
Vlad Petrova: The legend of Dracula

Vladimir, a man not very lucky with life, ended up dying and finding an old troll who offered him the chance to Reincarnate in another world with a class card Follow Vladimir's story in another world the cover is not mine

emiya_shirou · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

cruel truths

When he opened his eyes, he felt a huge pain in his head and felt confused to see the old room he was in.

"Where am I," he asked himself in a panic trying his best to calm down, "has the troll really reincarnated me?"

The boy looked at the old room and got up on the bed that was too hard to be from the 21st century. But, he didn't care about that, what he was most concerned about was the itch in his body

"Damn, this bed is full of fleas" He moaned in disgust seeing a small insect jumping on his body "I think I'm not in a very technologically advanced place, or another world, or was it medieval?"

The boy continued mumbling for a while until he sighed, seeing that he had nothing to do, and stood up. He walked to a mirror that was next to him and looked at his reflection with wide eyes in surprise.

"You got to be kidding me, blonde with green strips, pale skin, golden brown eyes, kid?" He almost cried when seeing his appearance in the mirror, not recognizing himself, "who is this boy? Is there a mistake"


Cool, it took me a few minutes to realize that the person that reflected in that mirror was me. Because of my slightly modified appearance.

Just a little, because if you look at the background, this person still looked like my original body.

"I can't do anything, I'll accept fate," I said lazily, not wanting to warm my head with something I can't do anything about, and left the room I was in. "Judging by the clothes, I'm probably a nobleman"

Yes, this can be taken to my advantage, if it's a fantasy world or an older version of my world can be used in my favour for noble status.

After leaving the thought behind, I left the room and went to explore the place I was. Of course, I was sneaky in case I was a prisoner and war

As I walked through the castle, I heard some murmurs of people arguing about something very fervently. As a good curious, I ran to the place of discussion and leaned against a wall with a view on both sides to watch my surroundings

I put my ear to the wall and listened carefully to what these people were saying.

"What are we going to do now? Carmelia III is being returned by the Persians and the Dracul family can only have one heir, the firstborn" the angry voice that sounded more like a woman's growl echoed down the hall "I knew the idea of ​​you having more a son was idiotic"

"Mother... it's not like that, Carmilia III is probably very traumatized by the horrors that happened to her at the hands of the Persians, it's irresponsible for us to give our magic crest and our territories to her" This time it was a man's turn to speak. He had a lower, submissive voice as if he didn't want to offend the angry woman at all costs.

"Don't question me boy, the eldest I saw become the Dracul family leader and that's it" The woman let out an angry growl and a crash of impact resounded down the hall taking me by surprise "next time you question me, I'll kill you, it doesn't matter if you're my son or not, you understand Vlad II no one will question my leadership in this family"

I let out a frustrated and even scared sigh as I realized where I was. Yes, I'm in damn Wallachia and for some reason thank the gods I wasn't the one who was sent, and it seems that my supposed sister Carmilia the name I know well from literature was in my place

I quickly calmed down and reasoned, I'm probably Dracula from some fictional world probably Type moon as he talked about such a magical crest, what a type moon concept and if it has to do with the class card I got from Zelretch ... means I took Vlad Tepes' card

his berserk version is Dracula... fuck Zelretch you gave me possibly the best heroic spirit possible, one of the few heroic spirits who maintain consciousness even though he's a berserk

now I have to find a way not to be killed by my grandmother, who is not happy to have a second child like me as the family heir

Putting my excitement aside, I leaned my head against the wall once more so as not to miss the conversation.

"Miss Dracul...if you will allow me" A calm and gentle female voice spoke causing my heart to race in comfort as if her voice made me feel protected" how about sending my son to my family... .in the Petrova family, every 500 a child is born with a special lineage family. This year this child was born in one of the branches of the family. If my son is like this child's fiancé he can have very talented children the girl's magic blood and the 100 magic circuits of the great quality of my son can give very good descendants for the future of our two families"

I understand this woman is my mother... but Petrova Family cannot be... it must be just an acquaintance... this idea of ​​a child with this 500-year-old lineage

Thank you, mom, for giving me a chance to survive this cruel woman who is my grandmother.

"That's good... Vlad rejoice you've done something good for this family finally" angry woman let out a calmer growl if that can be called calm"Ilona, ​​get the child and go trade with your family"

"Yes ma'am" My new mother's voice echoed with relief down the hall.

"I think it's my time to run to my room" I whispered to myself and ran out of the hallway before anyone came out of the room they were talking


After a few hours, sitting on my flea-filled bed waiting for someone to come to my room

As expected, the door opened and revealed a woman with golden Brown eyes and black hair. Her is very beautiful looking. She could easily be a supermodel in the modern world.

She was not very tall and was at most 170 centimetres tall.

Approaching me, she made a sad face and knelt in front of me

"little Vlad, Mommy won't be able to stay with you anymore" the woman whimpered a little and then gave me a gentle smile in an attempt to calm me down "but Mommy's family will take care of you from now on, but if remember I will always love you"

She caressed my face and brushed my hair out of my face. She brought her face close to mine and kissed my forehead

I heard a whisper coming out of her mouth and her hand passing the back of my neck

"Sleep little Vlad and when you wake up you're in a place far away from your grandmother's tyranny" My mother spoke the words and my body started to feel heavy causing my conscience to fade slowly

in a few seconds, I lost my consciousness and when I opened my eyes I was no longer in the castle but a not very fancy old hut


"Where am I?" Vlad asked himself as he opened his eyes and realized he was no longer in his room

"so you woke up?" a cold and awkward male voice spoke behind him

Vlad quickly turned his head in the direction of the voice and saw a middle-aged man sitting on a bed next to Vlad holding a baby.

"You are already... 5 years old, and you can understand" the man spoke coldly not showing life in his dead eyes "I received an order from the main family to marry my daughter to you"

Vlad felt nothing coming from that man, he was like a dead fish with no emotion inside him. The man's eyes showed it perfectly

"This is Katerina your fiancée," The man said lifting the baby towards Vlad "From now on, she is your responsibility, we will provide everything, food, house, water and minimal attention for you and the child, but, raising this child is up to you"

"What? You know you're giving me your daughter like she's an animal?" Vlad said annoyed at the attitude of the man in front of him, no one should do that to a child, "what if I'm an abuser and evil magician who will experiment with her?"

The man for the first time showed a glimmer of emotion in his dead eyes, and it wasn't something like anger or anger, it was more a form of happiness

"If so, I would appreciate it, this child curse must suffer the worst" the man spoke with a little happiness in his voice almost as if he was lifting a weight off his shoulder "because of her lineage my family suffered misery and bad luck, in the end, it only serves our family to profit by selling it as a breeding nut to raise magically powerful children for the other allied magical families in exchange for some spells."

Seeing the happiness in the man's eyes made Vlad grind his teeth, but he soon composed himself and formed a small smile, looking at the man with a madness that made the man recoil with a panicked look.

"What was it, Mr Petrova?" Vlad asked curiously with the utmost politeness, "you look scared"

In no time, the smile left Vlad's face. But around him, a blue aura shone that surrounded his entire body and evaporated the air around Vlad forming a light blue smoke surrounding him.

"N--Nothing, I just wanted to... congratulate you on becoming a... Petrova" The man replied stuttering.

In seconds, he lost all the emotionless posture he had had before and almost stumbled back as he looked into those golden-brown eyes that were the symbol of the Petrova family that promised a painful death for Mr Petrova.

While Mr Petrova was sweating cold to meet the look of the fury of little Vlad a small noise and the baby held Vlad's finger making him drain his anger

"Sir Petrova, you will treat Katerina minimally as if it were your daughter" Vlad spoke seriously with a threatening tone as he let the baby play with his finger "if you don't, I'm afraid you'll have to worry about inconvenient accidents happening to you"

"Is this a threat?" Mr Petrova asked through gritted teeth, but kept his voice low. He wasn't brave enough to piss off someone from such a powerful family and the son of a member of the main family of the Petrova clan

"No Mr Petrova... that was advice" Vlad spoke sarcastically shaking his head now and forming his best smile "accidents happen everywhere, we have to be careful"

The Petrova clan in the original story of the series was a clan of travelers so in a way they didn't like the Doppelgänger as they are so full of magic that it's something travelers hate

emiya_shiroucreators' thoughts