
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 35 Academic Tournament.

Chapter 35 Academic Tournament.

It had been two weeks since I started attending the shinobi academy. After personally going there for a few days I realized that it wasn't going to give me much progress. I had studied all of the materials there long ago on my own, so I started sending my clone there and going off to training on my own as usual. But today I decided to visit the academy on my own because of the fact that there will be a tournament among our class. For first place you will not have to write a math test. A lot of students were inspired by that. The competition includes physical training, shurikenjutsu, taijutsu. The cumulative number of victories in these three disciplines will determine your place. "Since Konoha already appreciates my talent so much, I will demonstrate it in order to get higher ranked techniques as well as forbidden techniques. Since my sensei is Orochimaru, the technique "Reincarnation of the Unholy World" is already halfway in my pocket. Jiraiya should return to Konoha next year and I'll take a team to train with Minato. Likewise, in a year the Nine-Tailed will be sealed in Uzumaki Kushina. It's best not to get close to her.Kurama can sense other people's negative emotions, so there's no chance he won't tell Kushina about them." - Akuma pondered the events as he walked to the academy. Along the way, many people talked and whispered about him. Many rank-and-file shinobi and ordinary civilians learned of the young genius' talent.

On the way to the academy, Obito joined Akuma as usual, and their new mutual friend Rin was already waiting outside the school gates. Both Akuma and Obito were showing great talent in becoming ninjas, so Rin wanted to communicate with them as well. So when the cheerful Obito himself came up to her and offered to chat, she happily agreed. "If you weren't the future temporary host of my first tailed beast, I wouldn't even pay attention to you. An ordinary girl with more or less good chakra control and a pretty good talent in Irienjutsu. Nothing else" thought Akuma in his head, keeping his unemotional expression on his face. Then the trio went to the training ground at the back of the shinobi academy building.

-So, as you all remember, there's going to be a small academic tournament between all of you today. - Uzuki Hirashi said loudly. "I hope you all remember what parts the tournament includes, because I don't want to repeat them. The tournament will start in 10 minutes, so you have some time to stretch yourselves," the teacher said his speech and went back to the academy. Many of the children immediately began practicing, while Akuma at this point was hiding in a tree from a crowd of his little groupies. "Why are they so unstoppable to Obito?" - I began to think, lying on a thick tree branch. Many of the boys looked at Akuma with envy. Some of the bolder ones even tried to challenge Akuma to a fight a couple of times, but Akuma, who was just a clone, never paid attention to such idiots, and coming around the first dark corner, Akuma immediately dispersed the cloning technique.

When the teacher returned to the training ground, all the children lined up in rows. The first competition was shuriken throwing. "Master, with your strength it won't be a problem to take first place in this children's contest)" - Yui said jokingly. At this point, the first child was called into position. He was an ordinary civilian clanless kid with a good talent and amount of chakra, which was why he was able to enter the shinobi academy. His results were dismal. Out of ten shurikens, only four hit the target. "Too many mistakes in throwing technique, insufficient throwing power, and wrong palm rotation," Akuma focused on his classmates, taking turns assessing them in his head to see if any of them could pose a threat in the future or present. But all of the children could only show an average score.

Only when Obito stepped in and turned on the Sharingan did the first one hundred percent result appear. Everyone except the teacher and the other Uchis in the class, who already knew that this kid had awakened the Sharingan, were surprised. I was the next one to be called to the spot.

Akuma slowly walked over to the spot and took five shurikens in each hand. With a momentary swing, the weight of the shurikens disappeared from his hands and flew in different directions.

"Loser! Weakling!" - the children began to shout, thinking that he would not hit a single shuriken. The noonies were quickly silenced as the shurikens began to bang against each other, giving the right trajectory of flight. A few minutes later, all the shurikens hit the center of the target, and the children who had screamed before opened their mouths, unable to say anything.

"Obito and Akuma are the only ones who hit all the shurikens on the target, so they both get first place," Sensei said. He saw that Akuma's throwing technique was superior to Obito's, but he also didn't want to offend the Uchiha clan, so he decided to split that first place among the two of them.

"Alright then, now take a five minute break and then we'll test your physical fitness," Uzuki Hirashi said in a calm, loud voice. Then laughed as he saw Akuma surrounded by a crowd of his groupies.

"I hope you've had time to rest, because now we're going to test your physical fitness. First a 15 lap run around this range, then a set of exercises we practice every day in taijutsu class, then a lisk exercise for chakra control . Whoever lasts the longest wins. Is that clear?" - The teacher asked in a stern voice. "Yes," the children answered without hesitation. Sensei then applied the cloning technique, shoving clones so that one of them would watch the set of exercises and the other would time how long they would hold the sheet. When everyone is in the starting position, the teacher gives the signal to begin. Many of the kids didn't think about saving energy and ran at full speed ahead, while others, who were smarter, decided to save their strength and ran at a medium pace.

"I shouldn't be far behind them," Rin thought to herself with fire in her eyes, running the eighth lap slightly behind Akuma and Obito. Her legs were already hurting badly and her breathing was out of whack, but she still didn't want to fall behind her new friends, so despite her pain, she continued to run at the same pace as them. On the fifteenth lap, she couldn't keep up that speed and fell behind the boys. Akuma, who was running next to Obito, suddenly accelerated sharply and in less than a minute, ran the remaining two laps, starting to exercise. For him, this complex couldn't even be called a warm-up, let alone a workout, so he quickly completed it under the control of his teacher's clone. Akuma sat in a meditation pose and glued a sheet to his forehead, holding it with his chakra, with his control he could do this without stopping, but it was of no use, so in the meantime he chatted with Yuya on various topics.

After about 10-15 minutes he was joined by Obito, who was the second person to finish the complex. And the third person, to Akuma's surprise, was Rin. By this point, about one-third of all the students had already dropped out of the test. After 20 minutes, the only people left were the people who did the chakra control exercise, dropping out one at a time. After another 15 minutes, only three people remained: Akuma, Rin, and Obito. In the end, Akuma took first place, Obito, although he had a lot of chakra, didn't control it well enough, so he dropped out. "With a lot of chakra, but no control, you can't do anything," Akuma thought to himself.

"Okay, kids, good job everyone!" - The teacher praised all the children. "There will now be a one hour lunch break, and then the taijutsu competition will begin!" - the teacher announced loudly, leaving the children alone. Akuma, who had climbed up the tree again, was suddenly called out by Rin's voice suggesting that they all have lunch together, whereupon Akuma lazily climbed down from the tree and followed Rin to Obito who was already waiting for them at the spot. So an hour passed while they ate and talked, and it was time for the Taijutsu competition...

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