
Vile in My Hero Academia

Once a Maverick hunter, Then a wanted Criminal. Now A Hero?

ChaoticHappiness · Video Games
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19 Chs

Your typical Tournament

It was time for 1v1 combat

Two of the Shinso team left because, they didn't know how they got here, So Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki filled the missing spots

First round:

Izuku Midoriya vs Hitoshi Shinso

Viktor (?) vs Shoto Todoroki

Denki Kiminari vs Ibara Shiozaki

Hanta Sero vs Tenya Lida

Yuga Aoyama vs Mina Ashido

Fumikage Tokoyami vs. Momo Yaoyorozu

Eijiro Kirishima vs. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

Katsuki Bakugo vs. Ochaco Uraraka

First round:

I was spectating the battles from the guest seats

Izuku fought well, but there were way more better ways for him to win. But a win is a win

"It is almost time for my match, i need to prepare" i said to myself quietly still sitting

[Weapon check][Weapon exchange]

(Arm) Spoiled brat -> Cherry blast

(Shoulder) Fire murrain -> Straight nightmare

(Leg/Knee) Fire bouquet -> Burning drive

(Leg/Foot) Air hockey -> Ice trail

[Weapon exchanged successfully]

"And i am ready for battle." I said to myself as i waited some more

Then i was called for the match. "Time for a better introduction." I said quietly as i got off my seat and jumped from my place onto the arena

"AND HERE WE HAVE THEM. PRACTICALLY A KILLING MACHINE, WITH ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW FOR THE OCCASION It's VIKTOR vs ONE OF THE STUDENTS THAT GOT IN BY RECOMENDATION It's Shoto Todoroki." president mic said as the flames on every corner of the platform for fighting lit up "And now for the second fight. BEGIN!"

Shoto didn't move at all, and i started walking toward him "Apologies." Todoroki said quitly and then he summoned a huge Ice, burring me inside

But then. I remembered my leg is frozen shut, I continued pushing the flames warmed me and the ice i was in started melting slowly. After a bit i hear a weak sound of midnight saying that Todoroki is the winner. Which summoned anger inside me. I used Straight nightmare and broke from Todoroki's Ice

"NOT YET!" i said as i charged toward him. Grabbing him by the throat and throwing him out the ring

"Wait THE TRUE WINNER IS HERE. VIKTOR!" president mic yelled "VIKTOR IS THE WINNER." He yelled as everyone screamed for me.

I started walking toward Shoto to hear him ask himself "How is that possible? I failed..."

"Perhaps i need to leave him alone." I said to myself as i started walking away. I just realized i will fight Midoriya the next time i am on the battle field

then i watched the matches most of them ended as expected.

Second round:

Izuku Midoriya vs. Viktor (?)

Tenya Ida vs. Ibara Shiozaki

Fumikage Tokoyami vs. Mina Ashido

Katsuki Bakugo vs. Eijiro Kirishima

Second round:

Now it's my turn again. I was once again called on the battle field, Midoriya on the opposite side as we walked toward our places. He was shacking a bit, but enough to be seen. "I won't be easy on you, I have some cherries for you."

He didn't reply, but took a fighting stance

"THE FIRST MATCH OF THE SECOND ROUND IS ABOUT TO BEGIN! THE TWO WINNERS, AGAINST EACHOTHER LIKE RIVALS, TWO FRIENDS AND CLASSMATES. MIDORIYA VS VIKTOR." Pres mic yelled as everyone screamed for us "BEGIN!" he said as Midoriya stop shacking and slowly approached me, In response i started walking toward him as well. When we were close enough he tried to grab my hand to flip me, But didn't manage to do so. In response i used (arm weapon) and shot cherry bullets at him

(Cherry bullets - small bullets like cherry pit, For non lethal fighting.)

He took on some off them, as they made the places hit burning red.

"I told you i got cherries for you, but to be honest i lied about not going easy on you. If i didn't lie you would be dead by now." I said "Now Straight nightmare." I used (Shoulder weapon) and Izuku was pushed away. as tornado like projectile came out my shoulder cannon. The Air that the weapon created was dark blue and is artificially created.


"Come on. I will give you a chance to hit me." I said as i went to help him get up.

"Ok then, if you are this confident." Midoriya said as he hit me with a punch.

I looked at him "I see, that you don't want to use your quirk..." I said as i went to the other side of the arena, but then while i was walking a wind wave was shot at me.

It was Midoriya that created it and it almost pushed me off balance. When i looked back at him he had a broken arm and some broken fingers

I Started clapping, but the only sound was the sound of clashing metal. "That was something Midoriya, But it was still not enough. You have more time to improve, So go on, But not in this match." I said as i blew him away with Straight Nightmare. That was enough to get him off the ring.

"AND WE HAVE A WINNER, VIKTOR!" president mic said as i left the stage and went back to spectate

{Time skip after every match from this round was over}

Everyone were done Lida won his match pretty fast and the others. It was time, My round against Lida was about to start so i walked to the arena and waited, After a short time Lida showed up and President mic said his introduction for the round "AND BEGIN!"

Lida rushed toward me and i dashed toward him. I hit him with an uppercut, And he was on the ground then he stood up fast and tried to rush me again, But i caught him in place a threw him out the ring. "Sorry about that Lida, But the victory is mine" I Said as President mic announced my victory

I started smiling under the helmet as i remembered the other part of my quirk. A Robot that i can control at will. "This will be fun" i said to myself as i went back to spectating, But when i remembered the rules, I walked toward the watch station on which Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada (President mic) are

I knocked on the door and Aizawa opened. "Yes?" He asked

"I forgot to mention a second part of my quirk, the night that armor appeared on me, I was in a robot that soon i realized i can control with my mind. Do i Have permissions to use it?" I Asked

"If it is a part of your quirk then yes." Aizawa replied as he closed the door.

Then i went back to the spectator seats, But it was already over. I will be fighting Bakugo. "This would be fun." I said to myself, as the others heard me, shocked that i think it's fun to fight someone like him.

[Weapon Check][Weapon exchange]

(Arm) Cherry blast -> Zip Zapper

(Shoulder) Straight Nightmare -> Long Shot Gizmo

(Leg/Knee) Burning drive -> Sea Dragon's Rage

(Leg/Foot) Ice trail -x>

[Weapons exchanged successfully]


The flames on the corner of the arena lit once again. Pres mic said his thing "NOW BEGIN!"

"Hey Bakugo, Mind if you wait for me to bow to you." I said as i got on one knee. He seemed confused until... I used (Knee weapon) The highly freezing gas should remove his quirk for a bit

He charged toward me with rage clearly seen on his face, But i called out the Robot who jumped from the top of the stadium behind me landing on my place, When i jumped up and got in the robot. "WHAT IS THIS? A ROBOT, ARE WE SURE THIS IS ALLOWED?" Pres mic yelled

Then Aizawa's voice came up "Viktor came to us, just to tell us that this is the second part of his quirk. He has a machine that on the day of his transformation has appeared out of nowhere, And him inside it. Though i am not so sure."

"Well it sure is a show, So i would allow it." Pres mic said as everyone screamed wanting the content

"OH COMEON!" Bakugo yelled

I used the boosters of the machines and sent us both to the other side, Upon arrival i jumped from it and it jumped toward the roof of the stadium reaching it with out a problem.

"I will kill you!" Bakugo yelled as he used his quirk to get to me.

I jumped and used (Knee weapon) Once again on him. My robot jumped below the platform and then jumped and used boosters. It pushed Bakugo Away, But he managed to stay on the ring.

His quirk came once again and he jumped and started spinning rapidly toward me. He was like a missile. I smiled under my helmet, And the robot jumped from the roof, Toward the predictable location at which Bakugo would be. "You lost." I said As my Robot landed close to him and stopped his spinning while catching him. Then it dragged him out the ring.

"That was fun, Bakugo." I said looking at him as he was dropped onto the ground by my Robot... I commanded it to get back to my home, And so it did.

"YOU BASTARD!!!" He yelled as he charged toward me, Until a pink gas appeared out of nowhere. It was actually Midnight, That created that gas. It knocked him out, but not me. Because i needn't to breath "AND WE HAVE A WINNER! VIKTOR FROM CLASS 1A!!!" Pres mic yelled

Midnight came to me "Are you sure you are not lying about the robot?" She asked

"If i wasn't i would have not go to Them to tell about it. And if it was not, It would have become, because the upgrades and updates i make to my body. It becomes a part of my quirk." I replied

Midnight lead me and called Fumikage. We were under ground on three platforms. I was put on the one with the number one and Fumikage on the one on the bottom

Then Bakugo came. enraged And moving weirdly. They had to put him on a concrete pillar, Tied in chains and hands in some special handcuffs

Then we were lifted and we appeared in the stadium. Midnight said something about the only person that is worthy to give the awards. He laughed loudly as everyone looked at the roof of the stadium, and there he was allmight. He Gave awards to the one below me, And then it was finally my turn. "You did great Viktor, I have no tips for you. Good job." He said as he gave put a Golden medal on my shoulder cannon.

"I didn't fought for a medal, But because it was fun. I have had fun during each event that happened today." I said

Then Allmight said something, but duo to the people's screams i couldn't understand somethings that he says.

After that, We were sent to class. Aizawa gave us his congrats and let us know that we have two days off for some rest. I went back home and waited.