
Big Bear Lake

After Several hours of sleep, Terri woke up to the smell of cooking coming from the kitchen and slowly made her way out of the bed, got dressed and walked out.

"Morning sweetie how are you feeling?" Mandy asked as she sat the plates of food on the table.

"I'm feeling somewhat better sis." Terri replied as she grabbed her utensils and started slowly eating.

They heard something being drug across the porch followed by loud footsteps. Mandy reached for her 357 magnum, flipped off the safety and stood there waiting to see who or what walked through the door before she decided whether or not to shoot.

Deacon and Jake walked in carrying a very large buck. Jake saw the gun in Mandy's hand and gave her an odd look. "Put the gun away love unless of course you plan on using it." He said softly as he looked at her with large gold eyes.

Mandy flipped the safety back on then put the gun back in its holster as she looked at them both. "I'm sorry my love, it's just after everything that's happened, guess I'm just a little gun shy."

Jake pulled her to him and hugged her. "Its ok baby I completely understand, and I won't let anyone hurt you."

"I know Jake honey, I guess I'm also totally exhausted since I didn't really sleep well last night." Mandy said as she looked at him.

"You should take you a nap Mandy." Deacon said with his usual boyish smile. " You look like you need it."

Mandy smiled as she walked to her room and closed the door. she was still in her jammies as she crawled in bed, laid her head against the pillows and instantly fell asleep.

Jake and Deacon cleaned up the buck and took the meat and stored it in large bags inside the deep freezer. "How are you feeling baby?" Deacon asked over his shoulder as he felt her snake her arms around him.

"Still a little sore baby, still kinda tired, but the weather outside seems nice enough to go do some walking." Terri said as she looked at the cloudless sky through the window.

"Just don't go off to far by yourself baby, pease and carrots." Deacon said as he smiled and showed dimples.

Jake smirked as he looked at them both. "You two are something else. oh and Deacon?" He said as he waited for a response.

Deacon hit him playfully and laughed. "Yea what ya want bro?" He asked.

"Maybe you should go with her cause you had something to discuss with her if I'm not mistaken." Jake told him with a grin.

"Ah yes, That." Deacon replied as he waited for Terri to get dressed.

Terri got her clothes on and grabbed her pepper spray before walking to the door seeing Deacon waiting on her.

"Shall we?" Deacon asked as he held the door open for Terri as she walked out the door and onto the front porch and watched him walk out behind her.

Deacon sniffed the air and looked around. "Is everything ok?" Terri asked as she looked at him.

"As far as I can tell, yes." Deacon replied as he smiled. Terri grabbed his hand as they walked out into the yard. "So what did you wanna talk to me about baby?" Terri asked as she bent down grabbing some items up and putting them in a pouch she carried on her side.

"I was wondering if you would ever contemplate becoming a part of the pride, love?" Deacon asked as he watched her pick up several small flowers and put them in her pouch.

"A part of the pride? What does that mean exactly?" Terri asked, eyeing him curiously as she looked at his hard muscular body and then at him.

"I'm a werecat baby, a jaglion to be precise." Deacon said smiling.

"What's it like being a jaglion baby?" Terri asked as she looked up at him.

"Its intense and wild and I've never felt so much freedom as I do being a wild animal." Deacon said looking back at her.

They didn't notice that they were being watched by a pair of malevolent yellow eyes, hiding just out of sight by some very wide tall trees.

Deacon heard rustling in the bushes and he instantly shifted and walked towards where the sound was coming from. "Show yourself before things get ugly." he snarled as he saw a figure running away through the trees. He turned and looked at Terri. "Go inside and get Jake baby."

Terri ran to the porch and went back inside looking for Jake. "Where are you at Jake?" Terri asked as she felt a hand touch her shoulder. "I'm right here sweetie, what's wrong?" Jake asked as he saw her move quicker than a human should.

"Deacon needs you outside Jake, he sent me to come get you." Terri said as she watched Mandy walk back out looking a little more pale then normal. "Every thing ok?" Mandy asked as she looked at them. "Not exactly sure yet." Terri replied as they all walked outside to see Deacon walking around in his feline form.

"What's going on bro?" Jake asked as he sniffed the air. "Not sure but I think someone was in the woods watching us. Saw a large figure running away when I told them to show themselves." Deacon said as he shifted back to his human form.

"Um bro?" Jake stated. "You might oughta put your clothes on yo."

Deacon looked down and then at Terri and blushed. "Yea it might get a little freaky out here if I don't."

Terri simply stared as she looked at his naked body. " Damn you're sexy baby." Jake and Mandy turned around and giggled. " Come on let's get you inside and fed babe." Jake said as he looked at Mandy. She smiled at him. "Yea don't nobody need to see all that."

"Right." Jake said as he took her hand and led her inside to the kitchen. He watched as she sat down and gave her a large cup with some red liquid in it. "What's this?" Mandy asked, looking up at him.

"You do remember the great sex we had last night don't you love?" Jake asked with a smirk.

"Who could forget that babe?" Mandy asked as she looked at the Red liquid in the cup and then at him. "Good Lord I thought you were gonna shove me through the head board and split me in half."

Jake chuckled. "Well I kinda got carried away and bit you while I had my way with you baby, sorry I couldn't help it." Mandy gave her best sassy girlish grin. " So let me guess I'm on my way to becoming a vampire?"

"Yep." Jake said as they both saw Deacon and Terri walking back in.

"So do you need time to contemplate what I asked you babe?" Deacon asked as he looked at Terri.

"As long as I'm with you then yes I'll become what you are baby." Terri replied as she watched his eyes light up. "So how do I become a werecat exactly?"

"Hot steamy sex and a bite." Deacon replied. "Its easier to become one of us then a vampire, cause with Jake it takes three bites and while your death is instantaneous it's also more than slightly painful."

"The change itself, not the actual biting part. Jake told them both. "That's because your body is trying to rid itself of things no longer needed."

Mandy smiled as she started drinking the blood from the cup. " Well at least the sun won't burn me to a cinder, anything else I should know baby?"

"All the stories you hear about garlic, silver, crosses and holy water are all bullshit. Stakes, well those would kill anyone, so would fire and cutting off your head. Your powers are basically limitless and you do need blood to survive just doesn't have to be human blood, even though it has more of the nutrients you'll need." Jake explained.

"So basically I can live on animal blood?" Mandy asked as she looked at Deacon and Terri and grinned.

"Yes love just not on them." Jake replied with a giggle.

Deacon looked at her. " I sure hope not." Terri looked at her sister and saw the laughter hidden just beneath the surface. "I'm not saying nothing." she mouthed