
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Brothers' Decision

With that final grin, Banami's lifeless body slid to the ground. Vera was unable to move a single muscle in her body, not even a finger. She uneasily removed the blindfold from her eyes, Banami lay down inside a blood pool and drifted away from this world. He kept his smile until and after the end. "What is this? Why do you look like my mother, Banami? Why do you have my mother's face?" She recalled those nights, worriedly smiling, crying, and anxious. "ANSWER ME... BANAMI..." she screamed as she seized the shattered axe head in her hand and ran towards the shadow that stabbed Banami. The shadow's dagger sliced through her hand as she pounced upon his body and stabbed his heart with the axe head. Vera didn't flinch; her wrath could be seen in her majestic golden eyes. They were shimmering in rage. Others in the room were astounded to witness her beastly outrage. When Helga, Caesar, Mazzi, and Marcus entered the chamber, they were all rendered speechless by what they saw. The axe that steadily grew molten scarlet startled them more than her savage rage. The axe head was melting in Vera's grasp since it blazed like a blacksmith's forge. Shadows who realised they couldn't stay there any longer fled, and the one Vera was attacking slipped from her clutches and vanished. She fell beside Banami, slowly shutting her eyes and fading, "Bana-mi,"


"Who is there? Where am I?" I opened my eyes sluggishly and saw a man with a black beard and a broad smile. He has stunning crimson eyes and is wearing blood-stained commoner's garb. Is he an outcast? I heard red eyes live in Egur. "You are still breathing. You truly are a survivor. You will live. Hahaha... How do you feel now, child?" He asked.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Banami Volga, and I am a trader from Nek-asrof. You are presently at a clinic in Utshani, Princess," he responded

"Princess? Who?" I query

"I realise you want to conceal it. Don't be concerned; I'll keep your identity safe. The doctor here is also a friend and loyal, and he will not reveal anything to anyone. Your golden eyes are your identity, and it's my first time seeing a girl kid with golden eyes," he spoke a lot while smiling warmly. Since I already knew the news I would receive, I didn't ask him any other questions. My mother and every member of the royal family related to my father are deceased. I am aware of that. Banami chatted a lot with me and attempted to put me at ease during my one-week stay in the clinic. When I was fit enough to travel, he inquired, "Is there somewhere you wished to go?"

"No... My mother was all I had. You may leave me here," I answered.

"You know, you're 7 or 8, so act like a child. You will accompany me now that that has been resolved,"

"What? Why did you ask me if you were going to determine everything for yourself?" I felt irate.

"What there? I am not a callous person who is insensitive to the needs of others. I listen to others' desires too,"

"Then leave me here and go. If someone discovers you with me, your whole family will perish along my side," I warned.

"Oh, you're not like my brat, he just knows how to give me a headache. That being said, I'm taking you along."

"Are you insane? I'm grateful that you saved me, but as you said, my eyes are my identity, and they will kill you," I responded.

"Hmm... well in that case," he said, tearing a piece of his fabric and wrapping it around my eyes, "now you are my blind son," he smiled. "Let's go home, Vera," he spoke as he rose up and extended his hand to me. His clumsiness and charm drew me in. I accepted that warm and safe hand. All of a sudden, it became pitch black. I saw Banami walk into the light, alone, leaving me behind. "No... No... Banami... wait... don't go... You said you will take me home with you. Take me with you…" I yelled. But he didn't listen nor halt. I chased after him, but no matter how hard I tried, he kept moving away from me. I yelled his name till he vanished into the light.

"BANAMI!" When I opened my eyes, I was lying on a bed.

"You have woken up! How are you feeling, Vera?" A beautiful woman's stunning bright face emerged from obscurity. "Was it a dream?" I pondered.

"Banami? Where is Banami?" After failing to rise up, I frowned and saw the wounds and bruises on my body. They're well-bandaged. "Who are you? Where is Banami?" I repeated my question. The woman remained silent. I removed my blanket and attempted to walk, I was only wearing my breast wraps and trousers. After growing impatient, the lady who had been silent sternly said, "Vera Willard Leighann, lay in your bed instantly and listen to me." I couldn't move any more and had to obey what she said. Why did I act that way? Why did I follow her orders? Unsure and perplexed, I questioned, "Who are you?"

"My name is Catherine Willard Leighann, and you may call me queen mother," her eyes glittered like jewels in the light, powerful enough to make you kneel. I sat calmly, listening to her words. "Banami, your foster parent, we were unable to save him. He is departed," she added, my entire body shuddered and my voice disappeared. My breaths become increasingly difficult.

"So it wasn't a dream... he actually left... he left... No..." tears streamed down my cheeks.


"I'll give you a brief alone time, however, you can't allow anyone to see this side of you. Hana, assist her in covering up like my son," Catherine exited the room, leaving Vera weeping. While helplessly observing Vera, Hana chose her outfit. Others were waiting outside the room, and she approached them and sat down.

"How is Vera?" Mazzi sprang up

"He is good and woke up only now. I conveyed to him about Banami and let's give some time for now," she responded

"I must speak with him," Mazzi attempted to go in

"No... wait... Mazzi. Please... let him be alone," Helga blocked him

"What are you saying? How can I leave him sole? We... We lost our father today... He needs me," Mazzi's words astounded the others. They were wordless.

"Helga..." Katalina came forwards and soothed her. She allowed Mazzi to enter the chamber, Vera was sobbing, hunkered on the bed like in a womb. He strode near and sat next to her.

"Vera, stop crying..." She didn't react.

"I am telling you, stop crying," she didn't answer

"You know who I am, I am the Mazzi of Nek-asrof and eldest son of Banami Volga, your brother. Thus, you shall obey me now, quit wailing," he told again

"Hmm... he told me to run, Mazzi... he smiled and told me to run. That was his final word, I couldn't do anything. I let him die, rather of me, just like that day, just like my mother. I eyed him perish, I am sorry... I am sorry..." she shrieked. Mazzi didn't express anything, he lay next to her; "Before my mother passed away, she told me one thing. Aaron, that kid, he is not the one who ruined our life, it was us. Please don't hold a grudge against him. He is your brother. Yet I was reluctant. If I had thrown away my ego and my selfishness, I would've been with you two and none of this would have happened… It's all my fault, Vera. I am to blame. I let him die," his words broke. "Vera... I know why he told you to run... and I know why he saved you... he once said you are our future, so I believe he wanted you to survive and brighten the future when he said to run. Therefore, this is not the time to run and hide, this is the time to decide the future. I will stand by your side, no matter what happens, we will survive together, after all, you are my only family left, you are my brother," Mazzi sat straight, Vera was still weeping, he slowly stroked her head, gently.

"Mazzi... I want to give Banami a proper burial as he wished, near to your mother. Let's take him back to Frook but before that, I need to speak with queen mother," she rose from the bed, wiping her tears and standing straight like a brave child. Mazzi hugged her for the first time and said nothing but smile.