
Visions of V

I like devil may cry a little too much and that is how this story gets started. (SI-oc)

Johnathan_Banks · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

to keikaku. (1)

Starting today I am going on vacation for 3 weeks, and will be releasing chapters in segments in order to keep my daily release schedule. 

....Shibuya October 21tst, 2018 12:25 pm V's pov....

Eugene Sara, and Shin were walking towards us at a leisurely pace, seemingly pleased that their plans hard worked. I would be too, had I not been bust trying to hold myself together with Demonic energy as a result of that blue infused punch. That shit was still hurting, I had literally been punched by infinity. It didn't feel good, but hey, at least we won.

"Good job V, Nue, and you too, whatever you're name is." 

"Hah? I did most of the work, why are you thanking them?" the stand user responded to Eugene's congrats with an annoyed expression. I guess she had an ego, which was shining quite brightly right now. Nue and I did an great job stalling, but I don't think the stand user saw it that way. Which is fine. 

I was just glad that request was over, I did not want to be here for the culling games, so I thank these three smart cookies with my entire being. 

"V I'm tired, call me out when you need help or have food." Nue returned to tattoo form, prompting everyone to look at me weirdly.

. Seeing a fully grown woman go inside of a man from an outside perspective of my abilities must look weird as hell. Its not my fault. I swear to god, I'm going to die from embarrassment. 

"*Cough* anyways, I believe introductions are in order, the one to my right is Shin, the one to the left is Sara, and I am Eugene, nice to meet you Mrs..." He paused prompting the stand user to open her mouth.

"Rachel, drop the missus, you sound like a prick." 

Eugene's eye twitched for a second before he continued speaking.

"Alright then everyone, it was great working with you all, but I believe it's time we went our separate ways, I will see you all next time." 

"Eugene hold on for a second." Shin spoke in a conflicted voice pausing, before he began to continue speaking. 

"We should all grab a meal together before we leave, I'm sure everyone's hungry right?" 

Yeah, I could eat, but only after I finished recovering from that punch. I guess I would have to wake Nue up sooner rather than later.

"You got that right, when do we leave?" Rachel spoke tiredly, blood still dripping from her wounds. 

Well she seemed to trust us easily, maybe she thought that after the battle there would be no reason for ust o harm each other. After all, the mission was already over. 

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! What do you think Eugene?" Sara spoke excitedly, I could tell she was trying to peer pressure Eugene into staying, why? I don't exactly know, but I'm willing to stay to find out. 

"Hmm, alright then! If you guys are offering it would be rude for me to refuse." Eugene came to his decision rather quickly before we all started walking away from the desolate wasteland that had been formed due to the after effects of our battle. 

Was I worried that our battle had killed a bunch of innocent civilians? Surprisingly not, which is interesting because I usually have a decently strong moral compass. Well whatever. sounds like tomorrow me's problem.

What a problem that would become. 

....Shibuya October 21tst, 2018 12:35 pm V's pov....




The sounds of sustenance consumption echoed throughout the restaurant we had chosen. It was a sushi restaurant, that everyone had agreed to go to, including Rachel who stated "If there was one thing the Japs did right, it was sushi." 

She is definitely racist. Quite possibly due to her CPS, but it could just be her. Which would be weird considering Japan hasn't been a nation for 15 years. They taught us that in the orphanage at least. 

"V, more." Nue spoke, finishing her fifteenth roll of sushi. I swear to god, she's not even a cat demon, she's a bird why the hell does she like fish so much? Sighing I ordered her another roll. 

"Well, that was delightful, I believe it's time for me to go." Eugene once again tried to leave, as if he wasn't going into another potentially life threating scenario after this. 

"Alright before you leave, I have a little thing I would like to show you all..."

..........................end of chapter..........................