
Ways of Survival in Naruto

He hadn't expect to transmitted. And on top of all that! It had to be in the world of Naruto! A world— no, a dangerous universe that is dominated by alien-like beings, and hunger-power humans, who called themselves shinobi's, are obliged and expected to be loyal only to their village the moment they entered this hellish world. He, who had been transmitted into a character that wasn't cannon, will show you ways of survival in Naruto. [Disclaimer! What you see and read here are only fiction! Any places and any character you've read are not real!] 『Disclaimer! Naruto do not belong to me but only Kishimoto! Also, there characters in this work that is somewhat to other works' characters, and i disclaim that the characters you found to be similar to the others does not belong to me. The reason why is on the fifth paragraph!』 「This Naruto Fanfiction contains a lot of plot that are inspired by other novels, animes, Mangas, and manhwa's! Unfortunately, I cannot reveal the respective fictions and novels that this fanfic is inspired to, all for the sake of the plot! And it'd be unfortunate if my plans were to be discovered in such way!」 〔Cover does not belong to mine! Found it at Google, if you're the owner, please say something if you disapprove of me using it!〕 【I update everyday! Although, there may or may not be some cases that I might not be able to upload any chapters due to personal reasons!】 (Enjoy Reading!) The purpose of writing this fanfic shall be revealed at the ending of Ways Of Survival in Naruto! I hope you readers are able to stay long enough to know the purpose!

Rnibm123 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

Chapter 1: Virtual Assistant System (Six Years Old, Closer To Seven)

Third Person PoV)




Tobias collapse on his feet the moment he and his escort entered the Yamanaka District.

"Fuck~" he whined heavily panting, "I thought I was gonna die from those old batshit fogeys,"


Questioned Vū, not correcting Tobias' way of addressing the elders, who had been at the beginning of the Village.

Similarly, Vū had also though that he was going to die just by kneeling before those old fools. But in the end, a Shinobi is a Shinobi, Vū barely manage to compose his posture, nonetheless he succeeded.

Vū, who in his entire, grew up in Konoha was helpless against the Elders indoctrination. Especially with the Will of Fire, that Vū considers to be a bullshit propaganda. Fight and die for Konoha, it is your duty as a Shinobi of Konoha to be obliged to follow the orders of your leaders, else you're not worthy of life. Despised by everyone who has a fetish for a rule stucker. Follow the Hokage, follow your orders, that is the only way you will be worth anything.

Vū hated it.

It clashed horribly with his morals. And he hated that everyone in the next generation were being fed with that kind of shitty propaganda.

"Oh ya'know,"

"... N... no, I really don't,"

"An old person who still clung to the old ways."

"Ahhh," Vū felt like he'd learn lots of unusual words from Tobias in the near future.

"What are you still doing here anyway?"


"Do you think I won't be cutting off your salary just because you're my escort?"

'This shameless guy!' Vū tightly grabbed the handle of his chōkuto, his entire body shook as he chanted to calm himself down, 'Phew, I almost cut that vulgar face of his.'

"Besides, don't you want to bring more honorrr~ to the Clan? HUH?!"

Vū stayed silent as Tobias continued to fish out the bait.

"Just think about it, do you know how much honor it'd bring the clan when our customers have come to known the ondol we've built for them."

"And what's in it for you, anyways?"

"Are you blind or do you just not use your fucking eyes!"

The edge to Vū's lips twitched.

"Of course~ it's money!!!" He answered, the grin that Vū had come to hate erupted on Tobias' face, his eyes screamed 'Money' as he repeatedly rubbed his thumb over the tip of his index finger.

'Fuck this, I should go back to work. Wait! What is even my work?'

"Hurry the fuck up!"




(Third Person PoV Ending)

(First Person PoV) [Inserting Tobias]

'The fuck is this'

Is what I have in mind, wondering on whether the Old War Hawk had casted a Genjutsu at me or is it just that my eyes are playing with me, or maybe it's all due to the stress that I've suffered because of the lack of money that resulted me to create hallucinations.

[The Virtual Assistant System has successfully began to Operate!]

[What is the purpose of the Virtual Assistant System, you may ask?]

[The purpose of the System is to assist Tobias, whose 'Wish' has been granted, to the System's utmost ability.]

An anonymous voice that I could neither recognize to be man or a woman's flowed into my mind. My eardrums felt overuse as the strange message with its voice rang inside my head, reminiscence of a loud alarm clock that I've always put up with every early dawn.

What the fuck is this? What System? What wish? What the fuck is happening?!

[Go outside, to the placed where you train.]

"And why the fuck should I do that? Listen here you little shite, just because my curiosity is killing me about your....."

My word trailed off as I struggled to find the correct word in my vocabulary to describe whatever the fuck this is.

Ah, right!

".... unexpected occurrence in my life..." — 'and in this world' was left unspoken, but I have a gut feeling that the Virtual System knows of what was the unspoken word—. I trailed off the end sentence suddenly wanting to seemingly be view as stoic and mysterious.

[More like dramatic.]

Did this System just read my mind?

[If you go outside you'll see something out there.]

Of course I'd see something, what am I blind?

[.... It'll help you with your business.]


[It'll solve the lacking manpower your Company currently have.]

I'm already about to take care of it.

[It'd help benefit your Clan,]

Why do I have a feeling that, that statement felt more like a question?

[And your Company.]

Yeah right, fuck off, I'm going to sleep.

[You'd become rich with it in no time.]

"Let's get the fuck outside!"

[Wowww, just how shameless can you be.]

I ignored it and went to the place where I trained most.

I stood in the middle of the training ground. I felt my eyebrows reflexively scrunching up, I felt puzzled. before my eyes widen, teeth gritting as I yelled out.



I let out a painful grunt as I felt a large weight that almost killed me lying on my back. Fuck, this System better be hoping I won't be recieving any back issues.

[LOL, you'd be like that old dwarf.]

Dwarfs exist here?! I asked the System as it only gave me a response that made me deadpanned.


Somehow, I feel like I've offended the System. Maybe I didn't get its humor?

[You did.],

Oh, fuck off! Rolling my eyes, I look at the large scroll that landed on my back earlier. What's this?

[A scroll, duhh, obviously.]

I know that— Exhale*— you know what just shut up and do whatever the fuck you need to do except for bothering me.

I unrolled the scroll as I recognized it to be a summoning contract. No way, did this System just gifted me a summoning contract.

[Yes way!]

Stop acting so smug!

Ehem... Ehem... Anyways, as much as I'd like to enjoy the fact that I am given a summoning contract, still, I can't help but be suspicious. A summoning contract that looks to be new is like making a contract with scammers back in my past life.

"Oi, System, you're not planning on making me your slave after signing this scroll, are you?"

[You should just be grateful of the opportunity that I have given you.]

"You speak as if you're the reason why I'm here."

[As I mentioned before, that reason is only partly because of the 'Wish' you desire that has been granted.]

"Right, when you did at first, appear, you've mentioned somethin' about my wish. So you're saying that my wish was to be transmitted here?"


"I'll assume for now that you do not know."


With my conclusion having been meet by a silence so far by the System, I have grown to slowly be convince that the System, indeed, do not know anything about my circumstances at all. Or maybe the System did know about it and is just not saying anything.

"I don't understand anything at all. I just wanted to pay off all the debts of my parents, cut off ties with my father's sides family, get into all of the colleges I wanted to study and not have to worry about money, ya'know? Was that not my 'Wish'?"

[That is only your goal, your 'Wish'.... However, is much more intense.]

"How intense?"

[That..... I do not have the authority to tell you..."


[.... as of now.]

I inhaled through my nose. Anyways, "So these scrolls?"

[That is your own decision to make, whether you want to sign it or not, I shall not get in your way.]

"I won't sign it."





Fed up with the screaming match that made my brain hurt like hell. Somehow similar at the time when I was in middle school where I recieved my first concussion. As I was about to bit my thumb and draw out blood, the System interrupted me.

[Wait! I forgot to tell you to use a brush or a dip pen instead of your thumb but the ink required is your blood.]

Ah fuck it. So tiring.

Despite with my thoughts, I still, nonetheless, went back to my house, grab a dip pen, went back to the training area and stab the dip pen in my thumb, causing it to draw blood and signed my name on the paper scroll.

[Also, use your bloodied thumb to—]

"Why didn't you say anything earlier?"

I whined before placing my thumb finger print on the paper. What should I do with the summoning scroll now?

[What else? You're taking care of it.]

But, but—

[No buts! You are obliged to take care of it as the first contractor!]

Groaning, I said, "Fuck you!" Throwing the messenger brat a middle finger.


"Hello my Dear Readers! Author-san here! I've been checking the progress of how many readers have read this book and I am surprised to say that there were a lot of you guys reading WOSIN!"

"So, Dear Readers— awkward laugh*— I, unfortunately, have bad news for you all! Sob* Sob*! My friends tricked me and force me to accept a bet that I have to recieve a 50k Readers and 50 collectors until the end of April! And if I were to fail their bet, I'd have to postpone publishing chapters for a whole month! 😭 😭!"

"Everyone, please help me, this is my life's work! And if I were to fail to follow my schedules, no doubt I'd be breaking my schedules. It's be like— uploading two chapters per week and sometimes I'd upload one chapter per month!"

(P. S. They are currently holding my secret against me and tell You-Don't-Know-Who-But-Somehow-I-Got-The-Feeling-You-Know-Who about my attractions towards You-Don't-Know-Who-But-Somehow-I-Got-The-Feeling-You-Know-Who!)