
Utopian System

"Mana to breathe, mana to eat, mana to fucking live," Inhale: -0.001 MP… oops! You're out of mana points. (Pay-to-breathe RPG.) Humanity's last walled stronghold. _____ In the world Elio lives, every gasp of air comes at a price. A floating indestructible book for every human, a magical system that turns survival into a pay-to-breathe RPG. Here, poverty isn't just being broke, it's choking. Surrounded by barren land and a sea of monsters on top of it (No water, just literal monsters), each day is a suffocating dance of survival, a balancing act between mana for air and mana for food. In this economy, holding your breath isn't just a game, it's a retirement plan. Driven by desperation (and the city's miserly rulers that don’t cut anyone a break), Elio dives into the Book System’s trials to save his family. Along the way, he unlocks powers he didn’t ask for and starts to figure out... Who he really is. Immerse yourself in an adventure where one young man's stubborn refusal to become a statistic could spark a revolution. Who knew being a pain in the system's rear could change the world? Because in Elio's world, breathing is just the beginning of the revolution and... he's gasping for change. But hey, who said saving the world had to be all doom and gloom? Join Elio as he kicks monster butt, uncovers ancient secrets, and maybe, just maybe, figures out how to grow a tree or two along the way. __________ Warning: May contain traces of world domination, an unhealthy obsession with the periodic table, damage points, progression math, and yes, even a sprinkle of that old "power of friendship" magic. Because sometimes, you need a buddy to help you remember which element does what or even help you calculate those sweet, sweet stats. A quick heads-up: Despite what the cover might suggest, this isn’t a hack-and-slash adventure. Think more along the lines of a turn-based RPG, where strategy and choices matter as much as action. Get ready for a different kind of challenge! If you want to know more about the cover: Yep, that's our first FL crying and crossing the transparent barrier straight into a pixelated, indistinguishable sea of monsters. Because why not mix emotions with chaos? She's crazy like that! (Not really... or is she?) Discord is coming soon!! I’m working on it in the little moments I find between writing, editing, making more character images, etc. Little by little, we’ll have a Poked... uh, a full SummonDex! Meanwhile, you can check out the ones on Fandom with their... funny descriptions? Or at least I hope so... orz Warning 2 (Privilege 4 and 5): I just wanted to stick to the novel’s level system, so I had to add those '0s'!!! Don’t be an elephant... unless you’re an enormous one... A whale! Seriously, nooooo! You’re going to make me die from the pressure, and I’ll feel terrible!! It’s just one chapter!!! You can wait... But if you’re dirty rich and really, Really, REALLY want to support, well... okay, though I’ll still feel bad!!! orz

Dagzo · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
184 Chs

Chapter 141: System's New Power

Elio, Lucien, and Selene stood atop the city wall.

Before them, a sight that would have been unthinkable just weeks ago: 100 level 3 summoners, lined up in perfect formation, their rabbits shimmering with an ethereal blue glow.

This group represented a small fraction of the city's new power.

Elio felt a shiver run down his spine. Never before had he seen so many high-level summoners gathered in one place. Each of them possessed enough power to have toppled the previous regime... and likely the new one as well. It was a sobering thought.

Beyond the summoners, stretching as far as the eye could see, the sea of monsters roiled and churned. An endless mass of writhing creatures, their collective roar a constant, terrifying backdrop to the scene.

Lucien's voice cut through the tension, "shall we begin?"

Elio nodded, his throat suddenly dry. "Let's see what they can do."