
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 10 Trials

After asking Danzo for a book, I started reading it. Two hours after I started reading it, Dog came to get me and led me to the first test site. On the way, I tried to ask him about what would be on it, but all I got was silence. When I entered the room, I saw that Danzo was sitting in the corner. When he saw me he stood up and, sending Dog away, began to tell me about the first test:

-As I said before, the first test we're going to test your mind, you'll be given a test consisting of 100 questions, the last ten with a full answer. You have five hours. The time starts right now.

Having said this Danzo sat back down in the corner and watched me. I took the question sheets and started to solve them. The test was easy for me, but other kids would find it impossible. It included everything: history geography, math, writing, basic chakra theory, and so on. After quickly answering ninety questions, I proceeded to the next ten. After reading all ten questions completely, it became clear to me what this test was for. These questions asked my opinion of Konoha, its politics, the Hokage, how I would like to change Konoha, and thoughts of the same sort. I knew Danzo well from the anime and knew roughly what to answer in each of the questions. After finishing the test completely in about an hour and a half, I told Danzo about it.He only glimpsed 90 questions, as I thought he would, and stuck with the last ten.

Danzo's Thoughts

Hmm... This kid did very quickly, probably answering at random. Anyway, the main thing is the last questions. From them I will understand his attitude towards Konoha as a whole.

As Danzo began to check Akuma's work, a brighter and brighter smile appeared on his face. At the en

Yeah that kid is almost my copy. Hiruzen is too soft. Even this kid has noticed that, and the others don't get it. He also wants to see Konoha stronger than all the other ninja villages. The Uchiha clan is very arrogant? Ha, those are too simple words to describe their behavior.They think they are almost gods because of the sharingan. I'll give it 100%.

-Good job Akuma, you passed the 100% test- said Danzo

-Thank you for the praise, Danzo-sama.

-You ready for your next test?

-That's right! -I answered confidently.

In an hour.

Akuma's Thoughts

We've finally arrived at this testing ground. Why would he need such huge catacombs? The second test is to test my physical condition. It's somewhere around the level of a five year old who trains regularly. Shouldn't be a problem at all.

-So listen, Akuma. -Said Danzo, interrupting my thought process. The second test will test your physical fitness. First you have to run an obstacle course for 3 minutes, then you have to do some physical exercises and at the end you have to spar with one of the Root members. Don't worry, he'll be about two or three years older than you. "After quickly explaining the terms of the second test, Danzo told me to get started. The obstacle course wasn't very difficult, but it was difficult on the in the sections that required a lot of dexterity, which I don't have yet (I need to get stronger). But when it came to exercises, everything got worse. The complex was more complicated than the one on which I train now, and was aimed at children entering the academy. But I wasn't going to give up. Determinedly Akuma continued to perform the complex, even though it was very difficult for him.

Danzo's thoughts

And this kid is in great physical shape, this complex is harder than even the complex they give at the academy, but he does it. I seem to have grossly underestimated him. He's becoming even more attractive to me than before. He has tremendous tenacity, of course, he doesn't want to let me down.

Of course, Akuma had very different thoughts in his head, because


The host got the achievement of "Overcoming Limits."

You have proven that you can do much more than just give it your all. You overcame the limitations of your young body.

Adds 0.5 to Strength, 0.5 to Dexterity.

Akuma suddenly found it much easier to do the exercises. Danzo thought he was getting a second wind, so he didn't dwell on it.

"Status!" I said in my head.


Name:Yakushi Akuma


Age: 2 years






Chakra Control:7%

Passive Skills

"Shurikenjutsu LVL2 47/100"

"Taijutsu Fundamentals LVL1 81/100"


10% to mind techniques.

Not only the characteristics were added, but the skill gains experience quickly. After finishing the series of exercises, I was exhausted like a lemon. I was lucky that the achievement came in time.

-Good job, Akuma. All you have to do is spar, ready?" Danzo asked.

I was tired but I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer, so I answered:

-Yes, Danzo-sama, I'm ready!

-Good, Dog, bring the Wolf.

After waiting a little while I saw the Dog coming back with some kid, a little older than me.

-It's Wolf, one of the members of the Root, enrolled a year ago and has shown good talent," Danzo told me.

-Are you ready to spar?

-Yes!" I replied, getting into a fighting stance.

The wolf, seeing that the kid in front of him was younger than him, decided to attack first. He swung his right fist. He turned his body sharply and struck a quick blow with his left fist. I, on the other hand, rolled to the side and quickly stood up and tried to give him a lift. But he jumped back and went back into the fist fight. This time I did not have time to roll over. I got one good shot to the face, but I managed to kick him in the stomach. He lost his balance a little bit. That's when I hit him in the solar plexus. He started choking. I didn't stop, I just intensified my attack. I came up to him quickly and gave him two precise punches to the nose. I managed to break him. But Wolf began to come to his senses. Catching my fist, he threw me over his shoulder. I, because of my newly enhanced agility, was able to twist my body in the air and landed on my feet. He got a little confused. I, grabbing his arm, pulled toward me and hit him again in the solar plexus, but it was stronger than the last time. I started kicking him. He fell to the ground without making a sound, he too fell under the brainwashing procedure.I thought as I continued beating him on the ground.Taking his arm, I bent it in an unnatural direction. After delivering the final blows to his face, I stopped.

-Good fight, Akuma- said Danzo with a smile on his face.

Danzo's Thoughts

Again the same brutality in battle. Even though he's at a small age, it feels like he knows how to fight. Although in ninja battles the main thing is still the talent in using chakra.

This was the conventional wisdom, there were few people like Maito Dai or Maito Gai, so almost all ninjas focused on chakra.

-There's one last test left, are you ready?


-It's going to take place right here. Take the sheets and use the chakra to attach them to yourself.

Akuma's thoughts.

So the final test is the one I do every night? I can handle it easily.

My goal was to last at least 20 minutes. After training I can hold three foxes for 15 minutes. I have no problem with one fox. Although I was very tired, I could hold on for about thirty minutes. After holding that time, the fox dropped.

-Good job Akuma, you passed all the tests...


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