
Vampiric Tree

The Darkness within forests often is off-putting to many but some will not heed their instincts that danger lurks deep within often leading to their demise at the hands of something stronger. 400,000 humans were tossed into a newborn world as Creatures that could evolve based on their forms our mc was reborn as a vampiric tree once he was a person who was devoured by doubt in his own self-worth now, he shall work to prove that everything will change when he is finally given a chance to shine. Eventually he may even become a progenitor of a species ancient and terrifying. There are no humanoid species yet in this world and humanities reincarnates shall decide what races shall be born some will stick to a more monstrous life while other will gladly become humanoid and remove all possibility of more evolution.

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


I watched the small Ratman stand his paws raised almost above his head they couldn't extend fully above his head like a humans but his hand paws still were above his head. I could feel its emotions of respect and joy with its paws raised above its head almost as if it was praying towards me worshipping me. I quickly scanned him.


[Status Window]

Name: None (The World dictates this lifeform does not meet its requirements to name)

Type: Blood Fiend 

TA/Age: 0/0 (Just born from the World's Mana/Will/Energy)

Species: Ratman (Bloodline Purity 69%) Only shows the highest purity

Level: 1

Exp: 0/10

(NEW) Affinity: Poison(Very Low)/Plague (Low)/Blood (Mid) 

HP: 33/33

BR: 58/58

MP: 12/12

STR: 2.5

INT: 1.2

VIT: 3.3

Sense/SEN: 0.01



{Basic Blood Control}- It can control its own blood using its mana or BR as its fuel. At most it can form an uneven spike due to its low INT.


{Vampiric Nature}- If it smells blood, it will trigger {Berserk} otherwise every unit of consumed blood will give it 10 hp and fill 1 mana/BR. Its fangs will extend like needles to extract blood easily if it does not want to kill the target.


{Berserk}- Loses all sense of self falling to baser instincts. INT shall be reduced to the minimum but its STR and VIT double. It must consume blood/Kill once entering this state or go permanently insane. Aftereffects can Include Burst of Heart, Lack of Cognitive function, Starvation, Dehydration, Dizziness, Susceptibility to disease, Etc. None of these effects will occur if it has a strong enough physique.


{Plague/Disease Tolerance}- The rat has can adapt over time to any plague and be able to transfer it but they naturally have no resistance to any plague/Disease so if it is a quick killer they will die.


A mechanical voice spoke directly into my head while also creating a small notification in the corner of my eye Distracting me from focusing on the affinity thing.


[Someone has Found Affinities Now updated system for all. Affinities belong to all species but can usually only be seen on a humanoid species status screen meaning whoever became a humanoid was an idiot who didn't check their status after evolving. Affinities have 9 levels and those are (Non-Existent), (Very Low), (Low), (Mid), (High), (Greater), (Expert), (Peak), (Pinnacle). As a bonus to the one who found the affinities bar not being a humanoid, I shall buff their Affinities by a tier and no I will not add affinities]


A screen popped up showing my affinities and gave me a slight bit more of information about affinities.


[Affinities] - These cannot be changed unless you evolve or use natural treasures which currently cannot form because they are usually unnaturally produced by nurturing things in a certain way.

{Blood}- (Low) -> (Mid)

{Life}- (Non-Existent) -> (Very Low)

{Darkness}- (Very Low) -> (Low)

{Demonic}- (Very Low) -> (Low)


[This Person has broken the limit of (Low) but unfortunately that would be unbalanced so they have to choose whether to have it sealed back to (Low) or get rid of a talent for it.]




"I choose to have it Sealed but when will it get unsealed?" I respond to the systems voice easily within my mind.


[It shall be unsealed when you Evolve at level 100 whether it is your first evo or not]


I projected my voice into the Ratman's mind "I grant you the name Mukil you are now my servant go out and grow bring the prey back and drain their blood upon my roots so that I may grow quicker and if you find more of your kind bring them here."


Mukil nodded unable to currently use telepathy, but he still could slightly convene his emotions to me. I watched him leave my happiness growing maybe I will have an army to hunt my father and look for my siblings. I began to fall into a joyful memory.

---------------------11 Years Ago--------------------------

I sat with one of my elder sisters who was squeezing my checks after having just played with me in the field. She slowly stopped pinching my cheeks her smile never fading as she slowly brushed my hair she asked me "Do you like the stars? They shine brightly giving hope for those who dwell within the dark nights."


I smiled and innocently said "Light is meant to ignite. It burns at least that's what you always say that the stars burn like my hand did when I touched fire." I showed her the slight burn scar on my hand which was caused by her slight moment of distraction when I was younger and touched the burning wood in our stove.


She flinched and with a slightly guilty expression rubbed the wound on my hand saying, "I'm sorry for not taking care of you better."


I confused said "But you have taken care of me you always make me happy even when I hurt" I pointed at my face which I had just fallen on with a smile saying, "It no longer hurts see touch it it  no hurt anymore."


She hugged me harder with a smile gracing her face my innocent smile and happiness in her Prescence breaking the fear she had that if she didn't watch me closely that I would get more hurt Afterall she was the elder by 7 years, so she had to take of me the young stupid child.

----------Present Day-------------

{Fruit of Innocent Joy}- A fruit infused with joy it has become a source of holiness from something wicked and broken causing it to be more potent than any other but due to the limitations of an Evo0 creature it cannot fully show the prowess it would have had limited by the branch it grew upon. (Boosts by a half rank or Gives Holy Affinity)

A small golden red fruit dwelt on my branch and every time it would move a cheerful laugh of a child could be heard. The fruit Shinned slightly with barely any light almost as if it could provide slight light during night.