
Vengeance in the monastery

A man was treated cruelly by elders of his monastery even unto death.... but now his son seeks vengeance. find out more on this novel

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The monks.

The monks were strangely having normal lives, they had wives, children, friends, holidays, vacations and every other thing a normal person would do. they are in the monastery they have their sacred apparels also dependent on their ranks. So you see they live normal lives but accompanied with superpowers.

One unique thing about the monks is that their children are always mandated to be monks just like their fathers were. And those children would be enrolled in the juvenile monastery to practice until they are strong enough to join the main monastery. 

Every year a special event will be held to select the next 'monk-supreme' the contestants are basically the 'monk-supreme' aspirants. So they will be gathered together to do battle in the form of rounds and draws until they reach the final and the winner of the match will emerge as the monk supreme.

To be monk supreme comes with many benefits such as more power, wealth, honour and fame.

The law states that you must have spent at least 10years in the monastery before you can contest for the post of the 'monk-supreme'.

Roberts, who had spent about 20 years in the monastery, was always denied a fighting chance by the elders. This was very frustrating as he had never taken part in the competition before. this was because he was just and upright, but the elders of the monastery were corrupt people and it was only the monk-supreme that could stand up to them. The elders knew that Roberts would definitely stand up to them so, for one reason or the other he was always denied a fighting chance.

Moreover, Roberts was a very strong monk and was very capable of handling the post.

Roberts had a son, Phillip who was in the juvenile monastery.

Phillip knew about the wickedness of the elders toward his father. So this made him hate the elders.

So, it was time for this year's 'monk-supreme contest' and the incumbent monk supreme who had been there for about 9years was also in the contest. No one could ever defeat him but he knew that Roberts stood a chance against him so he always connived with the elders to deny Roberts a fighting chance. His name was Colin.

But this year, Roberts managed to evade all their accusations and successfully registered for the competition.

The competition started in earnest as Roberts and Colin eased to the finals

And the match was scheduled to be held two days after.

So on the eve of the big day, Colin went to see the elders as it was only he who could ever walk into the elders panel room.

He told the elders how he so much feared what Roberts could do to him.

The elders assured Colin that they would take care of Roberts.

Finally the day of the contest came and Roberts was fully prepared for the match against colin.

The battle started in earnest and Roberts and Colin wrestled till they gave out their all. They were both exhausted. (A normal contest is supposed to consist of three rounds then the winner of the most rounds will be declared the overall winner).

So during the break of the thirteenth round, the elders perceived that Roberts was going to be victorious then one of the elders came to the podium to announce an adjustment of the game rules. 

The monks were shocked to hear that Roberts had been banned from using his powers during the fight while Colin could still use his own powers. There was an evil smirk on Colin's face, a lot of monks went over to Roberts corner to tell him to back out but Roberts didn't listen. He headed into the match but did not last more than a minute.

It was a massacre. Roberts was rushed hiport of what was done to Roberts. The spectating monks were dispirited as everyone loved Roberts and felt sorry for him.
