
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 35.2 Academic Tournament

Chapter 35.2 Academic Tournament

Back at the competition site, Akuma, as well as the other children, began to listen to the teacher who had appeared.

-So, students, each of you will be given a number. Your opponent will be the student with the next number. For example you have the number 1, then your opponent is the student with the number 2. Is that clear? - Uzuki Hirashi asked the children.

There were about 30 people on the range, so it didn't take long for numbers to be handed out. All the kids had different feelings, some were happy when they recognized their opponent, some were sad, and Akuma just sat there with nothing on his mind. He was number 13, so it wouldn't be long before it was his turn. The first battles began. The kids tried their best to beat their opponent and give the best performance they could. While everyone was watching the first contestants fight, the man at number 14 was standing not far from the tree Akuma had climbed and was looking at his opponent. That man was Koa Hyuga. He was a descendant of a side branch, so he was always at a disadvantage in the clan. And right now he thought he had a chance to show his worth. If he defeated Orochimaru's apprentice, his reputation not only in the clan, but in the entire dervna, would go up several notches.

"Akuma, that guy is watching you closely," Yui said. "I know, a few minutes ago I noticed his number, he's my rival." - Akuma replied in his head. He turned his head to Hyuga and used the Eye of Truth


Name: Ko Hyuga

Gender: Male

Age: 5

Strength: 18

Dexterity: 17

Intelligence: 35

Wisdom: 25

Chakra: 1000

Chakra Control: 21%

Proximity to Attributes: Unknown



Passive Skills.

Blood Hyuga.(Side Branch Seal) - Gives the user a Byakugan, as well as the unique ability to release chakra in any tenketsu in their bodies.



"He is quite talented for his age. It's a shame he wasn't born in the main branch, I think with that kind of talent he would have made great strides. It's a shame that he won't be of any use to me. If I need to get a Byakugan, I need to be friends with a member of the main branch of the Hyuga clan. So it's useless to me," Akuma pondered as the fighting continued on the range. Thirty minutes later, Uzuki Hirashi uttered:

-It's time for the seventh bout. Its participants are Yakushi Akuma and Ko Hyuga! - Sensei said loudly.

Two people came up to the battlefield. When the teacher said that the duel could begin, Ko Hyuga immediately went on the offensive. He used the Jouken hand-to-hand combat style. A standard style that only the Hyuga clan can use. Akuma once tried to emulate it, but quickly realized that without Byakugan, this style wouldn't show even ten percent of its power, so he quickly abandoned the idea, concentrating on his training.

When Ko came within close proximity, Akuma applied a replacement technique, launching shurikens from a new location. He knew that Hyuga would repel them, but Akuma wanted to test the Byakugan's capabilities. As expected, Hyuga, with his back to him, easily dodged the shurikens. When Hyuga started to approach again, Akuma used the Illusion of Paralysis to immobilize him, quickly leaping up to him, Akuma delivered a quick blow to the solar plexus and turning around during the blow, kicking Hyuga in the face, knocking him back a few meters. In midair, the effect of Auma's technique ended, and Ko, who had regained his ability to move, quickly regrouped his body, landing on his feet. Hyuga knew that Akuma would not be an easy opponent. All of his actions up to this point were to pontificate on Akuma's fighting style. Creating several clones, Hyuga went on the attack, when Akuma attacked him, he used a swapping technique and swapped places with his clone. Akuma himself liked to use this technique, so it was no surprise that the others guessed it too. Akuma created four clones that fought Hyuga clones, and he himself found Ko's real body, going into hand-to-hand combat with it. For Akuma, this was one of the strongest taijutsu opponents he'd ever met in his life. The Hyuga clan has been teaching it to its members since birth, so it's no surprise that Ko can spar with Akuma on almost equal footing, with such a difference in characteristics. When Hyuga parried Akuma, he quickly began to keep his distance, due to the fact that his chakra circulation would be disrupted if Hyuga landed a couple more accurate punches. "Difficult opponent," Akuma began pondering in his head. He is superior to me in terms of taijutsu, after all, the Hyuga clan has built its history through this style of combat. And I don't have the long-range techniques yet. He's got a pretty small dexterity, so if I give it my all, I should beat him." - Akuma pondered. At that moment Ko Hyuga said:

-Akuma, admit defeat, I can see all your moves. You can't beat me.

-Seeing my moves doesn't mean you can keep up with them,‖ Akuma said.

Quickly moving toward Hyuga, Akuma used his chakra to strengthen his legs, becoming even faster. As Akuma launched a series of lightning strikes, half of which successfully hit Hyuga, he distanced himself from Hyuga, constantly keeping him at a distance and quickly emerging near him, Akuma drained Hyuga's chakra.

The Byakugan wastes a lot of chakra to use, so Ko can't keep it active for long yet. When Akuma noticed that the veins around Hyuga's eyes were very swollen, he realized that the Byakugan was very depleted, so it was time for one last push. Akuma, along with the created clones went on the attack, while stealthily launching a thin senbon into the air.When Hyuga started to fight off the clones' attacks, Akuma used a replacement technique, settling over Hyuga's head. Ko, due to a very tired Byakugan, didn't notice this, so he missed a hard kick to the face, causing him to end up on the ground. At this point Sensei ended the fight, which Akuma won. He reached over to Ko and held out his hand for him to get up.

-It was a good fight, Ko.

-I could say the same, Akuma. -Replied Ko, accepting his hand. Though he couldn't defeat Akuma, he put up a good fight, and it got him out of his negative state. It is only during the fight that he gets enough pleasure, allowing him to forget about his problems. So after the fight, Ko wanted to be friends with Akuma, considering him a worthy opponent.

Akuma went to rest while other fights were taking place. Akuma's second opponent was one of the civilian ninja children, who is not even worth mentioning; after defeating him in a few minutes, Akuma began to watch Obito fight, who often used the fireball technique.

"No surprise-it's a standard Uchiha Clan technique. Although I think the fireball style is the most underrated in the entire anime. He doesn't even have his own techniques of rank A or higher" Akuma pondered.

After a while, the fight that many teachers and observers of the ANBU, who had been assigned to defend the academy, had been waiting for began. The fight between Obito Uchiha and Akuma. At that moment, the friends stepped up onto the platform. Without saying a word to each other, both waited for the referee's command to start the fight. Both of them knew the other's abilities, so neither of them expected an easy victory. Before the fight, Akuma scanned his opponent


Name: Obito Uchiha

Age: 5 years

Gender: Male

Strength: 17

Dexterity: 23

Intelligence: 19

Wisdom: 14

Chakra: 1130

Chakra Control: 18%


Style of fire - fireball

Cloning Technique

Transformation Technique

Replacement Technique


Uchiha Blood

Sharingan (1 Tomoe)

"Obito's progress isn't static either, for now I'm still too weak, but we mustn't forget that some people in this world are monsters." Putting the rest of his thoughts out of his head, Akuma concentrated on the fight.

The referee gave the command for the fight to begin. Obito immediately began folding the seals for the fireball technique. Akuma, not about to give up the initiative in this fight, quickly rushed at Obito, remembering to put a clone to move if he was in danger. Obito launched a fireball straight at the fleeing Akuma, who sliced him in half with his familiar chakra scalpel. Obito, already seeing this move, was not surprised in the slightest and immediately activated the Sharingan to try and win Akuma over in close combat. At that moment the kunai and Akuma's chakra-covered bare hands collided. Neither of the opponents could take over the initiative. Akuma's superior experience was negligible before the power of the Sharingan to read his opponent's movements. Stepping back, Obito created several clones, and once again launched a fireball that was twice the size of the previous one. Just before the collision, Akuma managed to apply a replacement technique and appeared in place of his clone, launching shurikens at Obito's back. "Not saving chakra at all," Akuma thought of Obito, who instead of dodging, met the shurikens with a fireball.

All the while, a girl, the only one in the class besides Obito that Akuma had interacted with, Rin, had been watching these two intently. "Those two are just monsters. They have tremendous strength at such a young age. That's what talent means. Will I ever be able to catch up with them?" she pondered her usefulness while the other children watched them intently.

The explosions caused quite a lot of smoke to form on the field, obstructing Akuma's view. Obito decided to take advantage of this and created a few clones so that Akuma wouldn't catch him by the sounds. After destroying a few clones, Akuma missed a couple of punches from the real Obito. Quickly regaining the distance between them. Without thinking, Akuma applied the Target of the Hunt. He was now able to pinpoint Obito's location perfectly. Trying to repeat his previous success, Obito launched another attack in the same way. Akuma, sensing the real Obito approaching, quickly ducked, and when Obito lunged at him, delivered a powerful punch to his opponent's jaw. Obito, who had lost his balance, fell to the ground where he felt the cold metal right on his neck. Obito began to realize that he lost because of his impatience. The referee announced the results of the fight. As a result, Akuma was the winner of the tournament. After school, Obito made Akuma go to Ichiraku to celebrate his victory, remembering to invite Rin there.

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There will be no chapter tomorrow. My apologies.

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