
Vampiric Tree

The Darkness within forests often is off-putting to many but some will not heed their instincts that danger lurks deep within often leading to their demise at the hands of something stronger. 400,000 humans were tossed into a newborn world as Creatures that could evolve based on their forms our mc was reborn as a vampiric tree once he was a person who was devoured by doubt in his own self-worth now, he shall work to prove that everything will change when he is finally given a chance to shine. Eventually he may even become a progenitor of a species ancient and terrifying. There are no humanoid species yet in this world and humanities reincarnates shall decide what races shall be born some will stick to a more monstrous life while other will gladly become humanoid and remove all possibility of more evolution.

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Mukil POV

I am an unnamed worthless beast was blessed by this towering tree covered in blackened bark with faint red lines running throughout as if pumping blood, but I know this cannot be for no tree has blood. My blood and heart began to pulse much faster than it stabilized after so much pain, but I felt stronger transformed it was much easier to stand upon the two feet it now felt natural my steps were much quieter my claws now had an opposable digit. The claws were sharper and so were my teeth my incisors mellowed but two fangs appeared hollow to draw blood once I bite.


I watched as he sent images of catching prey to me, so I began the hunt I stalked quietly through the bushes toward the forest silently masking my footsteps. I watched my prey a rabbit about my size and bit down on its neck drinking its blood but then my thoughts stopped wait the tree drinks blood I must resist the temptation and bring it food. The bloods scent tickled my nose constantly but I resisted it even though it got more painful with every second.


[+100 Exp, Level Up +0.5 to each stat (+0.5 extra to VIT and STR)]


I smiled feeling the power run through my veins but still that sweet smell it tempted me no I must resist this is for The Tree the one who blessed me. I placed the pray beneath the tree and saw a small strange glowing golden red fruit forming my instincts Screamed Danger but I knew my god wouldn't harm me so I watched it form it took hours, but I could hear a noise filled with joy ring bringing happiness to my heart making me momentarily forget about the blood laying at my feet.


I watched the branch lower itself towards me with the fruit upon it and could hear the tree call me to eat it curiosity brimming in his mind. I took it and devoured it in one bit, and it burned my throat as it went into my body the holy energy emanating off it is burning my very being, but I endured for the Master I must survive. The darkness within me faded and then surged consuming the light as a wave of pain surged over me, I crawled upon the ground to my master's trunk hoping that even if I died my blood would sustain him.


[Affinity mutated due to being incompatible with Fruit of Joy]


[Affinity {Blood (Mid)} mutated to {Broken Blood (Mid)}]


{Broken Blood}- The blood once saturated with darkness contains a hint of joyful malevolence which now tricks what it infects into thinking it is healing them while it devours. Blood Magic now has infectious properties and will be boosted by related affinities will heal Undead/Ghouls at x2 rate.


[Boosted Ability {Basic Blood Control} -> {Novice Blood Control}]


{Novice Blood Control}- You can control your blood at a much better rate you can even remove the scent from most blood removing one of your main weaknesses. You still cannot control others blood.


I awoke to see Master moving his branches through my fur removing the blood that had leaked from me cleaning my dark brown fur. I went to my knees which my inherited memories said was a posture of respect towards the one you worship. I closed my eyes seeing more images of hunting, so I began to hunt bringing each prey out from the forest which strangely seemed to move and be hostile towards me. A root suddenly rose from the ground whipping across my back tearing the flesh apart, but no blood leaked out I held it in.


I stabbed my claw into the tree after covering it in my blood, but nothing happened to the tree as it whipped more roots towards me the speed of the attacks never slowing, and only more wounds accumulated on my flesh. I licked my claw clean as I ran recycling my blood back into my system as my stomach no longer contained acids nor did my intestines. I smiled after an hour of running I broke free from the hostile forest area only to encounter a wolf 4x times my size.


It pounced nearly instantly confident in its size, but I was confident in my speed and nicked it with my claws. Realizing I had no way to easily put my blood on my claws I forced my blood to make a channel through the bone in my claws so I could inject it.


{Hollow Claws}- Lose half durability for claws but gain the ability to inject blood or poisons.


[Created a Mutation Skill giving a mutation skill to the owner of creature]


I saw the notification but paid no attention to it as I managed to inject some blood into it but it called its friends with a howl as it noticed it could not catch me alone.