
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantasy
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41 Chs

What happened?

What has occurred? How did things end up this way? How did my life become as bleak as a drunkard's gamble? Banami Volga contentedly slept for the ensuing eternities beneath the oldest Boswellia tree on the Frook mountain next to Seri Volga's grave. Mazzi kept his word and remained at my side, bringing comfort and endorsement as a big brother. Queen mother Catherine, my half-sister princess Helga, royal knights of Utshani and Egur, Mazzi's group, and the people of Frook assembled to give a final farewell to a lowly woodcutter of the unwanted land. The breeze was gentle, and the sky was clear, as though Banami were departing joyously. I don't feel as sorrowful as I did yesterday; instead, I feel brave or confident. I have so many things to accomplish. I vow to honour Banami's death by seeking vengeance on Logan, I need to honour my parents' death by reclaiming the throne of Loistava, and I wish to honour the souls that perished and slowly Pershing owing of Leighann's royal lineage by being the light of this nation and restoring peace as King of Loistava. I shall be Vera Willard Leighann, the son of Willard Fermi Leighann and the successor to the golden crown of Loistava, as I promised Queen Mother. That's my choice, this is my fate, and this is what I am presently most yearning for. I crave power. The ability to alter the course of history and save lives. In front of Banami's tomb, I engraved those words in my heart. The enchanting aroma of frankincense embodied me; "Banami, I am sorry, I will not be obeying your final guidance, I will not run, I will fight."

What happened? One day ago, before Banami and Vera were attacked by the shadows.

The knights of Egur helped them as Ceasar and Helga started looking for Vera. They began from the cheap lodgings in the vicinity. Catherine was awaiting the pleasant tidings at a royal guesthouse arranged by King Kaisar of Egur. After sunset in the twilight, two groups of people reached the Egur territory. One group was pretending to be Ostrova traders. Since the group's leader was deft with words, Egur troops unquestionably allowed them to enter. He had a talent for building rapport with his tongue. Mazzi, Sicil, and Xena then appeared dressed as Utshani merchants. To avoid being apprehended by the Egur guards, Sicil had wrapped Mazzi's head in bandages drenched in the blood-red adhesive. It looked as if he had severely burned.

"Hey, who are you? "Show us your permit?" a guard inquired.

"Sir, this is our first time participating in the Egur market fair, thus we don't have permission. We do, however, have a letter of support from the Duke James Cornwell of Amara. "We are merely artisans," Sicil replied graciously. The cart they travelled on was filled with clay and wood crafts such as pots, sculptures, and ornamental things. Mazzi's men had stolen them from Utshani merchants a week before. The soldiers carefully examined the waggon and cast a wary glance at Mazzi's face.

"What's with the bandages on his head? What happened to him?" a guard questioned

"Oh! Such a brave yet tragic story, sir. He is my devoted servant and an excellent craftsman. However, our storage room caught fire unexpectedly last week. No one was aware that my child was in it, he heroically went into the flames and saved my child, unfortunately, his face was scorched. You cannot take off the bandage since he is still receiving treatment," Sicil stated in the character of a master beseeching his servant. As Sicil's wife, Xena wept to bring the performance into balance. Despite being incensed, Mazzi remained mute and still. The soldier who interrogated them felt sympathy for Mazzi and praised his bravery and devotion to his masters. But another remained sceptical.

"Hmm... is that so. I don't believe you; I'll verify it myself. Remove your wrapping," he ordered. Uncertain of what to do next, Sicil and Mazzi exchanged quick glances. "If that's what you say, sir, it can't be helped," Xena interjected. " Remove that, fool; can't you see we're running late because of you? "Just hurry up," she slammed her foot. The lady's behaviour left the soldiers speechless, and they felt awful for the unlucky servant. Mazzi nodded in agreement with Xena and began taking off his bandages. The red-coloured adhesive peeled off like skin with the bandage when he removed it from the neck.

"Oh!... eww..." Xena hid behind the carriage curtain.

"Aaaaaggh... hiss!" Do you want me to remove any more, Master? It hurts," Mazzi said.

"What? Are you defying your masters? Remove it! The soldiers wish to see," behaved Sicil like a haughty master. The troops around them sneered at the one soldier who urged Mazzi to remove his bandage; he felt guilty.

"Alright... Fine... It's alright. That's enough... you may go in," said the soldier, who nearly barfed, allowing them to attend the Egur market festival.

During the same period, Marcus and his men were already searching for Vera and Banami. "I'm not sure how they track and spot us, but these dang shadows are grating on my bones. Fuck!" Marcus muttered as he fixed his gaze directly between two buildings. It was a confined, dark, and deserted space.

"Huh! Leave them and let me know what your strategy is. What do we seek? "Who are we searching for?" Jaser queried

"We don't know why precisely is the former queen searching for the woodcutter and his son, among this sea of the throng, so let's divide and pursue the Utshani knights. I'll follow the princess, and you should go after the grand cross-knight Ceasar." Marcus responded without averting his gaze from the emptiness he was gazing at. Jaser and the others moved in various ways, but Marcus walked directly into the narrow space. He called, "Come forth, Shadows." From the darkened corner of the space, four pairs of eyes appeared.

"What makes you follow me? Do your duty. "Please don't tread into mine," Marcus growled.

"Prince, you have very acute eyes. However, we don't adhere to your commands "Once more, they disappeared into the darkness.

"Exactly! This is the reason I despise Inci—these weird mages. Why do gods only grant them magical abilities and not to us? Shit! And I am no longer a prince, FOOL; I am a duke with no claim to the throne as a result of your beast king," Marcus strode out of the space, enraged, upon punching the wall.