
Vile in My Hero Academia

Once a Maverick hunter, Then a wanted Criminal. Now A Hero?

ChaoticHappiness · Jeux vidéo
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Vile, Vile, VILE!

I was walking toward school after the days for rest were over. It was raining, and the rain drops were hitting my armor, making a nice, calming sound

Lida Ran past me And I Ran after him. He said that it is better for UA Students to get 10 minutes earlier. On our way we got past Midoriya, Lida told him the same. And we three ran to school

We went to the class room and talked with others. "Morning." Aizawa said as he entered the room

Aizawa has removed his bandages And Tsu(Tsuyu) pointed that out

"The old lady went a little overboard with her treatment, Anyway we have a big class today, our hero informatics." Aizawa said as some started to panic a little "You need code names, Time to pick you hero names." The class jumped in excitement, but were shut once Aizawa's hair started floating. "This is related to the pro hero draft picks that i mentioned the last time we were in class together. Normally students don't have to worry about the draft yet, Not until they are second or third year actually, but your class is different. In fact by extending offers to first years like you, pros are investing in your potential. Any offers can be re-send if they interest you guys down before graduation though. Now here are the totals for all of you who got offers." Then he pressed a button on the remote he was holding and a list of names and numbers appeared on the board "In past years, it's been more spread out, but there is a really big gap this time." Aizawa said

I had 4359

"Despite this results, you will all be interning with pros, Got it? Even those of you who didn't got any offers. You already got to experience combat with real villains during the attack on the U S J facility, But it will still be helpful to see pros at work, up close and personal in the field first hand."

"And for that we need hero names." Sato said

"This hero names will likely be temporary, But take them seriously or." Aizawa said as midnight entered the room and continued his words "You will have to pay later. What you pick today could be your code name for life, You better be careful or you will be stuck with something utterly indecent." She said as she walked to the spot next to Aizawa and turned toward the class

"Yeah, She has got a good point. Midnight is going to have final approval over your names." Aizawa said as he got his sleeping bag in his hand "The name you give yourself is important, It helps reinforce your image and shows what kind of hero you want to be in the future, Take allmight for example." Aizawa said as he got in the sleeping bag and sat on the ground putting his back on the wall behind him

Bakugo was given papers, he took one for himself and gave the rest to the person behind him. and so on. Once i was given one. I started thinking, ignoring everything. My quirk makes things look vile and threatening. wait... Vile Why does this sound so... familiar...

Class S-A hunter: Vile

That was me. I was a reploid, A Maverick hunter.

Vile That is my name...

[Flash back]

"Go fuck yourself." I said as i grabbed X holding him in the explosion range.

[End of Flash back]

I hit the desk in front of me, making a loud sound. Seemingly waking up Aizawa and bringing attention to myself

"Is Something the matter?" Midnight asked

"No, I got a name. And it would be nice if i am called by it from now on." I said before Midnight signaled me to present it. I wrote it quickly on the paper and went to the teacher's desk. I pointed my name toward everyone "Maverick hunter and reploid Hero, VILE"

"Oh! That's a great one, But it sounds a bit threatening." Midnight said

"It should be. My quirk makes me look dangerous, And so my name will do the same." I said looking at everyone

"Good reasoning, I will allow it, You can go back to your seat." Midnight said as the next person took the place and presented their name

Once everyone were done Aizawa left the sleeping bag and said "Now that everyone has decided on their hero names, We can go back to talking about your upcoming internships, The last for one week as for who you are working with those of you who are on the board will chose from among your offers, everyone else will have a different list you have a lot to think about there are around 40 agency who across the country who have agreed on taking interns from your class. each agency has a different specialty that it's heroes focus on."

"Imagine if you were 13, You would want to chose an agency that is specializing into saving, not fighting, Understand?" Midnight explained

"Think carefully before you decide." Aizawa said as he gave papers to the class, On which we have to write where we want to go.

I looked at my options which were too many, And saw a combat one. I wrote in Gunhead agency.

I stayed as i submitted my wish list. When i got back i realized Ochaco Also chose Gunhead's agency

I left the building and waited until it was time for it.

[Two days later]

It was time the class was gathered at the station, Aizawa explained what should and shouldn't be done. And then he left leaving us to go to our trains and things that will move us to our destinations I was with Ochaco, And soon enough we were there