
The robbery

 Vuton City was lonely by 6 pm, it seems like citizens were no more living in the city. There was a slow breeze, blowing down to the Eastern part of the city.


A man in a hood was seen walking down to the train way as he slowly walked into the train tunnel. A few minutes later a boy was seen following the man in the hood slowly. It seems he was spying on the man for some time now. Reaching the tunnel he couldn't find the man again, he was shocked.

He walked round inside the tunnel but he couldn't trace him. In an attempt to leave he saw a manhole beside the railway inside the tunnel. But he never took it seriously, then he walked away, thinking that the man may have gone away through the other end of the tunnel.

Down the manhole, there was a room that was built beside the sewage line.  That was where the man in the hood went into. He walked inside the room, where a man was seen sitting on the bed at the corner and was playing a video game with another man who was sitting on the chair at the other corner.


"Hey, where have you been?" Adam who was sitting on the bed asked immediately after he saw Mike walk into the room.  " And why are you putting on a hood?" James, who was sitting on the chair, asked. Mike walked straight to the bed and pull off his hood.

" I went to the surface," Mike replied. When the two heard this, they stopped playing the game. " What!?" James said "Look Mike you know that's too risky to do," Adam said " I know but I was careful out there trust me," Mike said "Whatever," James said as he continued with his game.

The room was a living room where the three of them had been living for years. They were orphans that escaped from the orphanage years ago, and ever since then, they had been more than brothers to themselves.

They eat together, live together, fight together, and deal with illegal stuff together. Adam was a 24 years old boy, he was seen as the leader of his brothers, and also as an expert driver. James was 22 years old, and he was seen as the master planner in his team. Then Mike was a 21 years old boy, who is a computer wizard.


It was a bright morning, Logan was still asleep. His mom knocked on his door but he couldn't hear it because he was in a deep sleep. She opened the door on her own and walked inside the room.

"Hey son," she said as she touches Logan's head, but Logan was still sleeping. A few minutes later, Logan's dad walked into the room and took off the pillow Logan laid his head on, and started hitting him with the pillow.

"Honey, what are you doing stop!" Logan's mom said as she tried to stop her husband but he pushed her out of his way and continued hitting Logan with the pillow. This made Logan woke up from his sleep. He couldn't understand what was going on due to the unexpected pillow assault by his father.

"Useless boy, you are just big for nothing, you are too lazy!!" His dad said after he stopped hitting him. Logan saw his mom laying down in the corner, he rushed to her to help her get up. 

Logan found out that his mom had bruises

all over her body. He didn't waste time asking his mom what happened, because he already knew that it was his dad that gave her those injuries. He rushed to who was holding the pillow standing in front of them.

Logan picked up a fight with his dad, which made him go behind bars.  A few minutes after the fight, some police officers knocked on their door. Logan's dad opened the door, and they walked in.

" Sir you called for us," one of them said "Yes, go get that boy arrested" He replied "Who sir? your son?" One of them asked again "Yes" he replied.

The policemen were surprised they couldn't believe that Mr.s Williams who was Logan's father would arrest his 18 years old boy. They walked towards Logan's room and found him and his mom on the floor crying as they hold each other.

"Ma'am, can you release the boy to us?" Said one of the men. " Get out of. my house I don't want my son to go to jail!!" She yelled at them in tears. But that couldn't stop them as they went ahead to arrest Logan.

Every morning, every night, Mrs. Paulina who was Logan's mom, can't stop crying she goes into his room all time thinking about her son. She thought of bailing him but she knows that she can't because his husband has a high rank in the police.


James was at the top of a long building that was facing a bank, called Web Bank. He was waiting for a signal from his team. He was putting on a black mask, black shirt, and black pants with a black pair of boots. 

While Mike was inside the car with Adam who was the driver. Mike had a laptop on his lap, he was tracking down the bank signals. "James, are you ready?" Mike said to him through the Bluetooth connection they were putting on. "Always ready," James replied.

"Ok let's go, I'm gonna count from one to three, once you are in, you gonna see the cashier He is holding the briefcase and that's a lot of money, I think he's taking it to the save," Mike said "okay," James said 

"Three, two…" Mike says as James raised a gun arrow that was beside him. The arrow has a rope tied at the bottom of it. He places the gun's target against the bank's glass walls. " One and go!" Mike completed the count.

James fired the arrow and it penetrated a small spot on the walls. The glass was too strong that it didn't shatter into pieces. James used the rope to fly down across to the bank building, and he used his back to burst the walls and crashed inside the building. He stood up immediately and focused on the elevator that was about to open in front of him.