
Visions of a new era

In the 21st century, our world is marked by complex challenges and remarkable technological progress. Scientific advancements have revolutionized fields like medicine, energy, and transportation, while global issues such as climate change, inequality, and political instability continue to test our resilience. However, everything changed when an enigmatic portal materialized above the North Atlantic, unveiling a realm referred to as "The Special Region." This unprecedented discovery ignited the curiosity of nations worldwide, capturing the United Nations' keen interest. With fresh motivations, the UN embarked on a bold mission: to dispatch an exploratory team into this uncharted territory. Their objective? To unravel the mysteries of the Special Region and comprehend its potential repercussions on our world. This revelation stirred a potent mix of enthusiasm and apprehension, as humanity grappled with the profound implications of this newfound frontier and its implications for our shared future. As the crew delves deeper into the fantastical world, they encounter a wide array of creatures, from majestic dragons to mischievous goblins, and interact with humans, elves, and dwarves who call the special region home. Despite their lack of magic, the humans from Earth adapt to the new environment and establish relationships with the locals, learning about their customs and traditions while respecting their way of life.

sallysally69 · Fantaisie
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14 Chs


"A strange presence, you say?" Captain Tempest's voice was tinged with intrigue as he sat in the glass cell, his eyes narrowing in thought.


"Perhaps this disturbance is connected to the ancestral rift," he mused aloud, his fingers idly tapping on the cell's transparent wall.


"You're bluffing!" Yaned's disbelief was evident in her voice as she shot a skeptical glare at Captain Tempest. "Why would the ancestral rift have anything to do with it?"


Captain Tempest's demeanor remained steady as he met Yaned's skeptical gaze with a knowing smile. "The disturbance we're witnessing possesses an otherworldly energy, much like how you elves and magical beings exude a unique presence. Well, I'm kind of getting used to the strange presence," he admitted with a hint of amusement. "Yes, it can be quite uncanny at first, but eventually you'll adjust and become accustomed to it."


Yaned's frustration was palpable as she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, struggling to contain her emotions. "Only a high mage can open the ancestral rift using the cube of the cosmic eye. If the ancestral rift had truly been opened, the other side would have taken notice and potentially crossed over. Heck, we don't even know what kind of beings or entities could come through!" Her tone wavered, torn between skepticism and curiosity.


Captain Tempest simply smiled, casually reclining on the bed in his cell. His gaze remained fixed on Yaned and Commander Decken, his expression cryptic.


Commander Decken's gaze shifted toward Yaned, his voice steady and authoritative. "You are standing right next to one."


"Huh?" Yaned's confusion was evident as her gaze turned toward Commander Decken, who stood silently beside her.


A pause settled in the air, followed by Yaned's blinking surprise. Commander Decken, who had seemed like a statue, was one of the beings Captain Tempest had mentioned. A shiver ran down her spine as she met his gaze, his eyes seemingly piercing through her. A complex mix of curiosity and unease swirled within her.


"Don't look at me like that." Commander Decken's voice broke the silence, his words carrying a hint of reassurance. "I may appear intimidating, but I assure you, I am human."

Yaned shifted uncomfortably, her gaze dropping from Commander Decken's intense eyes. His reassurance provided little solace, for the unease in her chest remained. There was an unspoken depth to him that she couldn't quite grasp. Despite his claim to being human, a nagging feeling persisted that there was more to him than met the eye.


"Let's refocus our discussion," Commander Decken interjected, his tone projecting both calmness and authority. "Two years ago, the ancestral rift unexpectedly opened in our world, revealing a portal to your world. However, at that juncture, we were left in the dark about what lay on the other side. This lack of information prompted our superiors to task us with the exploration and documentation of this enigmatic realm, as well as establishing contact with its inhabitants, including local kingdoms or societies."


Amidst their planning for the temporary base, which was necessary as they hadn't visited the region before, Commander Decken continued, "With Captain Tempest as our guide, we are preparing to establish a temporary base a few miles off the capital of Eranelu. Additionally, a third ship is being equipped with the essential supplies for our mission. However, it is crucial that we adhere to the instructions provided: avoid direct interaction with the locals for now. Our aim is to ensure our safety and prevent any unintended conflicts or misunderstandings with the native population. As we set up our base, we must operate discreetly and observe local customs and traditions from a distance until we have a more comprehensive grasp of this new realm."


Commander Decken's gaze shifted toward Yaned, a meaningful look in his eyes. "Given your familiarity with the capital and its ways, your guidance will be invaluable. Your expertise in navigating the customs and rules of this foreign land will be crucial. We need to follow the laws and guidelines established by the locals to minimize any potential complications if we happen to be discovered."


Yaned's expression turned into one of perplexity. The unexpected request left her puzzled, wondering how she had become embroiled in such a monumental endeavor. Reading about the ancients' interactions with individuals from the ancestral rift was one thing, but being personally involved was an entirely different matter. The weight of the situation dawned on her, and she realized that this opportunity could reshape her understanding of history and her perception of the world she knew.


"I'm sure this is a lot to process, Yaned." Commander Decken's tone softened, acknowledging the magnitude of their request. "However, your assistance is of great importance to us. Your familiarity with your world's customs and practices can offer us a significant advantage."


Although hesitant, Yaned found herself agreeing to help despite her reservations, recalling a similar situation from her past where her knowledge had led to disastrous outcomes. Though uncertain, she hoped that her involvement this time would yield a more favorable outcome.


"I'll contribute in any way I can," she replied, her voice steady, though her hands betrayed a hint of nervousness. She recognized that guiding these unfamiliar individuals would be a challenging undertaking, whether their narrative held true or not. The uncertainty of the situation lay heavy on her mind, but her willingness to assist prevailed, driven by the potential to make a positive impact on the unfolding events.


"Please, take some rest and eat. We have prepared food and provisions for you. Since you are our guests, we want to make sure you are well taken care of. Please, feel free to rest and enjoy the food and provisions we have prepared for you." 


"Dr. Sarah will now accompany you to the cafeteria, where you can rest and have a meal," Commander Decken announced, gesturing toward a door at the end of the room. "She will be available to answer any questions you may have and provide any assistance you might need during your stay here." 


Yaned nodded, grateful for the offer of rest and nourishment. Her mind was still reeling from the revelations, but she knew that taking care of herself was essential to being able to help in the days to come. She followed Dr. Sarah to the cafeteria, her thoughts swirling with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.


As they left the room, Commander Decken looked at Captain Tempest with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "Guiding us through unknown realms is no easy task." 


Captain Tempest nodded, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. " But where's the fun in easy tasks? I live for trouble and adventure," he replied, mischief twinkling in his eyes.


"Messing with us will cost you dearly," Commander Decken warned, his tone firm. Captain Tempest chuckled, his confidence unwavering. "Oh, I assure you, Commander, the cost will be worth every moment of excitement," he said, his voice filled with anticipation. "Besides, what's life without a little risk?" 


In the bustling cafeteria, Yaned, the elf, felt slightly out of place amidst the hum of conversations and clatter of trays. Surrounded by the artificial lighting, Yaned's senses craved the serenity of nature. However, due to her adaptable nature, Yaned quickly adjusted to the new environment and found solace in the diverse array of food options available. As Yaned made their way through the cafeteria line, they couldn't help but notice the curious glances from the human crew. Yaned brushed off the attention, saying, "Erm, Dr. Sarah, do you ever feel a little out of place amid all this activity?"


With a warm smile, Dr. Sarah replied, "Sometimes, but over time, you get used to it."


"Here you go!" said the cafeteria worker, handing Yaned a plate filled with colorful dishes. Yaned thanked them and found a seat at a nearby table, eager to dig into the delicious-looking meal.


  As Yaned took the first bite, an explosion of flavors danced on their tongue. Each dish had its own unique taste, blending perfectly to create a truly extraordinary culinary experience that only the nobles could enjoy. She never expected it to be this good, Yaned thought to themselves as they savored each bite.


As Yaned was eating, Dr. Sarah walked by and caught sight of Yaned's adorable eating habits. Dr. Sarah couldn't help but smile at how cute Yaned looked, with her small bites and the way she delicately wiped her mouth after each one. It was a joy to see someone enjoy a meal with such enthusiasm and appreciation.


"What are you looking at?" Yaned asked, noticing Dr. Sarah's amused expression. Dr. Sarah chuckled and replied, "Oh, I was just admiring your eating skills. You make even the most ordinary meal look like a culinary masterpiece!" Yaned blushed and laughed, grateful for the compliment. It was nice to know that their enjoyment of food also brought others joy.


Dr. Sarah then fixes her glasses and says, "Why won't you try some sweets?" Yaned's eyes widened with excitement as she eagerly accepted the offer. "Really? Sweets were a rare indulgence in the capital."


Dr. Sarah nodded, understanding Yaned's excitement. She led the way to the dessert section of the cafeteria, where an array of delectable treats awaited.


Yaned's eyes sparkled as they took in the sight of the beautifully displayed desserts. The tantalizing aroma of freshly baked goods enveloped the air, making her mouth water. Dr. Sarah pointed to a tray of rich, chocolatey brownies and said, "These brownies are a crowd favorite. Go ahead, give them a try!" 


Without hesitation, Yaned grabbed a brownie and took a small bite. Immediately, a slight bitter taste spread across her tongue, contrasting with the sweetness of the chocolate. Yaned's expression became curious as she savored the unique flavor. The bitterness added an unexpected dimension to the treat, leaving her intrigued and wanting another bite. "These are incredible!" Yaned exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with delight.


"I never would have expected they served such delicious sweets on this ship!" Yaned said.


"It is important to maintain good morale during extended voyages. The crew must be provided with a small indulgence to serve as a comforting reminder that certain luxuries are still accessible. This will ultimately contribute to their overall mental wellness and should not be overlooked."Dr. Sarah smiled as she fixed her glasses, listening to Yaned's enthusiastic praise.


As the two continued their conversation, Commander Decken was still on the well deck, along with Dr. Kyle and Captain Tempest, analyzing the debris recovered from the wreck. "Huh?" Captain Tempest furrowed his brow as he examined a polished piece of wood that had been salvaged from the wreckage. "This must have been part of a glorious ship," he smiled, holding it up to the fluorescent light above him. "This type of ship was not something that could be easily acquired. It was reserved for only the most esteemed adventurers and wealthy nobles. This suggests that Yaned, the elf your people rescued, held a position of great importance among her kin." 


"What about this?" Dr. Kyle picked up a worn leather bag from the debris. "This must be hers," Dr. Kyle said as he carefully opened it, revealing a collection of old maps and vials of various elixirs. The vibrant colors and handwritten labels on the vials indicated that they were potent and carefully crafted.


"Erm, these items look like they can only be seen in video games. Is this some kind of joke? " exclaimed Dr. Kyle, staring at the ridiculous assortment of fantastical objects before him. "I mean, come on, elixirs and maps? It's like something out of a fairytale." He couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. While the objects may seem fantastical and unrealistic, it is important to approach them with an open mind and consider the possibility that they could have historical or cultural significance.


"Be careful; the bag is still filled with seawater; it might ruin the maps, Captain Tempest warned, his voice laced with caution.


"I am aware, Sir Tepmest, or whatever your real name may be," Dr. Kyle responded with a smirk. "I have certainly never dealt with waterlogged maps before," Dr. Kyle said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.


"Sigh, well, I guess that's it for today," Captain Tempest said, his tone indicating his irritation.


"Oh, this one is still in good condition," Dr. Kyle remarked, noticing that the map was not damaged by the water. He has seen maps that can withstand water damage in museums, but this one is particularly impressive. Despite being submerged, the map shows no wear and tear.


Captain Tempest widened his eyes in surprise and reached out his hand toward Dr. Kyle. "Hand me that thing!" he exclaimed eagerly. The pirate was eager to examine the map himself. 


"Hahahahah, luck is truly on our side!" he exclaimed with a hearty laugh, his enthusiasm painting the scene with an aura of adventure. "This map is undoubtedly tailor-made for the hearts of adventurers! "


Dr. Kyle peeked, "Can you read it for us? I can't read it at all; it looks like complete gibberish to me." 


Captain Tempest then pointed at a particular spot on the map and said, "This here, my friend, is the Kingdom of Eranelu. The nearest city is located just a few days' sail from here. It is known as the center of all trade in these waters. Merchants from far and wide flock to this prosperous kingdom to engage in lucrative trading deals."


As the conversation reached its conclusion, Captain Tempest's mischievous grin widened. "But before we call it a night, how about you fetch me a can of beer? I believe there's one in your galley."


Dr. Kyle's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Captain, you do remember that you're still technically my captive, right? Ordering me around for a beer might be a bit of a stretch."


Captain Tempest chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Ah, don't take it too seriously, my friend. I'm just trying to keep the spirit of adventure alive, even in our unexpected circumstances."


Dr. Kyle rolled his eyes, his lips curving into an amused grin. "You know what, Captain? I'll humor you this time. But don't think it's a regular thing."