
Vlad Petrova: The legend of Dracula

Vladimir, a man not very lucky with life, ended up dying and finding an old troll who offered him the chance to Reincarnate in another world with a class card Follow Vladimir's story in another world the cover is not mine

emiya_shirou · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

the beginning

"I shouldn't have had that last beer" I regretted the unlucky moment caused by myself. Drinking like a convict and then taking the car to hit the road was not the smartest idea I had.

As I floated around my car, I could only see with a little dismay the paramedics trying to revive my body.

"That's enough! I'm already dead" I begged the paramedics to stop messing with my body, too bad none of them listened to my requests and continued to try to revive me

I'm not saying I don't like the fact that they're trying to save me, in fact, I'm very grateful for that.

But, this was my opportunity to rest from my life was a hard and exhausting life. Everything happened bad in my life when I was nicknamed the God of death in my school days

It all started when I found that damn ruby ​​dagger. It seemed to be very valuable and had no owner in sight, so I decided to get the dagger for myself

After that day, everything went wrong in my life. Elevators falling when I was inside, killing everyone in it but me

A runaway car running towards me and hitting all the people who were close to me and me. Again, I was the only survivor

Gradually, people began to realize that I was to blame for everything that was happening was my fault, and they started to walk away from me.

At first, I was very sad, but little by little I started to realize that it wasn't a total mistake for those people what happened

Yes, they were not to blame. I was to blame for attracting bad luck and destruction to everyone around me. So over time, I was able to accept things as they were

In the meantime, I tried in every way to get rid of the dagger, but I never managed. It seemed to be spiritually attached to me

I tried to get rid of the dagger in every way possible, throw it into the river, melt it, throw it into a crusher. But, it always came back to me in the same place where I left it when I picked it up

as if you've never been moved from there


"So…is this hell?" Vladimir asked himself as he looked around and saw a completely blank place.

He walked in that space for hours and found nothing. It was a space of complete emptiness that would make even the most conscious of men go mad.

"No... This is limbo" a slightly husky male voice replied to Vladimir

"Damn" Vladimir jumped in fright and looked at all the places trying his hardest to find the owner of the voice "who's there?"

"Sorry for my rudeness" the voice spoke once more, this time with evident amusement

"Am I a clown to you or something?" Vladimir growled in anger as he continued to search for the owner of the voice

"Yes… you've been a clown to me for a long time…" the voice replied once again with even stronger amusement, "since the day you found my dagger"

"you're the one who made my life hell" Vladimir shouted in anger, causing his voice to echo in the room "show up, I'll make you pay for it"

"Vladimir, Vladimir... you shouldn't have enough strength even to stand in this world right" The voice complained playfully echoing around Vladimir "Still threaten me in such a situation, you're getting more and more fun"

"What?" Vladimir questioned the voice and felt his leg shake. He felt almost all the strength in his body go out of it and in a few seconds all the strength in Vladimir's legs drained away, and he fell to the ground

"I think the time has come," The voice said with a pitying tone, "Too bad you were so much fun"

"Time for what? What's going on" Vladimir whimpered feeling his breath start to hitch, and gradually he started to lose all his breath "What's happening to me?..."

"Your soul is being purified by Akasha to reincarnate you, because of the influence of my dagger you were not instantly purified like most souls" The voice responded humming with an amused tone and burst out laughing "A perfect ending for you not yeah? You were the same one who asked to cease to exist all day~"

Tears began to fall from Vladimir's eyes as he felt the last drop of air leaving his body. He could feel the despair taking over his being and a small cry of despair began to come out of his mouth

"Help me----" Vladimir tried his best to speak even though there was no air in his body. All the pride that Vladimir had inside him was gone when his breathing and fear of dying reached a critical point, "I'll do anything"

"Anything?" The voice hummed excitedly next to him, "look at me"

For a second, Vladimir's breathing returned to normal and his body gained strength again. Vladimir used all his strength to look in the direction of the voice

"You... can't be... you shouldn't exist" Vladimir stammered not believing what he was seeing, that man shouldn't exist, he was a fictional character

Zelretch is the wielder of one of true magic and one of the most powerful beings in the Type-Moon universe. It was this person who was in front of Vladimir

"Yes... I should be a fictional character" Zelretch replied looking at Vladimir with those strong red eyes that showed pure madness "Something very interesting sometimes people receive information from other universes unconsciously and end up turning this information into stories and even technologies "

"I see... but, what do you want with me?" Vladimir asked why he was being so unlucky to the point of drawing the attention of such a troll

"Nothing, I just dropped my dagger on the multi-universe, and it ended up in your world where you found it" Zelretch replied

"So everything that happened in my life was by chance?" Vladimir asked with tears in his eyes

"yes, but if happy, you have the chance to do things differently from now on" Zelretch replied looking at Vladimir with those red eyes full of madness

Vladimir froze at the sight of the old vampire's mad eyes and for a second flinched. But, that moment passed quickly when Vladimir focused all his hatred and anger on what happened in his life and looked directly into the vampire's eyes.

"What is your proposal?" Vladimir asked, keeping his eyes fiercely focused on Zelretch's eyes.

"Well, yes, you have there." Zelretch responded with excitement, almost letting a laugh come out of his mouth, "I want entertainment, go to another world and go crazy there. Do what you want and pay for the consequences of it with the rules of that world for me, have a moment of entertainment"

"So this is what this is about? Do you want me to be the clown on your freak show?" Vladimir asked, feeling disgusted by the answer he received, and looked into the mad eyes of the old man in front of him. He opened a cruel smile, "I'll be your clown, but don't blame me when the clown comes back to kill you"

"hahaha, I won't blame you" Zelretch replied with amusement as he shook his head "if you can do that, of course, there are millions of souls out there who have the same dream as you, of course, directed towards other versions of me"

"So you're a son of a bitch in all your versions?" Vladimir asked, annoyed at the casualness of the vampire in front of him, making it clear that Vladimir was not a threat to him.

"Yes, but not all of us are insane like me" Zelretch replied shaking his head disapproving the attitude of his other versions, and then he put his hand over his mouth and leaned towards Vladimir and whispered under his breath "that stays between us there are even some guys who are good and like to play heroes, which I find pathetic"

"dude, I'm not going to argue with you" Vladimir lost patience and sat on the floor tired and bored, already knowing that the troll in front of him wouldn't tell Vladimir his plan without stalling a lot "just do what you want and get me free to be in your presence"

"very well" Zelretch made a mock-hurt face and pulled a card from his pocket.

"This is a class card, I think you already know how it works" He spoke tediously and threw the card towards Vladimir who took it out of the air and looked at the card

"It doesn't have a class" Vladimir complained when looking that the card had no class which means it didn't have a hero inside it.

"Don't worry..." Zelretch hummed and snapped his finger making the card glow, "This is a new version of the class pops up when analyzing the user to find the right class for him"

"Berseker, is this the class I'm compatible with?" Vladimir said in surprise almost making his eyes pop out of his face, "there must be some mistake"

"It's not wrong Mr. Arkade" Zelretch replied with conviction, causing his eyes that had been filled with madness for a short time to become lucid. He approached Vladimir putting a hand on his shoulder, "I recognize someone insane just by looking and you Mr. Arkade. You are one of the most insane people I have ever met in my life"

"Whose fault do you think it is?" Vladimir finally reached his limit and roared with all his anger, causing his posture to change and the surrounding air to thicken. Made me pass"

Zelretch just smiled as he saw Vladimir's eyes go wild, but he still maintained control over his body.

Zelretch has not seen many people with this ability in his millennium life.

"Yes, I admit I was a good percentage of the blame" Zelretch admitted, "but the biggest fault was yours for being a dishonest person and keeping the dagger and not taking it to the lost and found"

"I know" Vladimir growled for a second, and he returned to normal making all the anger and madness that shone in his eyes vanish, "how will it work?"

"I'll send you to the other world now" Zelretch replied and snapped his fingers "Goodbye Lord Arkade"


Vladimir tried to protest, but there was no time why the world around him lit up with light and Vladimir lost consciousness