
UNMEI : Whispers of The Curse and Blessing

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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Chapter 13: Ceremony

As Adeu and the others finally reached the giant walls of Circle Zero, they beheld two guards standing at the towering gate. These guards were colossal, towering at 4 meters tall, clad in golden armor, and wielding three-meter-long swords. They stood like statues, their imposing presence felt even from a distance.

Arthur approached the guards and presented their invitation shards. With a nod from the guards, they were granted entry into Circle Zero. The gates slowly creaked open, revealing the wonders and mysteries that awaited them within.

As they finally beheld what lay inside, shock rippled through Adeu and his companions. Before them stood a massive castle, its grandeur visible from every corner of Etheome. As they drew nearer, its size only seemed to magnify, leaving them awestruck.

In front of them stretched a beautiful white city, bustling with life. Various creatures roamed the streets, from majestic phoenixes to diverse flying creatures resembling the one they had used for their journey. People strolled about, indulging in sweets, dancing to the vibrant music that filled the air. The entire scene was a tapestry of colors and sounds, a spectacle befitting the eve of such a momentous ceremony.

They sampled a variety of sweets and delicacies, savoring each flavor. After a leisurely stroll through the city, they finally arrived at the grand castle-like residence designated for Academy students. The sprawling gardens outside were bustling with students from various academies, all gathered for the momentous event in Circle Zero. Guided by a servant, they received their room assignments, and upon entering, they were astounded by the size and elegance of their accommodations. It was truly a paradise.

After a fulfilling day, Adeu enjoyed his meal, bid his friends goodnight, and retired to his bed. As he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but anticipate the excitement of the upcoming day.

Adeu awoke to the sound of music drifting in from outside. Quickly preparing himself, he was about to step out when to his surprise, Lisa and Echo arrived at his door. After exchanging greetings, they left the Academy together. Though there were two more students from their academy, they opted to stick together as a trio.

Arriving at the academy's garden, they encountered a sight they had only heard of in stories: a True God. These gods, distinguished by their true names, held immense power and were revered by humans and other creatures alike. Among the crowd of thousands of students, a True Goddess stood on a grand platform:

DeinEros - God of Love and Desir

When humans offer prayers, they invoke the true names of the gods, beseeching them for various desires and needs. These prayers serve as a channel through which humans communicate with the divine, seeking blessings, guidance, or assistance.

For the gods, the benefits of human prayers are multifaceted. Firstly, prayers act as a source of power for the gods, replenishing their energy and reinforcing their divine Neba. This influx of Neba enables the gods to maintain their strength and vitality, empowering them to perform feats beyond mortal comprehension.

Moreover, prayers serve as a means of worship and reverence, reinforcing the gods' authority and status in the cosmic hierarchy. By answering prayers and fulfilling the wishes of their worshippers, the gods establish themselves as benevolent and merciful deities, fostering loyalty and devotion among mortals.

DeinEros's presence on the platform commanded attention from every corner of the garden. Her ethereal beauty captivated the audience, rendering them spellbound. With golden locks cascading down her back and mesmerizing blue eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe, she exuded an aura of perfection. Draped in a long gown with sleeves that concealed her delicate hands, every movement she made was poetry in motion, drawing the gaze of all who beheld her.

As DeinEros addressed the crowd, her voice resonated like a melodious symphony, filling the garden with its enchanting cadence. "Welcome, my children," she spoke, her words carrying the weight of divine authority. "I am the God of Love and Desire. Today, I shall lead you to the castle where we shall partake in the Blessing Ceremony. May fortune smile upon you all, and may you find joy in the spectacle that awaits."

With a graceful gesture, DeinEros unleashed her radiant divine Neba, illuminating her already luminous form with a golden glow. In an instant, a colossal portal materialized beside her, a gateway to the grandeur of the castle. With a final flourish, she vanished into the portal, leaving behind a trail of blossoms that danced in the air before fading away.

The students erupted into applause, their emotions ranging from tearful adoration to stunned silence. Slowly, they began to make their way towards the portals, each step carrying them closer to the extraordinary event unfolding within the castle's walls.

As Adeu ventured into the portal, he found himself enveloped in darkness, save for a solitary circle of light that beckoned him forward. Just as he was about to reach out to the ethereal glow, a voice pierced through the silence, sending shivers down his spine. It was the voice of another True God, its timbre both commanding and reassuring: "Don't be afraid."

Adeu hesitated, his heart pounding with apprehension, but before he could react, a figure emerged from the darkness. Tall and elegant, draped in a flowing kimono, the figure possessed an otherworldly grace. Behind him, magnificent wings unfurled, their pure white feathers cascading like a waterfall.

With eyes as white as snow and hair that cascaded to his legs, the figure exuded an aura of tranquility. His serene smile spoke of wisdom beyond mortal comprehension, and even his nails gleamed with an otherworldly radiance. As the wings dissolved into the air, the God descended gracefully to the ground, his gaze locking with Adeu's.

In front of Adeu was the most mysterious God … Bethel- God of Knowledge and wisdom…

Step by step, he approached the glowing circle, his presence both comforting and awe-inspiring. With each movement, Adeu felt a sense of reverence wash over him, for he stood in the presence of a being that transcended mortal understanding.

As Adeu stood before the glowing circle, Bethel's soothing voice filled the air, quelling Adeu's apprehension. "My name is Bethel, God of Knowledge and Wisdom," he began, his presence commanding both surprise and admiration from Adeu.

In response to Adeu's inquiry about their location, Bethel cryptically replied, "Nowhere," before explaining that they were within the portal. Before proceeding further, Bethel posed a series of questions to Adeu, explaining that everyone passing through the portal was undergoing the same interrogation.

"Why did you want to see the Ceremony?" Bethel asked, his white eyes fixed on Adeu. Adeu hesitated for a moment before admitting, "I was curious. I wanted to see humans."

Bethel nodded thoughtfully before delving deeper. "What do you think about humans? What do you think they are?" he inquired.

Adeu pondered for a moment, then replied, "I think they're like us. Different, yet they share commonalities, bonds."

Bethel's response was stern. "Do you dare compare gods, the perfect creatures, to lowly humans?" he challenged, his voice sending shivers down Adeu's spine.

Suddenly feeling like he was about to meet his demise, Adeu attempted to backtrack. "No, I—I just said—" But Bethel's chuckle cut him off, signaling a moment of leniency.

With calm authority, Bethel cautioned Adeu, "Watch your words, Adeu. You are really lucky to meet me and didn't say those words to any other gods. Maybe you would already be dead. But what can we do? You're inexperienced."

Before Adeu could respond, Bethel posed a thought-provoking question, "Do you know why we choose humans as blessed and not gods? Do you know what's the purpose of the whole ceremony?" Adeu shook his head in confusion, prompting Bethel to elaborate.

"As you already know, because of Zeus's curses, gods can't harm humans. So what's the better way to bless humans with our powers and let them kill and rule over other humans? That's the whole point of god's apostles. In exchange for power, they give us their loyalty. That's how gods rule worlds. But blessings? Being god's blessed is a curse. But you're too young to know about this," Bethel explained, his words weighing heavily on Adeu's mind.

Observing Adeu's mix of happiness, curiosity, and excitement, Bethel warned, "Blessing ceremony is not the happy ceremony that you think of. Be ready for what you're about to see."

These words struck Adeu like knives in his heart, igniting a storm of thoughts and questions. Why hadn't he considered this before? Why hadn't others spoken of this? Were humans merely pawns in the gods' game?

Bethel instructed Adeu, "Put your hands on the circle and repeat after me." Adeu followed Bethel's command, mirroring his actions. Then Bethel continued, "I will not say a word about this conversation to anyone who was not involved in the Blessing ceremony." Adeu felt surprised by the oath but repeated the words nonetheless.

With a smile, Bethel reassured Adeu, "Put your hands on the circle when I disappear. You can experience the show from there. Just channel your Neba to the circle, and you will see the ceremony." Then, as suddenly as he had appeared, Bethel vanished into thin air.

Taking a deep breath, Adeu placed his hands on the circle and focused his Neba energy into it. Slowly, his eyes closed, and darkness enveloped him. It was time to witness the grand Blessing ceremony unfold before his eyes.