
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Lord's Arrival

The elite guards in the banquet hall were taking the prisoner to the cells below the castle, At this moment Jerome stood in front of the crowd as he began to speak "Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you for attending tonight's banquet ceremony for the return of the young Master of the late Lord and Lady Black, He has taken up the title of Lord of this kingdom as he will lead us to better future.

"Please welcome Lord Black and his beautiful companion Lady Valora to the floor to sit on the thrones at the head table" Jerome finished his announcement and bowed while there was a happy applause coming from the crowd.

"Shall we M'Lady?" I bowed slightly and extended my hand for Julieta.

"I would love to my Lord" She did a small curtsey and took my hand in her's, As we walk done the stairs together towards the guests I could feel the warmth in my heart with the feeling of being complete again, The smiles on the guests faces as we approach was a genuine feeling from them as one could tell they deeply respected my life parents.

I planned a small surprise for Julieta as well tonight "I hope she likes and accepts it" I thought to myself inwardly, We reach the bottom of the stairs and start to walk towards the thrones in the room, one for me and the second for Julieta, She had a bit of a shocked look on her face and she did not realize I had a second one brought in for her.

"Why are there two thrones Jon?" She asked softly a bit red in the cheeks.

"I will not have my date for the evening standing beside me while I sit upon the throne, I was Raised different then that plus I do not believe either of my parents would approve of that" I say calmly with a gentle smile on my face.

Julieta turned red in the cheeks from the kind gesture "I recognize these thrones" she had a smile on her face when she noticed them in detail.

"I had Jerome move my parents thrones down here for this evening as I don't want guests in the throne room right now due to the mess" I said with a light laugh.

"Haha, I understand why you would do that but why did you bring them down"

"Would you do me the honor of sitting in my mothers throne next to me as I sit in my father's throne?"

She had small tears in her eye's at this moment, "I would be honored to" Julieta could not hide her tears from me but no one else saw them.

We made our way to the thrones and sat down but of us had calm looks to our faces as we did not want to show our personal emotions between us to anyone at this time.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome Lord Black and Lady Valora to the banquet floor, Let the celebration commence" Jerome said in a loud voice heard by all.

"Welcome back home Lord Black"

"We're so happy you are with us again"

"We are sorry for the loss of your parents, You have our support should you ever need it"

So many people came to welcome me back and to give their condolences for my loss and to show support for me as the new Lord of the kingdom.

I stand up and raise my glass of blood wine, Julieta stands up with me and everyone else raised their glasses as well, "Thank you all for your kind words and support, Just know that I will be just like my parents in making sure our kingdom is save and I will destroy anyone or anything that threatens our home, We will show them all that our kingdom our HOME will not taken from us nor will we stand subservient to anyone else".

"CHEERS" I said with a booming voice as we all take our glasses and drink it in one sitting.

Everyone is chatting happily and getting along, I even allow the guards to have a drink to celebrate the occasion, "Jerome if you would please bring the gift I've prepared".

"Yes my Lord right away" Jerome bows and walks away for a bit.

"What surprise are you planning My Lord?" Julieta asked in a curious tone.

"You will see shortly" I stated with a straight face, Inside my head I am extremely excited and hoping it all goes well.

"I am really curious about this gift Jon, can you atleast tell me who it is for?"

"No I am not gonna reveal that information at this time" I say with a slight smile only noticeable by her.

I am so happy that I get to experience all of this now, I never would have thought in my wildest dreams that this would ever happen to me, I see all the smiling faces of my subject and wonder bout life before I was born and how the kingdom was then or how may family was to the people of the kingdom and if I will be able to protect them.

I was approached by a few guests who asked me where I had been all this time, I just gave a vague answer as to my location due to not wanting anyone to tread on that land ever again after what had happen to the parent who had raised me and protected me.

I sit there is silence staring at everyone enjoying themselves and the party that is before me, There is no sound coming from anyone everything seems to be in slow motion as if I can see the outline of every movement before it happens, I am not sure what is happening to me at this moment I feel all my senses have heightened.

I noticed a man in a dark suit seemingly enjoying himself but as I notice from the corner of my gaze he was slowly inching closer towards me as I sit, "Well this should be interesting to see what he plans to do" I say in a low enough tone that I am not heard by anyone to close to me.

"What do you mean by that Jon?" Julieta asked a bit concerned.

"Just act like nothing is going on and I will show you once the time I upon us" I say with slightly sinister grin.

At this moment the man in the dark suit began to get closer at a faster speed, What he did not know was that he had already been spoked by Jon and a few of the elite knights as well, Since the Lord did not give the word to stop him they did not move from there positions but kept a close watch on him.

Just as the man was more then ten feet away, I turned my head and spoke to him "What do you plan on doing with that dagger you have there?" I spoke in a deep low tone that shook the room with a deep grin showing my sharp fangs as my eye's turn a deep blood red.