
VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

In a time after humanity was hit by the C-Virus, everything was relabeled. And that included humans. Those who awakened a mystical power called Qi became the Blessed and those who failed became the Qiless. The new minority. The people who did menial jobs. Those who should be shunned. The Other World, Earth's most popular VRMMORPG released its 5th version on 5th of September 2164 with the slogan "Qi Awakening to even the Qiless." A legendary Virtual World that made a not so legendary proclamation. Cheng Xiu, a Qiless, did not have hope to become an Expert in such games. She just wanted to read books, get good grades and reach a place where the lable of Qiless would not hurt her anymore. She didn't want to experience pain and suffering, thank you very much. But it seemed her best friend once again forgot that memo as she buys Cheng Xiu a game pod to play The Other World. And Cheng Xiu slowly realised that even a Qiless had an opportunity for Greatness in the VR World. Watch as she becomes the world's most powerful Qi user online! *** Warnings: There is some disturbing scenes in this, and annoying characters too. The romance does not start until after chapter 100, and it is only after 150 that you will see actual hints of it, if you can call it that. I have tried to give the online world and the real world be real spaces with characters and plots running in both. Please do not copy the story to other sites. I do not earn enough for you take the food from my mouth. xxx Cover Photo is not mine. It belongs to the original creator. If you want me to take it down, just comment on a chapter!

Anji_King · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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328 Chs


"That was a good fight," Luther said in a weak voice.

"Then why do you look so pained by it?" Diana asked him with a wide grin.

Luther gave the purple dressed woman a side glance. "That was young master WenXian. He is is the second-"

Yaksha cleared his throat, cutting the man's words off. His deep dark eyes held a warning.

Luther sweated. "I mean, that man was a Level 69 Cultivator!"

Diana rolled her eyes. "Yes, but his powers were locked."

"He still had experience!"

Diana smiled. "Who cares! As long as that girl keeps killing all these Righteous Sects' people, I will be more than happy to call her my mother!"

Luther gave her a disdained face. "And why would she be interested in being your mother?"

Diana glared at Luther. "You have a lot of nerve now do you? Don't think just because Brother Yaksha is here I won't harm you if you irritate me!"

"I'd like you to try!"


"Alright," Yaksha said in a commanding tone. "That's enough."

"Yes Young Master!"

"It was all his fault! Brother Yaksha! You must honor me!"

Luther looked at the NPC in disbelief. "My Lord, see! I told you this girl was becoming too willful! Now she even wishes for my death!"

"What do you guys think her next reward is?" Yaksha asked in a desparate attempt to stop the two from breaking out.

Luther frowned. "I'm not sure."

"Weapons!" Diana said.

Luther rolled his eyes. "And why are you so sure about it?"

Yaksha smiled.

"Brother," Diana called and leaned into Yaksha's side. "Don't you think I'm right?"

Yaksha stepped away from her and nodded. "Yes. Weapons it is."

"What? Why?" Luther asked in surprise. "You are not just saying that because this woman tried to use a yellow book page on you, right?"

Diana looked at the red robed man in confusion. "What do you mean by yellow book?"

Yaksha glared at Luther. "She is my sister, Luther. You seemed to forget it again and again."

Diana frowned. "Does Yellow Book mean something Perverted then?"

"There is a logic behind the Arena rewards, Luther," Yaksha said, his face and voice barely showing that he was trying to deviate Diana's attention.

"Oh?" Luther frowned. "That's obvious. But how do you know what the logic is?"

Yaksha sighed. "The rewards are based on your performance in the battle and your next opponent."

Luther blinked. "So the Arena market gave the girl things that would make her the victor!"

"Nonsense!" Diana spit.

Luther glared at the woman.

"It tried to even the playing field," Yaksha said with a chuckle. "There isn't much it can do. The only rewards it can give are things like weapons, skills and Stat points. Even those would need to be at a limit as the participants are at level 10."

Luther frowned. "Then how did that girl win against Lu WenXian?"

"That much is obvious to even me!" Diana said. "Her superior knowledge of the skills they used!"

"What do you mean? Lu WenXian is a level 69 player! He would have more awareness of his skills than the girl!"

Diana shook her head. "She knew about WenXian's fires and how to counteract them. From the time he used Northern Fire, he became predictable to her!"


Yaksha sighed. "The Directional Fires can only be used in one particular order. North, West, South, East. It wasn't just that knowledge that let her win though."

"That Lu WenXian was too prideful," Diana said. "He was cool in the beginning but his understanding of those Fires were not enough for him to use it on that girl."

Two shadows came out of the ground under Diana's feet and turned into copies of her.

Luther yelped. "Why are your Clones out and about?"

"Brother Yaksha had said to look into SelaXiu, remember?"

Luther frowned. "Didn't you already report it to Young Master?"

"I did, but I also left these two in the Village so that I can return to Brother's side."

"Brother Con," Luther whispered.

Yaksha glared at him.

Luther started and then bowed his head in apology. He turned to Diana.

"So, what did you find out!"

Each of the Clones handed Diana a golden amulet and disappeared.

The amulets glowed and pulsed in her hand.

It pixelated into a streak of golden light and entered Diana's head.

The purple robed woman frowned.

"What is it?" Luther asked.

"There is no SelaXiu registered in Veritas Adventure Guild."

"How can that be?"

"What else did you find?" Yaksha asked Diana, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

Luther looked at the black robed man in suspicion. Did he already guess this?

"I found a Selafia Veritas instead," Diana said with a smirk. "One of the Clones talked to the Guild Master who was busy commissioning a fountain at the public bridge."

Yaksha stared at Diana for a moment. "And found out what?"

"He was commissioning it for a girl, an adventurer who was recognized by the world three times. Her name is Selafia Veritas."

Luther gaped. "If SelaXiu is Selafia, then that means that they are playing against a person who has achieved 100% in True Qi Cultivation!"

"What do you mean 'if'? Isn't it obvious that they are the same person? They have the same name after all!"

Luther looked at woman in front of him with pity in his eyes. "Do you know how many Selafias are there in this world right now?"

Diana frowned. "But there is no SelaXiu Veritas in the village. The only person with a name close to that was Selafia Veritas. And you can't get the Village name as your last name unless you were chosen for a perticular mission!"

Luther glared. "That does't mean-"

"Brother!" Diana called out. "Am I wrong?"

Yaksha smiled. "I think you are right."

"If that is the case, then why did none of the Immortals already find out about her?" Luther asked.

Diana pursed her lips. This man simply contradicted her for no other reason than to contradict her! She would have killed him already had it not been for the fact that he was useful and Brother Yaksha's friend.

Who needs enemies when you have friends like these!

"They had no reason to look into it," Yaksha answered. "They were hoping to kill her immediately and then kill her again. They might have been aiming for an intimidation tactic. None of them expected that she would actually win against them."

Luther relaxed. "So that's why she won those fights. It's because she is a 100% cultivator!"

Yaksha glared. "Does that make her efforts anything less? Regardless of 100% comprehension, those Immortals would have won easily had it not been for the fact that they underestimated her and overestimated their own expertise. Especially WenXian. He did not have the qualification to fight against her as far as I'm concerned."

That's your big brother, Luther wanted to say. You should be supporting family.

Yaksha turned to Diana." Go to that Adventure Guild Master and tell him to not reveal who Selafia is. Tell him to use the name SelaXiu instead. And return before the next match starts."

Diana nodded and disappeared into pixels.

Luther blinked. "Why did you do that?"

"Just in case those experts want to know more about their opponent. It's just a name but why give them any information at all."

"By experts you mean…"

"Little Yue is far too eager to get into fights, isn't she?" Yaksha asked with a smile.

Luther sweat dropped. And you are too eager to become an obstacle to your siblings.


An electronic sound pierced the silence between them.

Yaksha took out a paper talisman from his sleeve and looked at the pulsing Chinese characters that said "Brother's Call."

Yaksha sent a thread of Qi to activate it.

"Big brother!" Yaksha said in a falsetto.

"You bastard!" WenXian swearing voice echoed from the talisman. "You did that on purpose!"

"I don't know what you are talking about!"


Thank you for all the love and care!

Anji_Kingcreators' thoughts