
War of Heroes and Gods

Gods, fickle creatures. Taking young men and women from one world putting them in the next to be some hero, what a joke. Over a thousand years have passed since these beings no longer take from us the Young and Gifted, Powerful, and Blessed. Now us humans have unlocked the power to take these worlds for our own and rule them by claiming to be these Heroes the Gods have such abandoned. Rare Materials, Magic, and Knowledge unknown to one world, taken to fuel our own. On to the next world which may be the last for these Heroes, and just maybe find these so called Gods.

Rardren · Fantaisie
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30 Chs


The now battered demon, thinking that it found the weakest link to his cage, charged at Gremlin thinking that the sole female in the group was much less physically apt to stop him. Once he was in range and swung his arm wide to move her out of the way, she ducked under its fist and threw her chain at its feet and pulling tight, sending it facefirst into the road.

With a quick shout, Rak roared to Ignis "Now!"

Before Ignis could take a step forward hearing that command, Rak sprinted torward another direction heading straight for his shield weilding teamate. With a concerned look James stared at his leader running at him almost at full speed before noticing his hand which was now pointing up. With a quick jump step and swinging his left arm down and up, Rak landed on his shield bending his body into a ball putting stress on the muscles in his legs. Using his great strength, James sent his leader flying in the sky over the city.

While Rak was setting up for his daredevil act, Ignis took off to get the demon still chained down. By the time Rak was sent flying, Ignis transformed his right hand into a giant crab claw and reached out for the demon. Breaking through stone and dirt he snapped at the creatures body, holding it tightly, and doing a spin for momentum before hurtling the monster at his teacher in the air faster than even Rak was moving.

Once the two collided in the air Rak and the demon was still sent further and further into the air until he could feel the momentum of the throw waining about 600 feet in the air. Before the apex of his flight Rak sent a surge of power into his legs once against sending him just a bit higher, while sending his trapped foe streaking back to the ground like a meteor, and took out 2 of the blue spikes on his side.

Felling the air rush past him so high up, Rak concentrated on the spikes in his hand and his target down below. Once he began his descent back to the ground his hand began to shine and spark. Thousands of volts of electricity raced from his body into his arm, hand, fingers and finally into his weapons. By the time he was around 250 feet from the ground his hand was shining like a star in the night sky.

Seeing the imposing blue light coming from the falling man, Ignis roared to his team "Everyone needs to run now or it wont be pretty!" before turning into a sleek feline form and running away at top speed through the town. Followed by everyone else scattering in different directions with confused looks, wondering how this will end.

Crashing back down into the stone road, the demon was still alive but lightheaded from the sudden increase in altitude and shock of hitting the ground with such force. Once his eyes focused back to reality, the monster saw nothing but an ever increasing aura of blue light shining before him.

Coming closer and closer to the ground Rak had to stop pushing his power to the limit before condensing it all into his two weapons. Once he reached close enough he let loose his spikes onto the monster down below.

As soon as the spikes left his hand they exploded into action picking up speed like they were shot from a railgun. In less than a second they traveled the last bit of distance to earth finding their mark in the demons eyes.

Once they landed on their target, the force from their fall causes everything around to crumble and turn to scraps. The stones that made the road was shattered from one end of the city to the other, while houses with a window still intanct did not have them anymore. Air that was compressed from their fall spread out as a horrific gale turned the nearest houses to shambles. Animals could be found fleeing away from the boom that was heard from miles around.

Landing hard on the body of the demon, Rak looked at his foes face before hearing a horrible yell of pain and fear coming from its throat. The shock of the strike knocked him out instead of killing him outright, and the next hit of a bulky man landing on his gut woke him up to the pain of his eyes that exploded.

"Let us see how tenacious you actually are!" he yelled before grabbing the metal spikes still embedded into the eye sockets of the screaming monster. With one hand grabbing each metal spike, Rak breathed in deeply before sending more electricty to course through the metal into the demons hopefully weaker insides.

The demon wailed in pain as the feeling of not only his eyes being stabbed assaulted him but the feeling of what he could only think was the pain of being eaten alive by millions of small insects each taking a bite of him. His scream could be heard from any part of the city.

After a minute or so of unleashing his full fury onto his prey, Rak stayed his hand and looked at what has become of his target. The demon no longer wailed in pain or twitched a muscle as steam raised from a majority of its body. The fight had finally come to a close.

While wiping the sweat from his forehead and looking around to see where his team had gone, a soft clapping could be heard from a short distance away. With a quick motion, Rak grabbed his weapons from the demons smoldering skull, rolled, and took a stance like he was about to launch a dart at the direction the clapping was coming from, all the while his flying knives jolted to life around him.

What he saw was an odd sight, not another demon like he just fought, or maybe just a different kind, but a small werewolf looking monster sitting upon the stone slab the red demon had brought and was praying to in the middle of the destroyed town square.

Looking at Rak with a somewhat pleased expression, the monster said in a rather calm tone and a smile on its face "Lets go ahead and get the introductions out of the way shall we? Hello hero im a God!"