
War Between Mafia and Yakuza

In the business world everyman had to fight for himself, business became so dangerous, that CEO's started seeking help from agencies like the mafia and Yakuza, Mr. walker was one of these business men, well-known for his diligency in business, he was the ceo of Walker group of jewellery designers and producers, and he also owned an oil company, he was formally signed to the Yakuza, they did a good job protecting him, but their leader Ottis Reign soon passes away leaving the Yakuza to the hands of his wife Haeli Reign, let's sit back and watch as all sorts of drama occur.

neema567 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

7 Liam's first love

As usual Liam was trying his best to fall asleep, but his insomnia had kicked in pretty much lately, he has always had it, but it sometimes died down and he was able to sleep.

His junior high school days were the best, he had lots of friends and even had his first love but things happened and they got separated but he didn't stop thinking about her that's why he had always stayed single for a long time.

He loved to see how happy his brother looked everytime he was with Matilda cause to him one of them being happy Is enough, his siblings and their father were all he had, he wouldn't trade them for the world.

He would keep waiting for her, he was confident that she would come back, back into where you would ask, back into his life, he was going to keep waiting even if it would take a whole lifetime.

How would he have known that the very person he was waiting for was who he would end up pushing away from himself, but maybe she would still stay and be a part of his life, who knows.

Levi was busy sorting out questions he would give to Aria the next day to try out. In his opinion Aria was just a little naive, trying to do what she wants and at the same time trying to be accepted by everyone around her, she was just like Ari, no one would be a better friend for her than Ari.

Levi went to his sister's room to check on her, she was still awake watching a movie on her phone, once she saw her brother she turned off her phone, she knew her brother only came to check on her this late anytime something was bothering him.

"what's wrong, had a bad day"she asked, but Levi just walked over to the bed and tucked himself in, obviously planning to spend the night in her room, she scooted over to him and rested her head on his shoulder, he hugged his sister and that's how they fell asleep, this wasn't the first time, Leigh decided to asked him about it the next morning.

Julian just finished an hectic day filled with attending business meetings and going through lots of files, he was so exhausted, he had to take a lot of wine due to attending several meetings, he was drunk he couldn't see clearly not could he make sense of things around him.

When the driver parked the car he helped his boss get into the house, Adeline couldn't help but feel worried when saw her husband in his drunken state, she helped him to the room after thanking the driver, once she laid him down on the bed she proceeded to take off his shoes and socks.

She took off his suit and tie before moving him to a more comfortable position, she covered him with the blanket and was about to get up when he pulled her to himself, Adeline's heart started beating rapidly, their closeness was affecting her it always did.

"Addy I'm sorry, I really don't love you, I can't forget about Haeli especially not now that she's back, but I'll try to love you, you're the mother of my children afterall"Julian confessed in his drunken state, Adeline began to panick, she's back, why, why now, she should have stayed 20 years ago, why come back now.

"I love you Julian, but I just can't say it to you, cause you don't feel the same way, it'll only make you feel uncomfortable and I don't want that "Adeline said knowing Julian wasn't sober and he mostly forgot everything that happened when he was drunk so there was nothing to worry about, or so she thought.

Julian started tugging at his cloths, the heat was uncontrollable, unknown to them, Haeli had asked someone to slip aphrodisiac into his drink, her plan was for him to end up staying the night with her, she would make a video and then send it to Adeline to cause a rift between them.

When his secretary informed him about what he overheard Haeli telling her assistant he was shocked, he was shocked at the fact that Haeli was in the hotel, and surprised that she would stoop so low just to get what she wanted but he wouldn't let her have it.

She had a chance to stay by his but she rejected it and now that chance only belonged to one person and that was Adeline, even though he didn't love her now he would try his best and he would learn to love her.

Fortunately Julian realized he was being drugged, but he still took the drink but immediately left for home before it's effects started to manifest, he struggled throughout the car ride, he managed to reach home safely but the temptation started becoming too much.

The heat radiating from his body was too much to contain, he started unbuttoning his shirt, this was enough for Adeline to realize that he was drugged, he pulled Adeline close to him and bit her earlobe causing her to gasp.

He kissed her on her forehead then on her cheek and also the bridge of her nose, he trailed the kisses down her nape causing her to bite her lips as she tried to hold back the moan that was threatening to escape her lips.

She gripped onto the duvet as tight as she could, afterall it had been 16 years since she last felt this sort of pleasure, ever since Aria had been born she and Julian had never been intimate again.

He kept his distance from her, but still showered her with respect and anything money could buy, but his heart and love was something money couldn't buy that was the painful fact, she had long accepted that and learnt to live with her unrequited love, atleast she could be by his side that was more than she could ask for, afterall you can't force someone to love you.

She locked eyes with him and her soft heart skipped a beat, she suddenly felt guilty, he wasn't rational right now she couldn't take advantage of that, he probably didn't even know he was being intimate with her, he might just be imagining she was Haeli.

She pulled back and left to get water for him to drink, when she got back Julian had already removed his shirt and was about to unbuckle his belt, she held his hand to stop him from doing so.

He pulled her close to himself again, his hot breath lingering on face, he started sucking the skin of her nape leaving red marks all over her neck.

She pulled away again, her conscience taking the better of her, he stared into her eyes, looking at her like she was some new delicacy he just had to taste.

"I..I want..you..yo, I need..need you, so hot..I want..want you..I want you Addy"once Julian completed his sloppy sentence he pulled Adeline back and immediately siezed her lips, a sudden wave of electricity passed through them.

Julian owned her upper and lower lip with is rough and seductive sucking. Adeline couldn't contain her moans anymore as she melted like jelly in Julian's arms, the fact that Julian actually called her name, made her sure that he knew it was her, and like that she let herself get lost in their intimate act.