

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

1_shika · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

The 1st step to win

Oh god it seems like climbing up this mountain will take us a while said Valerie. Yes Val I too feel same said Jack.

As they were speaking about the mountain suddenly they see a real raging bull coming towards them and they frantically starts using their powers without knowing that the more the powers you use in this planet the more you lose them.

Omg what should we do now as this bull is not even loosing bit of energy as we tried all of our powers said Catherine.

Guys wait a minute don't use your powers Said Lucas.

But why asked Luna. It's not the time for explanations so run Said Liam.

And they all started to run down wards of the mountain without thinking anything

Valerie do you know what has you said a while ago asked Lucas. I am sorry but I don't know it. Valerie you just said stop chasing like a bull Said Lucas. Oh I remember but now I can't sorry as it not my mistake and now just run.

They ran down all the way through the mountain and reached the initial point there found that now the bull gone like it just vanished into the thin air so without any further thinking Liam said let's begin

What should we begin asked Amelia. Yeah the climbing of mountain of course said Valerie.

What do you mean Valerie we had climbed around 200 kms and now again you are saying us to climb I can't Said Luna.

Luna but firstly we lost one of the most powerful aster but now again we can't give a chance for him to get this planets aster okay fine guys now you say how many of you are ready to re climb the mountain asked Valerie.

No raised….. fine if no one has the capacity to climb then arrange a tent and stay in and now I am going.

Valerie but wait listen up Said Amelia . Say what??. Yes I understood like you made promise that you are gonna bring back the past universe and your people back but it's not the time . For good everything is it's time said Valerie. Yes but.

Wait a minute I have an idea listen close like now we are 7 members then why don't we split and go to 2 planets and get two asters so that work also happens fast Said Catherine.

I feel it is a better idea Said everyone.

So without thinking further they divided very quickly into two, one is with Valerie, Liam, Amelia. And in second The rest.

After the group -2 left

I don't feel splitting is a Good idea because we may become his easy target said Valerie. But what can we do now said Amelia.

Ok fine let's climb this up Said Liam. But wait Liam let's call our dragons so we can go fast Said Valerie.

They thought that it was such a good idea like why dint they thought of it before and called their dragons and within seconds they came.

Hi guys nice to meet you Said Amelia. Hi masters nice to see you Said dragons and asked their masters to hop on them.

They then moved from the place and reached the peak of mountain and saw James's ordering Lyra and Fia to get the aster in the hands of warriors.

Hey stop it said Valerie. Wow I am not surprised I know that you would come here my lil Val so what are you waiting for begin a fight with warriors and who ever gets the aster can take it To their home Said James.

We are not here…. Said Amelia but side was interrupted by Lyra as she attacked her.

So soon they found themselves fighting with warriors to get the aster of blue. Valerie and remaining are afraid because they may lose their powers but Fia and Lyra are fearless they are using their typical type of moves.

So they are backwards as Fia and Lyra and being front and fighting for aster with warriors.

What are we gonna do?? As our powers drain if we use them Said Valerie. Okay girls hear up carefully….. said Liam and explained a secret plan

Accordingly Liam and Amelia fought with warriors and with Fia, Lyra very hard whereas Valerie is out of the scene.

You can't win Liam just forget it and go out of here Said Fia. I can win as I am stronger than you girl and now Amelia as I said…..

Amelia used her ice powers on Liam's dark powers and there a spark and beam of ice and dark that directly hit to one of the warriors.

Soon after fighting a lot the aster now in the hands of Lyra and Amelia.

Give it to me Amelia Said Lyra. No I am not gonna do it Lyra just leave.

They started to drag the aster towards their side. As it was known that Lyra and Fia tried to play a trick but to a shock Valerie comes behind the James and starts to say

Fia choose one your brother or aster.

What??? How dare you to touch my brother one step forward I am gonna make to be no more Said Fia. But Valerie don't cared about anything except she started to speak with James.

Hi James long time no see. Yes miss it's been a while how are you??. Good because of your grace Said Valerie.

Valerie! Don't play with me just leave him. No Fia just leave the aster and I leave him.

James suddenly chuckles

Valerie you choose do you want aster or your mother.

James!!! How can you.

Valerie don't listen to him you know it right your mother is no more see don't listen to him and just attack him so that we can get the aster Said Liam.

Valerie give us the aster for once and I will give your mother back. How can I believe you as my mother is no more Said Valerie. Because you know it as I was there during the war between our two planets.

Valerie thinks.....

Valerie don't think Said Liam.

Then suddenly Valerie uses her powers on James but he disappears and even Fia and Lyra also disappears.

Oh god finally we got it said Amelia And jumped.

Valerie and Liam are also happy as they got their first aster.

Let's inform to others Said Valerie. Yeah I will send a hologram Said Amelia.

Okay what's now asked Valerie.

Now we need to find the river and use our powers to awaken the aster of blue Said Liam.

What happens next asked Amelia.

We have a long way so let's move and speak Said Valerie.

Oh god why is this girl like this asked Liam. You do your work Liam.

Ok started ah I was thinking wow this day is so pleasant but here you came in crashing like a satellite on peaceful water said Amelia.

Wow Amelia your is comparison very good Said Valerie.

As they were walking to find a river constantly there is wild cat fight between Valerie and Liam.

Soon they found the river

Yes we found at last Said Amelia

Ok I just know what To do after getting aster but not the procedure Said Liam.

I know it we need to use our powers like give and focus them on centre and that's it said Valerie. When they were about to keep the aster in water the dragon of Lucas comes flying with full speed and crashes straight on Valerie.

Valerie Valerie come now now please Said eumpily. What happened Eumpily asked Valerie. I can't explain please come fast fast Lucas and remaining Said and she faints.

Eumpily eumpily what happened to her and say what happened to Lucas, Jack, and remaining eumpily respond .

Liam carried eumpily in his hands and took to a cave and there Valerie used her healing powers.

And they came out of the cave and called their dragons for help .

It's been 7 hours but no response from Jack and remaining and even eumpily dint woke up .

On the rock near by

What is happening here ? Asked Amelia. I am also not understanding anything Amelia said Valerie. What about you Liam asked she.

I don't know like I won't speak to liars . What is this all of a sudden?. Valerie you know healing right. Yes I do then what?. Then it must be you who healed me on that day in the forest Said Liam aggressively. Liam, I just tried to save .....

[ let's wait to see what will happen next and the mostly what happened to Valerie's friends]