
Wandering Intruder

I was suddenly transferred in another world without realizing, I thought I could return to my former world when I asked Syldrya but turns out to be impossible. After a very long time, she revealed to me that I was a former god of this world, she also said that I once sacrificed myself to save this world from it's destruction. I don't if she tries to prank me or what, suddenly talking that I'm a god, that's just ridiculous. I still don't believe it since I always have this thought in my mind that tells me that she's just joking. Welp, let's just pretend to accept it, she's a goddess who can't afford to be kept in the dark. A notorious goddess since ancient times, she helped me adjusting in this new world for my everyday life. She's a very important person in my life that's why I would sacrifice everything even myself just to save her and what she holds dear.

RDA · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Mock Battle

It's been 2 months since I've had my training lessons with them.

Today, Aribal san said that I will have my first opponent in my mock battle, his a junior from the Royal Knights, he can also use magics to be precise.

They said that this person can use many magic spells and technics, why do I need to fight this type of genius?

I can already imagine his overwhelming power and victory against me.

Sigh, I hope I can put up some fight with him, he's a genius guy they said, I can't let my guard down against him.

Well let's just go with the flow and put some fight as long as we can.

Syldrya seems to be composed and comfortable despite of my circumstances, well it's not like I wanted her to cheer me though.

Really, that's not the real reason, believe me.

Here they are, at last, the three of them showed up here in training ground.


Aribal and Dorsal came along with a guy whose age didn't have a great gap than that of Roujo.

His name is Dyco Gelgem, a prodigy knight whom swear his loyalty to his teacher and mentor Dorsal.

"Sensei, is this the one you're talking about? He looks weak you know, this isn't even enough to satisfy me."(Dyco)

"Don't be like that, ahahaha. You'll end up losing in no time if you keep on belittling him you know?"(Dorsal)

"Please don't hold any grudge against me okay? I don't want to bully some weak creatures after all, blame Sensei for what will happen to you."(Dyco)

(I changed my mind, now I wanted to beat him till he passed out, it's not that I'm confident though, but this types of people is what I hate the most. I thought that he's a great and good guy because of his calm looks, you can't really judge the book by it's cover. What I great disappointment had.)(Roujo)

Dorsal began to explain the roles of their mock battle, a battle of dignity and pride for each other.

The Syldrya acted like a spectator with a foods and drinks infront of her, you can say that she looks like a princess having her fun while watching a great tournament.

Dyco continued to look down on Roujo thinking that it would be an easy win for him.

"Every attacks and technics are allowed but don't kill your opponent, you can impose some injury to your opponents but not to the extent that it could kill him. Magics are also allowed but don't use the great magics that could harm the surrounding."(Dorsal)

"Huh? Do you think he can use the high tier magics and technics? Don't joke with me, no matter where you look at him, his incapable of those things."(Dyco)

"I don't know, let's just find out."(Dorsal)

(I don't know if he really have any grudges against me or is it just mocking? He didn't even know what things I can do and now he's looking down on me? That's not a good idea.)(Roujo)


Syldrya announced the opening of their battle.

Dyco was the first to attack Roujo who's still on his ground waiting for the attack.

The speed and agility of Dyca was hard to match up for Roujo, he still waits for an opening while holding his ground until he noticed something to his hands and legs.

(What!! I can't move my limbs.)(Roujo)

"Ahahaha!! Are you surprised? Do you think I will just attack you aimlessly? That's paralysis magic, everytime I land an attacks to you, it was also embued with paralysis magic. You know? I can use magics without using any chants, in other words I'm a Chantless Magician ahahaha!!"(Dyco)

Roujo who can't make a single move was slowly getting his posture more unstable and distracted by the paralysis magic.

Dyco again started his attacks to Roujo without any hesitation.

(I need to think some way to get out of this situation. He said that his attacks was embedded with paralysis magics, I need to copy that magic while guarding myself.)(Roujo)

"Hahahaha!! What now? Is that only what you l got? Entertain me more. Show me what you've got.!!"(Dyco)

(He didn't use any chants with his magics, then all I needed to do was to rely on my imagination. Pour some magic power to your skin and imagine the explosion of a land mine when it was touched by a little force. My hands are starting to get reddish, I need to enhance my physical defense so that I can't get any damages from the explosion.)(Roujo)

The three spectators that is Aribal, Dorsal, and Syldrya was watching from afar silently.

Syldrya can't stop from eating the snacks infront of her while looking and laughing at Roujo's situation.


An explosion appears in front of them and a guy with a bloody face and hands.

All of them were showing a shocked face as they noticed what happened infront of them.

It's just a moment and the fight was now closer to it's conclusion.

They can't believe about what happened or how to grasp the situation, it's just that they can't understand how did all of that happened in a blink of an eye.

Confused to it's core, Dyco didn't know what happened to him nor to his opponent

A while ago, he was so confident about his overwhelming advantage but all of that was destroyed in a second.

He used his healing magic to heal his wounded hands and face.

(He used the chants now, is it because of damages or he just can't do the healing magic without any chants.)(Roujo)

"What.. what did you do!? How..how can you cast any magics when you can't even move a while ago?"(Dyco)

"Nothing at all, I just amplified my hands with magic power enough to make an explosion if touched, that's all. Why so surprised? Yes you managed to limit my movements but you can't limit my mind from thinking you know? Thanks to you, I managed to get out of that numbness."(Roujo)

"Don't make fun of me!! You can even use magic without any chants? And what's with that high tier magic? I didn't know that existed!!"(Dyco)

He gets flustered after Roujo managed to break the paralysis to his body.

Dyco began to feel angry and nervous at the same time, he's starting to get crazy because of the situations his in.

He can't grasp what's his opponent was hiding from him, he didn't even saw Roujo move from his position until now.

"That's not a spell you know, I created that explosion myself, the Mana that was stored in my hands was so immense and strong enough to blow anytime it was touched even by a feather.(That was a hundred times more sensitive than the landmines that o think about, thank goodness I prepared for any countermeasures from the beginning. If not, I don't know if I can stand if that explosion were happened to harm me.)"(Roujo)

"Are you telling me that you created that explosion yourself? So you're telling me that you're stronger than me?! Don't get ahead of yourself.. HAAAH!!!"(Dyco)

"These types of attacks won't work anymore, I already learned my mistakes you know? Thanks to that long chat of yours, I now have a confident to fight you."(Roujo)

Roujo now started to dodge and fend the attacks of Dyco, be it magics, sword or physical attacks.

The longer they fight, the more Roujo reads his movements and attack patterns, as for Dyco, he still attacks Roujo with all his might.

(Why?? Why can't I hit him? How's this possible?? I can't forgive this)(Dyco)

The spectators who were watching from afar for a whole time already knows whole will win with this match.

"Let's end it now, I'm tired of this game of tag, give all of your power left on you, because I will also give all my best to finish you with this last attack of mine."(Roujo)

"What?? Don't get cocky bastard!! That's right, be prepared for this attack, I hope you survived this. O lights that crosses the horizons, oh lights that soar from the sky, pierced the lands and burned the mountains, strike thy enemy with your might. Thunder Claps!!!"(Dyco)

A big lightning appeared from the sky and pointed it's fangs towards Roujo who's still don't know how potent the magic is.

In an instant, the lightning strike the ground where Roujo is and the disappeared.

Roujo was so surprised that he was thrown outside of the range, it was a man who was standing from the place where he should be standing.

Aribal who was supposed to be a spectator rushed towards Roujo's direction and managed to save Roujo from his sudden death.

He used his transfering magic to transfer the lightning to the other directions where no life can be harmed.

"As expected, I didn't know that you will go out of your way and violate the rules. How far have you gotten out of your own mind, you failed to prove your worth and loyalty as a Great Knight, Dyco. I'm so ashamed for you. I hope you learned your lesson from this, make sure that you will never do it again infront of me not your master or else, I will be the one to erase you from this world."(Arbal)

(Aribal san was so scary. I was so surprised by that, I didn't even know that he was going to attack me with lightning. I don't want to imagine my fate if I was happened to hit by that attack.)(Roujo)

"Please forgive him for his son, Roujo kun. He put your life in danger this time and deserves some punishment. If wanted to punish him, please let me do it myself."(Aribal)

"You don't need to bow infront of me Aribal san. Please raised your head now. If you want to punish him, I will leave it to you then."(Roujo)

"No, level that matter to me, I'm his master after all, I was the one who's responsible of him. Please let me do it"(Dorsal)

"Make sure to have him a great punishment m'kay? If not, I will be the one to punish him!!"(Syldrya)

"I will make sure to punish him."(Dorsal)

"But please don't kill him okay? I don't want anyone to die because of me."(Roujo)

"I understand your intentions. Please excuse us."(Dorsal)

His disappointment was drawn to his face, anger and shame was mixing inside of him that he can't properly control it but he endured it to honor Roujo's request.

"Hmph, that idiot, if I see him again, I will make sure to punch him to his face!!"(Syldrya)