
Vengeance in the monastery

A man was treated cruelly by elders of his monastery even unto death.... but now his son seeks vengeance. find out more on this novel

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The elders

The elders were in celebratory mood that their candidate was victorious.

The people who are known as the elders are three men who are the oldest practising monks. As the oldest men they would automatically become elders till they die.

But there was a very big issue. this issue was that these elders were corrupt. The money that is always realised from the government for some projects is usually embezzled and shared among themselves and the monk-supreme.

Now Roberts was very frustrated. as he lay on the mat on which he was laid he thought to himself to go and confront the elders for the great evil that had been done to him.

His son, Phillips was beside his mat and told his father how he hated the elders and the monk-supreme as well and how that he wasn't going to obey them anymore. But his father rebuffed him and told him that no matter what, he should always obey the authorities.Young Phillips was unconvinced.