
The camping trip.

Mandy and her friends had been planning their yearly trip to Big Bear Lake to enjoy a week of relaxation, partying and great sex.

"Come on y'all." Mandy said as she carried her suitcases to the van and sat them down before unlocking and opening the back doors and throwing her gear inside.

Mandy's boyfriend Jake walked up to her and gave her a kiss as he smacked her ass then put his things in with hers.

"Hurry up y'all we wanna get to our cabin while we are still young enough to enjoy it!" Jake said as he watched every One pack up their things and get in.

Mandy and Jake were the proverbial power couple, always joined at the hip like Siamese twins and were inseparable.

"We gonna stop at the store for snacks cause that's a pretty good ride up to the lake?" Terri, Mandy's younger sister asked as she looked over at her boyfriend, giving him the googly eyed stare before kissing him.

Mandy giggled. "Sure monkey, we had already planned to do that since we also need supplies."

Terri giggled as she threw her long blond hair back across her shoulder, throwing on her sunglasses as she leaned over and turned on the radio as a new group called Sun Scorched Earth played in the back ground.

"I love that song." Deacon said as he started jamming out.

They pulled up at the local grocery store, parked and got out walking inside and grabbed a buggy to begin getting what they needed.

They walked down each isle, grabbing snacks, drinks and things to make meals out of and as they walked around the corner to go down the next isle, Mandy ran into what felt like a brick wall and heard a deep menacing growl as she was lifted to her feet and looked into a pair of yellow eyes.

"Watch where the hell you're walking next time." The man replied as he stared at her, watching her tremble.

"I'm I'm so sorry." Mandy stammered as she heard Jake running toward her, shouting at the man holding her.

"Let Her Go NOW!!!!!" Jake said as he punched the man and was equally shocked when he didn't even flinch.

The man laughed. "Is that the best you got boy?"

Jake simply looked at him and punched him even harder. "If you don't put her down I'm going to snap your damn neck."

He was again greeted with a laugh, followed by a menacing growl as Jake was picked up by his throat and pulled to where he was nose to nose with a man who looked to be at least seven foot tall.

The man was equally shocked as his gaze was met by a pair of glowing red eyes. "Well, Well, Well, this is definitely a once in a lifetime experience, didn't know that vampires actually existed."

"Well now you know that we do sunshine." Jake said as he popped the man's ears and was unceremoniously dropped to the floor, catching Mandy in his lap.

"You better watch your back, blood sucker." The man replied with an ugly sneer. " If you don't, it may not end well for any of you."

Terri didn't like it when people threatened her family and a raw ugly rage consumed her. " Listen up jackass cause I'm only gonna say this once. COME NEAR MY FAMILY AND I WILL END YOU!!! GOT IT!!!"

The man snarled. "You are the ballsy one aren't you? Hmmmm maybe I should simply bend you over and give you one wild ride short stack, may be then you'll learn your place?"

Terri grinned as she looked at him before balling up her fist and decking him square in the face before walking away. " How's that for wild, dick head?"

The man looked at her. " You pack one hell of a punch shorty." My name is Sam, not like you'll remember it in the next few seconds. Night Night Sweet Cheeks." He replied before knocking her out cold with one good hit to the jaw before walking out the door making one last statement. "Looking forward to screwing your women before I slaughter them and you."

Deacon heard a nasty cracking sound and then a loud "BOOM!!!" as he took off running to where the sound came from only to see Terri out cold on the floor with a swollen face. "Oh my God Terri, wake up baby, wake up!" He shook with unbridled rage as he picked her up bridal style and took her to the van and laid her across the back seat before running back in to find the others.

Deacon ran through the front doors at breakneck speed as he ran square into Jake and looked at him. "What the hell? you ok Deacon?" Jake asked as he looked his best friend in the eyes.


"What are you talking about Deacon? What happened to my sister?" Mandy asked, with eyes as big around as saucer cups.

"All I know is I heard a cracking noise and a loud thud and found her out cold with a swollen face." Deacon told her as they grabbed their supplies and flew to the van, putting things wherever in their haste to reach the closest hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, Deacon ran inside and saw a nurse sitting at the front desk. "Yes may I help you?" She asked, seeing the panic in his eyes.

"Yes my girlfriend has been hurt and I need her seen asap." Deacon replied as he heard a noise, saw the doors open as Jake walked in with Terri in his arms and a very upset Mandy walking in behind him.

The nurse looked at her and quickly grabbed a wheelchair and asked for her to be sat down, before wheeling her to an exam room. "Could one of you lay her down on the bed please?"

Deacon walked in and lifted her up before laying her on the bed as her eyelids fluttered open. "What? What the hell happened?" Terri asked as she looked at her surroundings and then at him.

"All I know is you were knocked out baby." Deacon said with a worried expression.

"Owwww my face hurts." Terri said in tears.

"I know baby and when I find whoever did this, I'm gonna clean his damn clock." Deacon growled as his eyes glowed a deep jet black.

Deacon looked at Mandy and saw the fear and rage in her eyes. " Don't worry Mandy, I won't hurt you." He replied.

"I know you won't Deacon sweetie." Mandy told him as she held Jake's hand.

"Then you know what we are?" Deacon asked her quietly.

"Vampires and werecats and witches oh my." Mandy said as she looked at them with dark molten silver eyes. "I'm still contemplating becoming a vampire myself."

"Good deal." Deacon told her, smiling warmly.

Mandy reached down and stroked her sisters hair as she saw Terri look up at her, trying her best to not cry.

The nurse walked back in. " She will go to x-ray now and if all's good we will send her with you along with something for pain."

The doctor walked in and got Terri in a wheel chair to take her to the x-ray room. They got her out of the chair and onto the table and proceeded taking pics of her face. When they were done they took her back to her room. "Give us about thirty minutes and we should have the results." The doctor said with a more than cheerful smile, before walking back out."

"I have an idea." Mandy said as she looked at Deacon. "What's that Mandy?" He asked quizically.

"Well you're a wear cat correct?" Mandy asked as she looked at him. "Yes that's correct." Deacon replied as he looked back at her. "Well if all else fails you could turn her since she is the only one of us that's human."

"I thought she was a witch like you?" Jake asked quietly.

"She's a kitchen witch yes, but not a witch in the truest sense of the word." Mandy told him as she looked in his eyes.

They became silent as they heard a knock on the door and watched as the doctor walked in. "Well her face is badly bruised but nothing appears to be broken. So mind telling me what happened? Before you go."

"We were on our way to big bear Lake for the week, stopped at the store for supplies when we were confronted by a man who looked to be at least seven foot tall with yellow eyes." Mandy told him as she looked at him with dark silver eyes.

"I threatened to break his neck after I saw him holding my girlfriend by the throat." Jake told the doctor with an angry sneer.

"And what brought this on? And what caused the events that led up to your sisters injury?" The doctor who's name read Adam on his nametag asked bluntly.

"I accidentally ran into him and was picked up by the throat. It's not as though I did it intentionally mind you." Mandy replied. " My sister Terri not being one to take kindly to threats, decked him and I'm guessing he hit her back. He threatened to screw us girls, then slaughter us all."

"Did you happen to get a name?" Adam asked.

Terri looked at him. "I did. He said his name was Sam right before he knocked me out."

The doctor wrote it all down and then gave her some pills for pain. "Take two twice a day for the next few days, I'm gonna give this report to the police and they will come up to the lake to talk to you. Be careful at the lake and have fun." Adam replied as he watched them grab Terri and leave.

"Damn it Sam, you're my brother and if they get hurt I can't protect you. You will be killed by our pack. Adam said with a warning growl as Sam looked at him. "They can try if they wish." Sam said with a grimace.

Adam sighed. "Do as you wish, you always have. That's why nobody wants you around, that's why you're now a rogue."

Sam said nothing as he took one last look at Adam and stalked out before he ended up killing his brother.

Jake and the others arrived at Big Bear Lake a little after six and took their gear and Terri inside, as they put the groceries away Deacon took Terri to one of the bedrooms, laid her down and covered her up. "Sleep for a bit baby and when you get up we need to talk."

"Don't...dont forget my medicine my love." Terri said as she watched him get one of her pills and a cup of water before helping her to sit up. Deacon held out the pill. "Open up love." He replied as he laid the pill gently on her tongue and handed her the glass of water. "Go ahead and swallow it." Terri swallowed down the pill and the water, handed him back the cup then laid back down.