
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantaisie
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24 Chs


Jerome and the Head maid are working on the plans for the wedding day, Julieta and I have been have planned to take a trip around the kingdom once the wedding has been celebrated to let everyone see the new Lord and Lady of Castle Black.

"Our wedding day will be a really big occasion to be held in the kingdom Jon, How do you think it will go when we travel the kingdom?" Julieta asked me while she held my arm.

"Everything will go just fine, The elite guard will be either us plus I will not let any harm come to you no matter what". I replied to her question while I looked out the window of the throne room.

"Mother, Father I hope you are proud of who I had grown to become" I think to myself.

"My Lord, I have a report from the troops you sent to deal with the rampant creatures" A knight walked up and knelt down behind us.

"What news do you bring?" I replied

"My Lord, The troops you sent have been able to route half of the creature's thus far but there are reports of even bigger creature's moving in to the area as well"

"Any information on these creature's?"

"The troops believe them to be orcs but they have not been confirmed yet as they say they do not look like regular orcs"

"Understood, Report back to the head knight that if these creature's start to cause serious trouble to head back to regroup with more reinforcements to deal with those creature"

"Yes My Lord" The knight stood up and headed back to the head knight to relay the message.

"Are we going to have to postpone our wedding dear?" Julieta asked with a little bit of concern in her voice.

"No we will not my dear, Our wedding will continue as planned and we will have our special day and nothing will ruin it for us" I replied to her in a serious tone and made her a promise that will not be broken.

"My Lord and Lady, It is time to get you fitted for your wedding attire so that way we will have them ready for you a few days before the wedding ceremony takes place" Jerome came up and bowed to us.

We nod in agreement and part ways for the time being as we go for our fittings, To be honest it felt unreal that the day would be come soon, As it had been over a month since I asked for Julieta's hand in marriage but I was looking forward to the day more then anything g else at this moment.

"My Lord we will start taking the measurements now and we will make sure that the fitting is correct as we go and that they will be made by the best in the kingdom" Jerome stated with a gentle smile on his face.

"I know you will do a great job with the preparations of the ceremony and our attire for the wedding, Thank you again for all your hard work Jerome" I replied with a smile as he has been taking care of the day to day needs of me and now Julieta's as well.

"It is my pleasure to serve you and now Lady Black as well, I was with your parents for a very long time and I was there the day that you were born to My Lord" You could see the joy on Jerome's face as he remembered all the time he spent around my parents and of me when I came to be.

"What were my parents like?" I asked cause I don't remember my birth parents and I wanted to know more about them, The reason being is cause I grew up with the servants of my family who protected me and treated me as their own child.

"They were a very loving couple who cared about their subject and the well-being of the kingdom as a whole, The night you were born was the happiest I had ever seen them there was no end to the joy and love they showed, The worst and hardest day for them was to send you away during the war, They both shed tears of heartache and your mother could not stop crying and your father became fearsome to his enemies during that time as everyone had forgotten who your father was and how brutal he could be when pushed"

All of the information that Jerome was telling me was giving me a mixture of emotions from sorrow to joy to complete hated so much so that I punch the wall so hard everyone in the castle could hear what just happened, "I am sorry Jerome for losing my temper and putting the hole in the wall" I calmed myself down and apologized to him as he would be in charge of repairing it.

"It is perfectly fine My Lord, It is understandable to be going through all of these different emotions at this time"

By this time Julieta came rush in to see what had happened and to make sure I was ok "Honey are you ok!?, What happened?"

"Everything is fine dear, I just lost control of my emotions when Jerome told me about my parents and how they had to send me to away during the war to keep me safe" Saying that I started to get angry again but calmed myself down when Julieta grabbed my hand.

"I understand how you feel dear, Just know that they loved you so much that they did everything they could for your sake and to keep you safe, Plus by them doing that we were able to meet and now we are about to be married" She said before she gave me a gentle kiss on my cheek.

The next week was our wedding, We were preparing everything for that day in the middle of getting it ready I had received a urgent letter from the head knight in charge of dispatching those creature's, Stating they needed reinforcements as they were not able to retreat in time before being attacked by the bigger creature's.

I shouted and called the captain of my personal guards to get the reinforcements ready and to prepare my armor as we have our men to rescue, "Right away My Lord"

"Men get prepared, Lord Black is mobilizing the army to provide reinforcements for our men to the south, He will be personally leading us into this batter against those bigger creature's and he will make sure those creature's are destroyed and we return home".

All the men cheered and yelled with courage as they would follow Lord Black to death if that's what it takes, "My Love you must be care and come back to me" Julieta said as she cried while I was dawning my armor.

"I will return to you safe my love" I smile and give her a soft kiss on her forehead to calm her down.