
The beginning

Vuitton City was an island that was in the Eastern part of the Oceania continent. It was a small country that had a small population. It was called a city because it was small.

 Hundred years ago, Doc Ben was a scientist who lived in Vuitton City. He was also a magician who did several unreal and unbelievable things. He started performing on the stage when he was 11. He believed that he could bring immortality to reality.

So he started researching how to be immortal. He traveled to different parts of the world to look for a substance that could make him immortal. He later created a  liquid substance.

 He decided to experiment with a rat because he was not sure if it was harmful or not.

He injected it inside a rat body system, and after some minutes he stabbed the rat in its back. But something happened, the knife gave the rat a deep wound in his back, but a few minutes later the wound healed slowly and after the wound was healed the rat died. It made the rat immortal but it died after a few minutes.

Ben was surprised by what he did, he was also happy at the same time. He decided to make more of the substance, which he did, and was tasting it on animals but all the animals he tasted it on died after a few minutes of being immortal.

"Ben, why don't we carry out this experiment on humans instead?" Jackson, who was Ben's assistant, suggested. They were inside the laboratory doing experiments on animals. "Look Jackson, I know this is one of my greatest creations so far but the government shouldn't know about this, and you were suggesting we should taste it on humans, the truth is that it could be harmful or safe but I need to find out before we do that" Ben replied.

Jackson was too curious to know if the substance would work on humans. He was that curious because he wanted to steal the substance for his selfish interest. "No, Ben let's capture the blacks and taste this on them, remember we are the superior and they're inferior right?" Jackson suggested again.

Ben was white but he had a good heart, he knew that the substance may be dangerous to humanity, and he didn't want to hurt anybody. Why he made the substance is to be known as the world's best scientist. Jackson became jealous of Ben and wanted to get rid of him and take over his creations.


Jackson went and told the government about Ben's creations. The government didn't believe in him in the first place, not until Jackson showed them a video of Ben's experiment. Then the government sent armies to go capture Ben.

Luckily for Ben, he was at the dock inside his big wooden ship. He was about to travel to the United States to show his fellow scientist what he made, so he decided to record himself and talk about his substance. He started recording a video of himself explaining how his substance works. 

He put the substance inside a box and locked the box with the box code. Then he said in the video, "The box code it's '24222118' I'm keeping it here because I don't want anyone to be harmed by it, I think it's good here, it would be here till I get to New York City" 

Ben opened a square spot on the floor and hid the box under then he closed it up and walked away. He was climbing down the ship before he saw Jackson with armies waiting for him outside. 

"Jackson I knew you would betray me, but it's too late. I had sent my substance to America already" Ben said. It seemed like he knew they would come for him. "Bring that substance and we would let you go or else you would die" Jackson threatened him "I'm sorry soldiers but I don't think I have the substance anymore," Ben said.

Ben immediately ran back inside and wanted to jump off from the other side of the ship, but it was too late. One of the soldiers shot him in his back and Ben fell in pain. After a few minutes, Jackson searched the whole ship but couldn't find the substance, he walked outside and said "Kill him and make the ship sink so that they won't know we killed him ourselves" 

The soldiers did as he said. Ben was killed and it was recorded that he died when his ship capsized on his way to Africa.



It's been a hundred years since Doc Ben died and everyone had forgotten what he looks like but his name was never forgotten because it was recorded in the history book of Vuitton City. 


 Living alone is better than living in fear. Being a citizen is worse than being a foreigner. The cost of living in my city had killed the poor people so much. The poor have no match for the rich. They were humiliated and were seen as ants by the rich people. 


  We escaped the orphanage because we were used as slaves. Instead of taking care of us, all the government did was enslave us to work for them for their selfish interest. We were forced to join the military of another country, even though we weren't the country's citizens. The government always sells us to them just to make money. Trade by Barter.

Being a citizen of Vuitton City wasn't easy, it requires a lot of courage and consistency to be one. We never lived in the City again after we escaped. And I don't think we would ever live in the city again until we bring justice to our fellow orphans and poor people.

 We live under the city's sewage. That was where we found ourselves after we escaped from the orphanage. We robbed the rich to feed the poor. All our plans against the bad rulers seemed hard to work.  

 I think some people are serving as a shield against our plans towards the bad rulers of this city. And those people are the corps. They are being paid higher than everyone working in the city. I think it's because they protect evil and trust me evil shall fall upon them, one by one.