
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Death and Proposal

The man yelled as he rushed towards me, "I am gonna end your miserable family once and for all, You must die so we can end your kind", The man started to run at full speed with a dagger drawn, Everyone started to look worried but when they saw how calm Lord Black and Lady Valora were they started to calm down.

"Really you think you will be the one to end me, I noticed your movements in the crowd" I smiled with a deep vicious grin.

The man became scared and very confused as he was using a concealment enchantment to move amongst the crown of party goers, "There is no way that you noticed me I.....AAAAAAHHHHHHH"

Before he could do anything his right arm was ripped off from the shoulder, When he turn to look his arm was gone and Lord Black was standing behind him and he never saw him move from the throne.

"To easy" I say in a low tone, I grab him by the neck and I raise him off of the ground and stare at him with my eye's glowing, "No one will be able to take me down and I will kill anyone who tries" Before the man could reply I sink my sharp fangs into his neck and completely drain him of his life.

I finished draining him, "Ugh that was nasty tastes like low tide I need something to wash away this taste" Julieta walks up to me with a glass of blood wine at this moment.

"Here you go my Lord, This should help was the taste of this pathetic creature out of your mouth" I nod and thank her for bringing me the glass as I drink it down.

"Guards take this pathetic man and leave his remains tied up for the wildlife to devour" I say as I walk calmly back to the throne with Julieta's hand in mine.

"Right away My Lord" A couple of guards replied in unison.

I really wonder who sent this man to his death in this castle, They should have known that he we would not make it back out alive and it would prove nothing, I think to myself inwardly at this moment.

Some time had gone by after the incident, Everyone went back to their conversations and enjoyed the party, At this moment Jerome had come up next to and quietly spoke into my ear.

"I have brought the gift My Lord, UT is prepared whenever you are ready to move on with your plan" He said in a hushed voice.

I nod in agreement and raised my hand to get the bards to stop playing music, At this moment everyone looked towards me as I began to raise from the throne as they waited for me to speak, Noone in the room except for myself and Jerome knew what was about to happen.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to personally thank you all for attending tonight's banquet and for spending to here on this special occasion"

Everyone was looking at me very respectfully as I spoke so as not to interrupt and I could tell some people were a bit confused by the sudden speech that I had started.

"As everyone knows I am the new Lord of Castle Black, My late parents gave up their lives to protect all of us from certain doom and we will repay their sacrifice by maintaining our safety and destroy all of those who pose any threat without mercy"

"Lady Valora with you please join my upfront for a moment?"

Julieta looked at me with a gentle smile and joined me infront of everyone, She still did not know what was going on or what I had planned for this evening and I am very thankful that Jerome was able to assist me in getting the ring that I plan to propose to Julieta with.

"Now someone I really need to thank for always supporting me and is Miss Valora, She has stuck by me for many years now and was always there when I needed her the most and I would not be standing before all of you today without her help"

I turn to look at Jerome and nod as he brings a small box up and hands it over to me, "Julieta Valora, You have always been there to support me and help me in my darkest time before and after the loss of my guardians appointed by my parents to protect me" I kneel down infron of her and open the small box revealing a beautiful deep red ruby ring.

"Will you Julieta Valora do me the greatest honor of becoming my wife?"

Julieta was stunned as the question had brought tears to her eyes and a big smile on her face, "It would make me the happiest woman on the planet to be married to you and to take the last name of Black"

I smile at her with a very happy and gentle smile as I stand to but the ring upon her finger, I held her in my arms and gave her a gentle kiss upon her lips as everyone in the room started to celebrate about the engagement, People in the room started talking to themselves about when the wedding will be held and where it will be located.

I was very happy that Julieta said yes to me and that I now get to spend all of eternity with her by my side as my wife and will be able to build a strong family together, We sat there talking to each other while her hand was in mine and spent the rest of the evening with the guests as they were still having conversations and laughing with each other.

I thought to myself, "How did i become so lucky after so much heartache that I have experienced in recent time? Where was the moment everything changed for me without me even noticing what had happened".

I looked to my right and could see the smile on Julieta's face and how happy she was, I am glad I was able to get her a great surprise for this evening and I could not think of a better partner to spend my days with other then her, This is a night that will always be remembered as I could not ask for more at this time, "Congratulation's on your engagement My Lord, I am very happy to finally see this day" Jerome said while standing next to me.

"When did you plan all this Jon? I spent just about every minute with you since you awoke and came back to the castle" Julieta asked as she was still smiling and holding my hand.

"That is something I will keep to myself as i need to have a few secrets" I said with a sly smile on my face.

"Fine then don't tell me haha" She gave a cute little laugh while she covered her mouth with her hand.