
Chapter 2


"Did you found her" - anonymous

"Exactly, she lives in her greatest great great grandmother's old house with her mother" I told him

"I need you to keep an eye on her. We need to have her, she's the only heiress of Sereia" - anonymous

"I know!" I told him and went to the door

"Before I forget, don't ever fall in love with her" - anonymous

I rolled my eyes on him.

"I have no intention to love her. She's no one to me" And walk out the room.


I heard a strange noise from the other side of the beach. So I went on the other side of the beach and I found no one and the strange noise stop.

"Is anyone hear" I shouted but no response. I repeated for the second time but still no response. So I decided to go back home. Its already getting cold. Its just a good thing there a light here.

When I was about to turn around when someone push me so my back harshly landed in the sand. I felt a slightly pain.

I was about to get up when someone laid on top of me pinning my hands on both sides. My body shivered and nervousness and fear fill my whold body. The guy who was fixing my window this morning is totally a vampire.

His eyes is red and he is showing me his sharp fangs. My tears start to form in my eyes. I was totally froze. When he's about to bite my neck when someone pull him and throw him on the sand. The guy who throw him quickly help me to get up.

"Are you okay" the guy asked. When I saw the guy who help me, I was filled with confusion. How come they're look alike. When the vampire was about to attack me when the guy who helped me stop him.

"Brother, enough! Just go home" the guy shouted. The vampire man started to familiarize his brother and one swift the vampire man is gone.

"Didn't I told you not to go out at night" the guy said, his eyes is full of concern.

"You....." I don't know what to say. Nervous, fear and confusion is all over me.

"Its okay your fine. By the way I am Davis Chen, the guy who repaired your broken window this morning" he said. And grin on me showing his dimple. This guy is so stupid, he has the gut to grin when I was totally scared, when death was about to come to me

"Sabrina Lexi Muentes. Sabrina for short" I said shortly. I am in total trauma. Its my first day in this place and its totally ruined

"But who is that guy. You look the same" I told him.

"He's my twin brother, Dylan,. He's a vampire but don't worry I am not like him" he said.and take of his jacket and he put it on me

"Lets go" he said and lead me to our house. When we were infront of the door

"You go inside. I need to rush home to see my brother, I don't want him to be catch by the police and put him to death" Davis said. I nodded and I was about to return his jacket when he stopped my hands

"No, its okay. Just put on and be safe" he said and gone. I took a deep breath trying to forget what happened a while ago

"Sabrina its all a nightmare" I said to myself and enter our house. My mom came running to me.

"Oh dear are you okay" she asked me.

"Yes mom. I just need some rest" and went straight my room. I don't want to tell my mom what happened. Or maybe I should go down and tell mom what happened so we can move out to this place. But no, I can't, I just gonna let go.

I changed my clothes and went to my bed. I was about to close my eyes when someone knocked at my window.

"Hey open this window. I need to talk to you" a manly voice came out of the window. I went near and to my surprised its the guy who attacked me a while ago.

Fear is all over me again.

"Please help me. The police is after me. I won't hurt you" he pleaded. I don't know what to do, I can't help him. But my other side is saying that I should help him.

"You..... Just go home" I told him and he became sad. I don't know but I feel bad of what I said to him. No I can't help him, he attacked me. Slowly he was gone. As I went to seek on my window I saw him running away while the police car is after him.

Sabrina wake up! You should not feel bad about him. He attack you remember. I just went to bed and sleep.
