
Ways of Survival in Naruto

He hadn't expect to transmitted. And on top of all that! It had to be in the world of Naruto! A world— no, a dangerous universe that is dominated by alien-like beings, and hunger-power humans, who called themselves shinobi's, are obliged and expected to be loyal only to their village the moment they entered this hellish world. He, who had been transmitted into a character that wasn't cannon, will show you ways of survival in Naruto. [Disclaimer! What you see and read here are only fiction! Any places and any character you've read are not real!] 『Disclaimer! Naruto do not belong to me but only Kishimoto! Also, there characters in this work that is somewhat to other works' characters, and i disclaim that the characters you found to be similar to the others does not belong to me. The reason why is on the fifth paragraph!』 「This Naruto Fanfiction contains a lot of plot that are inspired by other novels, animes, Mangas, and manhwa's! Unfortunately, I cannot reveal the respective fictions and novels that this fanfic is inspired to, all for the sake of the plot! And it'd be unfortunate if my plans were to be discovered in such way!」 〔Cover does not belong to mine! Found it at Google, if you're the owner, please say something if you disapprove of me using it!〕 【I update everyday! Although, there may or may not be some cases that I might not be able to upload any chapters due to personal reasons!】 (Enjoy Reading!) The purpose of writing this fanfic shall be revealed at the ending of Ways Of Survival in Naruto! I hope you readers are able to stay long enough to know the purpose!

Rnibm123 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 2: Summoning (Six Years Old, Closer To Seven)

First Person PoV)




"By the way, what kind of creature I've signed a contract to?" I asked, genuinely curious. I know for certain that this summoning scroll isnXt relared to The Toads, Snails, and Snakes— but then again, the shinobi world is full of suprising phenomenons that weren't fully displayed in the manga and the anime.

[Random Chimera Species.]

[A useful and diverse species that will offer its absolute loyalty to the person who summoned them for the first time 'till death and provides their master with their utmost capabilites.]

A Chimera! How lucky! Kekekekeke!

If what I'm expecting is certainly correct then np doubt the Chimera's will be useful to replace the lack of heavy mechanics. And to add it all up, the fact that it will offer its absolute loyalty to me, betrayal will be the last thing I have to worry about over the summoned Chimera!




Wha-What is it?!

[You need to pay up.]

Huh?! Money? like Ryo's?!


[I guess that would cover for now.]

What the fuck do you mean for now?!

[Pay up. Do you want a Chimera or not?]

Fuck you!

I gave the System brat a middle finger... How much?

[500k Ryo's.]

FIVE HUNDRED-THOUSAND! That's like, seventy fucking percent of what I have now!

[Do want it or not?]

You better not make me regret this! Once again, I went back inside the house and took 500k from my stash and put it in a briefcase, I come outside and hurriedly ran to the training ground.

"So... Where do I give this to you?"

[Oh, just wait for a vortex to appear in front of you and let it suck the briefcase.]

'A fucking wha— you know what, never mind.' I thought staring at the vortex that appeared just after the System's message dissapeared. Before I could inspect the vortex, the System hastily told me to hurry up in resulting for me to obliged its wish.

"So what now?"

[First apply some of your blood to the hand that you signed the contract with and just perform the given hand seals, which are: bird, boar, dog, dragon, hare, horse, monkey, ox, ram, rat, serpent, tiger and press the your hands' five fingers down and channel chakra to the hand shout 'Summoning Jutsu'.]

Hand seals, the most annoying aspect of life while performing a jutsu or molding a chakra, in my opinion. I sighed, letting go of my laziness and perform the hand seals. However, due to my inability to let go of my annoyance towards the hand seals, I messed the jutsu up for about fourteen times. And finally, after the sixteenth times, I manage to successfully perform the jutsu.

The moment I slamed my hand on the ground, a change occurred and instinctively I move my hand away from the ground and took three steps backwards.


A pale light was engraved to the ground. The engraved light drew a complex shape and kanji's—and that, I recognize to be a fuinjutsu seal. The kanji's were a lot different from what I've seen in the manga and anime.

Also this fuinjutsu summoning seal.... it's kind of small!


It's just making this horrendous and irritating sound!

It was at this moment that I realize that whatever it is in the seal is coming out.

I watched the fuinjutsu summoning seal making turns from left to right and right to left— there were sounds of clicks from here to there as if the seal is some sort of a vault— as my heart pounded with excitement.

Finally, something came out.


Something sprang out from the ground accompanied by an intense shock wave.


A creature with small, fluffy brown skin with shining brown eyes and a rosy blush on his cheeks. It has two noticeable tufts of fur on the top of his head as well as one on his chest and inside both of his ears. He has two prominent front teeth that sit over his bottom lip to form a triangular shape.

In other words its like this: Soft, fluffy hair. A plump butt with short limbs. I can tell that its size is about the same as my fist.

"Hm," I scoffed dissapointingly, "Where's my Chimera? Why is it a rat that came out of the seal instead of my Chimera?"

[It's a hamster, you fucking idiot.]

Same thing. Same thing. I said to the System brat as I realize that it's a sham. And I just fucking waste seventy fucking percent of my money to this kind of sham! FUCKING SHIT! I shouldn't have trust it.

"It's a fucking failure." I couldn't help but remark while clicking tip of my tongue.

I ignore the tears that was about to flow from the rat's wide eyes and was about to turn around and get my beauty sleep all the while thinking of how I just wasted my sleeping time to this shite.

"Poochii! Popochichi!"

Somehow, I could understand what the rat was saying. Guess it has somethin' to do with being its summoner and all.

"What? You're not a failure? You can do lots of incredible things?" I turn around, bending my knees in order to face the rat, "What kind of incredible things? Like, shooting acorn bullet jutsu?" I mocked the rat.

"I don't need any of that."

[Acorns are for squirrels....]

Shut up!

"Pochichi!" The rat denied, shaking its head and hands. Now that I'm looking at it a bit closer, its quite anxious.

"No? Then what are you waiting for, show me your worth."

Hearing this, the rat put his hand on its mouth as his cheeks grew wider. Then he spat a crumbled paper out, filled with its saliva.

"HURK— EUGHHH!" I barf.

[How dramatic...]

Shut up! I bet all of my remaining Ryo's that you're having the same reaction as I am!

[.... shut it...]

Speak for yourself!

Fuck, this is disgusting. Ew. I supressed myself from barfing up again. But from time to time my throat would make barfing sounds. I opened the note, there were words inscribed on it. Fortunately, the moon was bright, so I could read the contents clearly.

"「Pochi's User Manual」"

"「Pochi is an adorable hamster. Please take care of him with lots of love.」"

So its a boy, huh.

"「As the one who summoned him upon this world, Pochi is absolutely loyal to you. Chimera's, from the moment you summoned them, are your lifelong companions or family.」"

"「Feed Pochi with the two type of treats that the System has given for you. It is a treat that came with Pochi for free. But once you ran out of treats, you will buy the treats from the System that cost only 1 Ryo for a single piece of treat.」"

"「Red Special Treat — Pochi will become huge. It will lose its effect after 12 hours.」"

"「Yellow Special Treat — Pochi will become small. Use this to feed Pochi before the Red Treat loses its effect.」"

I gave Pochi a side eye, inspecting him from ears to toe.

"How big can you grow?"

"Poochii!" (Translation: Depending on my limits.)

"If there's a limit on how tall you can grow then you're really useless."

"Popppochi! Poch-poch pochi chi!" (Translation: Wait, wait, I'm not useless! I can improve my skills and break my limitations with enough training!)

"Hmm, really?" Pochi repeatedly nodded in affirmation, "Then don't hold back."

I gave Pochi a Red Seed.

I've never taken care a hamster before, with the reason in mind that it'd only be a waste of money. But I heard from my Biology teacher that hamsters are great at digging tunnels. Maybe he could play the role as an excavator after he's proven his worth.

I took a few steps back as Pochi sniffed the seed I've given him. He look hesitant at first but seemed to really like it after sniffing it. Pochi nibbled the seed and put it in his mouth and chewed.

The moment Pochi swallowed the seed. He suddenly grew bigger in size and height. He looks to be five meters— no, ten meters.

What the fuck is with that rat's face? I scoffed, look at this big guy, it's looking down on me with such a smug face. How arrogant.

[LOL. Your pride must be hurt becayse you're been looked down by a mere 'rat'.]

Shut up. And for the record, I don't have possess such thing called, 'pride'.

"Pochi, open up!"

The hamster followed my order and open its mouth. I threw a Blue Seed in his mouth and unknowingly swallowed it. A few moments later, Pochi returned to his original size.

"Yeah, yeah, I believe you, alright? You're not useless as I thought you'd be."

"Po chichi?"

"Yep, I won't get rid of you."

"Pochi!" (Translation: Yehey!)

"Let's go to sleep now. We've got a lot to do for tomorrow's schedule."



"Hello my Dear Readers! Author-san here! I've been checking the progress of how many readers have read this book and I am surprised to say that there were a lot of you guys reading WOSIN!"

"So, Dear Readers— awkward laugh*— I, unfortunately, have bad news for you all! Sob* Sob*! My friends tricked me and force me to accept a bet that I have to recieve a 50k Readers and 50 collectors until the end of April! And if I were to fail their bet, I'd have to postpone publishing chapters for a whole month! 😭 😭!"

"Everyone, please help me, this is my life's work! And if I were to fail to follow my schedules, no doubt I'd be breaking my schedules. It's be like— uploading two chapters per week and sometimes I'd upload one chapter per month!"

(P. S. They are currently holding my secret against me and tell You-Don't-Know-Who-But-Somehow-I-Got-The-Feeling-You-Know-Who about my attractions towards You-Don't-Know-Who-But-Somehow-I-Got-The-Feeling-You-Know-Who!)