
Visions of V

I like devil may cry a little too much and that is how this story gets started. (SI-oc)

Johnathan_Banks · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

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.....Shibuya October 17th, 2018 6:05 pm V's pov Restaurant.....

"What's this?" Nue questioned, pointing at the menu in her hand as we sat inside of a small Sushi restaurant. 

"Eel, I think." I responded. This was the fifth thing she had ordered, and I could feel the strain on our already tight budget. After all, I didn't want the police or the sorcerers after our asses, so I couldn't exactly ro.....borrow money from anyone. Even if they deserved it. 

"Ok, I would like that as well!" Nue replied happily before munching down on her previously ordered food. I don't even think she needed to eat yet she had already eaten more than I had, and I was bulking. I didn't want to look like a bitch forever. Standing up to go to the restroom, I walked away from the table, Nue didn't notice, too engrossed in her food to care. 

...Time skip, 1 minute and 30 seconds later. ....

I returned from the bathroom and saw Nue looking at someone sitting across from her at the table with an guarded expression. The person in question was a man, almost as handsome as me (Cope), his blue hair and piercing blue eyes indicating that he was clearly of foreign descent, at least in Japan. I had a few guesses as to who this could be, but there was one that was objectively the correct one. 

"Well, I would say I was surprised, but I guess I'm not." 

I took the seat next to Nue and looked the man dead in the eyes with a serious expression

"Who are you?'' I questioned as he looked at me in the eyes, with an expression matching my own. 

"It's rude to ask another's name without introducing yourself first, it's basic etiquette." 

Ah, so he was one of these assholes then.

"Fine, you can call me V, the one next to me is Nue." I replied.

"I see, well then V, my name is Eugene Winterfell, I am pleased to make your acquaintance." 

30 seconds into this conversation and I already wanted to die. 

"Alright then Eugene, what do you need from me and my companion here?" I questioned, already knowing the answer. 

"Well, we both have the same target, it would be of great assistance to our mutual interest to form a team." Replied one of my group members, who were supposed to have been according to Gojo.

"Alright then, what's the plan?" was my response as I looked at Eugene questiongly. I would at least hear him out before coming to any conclusions on whether or not to follow his plans. After all, my current plans relied on luck more than anything, if he had a more concrete way to win I was willing to follow his lead.

"Its quite elementary, all you have to do is follow our lead." He replied with a smirk.

"Our?" I questioned, coming to the conclusion he wasn't the only survivor of the Gojo massacre. 

"Yes, allow me to introduce you to my compatriots, Sara and Shin." As he finished speaking, a woman of European descent stood up from the table next to us before taking the seat next to Eugene. 

The girl had brown hair and stormy grey eyes. After she sat down at the table she looked at Nue curiously before speaking.

"Hello I am Sara Montague, Nice to meet you!" 

She clearly had a bubbly personality, or at least that's what it seemed like. I nodded, not bothering to reintroduce myself as I kept my eyes open for the last group member. 

The door to the restaurant opened as a man wearing a black suit with a red tie walked into the restaurant. I saw his brown eyes framed by a pair of glasses widen in recognition as he approached our table, taking the final seat to the right of me, and the left of Eugene. 

"Whew, sorry I'm late I was tracing the last wayward group member down, unfortunately she didn't exactly seem like the talking type." Shin spoke up as he ran a hand through his brown hair, trying to straighten any lose curls, but failing miserably in his attempt to do so. 

"So, I know Eugene, but who are the new people.?" Shin spoke up in an attempt to break the ice in our little group.

"The one to my right is Sara, we met earlier this morning, the ones sitting in front of me our Nue and V, now that you're here we can get started correct?" Eugene informed Shin of our name sin a serious tone before questioning him rhetorically. 

"Yes, yes." Was Shin's response in a dismissive tone. 

"Alright then everyone, let's introduce ourselves and our abilities in order to get a better grasp on the situation." Eugene stated, leading me to ask a question. 

"Isn't this not exactly the best place to have a conversation about this?" 

"Ah, don't worry about it chap, I got a barrier set up around us that causes those around us to hear useless drivel." speaking like an old man Eugene answered my question before starting the series of ability explanations. 

"My inherited character is [Sherlock Holmes], which granted me magic knowledge as well as great deduction skills!" I see, considering the fact he had set up a barrier, and that it had granted him magical knowledge it was most likely the Fate Sherlock, someone of that intelligence would be of great use when it came to planning. 

"I guess I'll go next, my inherited character is [Klein Moretti], and I have the ability to tack others using voodoo." Shin spoke up next the words he spoke nearly putting me into shock. Klein Moretti? The transmigrator turned G. O. D? Talk about getting lucky with your character pulls. Sara went next.

"My inherited character is [Sosuke Aizen], and I can trap people in illusions!" Well chat I'm cooked. 

Every single person at this table were lucky as shit. Hakari would marvel at these fuckers luck. The worst part is now I'm not sure I can trust....any of these people. Every single one of their inherited characters were schemers, when three of those types of people gather, it usually doesn't end well for those associated with them. In this case, me and Nue.

"Well, last and certainly least is I. My inherited character is [V] and Nue inherited the character of my familiar [Griffon], unfortunately, as for abilities.....I can get hit a few times without getting turned into V dust, Nue on the other hand is a shapeshifting nightmare who gets a little zappy at times." 


It seems Nue wasn't very appreciative of that comment. 

"Alright then, Nue is your familiar then?" the Sara girl spoke up curiously. Looking at Nue like she had found a treasure in a garbage heap, let's just say that expression didn't exactly ease any of my current worries.

"Yes." was my short reply. I did not want to converse with Aizen's inheritor any longer than I had to. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if that rat bastard had found a way to completely over take Sara during the CPS. I couldn't afford to let down my guard. 

"Okay, let's get straight to the point." Eugene spoke up before explaining our current situation. 

"The opponent we face while strong, cannot be invincible, this is the first request for a group of people after entering the tower after all, using logic one can come to the conclusion that Gojo Satoru is in fact, beatable we just need to find a way how." Eugene spoke as he strummed his fingers on the table, deep in thought, Sara then raised her voice, giving her take.

"After I observed both "Fights" the one between V, and our.....less then helpful group members had with Gojo, I came to a few conclusions about Gojo's abilities. 

1. Gojo has a sort of barrier around him that prevents attacks of physical nature of harming him.

2. He can teleport. Or at least move faster than the eye can comprehend.

3. He can launch an attack that "repels" violently. 

I have come to the conclusion that in order to beat him, I must entrap him in an illusion that disables his barrier, allowing attacks to reach him." Okay, this girl was smart, as expected of the inheritor of the guy who planned the entirety of Bleach. She had gotten a few things wrong about his powers, but overall she had developed a plan that had an high chance of working. 

However, we lacked one crucial element to our plan. DPS. With our current abilities, the only one capable of harming Gojo was Nue, who couldn't even finish him off. If I could come to this conclusion, I'm sure all three geniuses in this room had already thought of this before Sara had finished speaking.

"Well, taking a closer look at the objective of this request, we may not need to kill him in the first place." Eugene spoke up with an smirk on his face.

"It states that we should [Eliminate] not kill, which means there might not be a need for conflict at all." Eugene you sweet summer child, its Gojo, of course there would be conflict, but you have my attention, cook some more, enough to carry me through this entire scenario. 

"I get what your trying to say, but that begs the question, what would count as eliminating in this case?" Shin spoke up, making his question known.

"Removal from the [Story] of this world is likely the answer you are looking for." spoke Sara in a serious tone as se responded to Shin's question. 

Okay what the hell is a [Story] I can make an educated guess, but why the hell wasn't I taught this in the orphanage, in a world on the brink of destruction you would think that the people would work together in order to get as much information widely available to the public about the tower but, nope! On that note Shin spoke up once more. 

"I see, well then I have a plan, about the final missing group member....."

........Shibuya October 17th, 2018 8:00 pm V's pov Golden Lotus Hotel....

"Oh man, was that tiring."

"You got that right V, Rematch, now."

Ignoring the bird in front of me for right now, knowing eventually she would force the rematch, I decided to think about the plan those smart cookies had developed, I had to say, it was a plan I wouldn't have thought of as a possibility 3 hours ago. 

Apparently, Shin had observed our other group members power, it was a Jojo stand and it had the ability to fuck with parallel worlds. How he had figured this our, I have no idea, but I am just going to attribute it to Klein Moretti's seer abilities for now. He had also somehow found out that she had planned on fighting Gojo alone. Again, I have no idea how he figured this out, but I will once again be giving all the credit to Klein Moretti, our lord and saviour. 

Anyways, the plan was to have me and Nue interfere in the fight when she was losing, if she was losing, and help stall both Gojo from harming her, as well as for time for Sara to entrap Gojo in an illusion, and figure out her exact stand ability, and the way to use it to get Gojo the hell out of here. Overall, while the plan was simple in nature, it would most likely work. It just depended on a few factors, but who cared, I just hoped the stand user wasn't a total idiot. 


Shocking me out of my thoughts "Your not funny." was Nue, looking ready for that rematch. I had hoped she had at least paid a decent amount of attention to the plan, but what the hell, she was strong and could most likely hold Gojo off for a while, the only reason she couldn't last time was due to the handicap of having to protect me. But for now, it was time to whoop her ass in rock paper scissors. 




"Rock." "Scissors."

"Looks like I win again Nue, you'll get me next time, maybe." 

Nue stared at her hand like there was something wrong with it, before going to pout in the corner.

Whose child was this?

..............End of chapter. ...............

Comments powerstones and things of that nature give me Motivation.