
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 23 Obito and....

Akuma spent the rest of the way to Orochimaru's base pondering. Deciding to leave the problem for now, due to the certainty of being able to kill him in peace. He judged his power reasonably, so there was no point in being afraid of a man who had just entered this world. "And something tells me I don't even have to look for him. He'll find me on his own," I thought to myself when I heard that I had reached my destination. Akuma decided to focus entirely on learning.

-Hello, Orochimaru-sensei! - I said hello to my mentor.

-Too late, Akuma. - Orochimaru hissed. "Okay, let's get started."

At this point, Orochimaru began to explain to Akuma the basics of learning the "Chakra Scalpel" technique.

This technique was originally invented by Tsunade as a way to accurately cut human tissue without bleeding, but Orochimaru looked at the technique from a very different angle. Because your hands, under the action of chakra, become a real weapon that can easily kill a shinobi.

-The main thing when learning this technique is your chakra control. If you're good at it, this technique shouldn't cause any problems at all. Memorize the hand seals. - Orochimaru, slowly demonstrating the order, thought about whether the kid in front of him could perform this technique. He was under the impression that Akuma had repeated his Genjutsu the first time, causing him to think that the child had tremendous chakra control. He hadn't realized that Akuma was good at Genjutsu because of his amazing combination of intelligence with wisdom, not control.

An hour later.

In the underground training ground, I, lying on the ground with a bit of chakra damage, started talking to Orochimaru.

-Sensei, I don't have enough control to use this technique. Teach me a way to raise my control even higher.

-Really, you shouldn't have expected much. Although for your age it's already amazing control. Just a moment, I'll be right there.

Akuma, who had been trying to perform the technique all this time, only reached the point where he covered three fingers, and then the technique stopped, due to insufficient control. The exercises he'd been doing to get it up weren't working for a long time, so he abandoned them. and he couldn't remember new ways.

A few minutes later, Orochimaru returned with a scroll in his hand.

-Akuma, this scroll contains the Thread Chakra technique. It's usually used by puppeteers to control their puppets. But it also requires good control. So you will be trained to create them. - Orochimaru said. "Take the scroll and go home. I have some business to attend to."

Akuma, following Orochimaru's advice, went home and began to practice a new technique. "I think this technique will be useful to me. I have an idea." By morning he managed to form a small thread, about 17cm long.


Master's chakra control increased by 1%

Seeing the progress, a satisfied Akuma decided to get some sleep.

In the meantime, Jin dragged his father to the range, after two hours of persuasion. He told his father about his dreams of becoming a strong ninja to protect everyone he cared about. These were his real desires, causing his father to finally say he would train him.

Arriving at the range, and ignoring some boy sleeping under a tree. Gene and his father began training. Last night, he was able to awaken his chakra, which took about 3 hours to do, due to the fact that he was constantly distracted by extraneous thoughts and couldn't concentrate. His father showed the boy the standard techniques they teach at the academy, and also did a little physical training.


Congratulations, Jin, your Strength is +0.2, and the Taijutsu skill is also unlocked," said Yui's melodious voice

"Great. What's that?( At this point, knowledge of taijutsu began to flow into Jin's mind.) So the skills are so easy to get?" - Thought to himself in his head after a little training. "All right, I think that's enough for today," his father said. "Let's go home."

-Father, can I go for a walk? Please? - Jin begged him.

-Okay. Just be home by tonight or your mother will be worried. - His father humbly said as he went home.

Jin, deciding if the skills are so easy to get, will now learn the skill of throwing. Picking up some stone from the ground, he threw it with all his might. Only the stone didn't go where Jin wanted it to go, it hit the boy sleeping under the tree.

-Ouch, it hurts. - Obito woke up with a pain in his head. When he saw the stone, he immediately looked at Jin.

-Why did you throw the stone at me? - Obito said walking towards him.

-I didn't mean to, I was throwing it at a tree and it hit you. I'm sorry! - Gin said good-naturedly, checking to see who was in front of him. "The eyes of truth," thought Jin. His brown eyes turned blue for a moment.

Name: Obito Uchiha

Age: 4 years

Gender: Male

Strength: 4.5

Dexterity: 6.2

Intelligence: 12

Wisdom: 9

Chakra: 200





"That's Obito," Jin thought in his head. He was one of his least favorite characters in the anime because he was from the Uchiha Clan. He didn't like the whole clan. So when he found out who was in front of him, he became contemptuous.

-And he was right to get into you, though. You Uchis are too proud. Maybe this will straighten you out.


Jin, apologize to him, he's stronger than you are. "Shut up, Yui. I learned taijutsu, what can he do to me?"

Obito, angry at Jin's words about his clan, struck him hard in the chin. Jin, feeling great pain, fell down.

-Rise up, you will answer for insulting my clan. - Obito said, adopting a fighting stance.

"Ahhh. Him. Him."


Jin, apologize quickly, you can't win. I repeat. "Get off."

He, also adopting a fighting stance from the knowledge he had gained, went on the attack. Only Obito, who had sparred with Akuma many times, saw that his movements were somehow sluggish and slow. Shifting his body to the left, he moved away from the direct hit and smashed Jin's nose with his elbow in return. Jin, because of the intense pain, instantly lost his fighting spirit. But before he could say a word he felt himself being beaten. Obito, because of what he said about his clan, got really angry, so he didn't hold back and beat Jin furiously.

-Obito, stop it.-Suddenly hearing a familiar emotionless voice Obito quickly came to his senses.

-You, Akuma! - Obito said.

-Hey, Obito, who's that? .....

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There are already 24 chapters in the public domain on my Patreon.

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