
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 9 Conversation with Danzo

I woke up already at Root's base. A little

I looked around after waking up. I found myself

in some dark, damp room. Before I had

a few moments to think, a man in a cat mask...

a man in a cat mask entered the room.

-Woke up at last,‖ he said unemotionally.

he said. "Danzo-sama is waiting for you, don't make

"Danzo-sama is waiting for you, don't make him wait any longer. Follow me" Having said

those words, he turned and walked away, not even

without waiting for me. I followed him, walking

through the dark, still incomplete

corridors, I realized that the Root was just beginning

of his existence. I felt better. This way I could

I could gain Danzo's trust faster.

As I began to think about how to behave

with him, it didn't take me long to reach our


-We're here-" Cat said in the same voice.

He opened the door and bowed and said.

-Danzo-sama, mission accomplished! After

he quickly left the office.

Danzo, who was sitting at the table with a gruff

and looking at me with a piercing

He suddenly looked at me with a piercing stare, and he suddenly looked softer and more relaxed.

He stood up from his desk and came over to me, offering me

me first a snack and a cup of tea.

I stood staring at him with eyes full of tears...

at him with eyes full of tears.

-"What happened, little Akuma?

...Danzo's voice interrupted the silence.

-You... you... you're the first one who's been so kind to me.

The kids at the orphanage disliked me from the start.

...and the Nono-sempai has been looking at me...

...lately, the Nono family has been looking at me more and more suspiciously. I have

I feel like she's watching me.

in the same breath.

Akuma's Thoughts

Yes. Yes. Trust me. Start thinking that

you can be, if not the closest person to me.

one of the closest people to me, if not the closest. Let

the idea that I will do anything you

your will. That I would be your puppet

so easy to control.

Of course, Danzo had no idea what kind of

...the thought process that was going on...

in Akuma's mind. He quietly replied that everything

everything would be all right, sat him down at the table, and ordered

The dog, who was in the shadows the whole time.

To fetch the food. On the table were many

of the most delicious dishes. In ordinary times such

dishes were already delicacies, what

to say nothing of the military. And Akuma, with persistent

curiosity, he asked about each dish.

Danzo explained to him without hesitation.

After eating, Danzo made a serious face

and in a languid but strong voice asked:

-Akuma, would you like to join

...with Root?

-Danzo-sama, forgive me for asking, but what

what is the Root?" I asked with incomprehension.

-You know what an NSAU is, don't you?

-Yes, Danzo-sama, they're ninja who report

to the Hokage personally, all of them are very strong.

-Right Akuma. Now, the ANBU are the bright

side of Konoha, and their head Hokage. The Root

represents the organization that

is the dark side of Konoha. It

...performs missions on which it is impossible...

to send the ANBU, and reports to the Root...


-Light, dark. So we're supposed to be

to do missions to take out ninjas

who would be unkind to

Konoha, whether they're from the village of Mist,

or from Konoha itself.

calm voice for my age

said I

Danzo's Thoughts

And this kid is very smart for his age.

for his age. He's starting to look even more like

Orochimaru. Hmm. He's not afraid to use

the word kill at that age. Although the earlier

the cruelty he demonstrated earlier...

shows that he is not a soft-hearted man,

like Hiruzen. I think that's even

a plus. I like him even more now,

if the negotiations don't go well, it'll be easier

to brainwash him and make him obedient,

like the rest of the Roots.

-Yeah Akuma, you're right. The Root is in the business

that kind of thing. If you don't agree

Before I could let Danzo finish, I replied:

-I agree to join the Root.

What would it take?!" I said with an exclamation.


Danzo's thoughts

How quickly he agreed. I feel better.

What does it take to do that? I'm just asking you out...

you. I didn't even think about it. Although it wouldn't hurt

it wouldn't hurt to check it out. The way Dog reports to me.

he's got tremendous talent, and he makes

himself to go through rigorous

training, and at night, instead of sleeping, he learns

how to control his chakra. It's decided. I'll test him.

It'll be a nice surprise for Orochimaru,

that his future apprentice is not useless.

Building a secret laboratory for him

...to build a secret laboratory for him. But to impose

an apprentice like that would probably ruin our relationship,

so we need to show Akuma's talent.

-To do that, you'll have to go through

a series of tests: The first test will be

will focus on your mind. There will be

a test in which you have to get at least

at least 75% correct answers to pass.

The second test will be a test of your

physical fitness. And the final test

is your chakra, which is where you'll show the amount of chakra

and control of it. Understood?

-Yes, Danzo-sama, when can I begin

to perform? -I asked.

-Are you sure of yourself, Akuma?

Danzo's thoughts.

We should make the tests harder so that...

that confidence evaporates a little.

Confident people, more often than not, don't have

a lot of strength, but they think the opposite.

-Tests will start in two hours. While

...you can rest or prepare. As he was about to...

to leave, Danzo heard:

-Danzo-sama, may I ask you for some

...a book?


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_DilLencreators' thoughts