
Vengeance in the monastery

A man was treated cruelly by elders of his monastery even unto death.... but now his son seeks vengeance. find out more on this novel

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As expected Roberts was not only frustrated but angry with the elders for what they did to him.

This became a huge problem.

Many years ago when the founder of the monastery developed the powers with which they operated, his brother who was jealous of his great achievement, pirated his power and made an opposite of what his brother created, it was a spirit and when it possesses someone who has the genuine powers, such person becomes rebellious and powerful.

They are known as DEVIANTS.

Then the real founder knew what his brother had done and created a counter spell such that when recited by any monk, no matter how low in rank, the deviant would instantly be destroyed and the host body would die as well. And the deviant Spirit was cursed not to ever find his way through a monk so there has to be a consent from the monk before the spirit can possess such monk.

Also, it possesses those who are frustrated and upset about something and is deliberating on going against the elders just like Roberts case!.

And as expected, the deviant Spirit visited Roberts and tempted him to accept the spirit and it would give him power to do that which he wanted to do to the elders.

Roberts knew the law and immediately ran to the monk-supreme to help him relay a message to the elders that he is being tempted by the deviant Spirit.

This was a norm in the monastery, That anyone who is being tempted should make a formal report and the elders would come to do a cleansing spell on the monk who is being tempted, this would drive the spirit away. So when Roberts message was relayed to the elders, they treated it with a wave of hand and they didn't regard him.

Roberts had series of encounters with the Spirit and would always report every encounter, but the elders truly despised him.

Furthermore, the deviant Spirit also had the power to torment their victims and even kill them! This is why reports must be made fast to get rid of it.

The spirit kept tormenting Roberts so much so that his hand got broken by the Spirit, his wife was killed by the Spirit and the spirit threatened to kill his son and it was at that point that Roberts gave in…..!