
Was I Summoned To Another World? Are My Servants Heroic Spirits?

Follow the story of Allan, who suddenly summoned a servant and discovered that the world is not as simple as it seems. (this is the english translation of my story. my original story is written in brazilian portuguese.) The tags of this fanfic are: ARIFUETA, FATE, DXD. (I write this fanfic for fun. I only own the protagonist of this fanfic and the original characters I add to this story. The other characters and franchises that appear in the story do not belong to me.)

Jovictor · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

chapter 27


"Akino... I..." I tried to speak but couldn't find the right words to respond to Akino.

Inside I was happy and worried at the same time.

On the one hand I was happy. After all, Akino confessed to me, knowing that she has the same feelings I have for her makes me so happy.

But I was also very worried because of Akino's confession, because knowing Akino's personality she is sure that she will have a strong desire to monopolize me and therefore she would be strongly against any idea of ​​a harem.

Be that as it may, I need to be honest with Akino, even if it means getting hit by holy lightning.

"Akino I... I like you too." I said to Akino.

"Serious?" Akino asked in surprise as she had a smile on her face.

"Yes. But Akino... I... Well how can I tell you that?" I spoke.

"I know Allan-kun, that I'm not the only one you love." Akino spoke.

"Eh? Do you know?" I asked worried.

"Yes I know. And well..." Akino spoke.

"I won't forbid you from having a harem." Akino spoke in a low voice in a reluctant tone but I heard it perfectly.

"WHAT? DO YOU ALLOW? Akino are you sure you don't have a high fever?" I asked worried about Akino's health as I placed my hand on her forehead to see how she was doing.

"Allan-kun I don't have a fever. I'm serious now." Akino spoke while pouting.

"I understand. But Akino are you sure about that? I thought you would be strongly against the idea of ​​a harem and try to monopolize me just for you." I said to Akino.

"You're not wrong to think so. Even now I really wish that you would only look at me and that you would think only of me." Akino spoke.

"But after talking to Clarisse-san I realized that I couldn't be that selfish." Akino spoke.

"All this time you avoided choosing one so you wouldn't hurt the others. If I tried to have you all to myself then that wouldn't be love it would just be selfish." Akino spoke.

I heard everything Akino said.

"So it's okay that I love you and Serenity?" I asked hesitantly.

*sigh* "It's really frustrating, but I'm not going to stop you from having Serenity and... Wait a minute Allan-kun, why did you just mention Serenity? What about the bitch fox?" Akino asked in surprise when she heard my words.

"Well, about that..." I was about to speak to Akino but I stopped talking when I heard the sound of the bathroom door being opened.

Both Akino and I looked towards the door and then saw that whoever was there was...

"Nya, I have to admit this is a pretty big bathtub nya." who spoke was Kuroka who had just entered the bathroom.

Kuroka was walking towards us.

Kuroka wasn't using anything to cover her body, she was walking towards us without hiding anything.

Okay, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't delighted to see Kuroka naked without hiding anything.

Luckily I averted my gaze just in time. Because at that moment Akino looked at me to check if I was looking at Kuroka. Akino narrowed her eyes suspiciously in my direction but then she looked at Kuroka and then said.

"What do you think you're doing here, you damn cat?" Akino asked in a cold tone clearly not hiding her annoyance at Kuroka's presence.

"Nya, as I saw that Allan was very tired from the tournament I decided to wash Allan's back as a thank you for everything he's done for me this past month nya. And I kind of overheard your conversation, so my Congratulations on now officially dating." Kuroka said with her usual playful smile but Akino and I both raised one of our eyebrows clearly expressing that we didn't fall for Kuroka's lip service.

Kuroka didn't wait for our answers and quickly got into the bathtub, she was right next to me on the left side.

Kuroka then hugged my left arm, resulting in contact between my left arm and Kuroka's breasts.

And I must say that the feeling of Kuroka's breasts is wonderful.

"Hey hey... What do you think you're doing, Kuroka?" I asked stuttering as I tried to get away from Kuroka but to no avail.

Because of the sealing magic Aunt Clarisse used on me because of the tournament I can't use any magic and I also can't exert any physical strength that exceeds that of a human who isn't related to supernatural. So I'm not able to push away Kuroka who has reached the high-class level.

"Take your hands off Allan-kun now you damn cat." Akino said as she grabbed my right arm and tried to pull me to her side but Kuroka didn't let go.

While the two are fighting I heard Kuroka speak.

"Hey Allan, I heard that Akino gave you permission to have a harem. So how about..." Kuroka spoke close to my ear with a seductive voice as she pressed her breasts on my left arm. I'm not going to lie that I like the feeling of touching breasts, it's always wonderful. But...

"I'm sorry Kuroka but I can't accept her feelings." I told Kuroka.

The moment I finished talking Akino and Kuroka stopped pulling me and stared at me with surprise in her eyes.

Akino had a surprised expression that quickly turned to a happy smile.

As for Kuroka she was the complete opposite. She got a sad expression and her cat ears dropped.

"Allan does that mean you hate me? Nya." Kuroka asked.

"No Kuroka, I don't hate you." I told Kuroka.

"So..." Kuroka tried to speak but I cut her off.

"But I don't love you either Kuroka." I told Kuroka.

"Kuroka in this one month one month that you lived in our house I really came to like you, but just as a friend, I don't have romantic feelings towards you Kuroka." I told Kuroka.

I got straight to the point. Even though it's only been a month since I met Kuroka I consider her a friend, but I don't have romantic feelings for her, even though I don't understand why she likes me I need to be direct, after all I can't ignore it either Akino's feelings.

I know Akino needed to muster up a lot of courage and determination to allow Tamamo and Serenity to also have a relationship with me. But would Akino be okay with Kuroka stepping in? Obviously not.

And that's why I have to be straight here. It's not just for me, but it's also for Akino.

I could see that Kuroka perked up a bit when she heard that I didn't hate her and I can understand from her expression that she still won't give up.

Just as I was about to speak some more I heard hurried footsteps approaching.

When I turned to see who it was I froze.

Who was at the bathroom door was Tamamo. She had a calm expression and had a calm smile, but her eyes weren't smiling.

There was an awkward silence that lasted a few seconds. Until...


At that moment I understood something.

I'm really screwed.

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