
Chapter 3

"Sabrina wake up!! You're gonna be late!!" I opened my eyes meeting the strike of the sun rays. My mom's voice echoed in my room. Who knows, what if my mom swallowed a microphone. Her voice is so irritating.

"Sabrina!!" she shouted for the second time. And she remove my blanket, I tried to get the blanket but she took it away.

"Sabrina, its already 7. Your not a child anymore" my mom shouted for the third time. I got up in the bed. I hate hearing her voice.

"Mom, stop shouting. Your voice is irritating" I said. And fix my hair before entering the bathroom.

"Take a bath quickly" my mother commanded as she was fixing the curtain in my room. My mother is treating me like a baby. I am already 19 yrs old.

"Okay" and I enter the bathroom. I was very thankful to have a mother like her who is so caring.

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'Meldivees Aurei University'

I read the school's name which is written in bold letters infront of the big school. Its totally a nice school. And there are many students with many different groups. And here I am standing alone.

The school is very big. How I am supposed to find my room. I went inside, the inside is very beautiful. I can't find the A2 room which is my asigned room.

Then I asked the blonde girl which is alone.

"Hi. I'm Sabrina, can you show me the A2 room" I asked the girl. She's very beautiful, she had a white skin, long blonde hair and I think she's 5'3. She's smaller than me.

"Yeah sure. I am heading there too" and she smiled showing me her dimple. Why are this people have dimples. I love people who had dimple. They're cute.

We start walking.

"I'm Anette Thimberlake" she introduce herself while we're in the middle of the hallway.

"Sabrina. Sabrina Lexi Muentes" after hearing my complete name, she is shock.

"What's wrong" I asked her.

"Your one of the Muentes family?" she asked me. Its like she can't believe or maybe its bad to be a Muentes.

"Yeah. Why?" Still her face is full of shock. Its like she's saying 'it can't be'. She didn't answer. She's froze, like her voice is gone.

"Hey" I tried to get her back to her sense. I slap her face but not so hard only to get her back to her sense. Finally she's back to her sense but she can't hide the shock in her face.

"Uhm... You.." she can't finish her sentence because I don't know. Of course I got confuse because of her action lately.

"You know what, tell me. What's wrong with my surname" I asked her. I am confuse, its like there's something behind my surname.

"When did you got here" she asked me. She answered my question with another question.

"Yesterday" I said shortly.

"Don't you know anything" she asked me, my confusion is doubled. I don't know what's wrong or maybe theres really something that I don't know.

"What te---" I didn't finish my sentence when the bell rang so Anette quickly grab my wrist and run in the room A2. She quickly find a vacant seat near the window.

We sitted there waiting for our prof.

"Anette I don't understand what's up to you. I am confused" I said to her.

"Since you just got here, come with me after class. I'm gonna show yousomething" she said.


We look in the door and 2 boys came inside and the girls have romanctic excitement. Its Dylan and Davis. They're both handsome but I think Dylan is more-- what the, whats happening to me. That guy is a monster. Davis look at us and he smiled. Then he went near us.

"Not knowing you'd be our classmate" he smile infront of me while Dylan is at his side. When I look at Dylan his eyes is cold and his face is pale. Our eyes met, I look away. I can't lock our eyes together.

"You know each other" Anette ask while the other student is murmuring. I felt embarrass.

"Yep. By the way Sabrina, Anette is my cousin" he said. Oh really, so they have a little similarities especially their cute dimples.

"Davis aren't you gonna introduce me" Dylan butt in. We look at him. His expression is change. His very serious a while ago while now he's like a child who wants some lolipop. He's very cute.

"Oh yeah. This is my twin brother Dylan Chen. Dylan she's Sabrina Lexi Muentes" again his expression changed. His face is shock. Come on whats wrong with this people, whats actually wrong in my name.

"You mean she's what we-----" Dylan didn' t finish his sentence when Davis quickly grab his wrist and they sit on the back.

I heard Davis murmured something, but I didn't heard it because the prof is already inside.

I am still wondering why are these acting so different lately. There really something that I don't know behind my name slash family name.

"Ms. Muentes right?" I was back to my sense when the prof called me by my last name. All the student murmured and some are shock. What is really happening!!

"Uhm, ye-yes sir" I am totally feeling wrong. I feel that I don't belong here. I don't get it.

"Okay since your not listening to my discussion I want you to stay here later after dissmisal" the prof said and he continued discussing. I don't know what to do anymore I feel so embarrass like I want to move out of this classroom. I don't know whats really happening its like my family did a crime.

"Hey, stop thinking negative things. You'd be fine later" Anette said and she give me a gum. A strawberry flavored gum.

"Eat it. It can make you relax" so I ate the gum

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