing to utter a single word.



Hades chose to remain silent in response to Izaeris Faaz's sarcastic comment. He kept his position, casting a cautious gaze downwards. He appeared sad.


Faliq's attention was caught to that reaction.


Izaeris Faaz brushed off Jang Hyeri's incessant nags, finding solace by leaning back in the vacant chair. He tapped his finger on the table surface.

"First, let's start by transforming this unsightly environment."

As soon as he said that.


The frigid air is replaced by a comforting warmth.

The familiar scent of salt filled their nostrils and greeted them with a comforting embrace. The somber ambiance transformed into a stunning spectacle of waves colliding with glistening sandbanks and gleaming polished stone blocks, radiating the sun's brilliance.


Their feet glided effortlessly into the soft sand as if caressed by the gentle embrace of tranquil waves.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Izaeris Faaz interlocked his fingers and gently placed his chin on top, showcasing a captivating gaze that mesmerized all those willing to witness. "Next time, make sure not to entrust the role of Hawiah to the emo boy."

Sweet but venomous.

"Or… The ambiance will be as emotive as that dude."



".... Pfft."

Maghiel, who held himself back by biting his arm, went unnoticed to them— they tried to.

"Let's get back to the discussion, shall we?"

Izaeris Faaz cocked his head in question.

"Hm, what are we talking about again?"

"Choosing a fresh theme for the International Hunter Jamboree League."

Jang Hyeri seems exasperated. Her gaze then shifted towards the audience gathered around the table.

"How about a triathlon like 3 years ago?"

"Boring," protested Maghiel, bawling.

"I suggest the COLOSSEUM!"

"Hasn't the IHJL theme in the last 6 years also been similar?"

Izzat al-Farid responded, with a near-surrendering demeanor.


"It's an acronym for the International Hunter Jamboree League, stupid."



Jang Hyeri delivered a powerful blow to Maghiel's head.

"So," Faliq inquired, "which theme would be the most suitable?"


"I believe it's time we took risks."

All attention was on Izaeris Faaz, who spoke with absolute composure.

"Oho? So, what is it then? Do you happen to have any ideas?"

Jang Hyeri folded her arms. She doesn't believe in Izaeris Faaz at all, even though she said that.

'This idiot consistently offers imprudent suggestions instead and worsens things up.'

This dude always has a penchant for doing peculiar things, so his ideas may be peculiar as well. However, considering how far they have come, it might be worth giving him a chance and hearing him out. Since he is a troublemaker, she decides to humor him a bit.

'Doesn't he love to drop bombs, right? Let's wait and see what kind of bomb he is going to unleash from his arsenal.'

She prepared herself for the incoming bomb.

"What if we try something completely new and exciting this year? Let's embark on an expedition in Hawiah!

Izaeris Faaz, however, did not release a simple bomb on them.


Jang Hyeri, the first person to stutter, was clearly in bewilderment, as she was stunned and froze. She knows that Izaeris Faaz's idea might be crazy, but this level of craziness is beyond her expectations.

"I agree."

Jang Hyeri was taken aback when someone stated their agreement, despite the proposal signaling a resounding "NO".

"What the-"

She was even more shocked when the person agreed—

"You agree HADES?"

Hades from Blødning. Rumors continue to swirl around the infamous hunter, well-known for his ongoing feud with Izaeris Faaz of Temenos. This conflict, shrouded in controversy, only seems to intensify with time.

In simple terms. Hades and Izaeris Faaz—

Their relationship is not good.


The rumor was indeed proven true, as Izaeris Faaz couldn't help but release an irritated grunt in response to Hades' affirmation.


"Is this not an incredible opportunity for our students to enhance their skills?"

Hades has a purpose and is not from his personal involvement.

"This is a golden opportunity for our students to become stronger. I aspire for my students to become skilled Hunters."

"Huh, yeah. Not like you huh."


Jang Hyeri's voice has once again soared, sounding a warning.



Hades offered no response but—within those obsidian eyes, a glimpse of sorrow peeked through, too impossible for him to conceal.



Hesitant, Jang Hyeri cautiously joined, feeling the chilling tension between the two fiercest Hunters in their midst.

"The Western Confederacy..."

She turned toward Hades.

"The agencies, apart from the Hades agency, will strongly oppose this proposal and show no willingness to make any concessions."

Europe stands out from Eastern, African, and Asian continental agencies that operate together, like Parastin, Iterum, Rúnda, and Temenos. Unlike them, Europe has its independent agency and contingent, separate from federations or sponsors.


The highest-ranking authority in that region would not be pleased to grant permission for a prominent federation to establish connections with Muslim and Asian nations and have the freedom to host their very own Premier League, recognized at the global level.

"... In particular, roaches from Israel."

Jang Hyeri gazed in awe as she observed the waves crashing against the shore. When the stream rushes forth, the yellowish-brown sand vigorously bubbles and bursts.

At that time.

"Al-Aqsa Mosque is the heart of Palestine, Muslims and Muslimat—"

Eyes resembled coral beads; dark and filled with unwavering determination. Izzat al-Farid, the Guardian of Parastin, continued with a resolute and unwavering demeanor.

"We will never back down when our rights are at stake, even if the enemy tries to take them away from us."

The gaze of coral meets the captivating amber gaze.

"Are we not all chosen by Allah Azzawajal to be Caliphs in this world? Place your trust in us and rest assured that we will handle it with utmost care and expertise. InsyaAllah, we will protect that trust, just as our resilient people continue to survive in the homeland of Palestine."

The Guardian's smile was so serene, capable of soothing even the most troubled heart.

"In our own land, our laws, sovereignty, and rights have been unjustly stripped from us. We understand the pain. No matter how shattered and defeated we may feel, we are determined to fiercely defend our rights and refuse to let anyone trample upon them."

Izaeris Faaz remained silent, but a sweet twitch graced the edges of his lips.

"... Our people were once enslaved—"

This time.

Maghiel Bezuidenhout Ewange, hailing from Iterum, has at last emerged from the depths of silence. It was an unusual sight, seeing him donning a stern expression, which seemed out of place for someone as passionate as him.

"— We understand the immense pain of being liberated from the era of slavery. We are aware of the sovereignty's sweetness—"

He was discussing the Thirteenth Amendment of 1865.

Maghiel lacked firsthand experience and awareness of the complex life his nation was going through during that era. However. He was not so ignorant as to ignore the suffering of their bloodline.

The system underwent a change in name, but remains fundamentally as oppressive as it was during the time of slavery.

Prohibition on working within government and public services. The 'salary' simply returns to their master. Once again, they find themselves being exploited, with the threat of imprisonment looming over them should they dare to refuse.

The Black Code, which claims to grant freedom and rights, is nothing more than a deceitful ruse to deceive them. Tricks undermine their freedom.

Despite their freedom, they continue to live in poverty due to the widespread reluctance to employ individuals from lower social classes like themselves. The children were denied access to education, forcing the former slaves to return to their former masters.

"—So, If a revolution drenched in blood is the price we must pay for our sovereignty, there is no one who can rival us in that momentous struggle."

If anyone desires war, Iterum will bravely rise to protect their rights in the battleground.

Once is enough.

They are not enslaved to anyone—whether it be Westerners or Easterners—but rather to their own Lord.

"Haaa," Jang Hyeri let out a long, resigned sigh. It seems that she has no other choice.

"... Every single day, we give our all and risk everything we have, putting our hearts and souls on the line. All our efforts are in vain when it just goes back to a group of selfish individuals comfortably perched around the dining table—!"

"Ahem," Jang Hyeri coughed in embarrassment. She got too worked up, "I was born in the most secluded nation so I am well-versed in the art of achieving such a feat status."

"If you seek exclusive knowledge of hidden plots and schemes—"

Jang Hyeri exuded an overwhelming sense of pride.

"— I am someone who excels in the art of stealth, slipping in and out unnoticed."

Hades struggled to open his mouth.

"I... I was given the name Hades for a singular purpose - to fulfill my grandmother's intent and reign as the embodiment of-"

"No one is interested in hearing your grandmother's story, Hades!" Interrupted, Izaeris Faaz.

"Please, forgive me!" cried Hades, in despair.


Did the executioner from Blødning sob?


'.... Izaeris Faaz... you undeniably possess the characteristics of a depraved individual who engages in malicious and oppressive behavior— a bully in short.'

"Now, it's time to introduce your Hunter's representative," declared Faliq with unwavering determination, seemingly unfazed by the agonized cries of the Blødning Executioner.

Jang Hyeri, with unwavering precision, maintained a flawless tempo and tapped her fingers.

"Thow Jien-Yang, Abdullah Kim and Choi Soo-Kyung from Rúnda."

Mid-air, a holographic projection showcases the awe-inspiring and unparalleled distinctive appearances of individuals.

Black, brown and white.

Dark, cheerful, and timid.

Each Hunter on the screen exudes their own unique stance and appearance.

"TARIQ ZEYAD!" Maghiel let out a resounding shout, much louder than usual. "FROM ITERUM!"

"Eh? Tariq Zeyad used to be a Temenos Hunter, right? And, just one?"

"Yes. He too is a student of Izaeris Faaz—"

"ONLY ONE IS ENOUGH FOR ITERUM!" Maghiel asserted, defending himself.


'Is he truly that insecure...?'

They were aware of Iterum's poor situation but— to the point, Maghiel had to defend himself to such an extent.... They were reluctant to envision Iterum's financial situation right now. As such, no comments have been made regarding the financial issues of his institution— like EVER AGAIN.

"Parastin will be appointing the brothers Sirhan Ihsraq and Teruna al-Fakhri as our esteemed representatives."

A youth emerges, captivating all with his one-of-a-kind eyes painted in a mesmerizing blend of magenta and dark brown. He exudes an air of genteel radiance.

Beside him.

Another teenager— he was dressed in a pristine, snow-white Cossack shirt and exuded an air of supreme confidence and irresistible charisma.

The hologram presents each image in a different manner.

Hades, who had ceased his weeping, uttered, "Cleopatra and Arzhel."

In the hologram, an intriguing duo materialized - a peculiar teenage girl and boy, each sporting contrasting postures and expressions.


As soon as the picture of the Hunter from Blødning appeared, a hush fell over the atmosphere.

"... Arzhel and Cleopatra, an intriguing pair indeed," Jang Hyeri felt a sense of skepticism and uncertainty when she looked at the two images. "Hades, do you have a desire to bring destruction upon a country?"

"This time, they volunteered with a clear purpose in mind."

"I didn't mean it that way.... haaa... Whatever."

Jang Hyeri gave in. She had grown weary of attempting to engage in rational discourse in this deranged congress filled with a multitude of individuals with unstable characteristics- psychopaths.

"So, which Hawiah will be the setting for our thrilling 'game'?"

Amusingly, Faliq, Izzat, Maghiel, and even Hades all turned their gaze simultaneously to a man donning a splendid long blue coat—

The person who holds the most influence among them.

Unrivaled in opulence, a hunter of unparalleled status. The wealthiest among them— so abundant in assets that he will never come close to hitting zero. He was so wealthy that he didn't mind accepting side offers for modeling just for fun.


There is one individual who can earn such a prestigious title.


Izaeris Faaz remained unresponsive. With a simple gesture, he rested his chin on his fingers. He couldn't help but smirk, finding their focus entertaining.

"Sahara Hawiah, Saudi Arabia."






"Wait— Izaeris! Wait! Please wait up!"

As feet shuffle, a black coat billows behind, crossing a chaotic corridor adorned with rows of colorful windows resembling a mosaic of Pantone Swatches. Hades attempted to match the swift stride of Izaeris Faaz.

"「Nahadho ila Rahmah」!"

Izaeris Faaz's footsteps abruptly ceased, all at once.

"... Izaeris!"

Recognizing the chance, Hades closed the gap between them.

"... Izaeris... You still haven't forgiven me?"

Sparks ignite in a glare from amber eyes.

"Scram. I refuse to engage in conversation with a criminal."

Hades was left breathless, for a brief moment, Izaeris Faaz's gaze felt like a strike of lightning— rendering him froze on the spot.

Izaeris Faaz.

A living legend and hero of the Hunter's Dark Ages.

To the world and the media, he exudes an aura of authority and possesses a remarkable vision. An accomplished and affluent hunter, exuding sophistication and accomplishment.


The students see him as a knowledgeable and caring teacher.


To his enemies, he is a ruthless and fearsome warrior, but to those who know Izaeris Faaz, he is a captivating and sardonic person.


Hades alone sees it.

Izaeris appears to have a burning desire to bring Hades to his demise as if he would do so a million times over. The swelling is incredibly profound and filled with blood.

'... No... This is my karma.'

Hades thinks to himself.


But... but—!

Hades pressed his lips together. His heart was wounded. It hurt.

"... I know I was wrong... I'm sorry... At that time, I was still quite naive—"

"You want me to repeat what I just said?"

Izaeris Faaz's shimmered like frigid, piercing amber.

"Scram. I refuse to engage in conversation with a criminal."




"From the very start, I made a grave mistake in placing my trust in Blødning... You are also included... Hades."


Izaeris Faaz resumed his walk towards Izaeris Faliq, who stood there holding a loaded file. Faliq's expression was sour as he glared, waiting for him. He never turned back towards Hades again.







In the coastal fjords, the gray plumes from the chimneys of barges gracefully blend with the orange haze of clouds, creating a captivating mist. The water appeared murky as the relentless waves crashed upon the sandy shore.

『 "Then he worshiped and drew his long keris— 』

Swoosh- thap!

As Baqir gave a strike that sliced through the formidable winds of the roaring horizon.


Sharim with his swiftness blocked Baqir's punch just as it was about to collide with his face. He retaliated with a punch.


『 The Admiral wielded the long keris, making two or three leaps— 』

Baqir responded with a counterattack and grasped his opponent's punch.


He blocked.


『 —he felt his body was not like before" 』 (Hikayat Hang Tuah 1971:310)

When one hand encounters another hand. The fist defended itself against the fist. Arms collide with one another.


When Sharim was blocked, Baqir countered with a strike. Sharim attacks then, and Baqir defends.

『 "— Admiral (Hang Tuah) also had a sequence of five days and five nights— 』


"Ha... Ha..."

Sharim knelt, breathless.

『 —Then the Admiral proceeded to wield a long keris— 』

Baqir extends one hand forward as if beckoning him while placing the other hand against his back.

『 —and wield his shields, it looks too great.." 』 (Hikayat Hang Tuah 1971:310)

With a sweep of his hand, he opened his palm and directed his gaze towards Sharim.

"Prove to me that you have not lost your edge."

Sharim remained silent.



He lifted his hand into the air.


A magnificent blue flame erupted from his palm, soaring and emitting blue sparks descending onto the sand beach, letting out a mesmerizing sizzle.

"... A whip?"

Circled and whizzed in Sharim's grip, is a seven-meter-long whip unleashed bolts of raging blue fire.

"... Did you acquire a new Stigma?"

Baqir's curiosity sparked as he held his chin.

"Huh? No. This is uh..."

Sharim stammered. Sharim stammered. Beads of sweat started to form on his face.

"T-This is uh- a new way to use [Taurus' Wrath] Stigma!"

"Hoh," exclaimed Baqir, quite amazed. "I had no idea that [Taurus' Stigma] could have so many different variations."


"I thought that stigma could only manifest raw fire, but... discerning the form and structure of fire.... interesting."

Baqir's face lit up with a radiant smile as he placed his chin between his middle and index finger.

"It seems that [Taurus Rage] is an incredibly versatile Stigma."

"Yeah... Haha."

Sharim fumbled awkwardly, scratching at his ear. Phew. A deep sigh escaped from his heart.


Sharim frequently overlooked the fact that he existed on a divergent timeline compared to those around him. Even though he appears as Sharim Ihsraq on the outside, there exists another 'Sharim Ihsraq' within him, tormenting him with frightening visions of the future.

'The future huh...'

He gazes at the whip of blue fire in his hand.

'Apparently... I never realized that I could do that as well.'

Sharim didn't acquire this technique on his own. He received assistance from someone in creating this modified version of [Taurus' Wrath] Stigma in the previous timeline.

『 "Focus Sharim." 』

Perhaps he would not have been able to acquire this technique without 'his' help and guidance in the past... or should he say it in the future?

Sharim took a moment to gaze at the figure who had guided him in the past.

'Perhaps the speculation regarding Solana's groveling for Baqir to teach her could indeed be accurate...'

As he pondered over that thought.

"So, this is the true reason behind your invitation."

Baqir nodded in comprehension, interrupting his train of thought.

'Partially true,' Sharim thought to himself.

He indeed needs Baqir's help to test out his new power, but there is another reason for his invitation too.

"If that's the case," Baqir chuckled and prepared his stance, amusement evident in his voice.

"Is it not unreasonable for me to desire to assess the precision and robustness of your new power, right?"


Sharim remained silent.

Instead, he adopted a stance reminiscent of Baqir's, standing strong and positioning his hands parallel to his waist—one hand firmly gripping his whip. Psssssh. The soft sand sizzles in a brownish-yellow hue.



Neither of them spoke nor made the first move to attack—whoosh— until the wind blew past them.


Sharim swung his whip through the air. Nevertheless, just before the whip reached Baqir—


— Sharim's vision blurred as a sudden headache engulfed him.

He collapsed forward, surrendering to helplessness like a puppet whose strings had been severed.


Sharim's fire whip was also extinguished.


In an instant, Sharim found himself free-falling towards the ground, his face buried deep in the beach sand.

"The human ear is unable to detect sounds with frequencies lower than 20 Hz."

Amidst the tumultuous crashing of the waves upon the shore, he discerned the faint voice of Baqir.

"This concept is known as infrasound."

Psh, ps. Baqir's footsteps caused the sand to sizzle as he approached Sharim—who remained stuck with his face buried in the sand.

"... What do you believe would occur if this infrasound were to enter the human body?"

While conducting specific experiments.

The human body has been exposed to infrasound with frequencies ranging from 6 Hz to 16 Hz (approximately 95 dB to 130 dB) for a duration of one hour.

Scientists later discovered that the human body had suffered significant damage, particularly to the diastolic and systolic blood systems. The heart's pumping rate decreases, which leads to a reduction in blood flow to the tissues. The brain is not receiving an adequate flow of oxygen, causing a decrease in physical function.

This term is referring to 'radiation' or—


'How on earth can I possibly forget?!'

The central theme of Baqir Az-Zubair's Stigma revolves around the immense influence of sound, empowering him to determine and control frequencies at his own discretion.

「 How pitiful... 」

'Shut up!'

Sharim found himself at a loss for words in response to Calen's sarcasm. He just cried out in frustration as he realized that all he had at his disposal for offensive abilities was the [Concrete Stigma].

『 "Although [Concrete Stigma] is more pragmatic and stable compared to [Abstract Stigma], it is undeniably easily broken by [Abstract Stigma]" 』

Sharim was able to witness the immense gap between the two Stigma categories, as his teacher had pointed out through Baqir's [Abstract Stigma] demonstration and his [Concrete Stigma].

『 "[Abstract Stigma] was uncommon Stigmas. It was fortunate enough for Hunter to have one." 』

Once again, he was reminded of the harsh truth that the [Concrete Stigma] would never surpass the [Abstract Stigma], even after returning to the past.

"This is not fair..."

Baqir chuckled as he heard Sharim's voice muffled beneath the sand.

This man had the audacity to laugh in the face of his suffering! He seems to be thoroughly enjoying himself too!

Sharim had a fit of rage, striking the sand several times.

"Oops... sorry Sharim."

Baqir Az-Zubair—beware of falling for his innocent visage and captivating smile—he is the embodiment of the devil in disguise himself.





"Ah, here you go, Sharim," exclaimed Baqir as he offered a refreshing bottle of mineral water, "Ah, will you be attending the Jamboree League gathering at the Qai'n Auditorium tomorrow afternoon?"

The evening has descended. Sharim and Baqir have completed their screening practice.

"Yup," Sharim replied, stretching his arms up to his shoulders. Appreciative, he accepted Baqir's offer.


Sharim's stomach fluttered with happiness.

His goal to receive personal training from Baqir was not a waste. In constant and overwhelming stress, he was able to strengthen the image of the fire whip in his mind using Baqir's [Necrosis] Stigma. This astonishing accomplishment was the result of numerous relentless attempts.

'I'm so excited to give controlling the explosion a try too...'

With a contented smile, Sharim contemplated a new plan for the future. He possessed great intuition— from this moment on, nothing could dampen his mood-

"—So, you're planning on attending the Jamboree League Goodwill Ball too, aren't you?"

He spoke too soon.


He spoke too soon.

"The Goodwill Banquet."

Baqir offered an explanation in consideration, unaware of Sharim's turmoil state.

"Every IHJL delegation must attend this ceremony two days prior to the league."

"Delegations will have the opportunity to engage in direct face-to-face meetings or establish connections with delegations from other countries. Delegations from Rúnda, Iterum, Parastin, and Blødning... Temenos will also be included."

With a wide grin, he exclaimed.

"In a nutshell, this banquet is an exciting social event for the Jamboree League delegation! Don't worry! Your name will be included!"

Baqir clapped his hands, expressing his genuine happiness for Sharim. However, Sharim's face darkened even more each time Baqir smiled.

Ha... He was thrust into the depths of darkness before he could even start walking straight.


✍️ Hang Tuah was a warrior who lived in Malacca during the reign of Sultan Mansur Shah in the 15th century. There is a plethora of Malay literature dedicated to Hang Tuah, including the renowned 'Hikayat Hang Tuah'. Hang Tuah, the protagonist of this literary work, is widely revered as the Father of Martial Arts, a formidable exponent who has inspired countless individuals with his remarkable skills in silat.

✍️Faliq hate Trufel.

✍️Fascinating Facts about Izaeris Faaz! While the name Izaeris may not hold a specific meaning, its variant, Izar, carries two distinct meanings. The first meaning refers to the beautiful tradition of wearing white clothing that envelops the entire body. Second: Praised or Blessed.

AxolotlHaz_creators' thoughts