
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 22.2 Am I a Traveller?

On Earth.

An ordinary Japanese 17-year-old otaku, Jin Sato. A fan of anime, and of course his favorite of all his anime was Naruto. "I wish I could be a traitor, like the main characters in the stories I read yesterday. Make friends with Naruto, learn the Flying Thunder God technique, save as many people as I can in the Fourth World Shinobi War, and create my own harem of kunoichi. Especially Hinata, Ahh. My love. I'll add Kagaya to it too," Jin dreamt as he walked to school. They didn't like him there. He was a closed-minded, slightly overweight boy. Bullies often demanded money from him, and the girls kept away from him. And so as he approached the gate, just about to step over it, his body was enveloped in some kind of white light and he was transported to some unknown place. "А?! WHAT?! Where am I! Mom save me!!!" - Hysterical, Gene thought.

-Calm down! - The emptiness said in a tired voice.

-What? -Who are you?

-I'm the one you dreamed about all the way to school, the so-called God from your Earthly novels. And yes I will take you to Naruto's world.

-Really? With a system that lets me buy anything with points? Or with a kinship with all the elements and immense talent? Or a Rinnegan? Tensegan? - Jin began to dream.

-No! I can't change the rules of another world that much. All you'll have is the usual system, allowing you to view your state, and occasionally giving you quests. No OP in 1 day, no killing Madara in the first few days of your stay. You'll just move into the body of some kid from Konoha. Clanless. Your strength will depend on your training. Is that clear now?

-Can't you give me any cheats? - Jin complained, forgetting that he'd been crying like a little girl a minute before.

-Okay. Okay, since the Devil's the one who started the game, I should give my man some privileges so he can win. I'll give you a passive "Eyes of Truth" ability that lets you judge other people's power without restriction, and you'll also have a voice assistant in your system. By the way, I should warn you. You're not the first person you've met in this world, so be careful with him. Your first priority is to kill him, and then all your dreams of this world. You'll end up in the same timeline as Gaius and Kakashi, so I can only wish you luck! - God said, beginning to recite some kind of spell. Immediately Jin's consciousness was plunged into darkness.

Meanwhile in Konoha

Some kid woke up at the firing range. "Ahh. Why is transmigration so painful?" - Jin asked in his head.

-Jin, are you okay? - A man with a genin bandage asked. As soon as Jin looked at him, memories of this body appeared in his head at once. The boy had asked to train with his father, but he refused, so he secretly went to watch him and decided to scare him, except he accidentally got hit and lost consciousness.

-It was all right, Father. Except that the blow was too strong, let's go home. - said the genie with a smile.

-Little rascal, let's go. - said the father happily, seeing that his son was all right.

On the way home, Gene couldn't help but rejoice in his head. "At last my dull life will be transformed. I'm the protagonist. I'm a hitchhiker, which means everything is going to be great. I'll become the strongest ninja ever, and create a harem of beautiful kunoichi. In the meantime, you can check your fortune. The system!


"Happy awakening sir. I'm glad you woke up safe and sound." - said a sweet divine voice.

-So you're my voice assistant? That's great! I'll call you Yui. Yui, Status!


Name: Jin Hososhi

Gender: Male (No fucking laminate)

Age: 3(You have about the same development in that world)

Strength: 2.3(recall that adults (average genins) in this world have an approximate strength of 10-20)

Dexterity: 1.5

Intelligence: 7 (You are smarter than the tree)

Wisdom: 5 (You remember your name)

Chakra:0( not yet open)

Chakra Control:0%

Proximity to attributes: unknown



Passive skills

"Eyes of Truth(left and right)"

"Voice Assistant"



"I think this will be the beginning of great accomplishments," Jin began to dream, having no idea what the future holds for him.

At the same time Akuma.

Walking to Orochimaru's base, suddenly the system began to vibrate alarmingly and show a message.


Master... You have a message from *** (the Devil).

Would you like to read it?

"What kind of day is it today?" - Akuma began to wonder what else this creature might need. Ordering the message open he began to read it.

-Kyle, though probably better than Akuma. I bring you good news. God has also stepped into my game, so you've got another hitter coming into your world. Be careful.

P.S. Thanks for the fun, especially the orphanage slaying.

"Another problem dropped," thought Akuma, thinking of ways to kill a rival...

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