
Wandering Intruder

I was suddenly transferred in another world without realizing, I thought I could return to my former world when I asked Syldrya but turns out to be impossible. After a very long time, she revealed to me that I was a former god of this world, she also said that I once sacrificed myself to save this world from it's destruction. I don't if she tries to prank me or what, suddenly talking that I'm a god, that's just ridiculous. I still don't believe it since I always have this thought in my mind that tells me that she's just joking. Welp, let's just pretend to accept it, she's a goddess who can't afford to be kept in the dark. A notorious goddess since ancient times, she helped me adjusting in this new world for my everyday life. She's a very important person in my life that's why I would sacrifice everything even myself just to save her and what she holds dear.

RDA · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


They went back to Roujo silently with Syldrya being the lead and laughing nonchalantly.

Their faces shows some kind of fear or more like a threatened face that looks like they have experienced the greatest terorr of their entire life.

(I didn't thought she mean it like that, she got me there. I really thought that she's so serious about her introductions about who really we are but it turned out as a failure.)(Roujo)

"Nyahahahaha!! Nyahahahaha!! Ahahahaha!! Nyahahaaack"(Syldrya)

"Quit that villainess act now, it didn't fit you. SOO..what HAPPENED to THEM?!"(Roujo)

"Eeck..er..umm.. ahahaha.. nothing!!"(Syldrya)

"It's not "nothing"! Now tell me what really happened or I will double your punishment.. hehehe.."(Roujo)

"I.. it's..re.. really..no.. nothing you know!!"(Syldrya)

(She's so flustered, there's really something about it.)(Roujo)

"You don't need to intimidate her anymore, Roujo kun, it's really nothing, we're just surprised about your circumstances that's all."(Aribal)

"What he said was right Roujo kun, to think that you don't have any parents made my heart ache so much, please forgive us for asking about who you really are."(Dorsal)

Syldrya that have found a new way to get out of her trouble suddenly get the opportunity and deny everything.

"That's right!! It's so bad of you to doubt me Roujo kun. Now, just bow infront of me and beg for my forgiveness so that I can forgive you! Nyahahaha!!"(Syldrya)

"I'm not dumb enough to ask your forgiveness, I didn't even made any fault on you for me to ask your forgiveness. To top it all, you're the one who needs to ask me my FOR..GIVE..NESS."(Roujo)

"Eeckk..hai.. please forgive me, I promise I won't do it again, I won't leave again without your permission."(Syldrya)


"Hngh..yes! I promise."(Syldrya)

"Then, I will forgive you, but.."(Roujo)


"You still need to be punished."(Roujo)

"Ehhh?? Sonna.."(Syldrya)

The two siblings just laughed while looking at them.

"That's right. Why did you bowed infront of her back there?"(Roujo)

"Ah.. that one, we asked for her forgiveness because we forced our way just to know more about you."(Aribal)

"Sou ka.. you don't to it you know. It's not a big deal for me anyway."(Roujo)

They just looked at each other and ind ignored what Roujo said.

"Enough for that, for now let's proceed to our lessons about swordsmanship. Do you know how to use the sword properly?"(Dorsal)

"Just a little, I only know how to hold and swing it but I don't have any knowledge about how to use it in battles."(Roujo)

(I only knew it because of kendo and other anime and video games though, I didn't used the real sword.)(Roujo)

"Th..then, if you know how to hold it, you will be able to attack me right?"(Dorsal)

"Hold on, I don't know how to use swords and you're telling me to attack you?"(Roujo)

"Yes, you can do that right? Don't worry, we have Aribal to heal us if we both happened to get injured, also no matter what of you can hold the sword and other weapons, that only means you can attack others using that weapon in you hands."(Dorsal)

"That's right Roujo kun, even if you didn't know any techno and sword styles if you have your both hands and weapons, you can defend yourself and even attack others."(Aribal)

"Is..is that so? I understand."(Roujo)

(Well that's really true, even I can defend myself with just hands, I also live my life alone and I always ended up with troublesome guys everywhere. You can say that I gained some experiences back in Japan, thanks to that I can now test my aquired experiences with a strong and expert opponents. He gave me the his sword, not the wooden sword but his battle sword. I hesitated at first but he said it's okay because I can't hit him anyway. Just don't blame me if I managed to hit you okay?)(Roujo)

"Well then, start!"(Syldrya)

The moment Syldrya announced the openings, Roujo rushed towards the still and composed Dorsal that is holding up the wooden sword.

He swung the sword through the as if it was the part of his own body, but sadly, Dorsal evaded his attack like it was the simplest thing in the world.

Roujo continues to attack Dorsal while looking for the openings untill he was interrupted by a sudden swing from above.

It was the wooden sword that Dorsal was holding with that landed on his shoulder that made him knocked into the ground.

"You can't just focus on your attacks, you also needs to watch your opponents movements Roujo kun, that is one of the simplest thing when it comes to battle. You also need to.. Ho.. so you can still fight huh, I like that guts of yours."

Roujo attempted to punch him in his face as he get his composition back.

(That was close, I didn't expect that he can still fight like it's nothing, as expected. It seems that I needed to be more careful with his next move.)(Dorsal)

The two of them started to exchange some offensive attacks while defending themselves from each attacks.

"To that he will rely on his hands rather than his sword, I didn't expect he will pull that stunt."(Aribal)

"Kukuku..what do you think? Isn't he's amazing?"(Syldrya)

"Yes, he really is amazing, I didn't know what is that technics but he looks like dancing with his sword, truely a sight to see."(Aribal)

His breathing was slowly getting faster as he continues to attack Dorsal, he was aiming for an opening but now he's also watching at his opponents movements.

"What's wrong? It seems like your ready to pass out anytime with that gasping of yours."(Dosal)

"I can still fight, this much.. isn't enough.. to stop me.."(Roujo)

"Hoho.. I like that spirit of yours. But just spirit is not enough to defeat your for, you also need to get "something" to defeat the enemies infront of you."(Dorsal)

Dorsal smiled at him while dodging the fast attacks of Roujo and pointing out his weaknesses.

"What is this "something" you're talking about?"(Roujo)

"You need to figure it out, everyone that fight have that "something" inside of them that made them push their ways to it's very limits just to defend that "something". You'll have to find it to have reasons about what your fighting for."(Dorsal)

"And if I don't find that "something" what will happen to me?"(Roujo)

"It's not a big deal, you will just end up being a dangerous being with a potential of destroying others, like monsters."(Dorsal)

"So you're.. telling me.. that it's dangerous to be so strong without that "something".. inside of you huh? I will.. remember that.. haah..haah..haah.."(Roujo)

"So this is your limit, that was a good fight Roujo kun, o didn't expect that you can pull it this far. Ahahahaha!! I was surprised, I was so surprised you know hahaha. And that technics you showed back there, where did you know that?"(Dorsal)

"That's also my question Roujo kun, I didn't know that there's something like that technic of yours that existed in this world. For all of the battles and wars that I observed and experienced, I didn't found anyone that relies more on their own hands and legs than their own weapons."(Aribal)

"Yeah, people who tends to have weapons loves to rely on their weapons as if it's a part of their own lives while the others who uses martial arts in combats didn't rely that much in weapons but instead on their own body and reflexes, that made you different from the rest who uses both weapons and martial arts in battle. Truly I was so surprised, ahahaha!"(Dorsal)

"Sugoi deshou? Nyahahaha!! As expected of me nyahahaha!!"(Syldrya)

(Don't say it like your the one who made it! Mattaku!)(Roujo)

"But to think that you have that good reflexes in combat, that's a good thing to improve."(Aribal)

"Ma.. I have to defend myself all day because of those punks in the streets, I also know some sword technics because of our kendou club that's why I have a little experiences in combat hehehe."(Roujo)

"Kendou? Punk? What was those things? Are those the names of your technics?"(Aribal)

"Iya iya, that's not it, punk is a group of people who loves to harm other people. That's only it is."(Roujo)

(Shimatta, I forgot that this world isn't Japan anymore!)(Roujo)

"I thought it was the name of that technic.."(Aribal)

"That's a good thing of you have knowledge in combat, all you need to do is to enhance your abilities. But you have a long way to reach the higher levels."(Dorsal)

"Just don't feel to high and of yourself because you know alot of technics and skills, always remember that there's always someone who can surpass you anytime."(Syldrya)

"Hai hai, I understand.(Sometimes, she have a good things to say huh, I always thought that she only knew how to praise herself.)"(Roujo)

"Well, that's all for your lessons for now, have a good rest and we will continue it later until the dusk."(Dorsal)

"What?! Please don't be so hard on me!"(Roujo)

"Don't be an idiot, you can't find any mercy in the real combat you know?"(Dorsal)

"Hai, I understand."(Roujo)

The four of them went back to the village to while laughing at Roujo.