
Visions of a new era

In the 21st century, our world is marked by complex challenges and remarkable technological progress. Scientific advancements have revolutionized fields like medicine, energy, and transportation, while global issues such as climate change, inequality, and political instability continue to test our resilience. However, everything changed when an enigmatic portal materialized above the North Atlantic, unveiling a realm referred to as "The Special Region." This unprecedented discovery ignited the curiosity of nations worldwide, capturing the United Nations' keen interest. With fresh motivations, the UN embarked on a bold mission: to dispatch an exploratory team into this uncharted territory. Their objective? To unravel the mysteries of the Special Region and comprehend its potential repercussions on our world. This revelation stirred a potent mix of enthusiasm and apprehension, as humanity grappled with the profound implications of this newfound frontier and its implications for our shared future. As the crew delves deeper into the fantastical world, they encounter a wide array of creatures, from majestic dragons to mischievous goblins, and interact with humans, elves, and dwarves who call the special region home. Despite their lack of magic, the humans from Earth adapt to the new environment and establish relationships with the locals, learning about their customs and traditions while respecting their way of life.

sallysally69 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A Mysterious Presence

A room full of adventurers gathered at the guild, sharing strange reports and tales from their recent quests. One old mage has claimed to have encountered a strange presence far east of Eranelu during a quest to hunt a raging sea beast. According to their account, they could sense the presence of something uncanny. Unbeknownst to the adventurers, a big event had just occurred worldwide.

The adventurers murmured excitedly as the drunken old mage recounted his tale of encountering a strange presence somewhere in the east of Eranelu. Some looked skeptical, while others were captivated by the mage's words.

"I tell you, there was something unnatural about that place," the mage said, his voice low and ominous. "I could feel it in my bones; a major event is taking place, mark my words."

The air in the room became thick with expectation as the old wizard spoke. The other magicians exchanged looks, their faces a combination of interest and anxiety. They, too, had detected a ripple in the magical breeze of the east, sending shivers down their spines. It was undeniable—something powerful and uncanny had taken place, and it was not limited to just one location. The other wizard sensed it as well—a sensation of worry that hinted at coming change and new perils on the horizon.

The other adventurers exchanged glances, wondering what the mage could refer to. Had they missed something important in their recent quests?

The drunken old mage continued talking. "The Queen of Eranelu felt the same way. A rush of anxiety swept over her as she sat on her throne, prompting her to clutch the armrests hard. She knew all about the mystery presence that the elderly magician had detected."

"I also heard that some adventurers attempted to approach the queen for more details but were met with silence and avoidance. The queen declined to reveal anything, stating that the topic was too important and that it was for the sake of the kingdom's protection."

Suddenly, the Huge doors of the guild burst open. The guild master stepped forward and addressed the crowd of eager adventurers. His bearded face showed determination, his muscles bulging under his shirt, a true testament to his strength, and his voice booming above the chatter of the other adventurers. "This is a momentous occasion," he proclaimed.

The guild master stood before the gathered adventurers, his expression grave. "I have received a mission from the queen of Eranelu," he announced. "It is a task of utmost importance, one that will require great skill and courage to complete."

He paused for a moment, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "The mission is to venture outside the trade routes."

The room fell silent as the adventurers exchanged worried glances. They knew that the dangers of the open sea were not to be taken lightly. Sea monsters and beasts were some of the most fearsome creatures in the world, and even the most experienced adventurers could fall prey to their attacks.

The guild master continued, his voice steady.

"The queen has specifically requested an S rank.

adventurer to aid in uncovering the truth behind a mysterious presence that has been sensed far east of Eranelu."

He surveyed the room, his eyes resting on each adventurer in turn. "Who among you is brave enough to take on this task?" he asked. "Who among you has the skill and experience to handle it?"

The adventurers looked at each other nervously, wondering who would step forward to accept the challenge.

Suddenly, a petite and graceful figure caught everyone's attention. A blonde elf mage raised her hand slowly, her luminous green eyes filled with determination. The room fell silent as all eyes turned toward her.

The guild master studied the elf for a moment, his gaze sizing her up. "Are you certain you're up for this task?" he asked, his tone serious.

The elf nodded confidently. "I am," she replied, her voice steady. "I know the dangers that lie ahead, but I am prepared for them. I have faced sea monsters and beasts before, and I have the skills and knowledge necessary to overcome them."

Some of the adventurers still looked uncertain, but the guild master silenced them with a wave of his hand. "Very well," he said. "If the elf is willing to take on this task, then I do not doubt that she has the power to stay alive. She is one of our most skilled and experienced adventurers, and I trust her abilities."

that the elf was indeed a strong contender for the task. They murmured their support and encouragement, wishing her luck on her journey.

He turned to the elf and asked, "May I know your name?"

"My name is Yaned of the Silverleaf tribe," the elf said confidently. "Yaned, may your skills and strength guide you to success in this perilous quest; the Silverleaf tribe is renowned for their mastery of magic, and Yaned is a member of this tribe," the guild master stated, nodding approvingly.

Yaned's excitement grew as the guild master acknowledged her tribe's reputation. She knew she had the skills and determination to succeed in the mission, but she also felt the weight of expectation. The other guild members watched with anticipation as Yaned prepared herself for what lay ahead. With a final nod from the guild master, Yaned set off on her journey, ready to face whatever surprises awaited her.

The next day, she was now on "Stormchaser", a sleek, fast ship with a black hull and crimson sails that billow in the wind like flames. Its figurehead is a fierce dragon, carved from obsidian, that seems to soar through the waves as the ship speeds through the open ocean. The salty sea breeze mingled, fueling her spirit and pushing her forward. As the ship sailed towards uncharted waters, Yaned couldn't help but wonder what mysteries lay beyond, and she couldn't wait to unravel them.

As Yaned gazed out at the vast expanse of the open ocean, her excitement grew. The ship's crew had spoken of a legendary sea serpent rumored to dwell in these uncharted waters. With each passing wave, Yaned's anticipation heightened, and she wondered if she could beat the sea serpent if it were to appear. The Stormchaser, with its dragon figurehead leading the way, seemed prepared to take on any challenge that lay ahead.

Yaned's anticipation turned to alarm as the crew spotted dark shapes moving in the water ahead.

"Sea serpents!" one of the sailors cried out, pointing to the massive creatures that were now circling the ship. Yaned's heart raced as she watched the sea serpents, their scales gleaming in the sunlight as they closed in on the ship.

Yaned knew they had to act fast. She summoned a powerful spell that struck a bolt of lightning through the air. Glittering magical runes floated around her staff as she cast the spell. The lightning struck the sea serpents, sending them reeling back and giving the crew a chance to regroup.

But the sea serpents were not so easily defeated. They continued to circle the ship, their eyes fixed on their prey. Yaned knew they had to come up with a plan, and fast.

As the Stormchaser sailed on, Yaned began to feel the toll of the battle with the sea serpents. Despite her mastery of magic, the constant use of spells had exhausted her, leaving her drained and weak.

Her eyes grew heavy, and her movements became sluggish. The crew noticed her condition and began to worry, knowing that they needed her sharp mind and powerful magic to complete the mission.

But Yaned refused to give up. She knew that the queen was counting on her, and she was determined to see the mission through to the end, no matter what.

As the hours passed, Yaned continued to fight off exhaustion, pushing her body and mind to their limits. She knew she couldn't afford to rest, for the sea serpents were still out there, waiting for their chance to strike again.

But as she battled on, Yaned began to realize something sinister. The sea serpents weren't just attacking the ship; they were trying to exhaust her.

Their tactics became more and more aggressive as they launched coordinated attacks, forcing Yaned to use more and more magic to repel them. She could feel her strength waning and her mana running dangerously low.

Yaned was aware that she had to maintain her energy, but the sea serpents appeared to be one step ahead of her, continuously testing her limitations. She felt like a puppet on a string, her every motion controlled by the sea serpents.

As the sun began to set, Yaned collapsed onto the deck, completely exhausted. Her body shook with fatigue, and her mind felt like it was in a haze. The crew gathered around her, their faces etched with concern. She has fought off sea monsters before, but this time was different. These sea serpents were smarter and more cunning than anything she had faced before.

"We have to keep moving," Yaned managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. "The sea serpents won't give up."

The crew exchanged worried glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. They knew they were powerless against the sea serpents, and their fate seemed bleak. Yet they all remained determined to continue fighting, knowing that their lives depended on it. They had come too far to give up now.

Suddenly, the largest of the sea serpents rose out of the water, its massive jaws closing in on the ship. The crew braced themselves for impact, but it was too late. The sea serpent's razor-sharp teeth tore through the hull of the ship, breaking it into pieces.

Yaned stood there in horror as the Stormchaser was ripped apart. As the sea serpents closed in around her, she clutched a piece of debris, attempting to keep afloat. The crew battled valiantly, but they were defeated one by one by the animals.

As Yaned watched her comrades fall, she knew that she was the last survivor. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to think of a way to escape, but it seemed like there was no way out.

Just then, the last crew member who was bleeding showed up at her side, holding a piece of debris over her to shield her from view. "Stay quiet," he whispered.

Yaned nodded, her eyes fixed on the sea serpents as they searched for their prey. The last crew member swam away to distract the sea serpents. With each passing moment, Yaned could feel her heart pounding in her chest, wondering if they would make it out alive.

As the sea serpents grew closer, Yaned clenched her fists, her mind racing with fear and desperation. She watched in horror as the last crew member lured the serpents away.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the sea serpents moved on, leaving Yaned and the last person alone in the open sea.

She drifted on the debris for hours, with no land or help in sight. Yaned was weak and exhausted, her mana completely depleted.

Tears streamed down Yaned's face as she clung to the debris, drifting on the open sea, unsure of what the future held. But through it all, she knew that she had to keep moving and keep fighting, no matter how difficult the journey ahead might be.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through Yaned's head. Everything went black, and she lost consciousness, fainting right there amidst the wreckage of their ship.

In her sleep, she keeps hearing faint beeps and whispers of voices. Slowly, Yaned regained consciousness and found herself in an unfamiliar place. The clinical white walls and bright fluorescent lights contrasted sharply with the chaos of the open sea. Waking up disoriented, she realized that she was no longer adrift but instead surrounded by medical equipment and the scent of antiseptic. As her vision cleared, she saw a person wearing clean white robes. He seemed to be writing something as he looked again at her, shocked to see her awake. Yaned couldn't help but feel a wave of confusion and curiosity wash over her. Who was this person?

As she was about to ask the person, He quickly got up from his seat and ran outside the room, leaving Yaned even more perplexed. She wondered what could be so urgent that he had to leave in such a hurry. As she tried to gather her thoughts, wandering in the room filled with even stranger objects, she remembered that she volunteered to investigate the presence that has been bothering most mages outside the trade routes. Yaned's heart sank as she recalled the regretful decision to set sail with her crew on that ill-fated expedition. The horrifying image of their peaceful boat being attacked by enormous sea serpents replayed in her mind, and suddenly she noticed footsteps coming from the hallway, growing louder with each passing second.

The same uncanny presence can be felt in the air, causing Yaned's unease to intensify. She looked around the room, looking for her staff, but it wasn't present in the immediate vicinity. The footsteps continued to approach, and Yaned's heart raced as she realized she was defenseless without her staff.

The footsteps drew closer, and Yaned's anxiety was reaching its peak. She tried to steady her breathing and focus her mind, but the unfamiliar surroundings were making it difficult. Suddenly, the door burst open, and a group of people in hazmat suits rushed in. Yaned's instincts kicked in as she saw the strangers barging into the room. Without her staff, she made a split-second decision. In a moment of desperation, Yaned lashed out and punched one of the intruders. The surprise attack caught the hazmat-suited individual off guard, giving Yaned a brief moment to assess her options. Realizing that she was still vastly outnumbered.

"Hey, listen, I think there's been a misunderstanding here! Can we please talk this out? said the person wearing white robes.

The individual is later struck in the head by a hazmat team member, who claims that "It's your fault for leaving the patient."

"Well, I panicked, okay?" said the person wearing white robes, clutching his head in pain with an embarrassed expression.

"Where am I?" Yaned sighed in confusion, looking around at the sterile, unfamiliar surroundings. She could hear the distant hum of machinery and the muffled voices of medical professionals.

Suddenly, two young guys in bizarre clothing entered the room and appeared in front of the elf. The two of them stood tall, exuding authority. "Welcome aboard The Flying Dutchman, our research ship. I am Commander Decken and the person beside me is Lieutenant McRegor. You may be disoriented at the moment, but rest assured you are in capable hands. We are here to assist you and provide any necessary medical attention. Take a moment to get acquainted with your new surroundings, and feel free to ask any questions you may have."

"How did I get here?" Yaned's voice trembled with confusion as he uttered the question, desperately seeking an explanation.

"We found you unconscious in the open ocean along with the remnants of what we believe is your ship. Unfortunately, you were the only survivor we could find. It appears that you've been through quite an ordeal. Don't worry, we'll do our best to help you piece together what happened and provide any support you need during your recovery," one of the figures said.

She gritted her teeth, unable to comprehend the situation she found herself in.

"Hey, I heard you were throwing punches like a wildcat back there. McRegor smirked, examining her worn-out and exhausted appearance. "But don't worry, you're in good hands now! "He reassured, lifting his finger.

Yaned bristled at his words, feeling a sense of annoyance at his presumptuous tone. Little did she know that McRegor was the one who had saved her life, but he decided to keep that information to himself for now.

Decken, their leader, noticed Yaned's disheveled state and immediately ordered the others to find her suitable clothing. Yaned stood there, still slightly dazed from the chaotic events she had endured. She couldn't help but feel a mix of relief at Decken's concern and annoyance at her appearance. As the others hurried to find her suitable clothing.

Commander Decken motioned for her to accompany him when she had found proper attire. Yaned followed Decken, her thoughts racing with questions about what had happened. She wondered what the commander had in store for her and if he was aware of the facts she had discovered. Despite her interest, she remained mute, hiding her doubts. She didn't want to disclose her doubts just yet since she needed more information before reaching any conclusions.

As they walked through the brightly lit corridors of the ship. They soon reached the lower deck, and Yaned's eyes widened as she realized what was inside. two sea serpents—dead and captured by them. She looked through the glass window, looking down as she stepped closer to where a group of hazmat specialists were preparing to disembowel the sea serpents that had been captured.

with the gigantic beasts put out on tables, their silver-scaled bodies shimmering under the glaring lights. The stench of the sea mixed with the sterile smell of chemicals filled the air, making her slightly lightheaded. She observed as the hazmat crew carefully used their instruments to dissect the serpents, extracting precious samples and studying their anatomy. As she observed from a safe distance, she couldn't help but wonder how they managed to capture such obscure and eerie creatures. Not even she, an S-class adventurer, can save her ship from being torn apart by the same serpents that now lay before her. She can clearly see her marks on the serpents' scales, evidence of her previous encounter.

Commander Decken finally approached her. "You haven't told us your name yet," he said. She hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should disclose her identity to these mysterious individuals. However, she knew that hiding her name would only raise suspicion and reduce her chances of finding answers. Taking a deep breath, she replied, "My name is Yaned. I am an S-class adventurer from the Guild. We have been facing problems in the community, and I believe that finding the truth behind what's bothering the mages, including me, is important. There have been rumors of a disturbance in the far east, a strange presence that is causing chaos and unease among the magical beings. I have come here with the hope of uncovering the source of this disturbance.

She stared at Commander Decken eagerly as she finished speaking, hoping that her words might break through his thoughts. But there was still silence. He appeared to be deep in thought, despite the quiet, as he processed the information she had just revealed.

After what seemed like an eternity, Commander Decken finally spoke up. "This disturbance in the far east? I think I might know someone who has the answers we're looking for," he said confidently.